Title: Draining the Swamp is Messy. May 14, 2017

By Michael Master (author of Save America Now, Rules for Conservatives, The Birth Famine)

Our home is in a community of 2,000 homes located on the intercostal waterway in North Carolina. Everything lives here. Alligators. Water moccasins. Rattle snakes. Sea hawks. Egrets. Giant blue heron. Mosquitoes blood sucking mosquitoes. We’ve watched from our back porch as dolphins chased sail boats and motor boats up the intercostal and watched the moon rise over the ocean to cast its glow over the intercostal.
When the community decided to drain the swamp in the center of the community, it was a big deal.
Draining the swamp was messy. The swamp was about 10 football fields, about 6 feet deep, with lots of creatures living in it. It was a dangerous swamp. Not one that you would walk or swim. You would not dare sit next to it in the dark of a moonless night. If not the snakes, then the mosquitoes would eat you alive.
As the water level decreased, the creatures were exposed. As the water level disappeared, all that was left was 3 feet of yucky black mud and the roots to dying cypress trees. The fish, snakes, frogs, rats, and birds were all stranded in the yucky mud.
Those creatures of the swamp fought for their lives as the swamp disappeared. The fish flopped around in the black mud looking for some water for life. The frogs croaked incessantly all night while their young pollywogs were stranded lifeless at the top of the black mud. Snakes slithered in every direction in the black mud in search of food. The rats that live in hollows all along the water abandoned their nests while the birds that feed off the swamp creatures also abandoned the area.
Finally, the mud dried out. No more snakes. No more rats. No more fish. No more frogs. No more mosquitoes. And no more birds that feed off those creatures of the swamp.
That same thing is happening to the political swamp in America. Trump is draining the swamp. His picks for his cabinet are all swamp drainers. Yeah, 3 are from Goldman Sachs. 3 of 23. Practically all of his cabinet have executive experience (military, or government, or private sector) .. and it is the executive branch, now isn’t it?
The mud is becoming visible as all the creatures who live in the swamp are fighting for their lives. Government employees at the IRS, EPA, and Education are flapping in the mud like dying fish. The lobbyists are slithering here and there looking for government funds like the snakes in the mud .. especially those who wrote Obamacare. The liberal media cartel is chirping and croaking all the time like frogs trying to reverse the draining. The tax and spend politicians are dying off like the blood sucking mosquitoes. The political appointees of Obama are fleeing DC for other jobs like the birds who lost their meal tickets. And the information leakers like Comey and Lynch are looking for new places to nest like the rats that left the swamp. Soon, all that will remain will be the dying institutions like public education as the dying cypress trees of our society.
Everyone who lived off the swamp is praying for rain. Election rain so Democrats might win some elections from Republicans since the Democrats suffered such horrible defeats during the 8 years of Obama. Impeachment rain so the professional politicians can get rid of Trump as the swamp drainer. Low approval rating rain so the media can claim they were correct about Trump. Virtual rain, fake rain, so pundits can claim that Trump is not making any progress even though the results say the opposite.
Draining the swamp is messy, muddy. But the mud will soon dry. Democrats just lost special elections in Arkansas and Omaha after sinking millions into them. Democrats might grab an election here or there in places like Georgia where the demographics are changing to black communities, but not without millions and millions of campaign money … and Democrats cannot afford to do that for all the elections in 2018. Democrats must defend 23 Senators in 2018 as compared to 10 for Republicans and Democrats must win 25 seats in the US House from Republicans and then win back 900 state legislative seats and 14 governorship’s. If Georgia is an example, that will cost Democrats hundreds of millions to try.
SCOTUS will be rendering its decisions about Trump executive orders just before the 2018 elections … and more than likely, SCOTUS will rule against the Obama appointed judges who live in the lower court swamps. SCOTUS will help Trump.
Comey is gone. Lynch is in trouble. Clinton is back in trouble The Clinton Foundation donors are talking. Clapper and Yates both said that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians.
Schumer is gasping for rain like one of those stranded fish. His Republican swamp buddies like McCain will abandon him as he dies; a rat leaving the swamp even though they shared a Senate residence together. His Wall Street swamp buddies cannot help him. The Washington Post and The New York Times and CNN and NBC are all trying to seed the clouds. But none of it is producing enough rain to help Schumer stop Trump from draining the swamp.
Draining the swamp is loud. Listen to all the hysterical liberal media cartel who are trying to make it rain in order to save the swamp where they live. Chanting. Lies. Rain dances. But no real rain is coming. Only fake rain. The swamp will soon be dry. And when it is, then the next task to make America great again can begin.


Kabul Afghanistan was the scene of the latest blood bath – 80 killed with another 350 injured. Molotov would be so proud of the bombers, he would buy them a cocktail. With all that is said and done for the likes of us we can’t understand how the perpetrators are able to wreck this type of havoc. Why aren’t they discovered before they go rouge? Beats the hell of us. Our guess is that ISIS pays them well to stay stealth before they go nuclear. Well, better them then us. Talk about Chicago or Baltimore being dangerous? We will take them any day.


Remember Al Gore?  didn’t he invent the internet?; he also put forth the theory on “global warming.” Made a lot of money. His father taught him well. Speaking about his father, the Senior, if memory serves us correctly wasn’t he involved in some kind of double dealing as well? And then there is the al-Jazzera affair, we will get to the that at a later time.

Armand Hammer, who built Occidental Petroleum into the behemoth it is today and who’s been described as “the Godfather of American corporate corruption,” liked to say that he had Gore’s father, Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., “in my back pocket.” When the elder Gore left the Senate in 1970, Hammer gave him a $500,000-a-year job as the chairman of Island Coal Creek Co., an Occidental subsidiary, and a seat on Occidental’s board of directors. By 1992, Gore owned Occidental stock valued at $680,000.

Al, was never one to miss an opportunity that involved a big payoff, actually he invented that too, referring to his hubris on inventing the internet. And while we are speaking about him, we add in a special note – for instance, he was very good at defending illegal contributions to the Slick Willie campaign. That is the period when he was at the top of his game. He said that “there was no legal authority” which controlled illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton campaign.” Got to hand to him for his vigorous fortitude.

That brings us to the G-7 and the global warmer/climate change bigwigs; they go with the wind, put their finger in the air and see which way it is blowing and wham o, they get caught up in the vortex. But don’t count Trump among them. He doesn’t go with the flow.  Seven wealthy democracies ended their summit Saturday in Italy without a unanimous agreement on climate change, as the Trump administration plans to take more time to say whether the U.S. is going to remain in the landmark Paris accord that fights climate change. The other six nations in the Group of Seven agreed to stick with their commitment to implement the 2015 Paris deal that aims to rein in greenhouse gas emissions to slow down global warming.

Fighting words from Alden Meyer, the director of strategy and policy for the Union of Concerned Scientists, an advocacy group in Washington, said the discord over climate change was unusual for G-7 meetings. “There have been differences, to be sure, in some past summits, but not a sharp open split like this,” he said.

Meyer said many U.S. states, cities, and companies are moving forward on climate action while the Trump administration is “waffling” on the Paris Agreement. “President Trump should join these leaders in protecting Americans from the mounting impacts of climate change and reaping the economic benefits of the clean energy revolution, rather than trying to shore up the flagging fortunes of the polluting coal and oil industries,” Meyer said.

Most skeptics attribute global warming—few if any doubt any longer that the warming itself is occurring, given the worldwide rise in surface temperature—to natural cycles, not emissions from power plants, automobiles and other human activity. “The observational evidence…suggests that any warming from (click for global climate aficionados get whipped) the growth of greenhouse gases is likely to be minor, difficult to detect above the natural fluctuations of the climate, and therefore inconsequential,” says atmospheric physicist Fred Singer, an outspoken global warming skeptic and founder of the advocacy-oriented Science and Environmental Policy Project.

(click)Just the facts says Joe Friday:

The facts about climate change

1.     Climate has always changed, and it always will. The assumption that prior to the industrial revolution the Earth had a “stable” climate is simply wrong. The only sensible thing to do about climate change is to prepare for it.

2.    Accurate temperature measurements made from weather balloons and satellites since the late 1950s show no atmospheric warming since 1958.  In contrast, averaged ground-based thermometers record a warming of about 0.40 C over the same time period. Many scientists believe that the thermometer record is biased by the Urban Heat Island effect and other artefacts.

3.    Despite the expenditure of more than US$50 billion dollars looking for it since 1990, no unambiguous anthropogenic (human) signal has been identified in the global temperature pattern.

4.    Without the greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature on Earth would be -180 C rather than the equable +150 C that has nurtured the development of life.

     Carbon dioxide is a minor greenhouse gas, responsible for ~26% (80 C) of the total greenhouse effect (330C), of which in turn at most 25% (~20C) can be attributed to carbon dioxide contributed by human activity. Water vapour, contributing at least 70% of the effect, is by far the most important atmospheric greenhouse gas.

5.    On both annual (1 year) and geological (up to 100,000 year) time scales, changes in atmospheric temperature PRECEDE changes in CO2. Carbon dioxide therefore cannot be the primary forcing agent for temperature increase (though increasing CO2 does cause a diminishingly mild positive temperature feedback).

6.    The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has acted as the main scaremonger for the global warming lobby that led to the Kyoto Protocol. Fatally, the IPCC is a political, not scientific, body.

Hendrik Tennekes, a retired Director of Research at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, says that “the IPCC review process is fatally flawed” and that “the IPCC wilfully ignores the paradigm shift created by the foremost meteorologist of the twentieth century, Edward Lorenz“.
7.    The Kyoto Protocol will cost many trillions of dollars and exercises a significant impost those countries that signed it, but will deliver no significant cooling (less than .020 C by 2050, assuming that all commitments are met).

The Russian Academy of Sciences says that Kyoto has no scientific basis; Andre Illarianov, senior advisor to Russian president Putin, calls Kyoto-ism “one of the most agressive, intrusive, destructive ideologies since the collapse of communism and fascism“. If Kyoto was a “first step” then it was in the same wrong direction as the later “Bali roadmap”.

8.    Climate change is a non-linear (chaotic) process, some parts of which are only dimly or not at all understood. No deterministic computer model will ever be able to make an accurate prediction of climate 100 years into the future.
9.    Not surprisingly, therefore, experts in computer modelling agree also that no current (or likely near-future) climate model is able to make accurate predictions of regional climate change.
10.   The biggest untruth about human global warming is the assertion that nearly all scientists agree that it is occurring, and at a dangerous rate.

The reality is that almost every aspect of climate science is the subject of vigorous debate. Further, thousands of qualified scientists worldwide have signed declarations which (i) query the evidence for hypothetical human-caused warming and (ii) support a rational scientific (not emotional) approach to its study within the context of known natural climate change.


Myth 1     Average global temperature (AGT) has increased over the last few years.

Fact 1       Within error bounds, AGT has not increased since 1995 and has declined since 2002, despite an increase in atmospheric CO2 of 8% since 1995. 

Myth 2     During the late 20th Century, AGT increased at a dangerously fast rate and reached an unprecedented magnitude.

Facts 2      The late 20th Century AGT rise was at a rate of 1-20 C/century, which lies well within natural rates of climate change for the last 10,000 yr. AGT has been several degrees warmer than today many times in the recent geological past. 

Myth 3     AGT was relatively unchanging in pre-industrial times, has sky-rocketed since 1900, and will increase by several degrees more over the next 100 years (the Mann, Bradley & Hughes “hockey stick” curve and its computer extrapolation).

Facts 3      The Mann et al. curve has been exposed as a statistical contrivance. There is no convincing evidence that past climate was unchanging, nor that 20th century changes in AGT were unusual, nor that dangerous human warming is underway.

Myth 4     Computer models predict that AGT will increase by up to 60 C over the next 100 years.

Facts 4      Deterministic computer models do. Other equally valid (empirical) computer models predict cooling. 

Myth 5     Warming of more than 20 C will have catastrophic effects on ecosystems and mankind alike.

Facts 5      A 20 C change would be well within previous natural bounds. Ecosystems have been adapting to such changes since time immemorial. The result is the process that we call evolution. Mankind can and does adapt to all climate extremes.

Myth 6     Further human addition of CO2 to the atmosphere will cause dangerous warming, and is generally harmful.

Facts 6      No human-caused warming can yet be detected that is distinct from natural system variation and noise. Any additional human-caused warming which occurs will probably amount to less than 10 C. Atmospheric CO2 is a beneficial fertilizer for plants, including especially cereal crops, and also aids efficient evapo-transpiration. 

Myth 7     Changes in solar activity cannot explain recent changes in AGT.

Facts 7      The sun’s output varies in several ways on many time scales (including the 11-, 22 and 80-year solar cycles), with concomitant effects on Earth’s climate. While changes in visible radiation are small, changes in particle flux and magnetic field are known to exercise a strong climatic effect. More than 50% of the 0.80 C rise in AGT observed during the 20th century can be attributed to solar change. 

Myth 8     Unprecedented melting of ice is taking place in both the north and south polar regions.

Facts 8      Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are growing in thickness and cooling at their summit. Sea ice around Antarctica attained a record area in 2007. Temperatures in the Arctic region are just now achieving the levels of natural warmth experienced during the early 1940s, and the region was warmer still (sea-ice free) during earlier times.

Myth 9     Human-caused global warming is causing dangerous global sea-level (SL) rise.

Facts 9      SL change differs from time to time and place to place; between 1955 and 1996, for example, SL at Tuvalu fell by 105 mm (2.5 mm/yr). Global average SL is a statistical measure of no value for environmental planning purposes. A global average SL rise of 1-2 mm/yr occurred naturally over the last 150 years, and shows no sign of human-influenced increase. 

Myth 10   The late 20th Century increase in AGT caused an increase in the number of severe storms (cyclones), or in storm intensity.

Facts 10    Meteorological experts are agreed that no increase in storms has occurred beyond that associated with natural variation of the climate system.


Robert M. Carter is a Research Professor at James Cook University (Queensland) and the University of Adelaide (South Australia). He is a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than thirty years professional experience.

Joe FridayJUST IN FROM BREITBART:Breitbart News.svg

Bast: Happy Memorial Day, You Stupid, Arrogant, Liberal Global Warming Alarmist! – Breitbart It’s that time of year again, a holiday where you stand around the grill and patiently (or not) explain the truth to your liberal relatives and friends.

Mentioning an article that ran in the Washington Post in 1922, misreporting evidence of short-term weather variability in the Arctic as evidence of a long-term warming trend, is a good way to poke a stick in the eye of your global warming alarmist friends. A conversation starter!

 The article illustrates a past case where (quoting Snopes, the liberal self-described fact checker) “current warming trends” were misinterpreted as being “indicative of long-term climatic changes rather than relatively short-term weather pattern variability.” Don’t oversell it! It doesn’t prove that people today who refer to warming in the Arctic region as proof of a long-term warming trend are necessarily wrong… only that they might be, that the mistake was made in the past (when man-made emissions could not have been a factor), and so the burden of proof rests on those who say this time is different.

Global warming alarmists often claim the recent Arctic warming is unprecedented or must be due to the human presence. On its face, the 1922 article makes those claims dubious. Closer study reveals they haven’t made the case. For example, a scholarly article released just this month suggests the recent reduction in Arctic ice is most likely just a natural correction to a build-up that occurred from the 1940s to the 1970s. Scientists with the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) produced a lengthy review of the literature in 2014 that essentially found the same thing. But how many people subscribe to Hydrological Sciences Journal or want to read 1,000-page tomes?

Here are some good short references to the climate debate to share with family and friends over the Memorial Day holiday:

Craig Idso, Robert Carter, and S. Fred Singer, Why Scientists Disagree

Joseph Bast, An Open Letter to Ivanka Trump

Roger Andrews, Catastrophic climate change – a reminder of what the IPCC actually said

NIPCC testimony to the Commons Select Committee of the United Kingdom Parliament

NIPCC Scientific Critique of IPCC’s 2013 ‘Summary for Policymakers’

Joseph Bast, Seven Theories of Climate Change

A fascinating (and utterly damning) look at the history of the global warming scare campaign is Donna Laframboise’s The Delinquent Teenager who was mistaken for the world’s top climate expert.

A website hosted by meteorologist Anthony Watts, WattsUpWithThat.com, is a wonderful place to go to watch the real science debate taking place over the causes and consequences of climate change. I really don’t think you can visit the site more than two or three times and not come away a “skeptic.”

Heartland also produces a free weekly e-newsletter, Climate Change Weekly edited by H. Sterling Burnett, to which you can subscribe here.

Best regards, happy holidays, and don’t burn the brats!

Joseph L. Bast is president of The Heartland Institute, a nonprofit research and education organization based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. He can be contacted at jbast@heartland.org.



Americans celebrate Memorial Day, but on this fitting occasion it is important to remember and give tribute to those who have perished in our defense. They gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life, so we can live in liberty.

So this weekend, with the parades coming down Main Street, the bands playing the Battle Hymn, Yankee Doodle Dandy and the Star Spangled Banner, please remember those who are not here to witness the America they defended with valor and courage.

Salute the Flag in their honor.  Thank you.




The MS-13 gang has infiltrated most of American cities. From California to New York. The violent El Salvadorian Mara Salvatrucha gang , better know by its nom de guerre MS-13 and the lesser know 18th Street gang. They continue committing felonies, murdering, extorting, running guns and prostitution rings, peddling drugs and smuggling.

In many cities the police do not dear tread on their turf. But what is more interesting is their sudden recruitment of illegals who are being lodged at an Arizona facility. We should be alarmed. As detailed in the article members of the gang cross the border and are subsequently housed in government holding pens pending their release.

Those doing the recruiting are minors, JUST CHILDREN IN MOST INSTANCES, effectively they are plants.

These Latin American gangs aren’t the typical street hoods of the ’50’s, they are violent criminals. 

In the early 2000s (decade), US authorities investigated MS-13 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Eventually the work led to charges against 26 MS-13 members, including 7 trial convictions in January 2010, 18 guilty pleas, and 11 multi-year prison sentences.This included the alleged first federal death-penalty conviction for an MS-13 member, Alejandro Enrique Ramirez Umaña, aka “Wizard” (age 25).

On July 13, 2003, Brenda Paz, a 17-year-old former MS member turned informant was found stabbed on the banks of the Shenandoah River in Virginia. Paz was killed for informing the FBI about Mara Salvatrucha’s criminal activities. Two of her former friends were later convicted of the murder.


But we have a new sheriff in town, Jeff Sessions is utilizing all weapons at his disposal to capture, incarcerate, convict and deport these animals.


The attorney general’s appearance on Friday comes amid a spate of violence in two communities near the federal courthouse where he spoke in Central Islip. The bodies of 11 people have been found in parks and vacant lots since last September.

Police believe the killings are the work of MS-13.

The gang, which was formed in the 1980s in Los Angeles by Salvadoran immigrants, has expanded to 42 states and is feared for its brutality. Teens say any perceived slight to a gang member can mean death.

Sessions said the nation no longer can tolerate these violent criminals terrorizing young children and entire neighborhoods. He said he would help law enforcement go after these gang members and make sure the criminals are held accountable for their actions.


Another atrocious, hideous and insidious criminal act in Manchester, England resulted in the killing of 22 innocents.  There are few if any ways to ferret out these lone wolf suicide bombers.  So the killings will continue until the Muslim world and their religion of peace shows some backbone. What they need to do is very simple, bring in their own death squad (such as Dirty Duterte in the Philippines) and kill them before they sow anymore devastation. That is  the only way to prevent anymore havoc.

The Jihadists hides behind every door, not culturally assimilated because of the hate they harbor inside; when taunted, like a road rage driver, they can explode and do evil. And this is the case with the Manchester terrorists. Wreaking a venue with bloodshed is their calling card; spreading fear is their coin of the realm. Now society has to be vigilant of all Muslims, neighbors, co-workers and those who appear to be simulated.  Being nice and patronizing has its limits, what matter is ideology that remains dormant until the call of Jihad becomes so great that it cannot be suppressed.

It is up to the Muslim world to take responsibility for these lone wolf terrorists. They are insiders and know how to deal with them. If not, the anti-Muslim mindset of those affected will prevail for centuries to come.


Donald Trump receives the (click)Red Carpet treatment from the Saudis. A shimmering blaze it was,  rolled out on the tarmac to welcome the President of the United States making his first trip abroad. The Saudis are key to stopping Iran from establishing a caliphate in the Middle East. Photo courtesy of Reuters.Image: Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and U.S. President Donald Trump walk during a reception ceremony in RiyadhHours later President Trump arrived for his official welcome ceremony at the royal offices, flanked by a herd of horsemen carrying Saudi and American flags. While there he was awarded the Collar of Abdulaziz Al Saud Medal, named after the kingdom’s founder and considered its highest honor.



Those who scream the loudest are in most cases the ones guilty of a crime. The bank robber always returns to the scene. Pointing fingers at others is their only hope in taking the focus off their crimes. This is the Obama/Clinton/Comey/Lynch game plan; blame Trump for crimes that they committed.

Why the concern? Trump is withering the liberal-progressive attack by the left wing fourth estate. This is to be expected from the alt-left bombardment.  Cry babies are pretty much used to getting their own way. Spoiled brats rattling in their cribs for more attention, find that making their case is several  degrees harder than yelling at the top of their lungs. But what troubles us is the free pass that Hillary (jail the bird) Clinton got from FBI director James Comey. Something just does not sit right when a situation calls for an investigation and arrest, but because of ineptitude or just plain old politics the criminals go off scot free. This is akin to Alphonse Capone getting a free pass from his buddies at the IRS. Bottom line: “The FBI has politicized itself, and its reputation will suffer for a long time due to Comey.

Loretta Lynch and the crew that gave immunity from prosecution to a half dozen witnesses. By the way all of the evidence they possessed has been sanitized.  And speaking of crimes committed and lies to the American people, Obama  is the one whose truth was a BIG LIE.  Remember, “you can keep your PLAN, YOU CAN KEEP YOU DOCTOR” and on top of that each family will save $2500 per year. Please correct us if were wrong here! And slick Willie, “I did not have sex with that women.”  Pleasantries aside, but we must go after BIG GOVERNMENT because it is stacked with the progressive wing of a chronological criminal organization. TRUMP’S JUSTICE DEPARTMENT must bring these criminals to justice once and for all. He can do this by instructing his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to level charges against the following;  HILLARY CLINTON, JAMES COMEY, LORETTA LYNCH, SUSAN RICE, CHERYL MILLS etc.

Sessions must question the five so-called immunity agreements granted to Clinton’s State Department aides and IT experts. Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff, along with two other State Department staffers, John Bentel and Heather Samuelson, were afforded immunity agreements, as was Bryan Pagliano, Clinton’s former IT aide, and Paul Combetta, an employee at Platte River networks, the firm hired to manage her server after she left the State Department.


Yesterday outside the Turkish embassy, Erdogan’s goon squad attacked supporters of the YPG .  Hey Erdogan, you are not in Turkey, this is the United States. We have free speech, something that does not exist in your dictatorial state. Go back to Turkey where the YPG will take care of you once and for all. A Kurdian Nation will come to fruition before you die. Count on it. Let it be written, let it be done.

Yesterday outside the Turkish embassy, Erdogan’s goon squad attacked supporters of the YPG .  Hey Erdogan, you are not in Turkey, this is the United States. We have free speech, something that does not exist in your dictatorial state. Go back to Turkey where the YPG will take care of you once and for all. A Kurdian Nation will come to fruition before you die. Count on it. Let it be written, let it be done.

(click hereThe Secret Service announced Wednesday that it is investigating what one official called a “brutal attack on peaceful protesters” in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday by Turkish President Erdogan’s security detail.

The attack that sent nine to the hospital appeared to be unprovoked, Peter Newsham, the D.C. police chief, said. The Wall Street Journal reported that one police officer and two Secret Service officers were injured in the melee.

Attacking the small group of protesters with their fists and feet, men in dark suits and others were recorded repeatedly kicking one woman as she lay curled on a sidewalk. Another wrenches a woman’s neck and throws her to the ground. A man with a bullhorn is repeatedly kicked in the face.


The “din” today is what did he reveal? There are always two sides to every story. Did Trump reveal TOP SECRET information to the Russians. According to sources in the know, Trump showed his hand in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Is Trump sly as a fox? Did he reveal sources that didn’t exit in order to throw the Russians off track? Are many of the Trump supporters jumping ship? Will there be a cover-up? Why were the Russians in the White House in the  first place? Who is behind the smear campaign?

CLICK HERE for Obama’s Open Mic video on more flexibility.

Obama told Medvedev it was important for incoming President Vladimir Putin to “give me space” on missile defense and other difficult issues and that after the 2012 presidential election he would have “more flexibility.” Medvedev said he would “transmit” the message to Putin.