To those deniers in Washington and for the matter the socialist monetary machination printers in Brussels, we warn you of the golden iceberg that lies front and center; INFLATION.! Yes the mighty animal has begun to rear its ugly head after a Rip Van Winkle sabbatical. In case you haven’t noticed gold is now breaking out of its five year hibernation. Silver has penetrated the $20 mark with abandon, gold $1800. LOOK OUT BELOW!
What has awakened the animal instincts of the precious metals markets? You have got to be kidding me if you can’t perceive the risk in front of you! Printing trillions upon trillions of dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rupees, Yuan, reals, dinars, francs, rubles, lira, pesos, and riyals is the fire beneath the elevation of precious metals. Look for all time highs, silver $50 and gold breaching $2500.