Apeel THIS






Don’t Eat or Touch “Apeel” Produce! This Applies To Organics, too

31.5KVIEWSModified: May 4, 2023 · Published: Apr 18, 2023 

By Jacqueline 8 Comments


I am disgusted about the new invisible spray-on coating for fruit and veggies called “Apeel”. I’m appalled because so many have already fallen hook, line, and sinker for this new way to contaminate our God-given food, making it less and less likely that we will be able to purchase and eat truly FRESH food in the future.

  1. GatesKaty Perry, and Oprahare 3 powerful names that have stakes in the ESG-compliant Apeel company.  The new mega-corporationswill just continue to tinker with products that will end up in our bodies one way or another. Whether it be medicine we swallowor inject or food we ingest. All while claiming it’s for the greater good.


U.S. companies like Kroger are joining the chorus promoting Apeel in the name of eliminating “food waste”. Apeel has a presence in 8 countries, operating 30 supply networks and  distributing produce to 40 retail partners, which then goes out to tens of thousands of stores around the world. (source)

Right now selected stores that are participating carry mainly avocados and cucumbers coated in the invisible spray, but the company says theyhave also developed ‘solutions’ for limes, mandarins, apples and oranges. (source) Other applications to follow include “everything from asparagus to pineapples, mangoes, lemons and tomatoes”.(source)

And if you think by choosing organic you’re good to go… think again. On their website they state, “We have formulations that are OMRI Listed® for the growers and distributors of USDA Certified Organic produce.” (Apeel FAQs)

Apeel spray can’t be washed off no matter how much scrubbing — also according to the FAQs.

In an Instagram video reel, before it was taken down, you could hear Jenny Du, one of Apeel’s co-founders, say we are all made of “star stuff” and “Everything we eat is chemical!” in a clear attempt to convince you that coating your food in mystery chemicals is somehow normal and okay. Obviously she doesn’t understand Stoichiometry. Because ‘the elements around us’, the chemicals… depending on how they combine with other chemicals… can be quite… TOXIC.

Apeel’s site is vague but states the ingredients are glycerolipids, “specifically the food additive mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids”.

Buyer Beware: Mono- and diglycerides contain trans-fat, which promotes inflammation in the body and has been associated with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. FoodBabe exposes how the FDA finally recognized the dangers of trans-fat and began requiring manufacturers to list trans-fat on food labels.

And a strong caveat: a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) that I have seen circulating on social media for ‘Apeel’ (this may NOT be for the ‘Apeel’ for produce discussed above!)   

Lists the Ingredients for you to research yourself to come to your own conclusions: https://www.evansvanodine.co.uk/assets/eng_apeel.pdf?

SDS Section 3 lists Composition/Information on Ingredients:

  • ALCOHOL (C9-C11) ETHOXYLATE (6EO) (Class: Acute Toxicity 4and Eye Damage 1)
  • ORANGE TERPENES (Class: Skin Irritant2; Skin Sensitivity 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 2)
  • SODIUM (C12-14) ALKYL ETHOXY SULPHATE (Class: Skin Irritant2; Eye Damage 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 3)
  • 1,2-BENZISOTHIAZOLIN-3-ONE [BIT] (Class: Acute Toxicity 4Skin Irritant2; Eye Damage 1; Skin Sens. 1; Aquatic Harm Acute 1; Aquatic Harm Chronic 2)

Over time, what might this do to the gut microbiome and all the implications of that? Do we want to find out?

Bottom-line? I recommend till we know more, don’t even touch it and keep doing your research.

There is no healthful purpose to this. It appears purely to boost profits for the companies who supply produce.

Ultimately, the reality of Apeel in the marketplace can serve to remind us of the many reasons to eat local, traditional, organic, biodynamic and chemical-free foods.  And, if there was ever a time to garden, now is it!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”~Philippians 4:6-7

“Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” ~Martin Luther

***For the Full Spike Protein Protocol (including NAC) to protect from transmission from the “V” and to help those who took the “V”, go here.


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Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent

Durham report lifts the veil on the cesspool of corruption that has infected FBI for far too long awaited report

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A silence kept in order to hide the truth is a lie.

By that maxim, there are plenty of liars among prominent Democrats who knew that the damning Trump-Russia collusion narrative was all a hoax. But they chose to remain mum, preferring instead to watch contentedly as an American president was vilified nonstop by a media-driven orgy of lies. It consumed the nation for years and inflicted untold harm. None of them had the decency to volunteer the truth.

This is one of the key findings in the 306-page Durham report that the special counsel filled to the brim with documented acts of deviousness, dishonesty and malice by high officials in government whom we are supposed to trust but should not.

Obama and Biden selfie

Barack Obama and Joe Biden (Joe Biden/Instagram)

In July 2016, CIA Director John Brennan rushed to the White House to brief then-President Barack Obama and Joe Biden, our current president, about alarming new evidence uncovered by American intelligence. The agency had obtained reliable information that “Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians” (page 81 of the report).


It was an outrageous and wholly invented accusation unsupported by anything except Hillary’s craven imagination. Her shrewd goal was to frame her opponent for unidentified crimes that he never committed and, thereby, damage or sink his candidacy.

As Durham noted, the despicable smear had the dual benefit of distracting from her own nagging email scandal that was dragging down her poll numbers. Given its potency, the Clinton canard ranks as the dirtiest trick ever perpetrated in American politics.

Obama and Biden knew all about Hillary’s treachery and so did others in their orbit who were secretly briefed, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey. This is corroborated by Brennan’s handwritten notes. For the next three years all of them remained silent about the CIA’s findings.

Collectively, they concealed the truth of Trump’s innocence as he was hounded by the constant condemnation of conspiring with Moscow, even though he did no such thing. On almost a daily basis, the media pronounced him guilty in the court of public opinion. Brennan and Clapper took to the airwaves and dishonestly denounced Trump as a Russian asset, hiding what they knew.

At the outset of the hoax, Hillary’s devoted coterie of disciples plotted to spread the lie. They secretly paid a sleazy ex-foreign spy, Christopher Steele, to obtain Russian disinformation about Trump and compose a phony “dossier.” They leaked it to journalists who promptly insisted that it was true without ever bothering to verify or corroborate its contents. News organizations even published the full collection of lies that was covertly bankrolled by Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Andrew McCabe at hearing

The FBI’s Andrew McCabe testifies during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on May 11, 2017, in Washington, D.C. (Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images)


The shameless media was emboldened by the unscrupulous maneuvers of Comey and his confederates. Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and senior counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok launched a dogged investigation of Trump. It commenced literally days after the FBI director learned of Hillary’s fraudulent machinations.

The bureau had no basis whatsoever to open the probe because agents lacked “any actual evidence of collusion” and traduced their own strict guidelines, according to Durham. Those in charge broke every rule in the book. In a brazen reversal of standards, they willingly exploited the Clinton lie as a pretext to persecute Trump with salacious and specious slurs. Their lawless actions were inflamed by their “prejudice against him” and their “pronounced hostile feelings,” the report explained.

The vainglorious James Comey, who refused to cooperate with the Durham investigation, now publicly claims to be suffering near total amnesia. It is a curious affliction since the special counsel’s report reveals that he demanded and received “daily briefings.” Whenever agents working the case had the temerity to complain that there was no real evidence implicating Trump in any wrongdoing, Comey stuck wads of cotton in his ears. He pushed a relentless witch hunt in a maniacal quest to destroy the man he loathed so obsessively.

James Comey

James Comey speaks to members of the media after testifying before the House Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees joint investigation in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 7, 2018. (Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

The same FBI bias that worked against Trump worked in favor of Clinton. Comey commandeered authority he did not have to absolve her of the crimes she clearly committed in mishandling classified emails and destroying evidence under subpoena. He refused to pursue investigations of Hillary despite compelling evidence that she misused her charitable foundation for self-enrichment in ways eerily similar to the notorious Biden family influence peddling schemes.

Tens of millions of Russian dollars landed in Clinton’s nonprofit, which she treated as her personal piggy bank. With Comey at the helm, four ongoing probes into likely “criminal activity” magically vanished. Trump didn’t collude with Russia, but it appears his opponent did – and got away with it.

Durham minced no words in describing the FBI’s double standard and the “dual system of justice” it produced. Hillary received the courtesy of a defensive briefing about corrupt foreign actors but Trump did not. The FBI rejected a surveillance warrant on Clinton from the secret FISA court while seeking four successive spy warrants involving Trump’s campaign. To secure the intrusions, exculpatory evidence was withheld and supporting documents altered.

Hillary Clinton and former President Donald Trump (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images | Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)


Seems to us that the Trans advertising was kicked back in the face of Bud and Target. Budweiser, now the Queen of Beers, was kicked in the budd by its long time beer guzzlers. These Brutes did not like a Trans person gracing the Bud Light can of beer. So they took it out large on Bud’s sales. The result, $20billion loss in market value. Guess the Suits upstairs are crying in their beer. What a shame. These Sissies got what they deserved.

And Target, they didn’t learn the lesson from the Bud fiasco. Not only that, they doubled down by smacking their customers upfront with a Trans display. Smart Aleks. The Target on their back was not hard to miss. Shares nosedived to the tune of $10 billion. This is what is known as a Bulls Eye.

The lesson to be learned here is that corporations that are thinking of going WOKE and those that have, better think twice of insulting the majority of Americans who believe in Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. 





‘Russia case’ against Trump was a shocking conspiracy that continues today

In Agatha Christie’s “Murder on the Orient Express,” detective Hercule Poirot observes, “The impossible could not have happened, therefore the impossible must be possible in spite of appearances.”

That may be the best summary of the findings of special prosecutor John Durham in his 305-page report issued yesterday.

Not only did the impossible happen, but they all did it: the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and the media.

In hindsight, it would appear impossible.

A political campaign hatches a plot to create a false claim of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

00:0201:31Making this even more implausible is that the CIA and FBI know about the plot.

Special prosecutor John Durham issued a 305-page report on May 15, 2023.

As detailed in the report, President Barack Obama and his national security team were briefed on how “a trusted foreign source” revealed “a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”

It then happened a few days later.

It was a plot that required everyone to take a hand in derailing a duly elected president and effectively shutting down his administration for three years of investigation and prosecutions.

President Barack Obama.In the report, Durham said former President Barack Obama and his security team were briefed on how “a trusted foreign source” revealed a Clinton plan to vilify Trump.AP

In this conspiracy, there were dozens of key participants in the campaign, the government, and the media. Here are a few of the characters implicated in this report.

The campaign

The report details how the Russian collusion conspiracy was invented by Clinton operatives and put into the now-infamous Steele dossier, funded by the Clinton campaign.

The funding was hidden as legal expenses by then-Clinton campaign general counsel Marc Elias. (The Clinton campaign was later sanctioned by the FEC over its hiding of the funding.)

New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said at the time that Elias denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier.

When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”

It was not just reporters who asked the Clinton campaign about its role in the Steele dossier. John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress.

Durham details how Elias played an active role in tracking the media campaign to push the false allegations. (Elias was recently severed by the Democratic National Committee from further representation and has been previously sanctioned in the federal courts in other litigation.)

The report details how false claims like the existence of a “pee tape” showing Trump engaging in disgusting acts with prostitutes in Moscow came from a Clinton operative, Chuck Dolan, with no known basis in fact.

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Hillary Clinton shake hands at the conclusion of their presidential town hall debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S., October 9, 2016.
The report allegedly details how the Russia collusion conspiracy was invented by Clinton operatives.

Likewise, now-national security adviser Jake Sullivan and Clinton personally pushed an absurd campaign-created conspiracy theory about a secret communication line between Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin through a Russian bank.

The Clinton campaign later admitted that it had indeed funded the dossier, but Clinton continued to claim that the election was stolen from her by the Russians.

The government

Of course, this conspiracy could not occur without the assistance of the FBI, which Durham found played an eager role due to a “predisposition” of key players against Trump.

What to know about the bombshell Durham report

Special counsel John Durham completed a four-year review of the FBI’s investigation of allegations that Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia

Durham found the FBI’s probe was “seriously flawed” and had no basis in evidence, according to a 306-page report released Monday.

The special prosecutor found that FBI officials “discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

Durham also found investigators put too much faith in information provided by Trump’s political opponents and carried out surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page without genuinely believing there was probable cause to do so.

Despite the scathing findings, Durham did not recommend criminal prosecutions or widespread FBI reforms, writing that “the answer is not the creation of new rules but a renewed fidelity to the old.”

Durham’s investigation lasted more than four years, longer than the FBI’s Trump-Russia probe itself.


The dossier was discredited early by American intelligence, which learned that it might itself be Russian disinformation.

There never was support for the allegations, but the FBI launched and maintained a massive investigation anyway.

Durham noted that the FBI showed a completely different approach to allegations involving the Clinton campaign.

Former President Donald Trump participates in a CNN Republican Town Hall moderated.
The report also discusses “false claims,” like the existence of a “pee tape” showing Trump engaging in disgusting acts with prostitutes in Moscow.

The Trump investigation was a “noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”

Nevertheless, former FBI Director James Comey would continue to reference the entirely unsupported “pee tape” in interviews.

Even though investigators found no support for the campaign-created story, in a 2018 interview, Comey delighted viewers by saying: “Honestly, I never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I don’t know whether the current president of the United States was with prostitutes peeing on each other in Moscow in 2013.”

The FBI was assisted in this effort by members of Congress on the House Intelligence Committee.

Even when the false narrative was played out and the lack of support was becoming obvious, former House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) assured the public, on March 13, 2018, that “I can certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia.”

He never produced the promised evidence.

The media

The most essential player in this conspiracy was the media, which pumped up the dossier as gospel. On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow assured her viewers that “no major thing from the dossier has been conclusively disproven.”

On CNN, one of the guests insisted, “I think we are actually have to stop calling it the ‘infamous dossier’ and increasingly calling it ‘accurate dossier,’ the  ‘damning dossier.’”

CNN host Alisyn Camerota attacked Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and said the dossier “hasn’t been discredited, in fact, it has been opposite, it has been corroborated.”

Durham has laid out how the most cited claims were not supported, let alone corroborated.

Indeed, he found there was no basis for this investigation to have been launched in the first place.

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump listens as Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton answers a question from the audience during their presidential town hall debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S., October 9, 2016.
Durham noted in the report that the FBI took a “completely” different approach to allegations involving the Clinton campaign, versus the allegations involving Trump.

Yet, like in “Murder on the Orient Express,” all of the culprits were then let go.

Comey went on to make millions selling books and giving speeches on “ethical leadership.”

Former FBI special agent Peter Strzok was given a job by CNN.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Clinton general counsel Marc Elias is advising people on election ethics and running a group to “defend democracy.”

After all, this was a collective effort. In Washington, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the less culpable it becomes.

They all did it, so no one did.

Jonathan Turley is an attorney and a professor at George Washington University L


Chicago-area man whose life sentence commuted by Obama charged with attempted murder

Alton Mills, 54, is accused in connection with a freeway shooting last week that injured a vehicle passenger

A Chicago-area man who had his life sentence in prison commuted by then-President Barack Obama in 2015, faces more prison time after being charged with attempted murder in connection with a freeway shooting. Illinois man commuted by Obama

Alton Mills, 54, faces three counts of attempted murder after someone in a vehicle shot at another car on Interstate 57 on Sunday, the Illinois State Police said.

Investigators said troopers responded to the scene and found a victim struck by gunfire in the back seat who was taken to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


Scum like this needs to be taught a lesson by sending her back to where she came from. See how she would like living in a country at civil war.  Why we must deport all illegal aliens who are telling the United States Hierarchy ” where to go.”  

CUNY Law commencement speaker claims laws are ‘White supremacy,’

The City University of New York’s (CUNY) public law school’s commencement featured a speech from a graduating student calling for a “revolution” to challenge “oppressive” institutions in America. The speaker mentioned institutions of law and order such as the military, the police, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. prison system. 

“I come to you all from the rich soil of Yemen, raised by the humble streets of Queens,” said future lawyer Fatima Mousa Mohammed, who was selected by the 2023 class to speak at the May 12 CUNY Law ceremony. At first, the law school took down the speech on YouTubebut then released it following public outcry as critics derided them for silencing a pro-Palestinian voice. 

I chose CUNY School of Law for its articulated mission [as one of the] few legal institutions… to recognize that the law is a manifestation of White supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world.”

Outraged critics rip CUNY grad’s ‘hate-filled’ commencement speech, demand billions in tax dollars be stripped

“Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation,” said Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY).

Outraged critics are demanding CUNY’s billions of dollars in taxpayer funding be stripped away after a law grad delivered a “hate-filled and dangerous’’ commencement address ripping NYPD “fascists” and Israel.

In her vitriolic May 12 graduation speech at the public City University of New York’s law school, newly minted grad Fatima Mousa Mohammed called for a “revolution” to take on the legal system’s “white supremacy’’ while blasting city cops and the US military and claiming Israel carries out “indiscriminate” murder.

“This hate-filled and dangerous speech has been brought to you by @CUNY and paid for by New York taxpayers,” tweeted Simcha Eichenstein, a Democratic state assemblyman representing Brooklyn. “Keep this in mind next time our elected leaders highlight their commitment to fighting antisemitism.”

Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) said, “Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation.

“Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.”

During her speech, Mohammed accused the school of having “self-serving interests” and said it “continues to fail us,” continues to “train and cooperate with the fascist NYPD, the military” and continues “to train [Israeli] soldiers to carry out that violence globally.”

She also called the US legal system “a manifestation of white supremacy that continues to oppress and suppress people in this nation and around the world.”

She urged her classmates to continue the “revolution” to effect change, using their rage as “the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism and Zionism around the world.”

A tweet from US House Representative Ritchie Torres, a Democrat from New York City, condemning the vitriolic speech in a tweet



Attorney for NYC hospital worker slams media after viral bike dispute: ‘Without question’ she’s been ‘defamed’

NYC Physician Assistant Sarah Comrie has been put on administrative leave over the incidentphoto of NYC Nurse attorney

The attorney for the New York City hospital worker at the center of a viral bicycle dispute said his client is “in hiding” because her life and job are being threatened over the encounter.

Sarah Comrie, a Physician Assistant at Bellevue Hospital, was branded a racist “Karen” by media outlets and social media critics after she was seen arguing with a group of Black men who accused her of taking their rental bike in a iPhone video that’s gone viral.

Her attorney Justin Marino explained on “America’s Newsroom” Friday that the 6-month pregnant health care provider had just ended her 12-hour-shift and was trying to rent a bike to go home.

Marino said Comrie started to back off the docking station after paying for the bike on May 12 when the men confronted her claiming she was taking the bike they had already reserved.

“Around that time these individuals were claiming that that was their bike. Someone pushed the bike while she was on it, back into the docking station so it locked again,” he said.

Comrie claimed she had paid for that specific bike but after the argument put it back in the docking station and rented another one. Marino said he had two receipts that proved his client was telling the truth, with serial numbers that matched the bicycles in question.

He said Comrie sought an attorney because she was fearful she would lose her job over the encounter. After the video went viral and Comrie faced online accusations of racism, Bellevue Hospital put her on administrative leave pending a review of the situation.

FILE- In this Feb. 5, 2014 file photo, snow covers a CitiBike bike rack, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Citing spotty maintenance and poorly cleaned bikes, a new audit by City Comptroller Scott Stringer found that New York City Bike Share has done a poor job of operating and maintainng the Citi Bike program. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File)

FILE- In this Feb. 5, 2014 file photo, snow covers a CitiBike bike rack, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File) (The Associated Press)

Bellevue Hospital called the incident “disturbing,” and reaffirmed their commitment to “providing an environment” free from discrimination in a May 16 tweet.