Tag Archives: nuclear talks g7-1


In hopes that Iran will come to the table and sign a comprehensive nuclear deal in the G7+1 talks in Lausanne Switzerland Obama has bent over backwards to encourage the mullahs to agree to a deal, any deal is better than no deal.  However, the talks are not going well, one deadline after another have passed; now that the flop (Texas holdem)  has been revealed it appears that neophyte Obama holds a loosing man’s hand: Natanyahu warned  Obama of such.

Republican’s in Congress are well aware of the dangers of Iran acquiring nuclear technology leading to a weapon of mass destruction, but it has not dawned on the Kerry “swift boaters” yet. With the likes of North Korea violating one agreement after another during the past 20 years without penalty, one can assume Iran will do the same. That is why the international community must squeeze Iran until they get on their hands and knees and beg for relief.

Just a short time ago Iranians rose up to counter the mullahs in what seemed to be the beginnings of a revolution with the objective of overthrowing the government. But Obama sanctioned the crooked election of Ahmadinejad in 2012. He paid lip service to the emerging Greens who asked for our help in countering the authoritarian Khamenei regime. Once again Obama signaled to the world his affinity to the anti U.S. theocratic dictatorship.

America is slowly wising up to Obama’s stance, particularly when confronted with regimes who challenge us, which involves none other than laying down in front of danger that can and will compromise our way of life. It is a good thing that the Republicans and a handful of Democrats see the big picture. Keep in mind that the majority of Democrats who still party with Obama are none the less guilty of selling our our country.