No where in our history has one party targeted their opposition with such zeal. Wherever you look, the Democrats are filing suit, lawfare via partisan judges and crooked prosecutorial Hail Marys. These zealots are afraid of the dismantling of the welfare state Trump and Company.

Trump 2.0 is on course to provide transparency to the taxpaying citizens of the United States. That endeavor begins with the outing of frivolous payments to Deep State Actors. For instance Our Government, through USAID, provided tuition to Islamic Terrorist al-Awlaki who was the recipient of $27,000, earning a bachelos degree in civil enginerring – an education utilized to make incite Islamic jihad.

He would go on to teach Islam at mosques across the country from Denver to San Diego and Virginia, where US officials believe he used his platform to radicalize and recruit terrorists.
It was at a San Diego Mosque where he met 9/11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar – two of the men who flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon that morning in 2001, killing 190 people – and by 2006 he was arrested in Yemen on suspicion of terrorist ties.
Three years later he was communicating with the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan — who gunned down 13 people at the Texas Army base — and was also tied to “Underwear Bomber” Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound Northwest Airlines plane on Christmas day 2009 with bombs hidden in his shorts.
Al-Awlaki was killed in a US airstrike ordered by Obama in 2011 in Yemen, months after he was declared a “specially designated global terrorist.” The hit was controversial with civil rights groups at the time, since it was the first killing of an American in a targeted strike.
It has long been known al-Awlaki was educated in the US, but the recent scrutiny of USAID’s far-reaching and often frivolous spending by the Trump administration has thrown a new light on its part in educating a terrorist.

We must fight tooth and nail against the Deep State – our future is at stake. This fight is similar to the fight back in the fifties when we were looking for a communist behind every tree. Well today, there is one, not only a communist but a Deep State Actor who is advancing the socialist agenda forthwith.

This fight began with Obama, but went Nuclear under Biden; two thugs who were intent on dismantling the American Dream and with it the lives of millions of Americans. Their open border policy brought in over 20 million illegals across our borders. Don’t believe that they are taxpaying citizens. The cost of educating their children is close to $500,000 per family. Any tax they pay will never ever compensate for this largress.