Back yonder the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to none other than President Obama, who by the way was an unknown quantity at that point in time, but for some reason which we all know, was the greatest sham of the century . To quote the committee, “has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.” Have you ever heard of a bunch of garbage? Obama condoned the development of nuclear weapons in North Korea. He gave Iran the key to nuclear development by the mullahs. His foreign policy decisions were the white flag ticket to the Russians, Turkey and Isis in Syria. Don’t forget the 400,000 killed in this conflict. Obama is responsible for this blood letting; there is more blood on his hands then the local butcher.

Soon we shall see the Iran agreement that Obama agreed to come full circle under President Trump. May 12 is the date to watch. Foreign policy expert, John Bolton now part of the Trump administration, is not fooled by words, but sees the action on the ground in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon as the long arm of Islamic terrorist organization known as the Revolutionary Guards spreading their hegemony across the Levant. However, he hasn’t turned a blind eye to eventual encounter Israel will have with Iran. Seal of the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution.svg

For sure we know that past is prelude; Israel took out a partially built Iranian nuclear reactor in 1981 – the same holds true for a partially built nuclear reactor site in Syria -constructed by the North Koreans. Israel cannot afford to see the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Their defense establishment has the plans and operations ready at the get go to repeat the 1981 mission. This is not hyperbole, but it will be coming to a theater near you. Russia, will not sit idly by when the conflict goes full bore, we guarantee it. Along with the destruction of Iran’s nuclear capability, Syria will suffer a destruction of their military establishment too.

Mattis: Iran-Israel clash is close, but US military focus shifts out of Syria to Iraq

The dangers we face today are the result of Obama’s White Flag, he lived in a Utopian world made up of bad actors. The hoax here is that Obama was their point man. Obama, the man of peace as the Nobel Committee designated was not one at all, but a criminal perpetrator of war.

Do the right thing Nobel Committee, take back Obama’s Peace Prize and awarded it to President Trump.


Anti-Trust Time

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. The salient terms here are “Congress shall make no law”. The meaning of “abridge” at the time it was used in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution was “to deprive”. Thus, even though the actions by Internet giants Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other blatantly leftist social media corporations in censoring conservative content – read: pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-traditional values, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-Trump, etc. – clearly deprive us of our freedom of speech, the actions are constitutional, since the perps are companies and not Congress. Though these self-proclaimed arbiters of what is acceptable to say or discuss are depriving the majority of Americans – and do not doubt me, as R. Limbaugh says, we ARE the majority – of a venue to speak out, they are not included in the language of the 1st Amendment, and therefore, not covered.

We are faced with a similar problem in regard to the “mainstream” media. Technically, TeeVee “news”, both networks and cable, MSN, Yahoo, The Hill, Politico, all the failing “newspapers”, etc. are “the press”. Interestingly, the amendment has no definition of what “the press” is. If we applied the reasoning the idiot, double-standard left tries to apply to the 2nd Amendment, that the Founders meant only the muskets in use in the late 1700s, then TeeVee, radio, the Internet, and all news transmitted in any way, shape, or form other than ink on paper, including news sent by the far-left Associated Press, by telephone, telegraph, or fax, would not be covered.  Hmmm…In any case, this so-called modern press is free to make up the most outrageously libelous and seditious lies and slander on a daily basis, without fear of curtailment or legal repercussions. Conundrums, indeed.

So, what can be done to stop this usurpation of freedom of the flow of information, this imposition of fascist brainwashing, social engineering, indoctrination, and propaganda on us? Time to follow the advice of trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt. Since in terms of mass communications we can only speak softly, let’s use our anti-trust laws as our Big Stick, and beat these fascists silly.

A salient fact that we all need to be aware of is that only six – repeat, six – mega-corporations own 90% of all newspapers and TeeVee networks and stations. Clearly, they all group-think in leftist lockstep, with the exact same buzz words and phrases mouthed and printed across the board. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have done an excellent job of putting together montage after montage of the media spewing identically worded Democrat talking points, night after night, day after day. The stranglehold that these fascist corporations have on our media needs to be broken. They are clearly making it difficult, if not impossible, for people with ideas other than the ones they force upon us to compete with them. There is obvious collusion among them, and a quick look at the practices covered by anti-trust laws shows that if one substitutes ideas and knowledge for money and profits, the tech giants and the media giants have broken just about every one of them.

It would be amusing, if it were not symptomatic of the cultural degeneracy that the left has created in America over the last 50 years, that the fascists they so hysterically and self-righteously claim to oppose, are the very ones who fund them, give them their talking points and marching orders, and fill their empty skulls full of pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies that have zero basis in reality. These fascists, of whom George, the unrepentant Nazi anti-Semite, Soros is the most obvious, are out to accomplish what Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Mao, and Castro tried and failed to do. They want to impose a worldwide, totalitarian state, with them as the new hereditary ruling class, and us as the peasant labor. They want to create a paradise for themselves with only 1 billion people, as opposed to the current 7.6 billion. That means that 6.6

Anti-Trust Time

“Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…”. The salient terms here are “Congress shall make no law”. The meaning of “abridge” at the time it was used in the 1st Amendment to the Constitution was “to deprive”. Thus, even though the actions by Internet giants Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other blatantly leftist social media corporations in censoring conservative content – read: pro-American, pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-traditional values, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-Trump, etc. – clearly deprive us of our freedom of speech, the actions are constitutional, since the perps are companies and not Congress. Though these self-proclaimed arbiters of what is acceptable to say or discuss are depriving the majority of Americans – and do not doubt me, as R. Limbaugh says, we ARE the majority – of a venue to speak out, they are not included in the language of the 1st Amendment, and therefore, not covered.

We are faced with a similar problem in regard to the “mainstream” media. Technically, TeeVee “news”, both networks and cable, MSN, Yahoo, The Hill, Politico, all the failing “newspapers”, etc. are “the press”. Interestingly, the amendment has no definition of what “the press” is. If we applied the reasoning the idiot, double-standard left tries to apply to the 2nd Amendment, that the Founders meant only the muskets in use in the late 1700s, then TeeVee, radio, the Internet, and all news transmitted in any way, shape, or form other than ink on paper, including news sent by the far-left Associated Press, by telephone, telegraph, or fax, would not be covered.  Hmmm…In any case, this so-called modern press is free to make up the most outrageously libelous and seditious lies and slander on a daily basis, without fear of curtailment or legal repercussions. Conundrums, indeed.

So, what can be done to stop this usurpation of freedom of the flow of information, this imposition of fascist brainwashing, social engineering, indoctrination, and propaganda on us? Time to follow the advice of trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt. Since in terms of mass communications we can only speak softly, let’s use our anti-trust laws as our Big Stick, and beat these fascists silly.

A salient fact that we all need to be aware of is that only six – repeat, six – mega-corporations own 90% of all newspapers and TeeVee networks and stations. Clearly, they all group-think in leftist lockstep, with the exact same buzz words and phrases mouthed and printed across the board. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have done an excellent job of putting together montage after montage of the media spewing identically worded Democrat talking points, night after night, day after day. The stranglehold that these fascist corporations have on our media needs to be broken. They are clearly making it difficult, if not impossible, for people with ideas other than the ones they force upon us to compete with them. There is obvious collusion among them, and a quick look at the practices covered by anti-trust laws shows that if one substitutes ideas and knowledge for money and profits, the tech giants and the media giants have broken just about every one of them.

It would be amusing, if it were not symptomatic of the cultural degeneracy that the left has created in America over the last 50 years, that the fascists they so hysterically and self-righteously claim to oppose, are the very ones who fund them, give them their talking points and marching orders, and fill their empty skulls full of pie-in-the-sky utopian fantasies that have zero basis in reality. These fascists, of whom George, the unrepentant Nazi anti-Semite, Soros is the most obvious, are out to accomplish what Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin, Mao, and Castro tried and failed to do. They want to impose a worldwide, totalitarian state, with them as the new hereditary ruling class, and us as the peasant labor. They want to create a paradise for themselves with only 1 billion people, as opposed to the current 7.6 billion. That means that 6.6 billion of you deplorables, you bitter clingers, you children of the Barack and Michelle’s All Powerful Government, have got to go. The scary part is that this has been a stated goal of the left for decades, has never been revised or amended, and has largely been ignored by those of us they want to exterminate. It also underlies and permeates everything that happens on Google, Facebook, Twitter, the TeeVee networks, the New York Times, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.

I truly believe that President Trump is serious about wanting to clean out the corruption that is rotting America from within. The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Repeat: The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Time to put the anti-trust laws to work protecting the American people from our Enemies Within.


billion of you deplorables, you bitter clingers, you children of the Barack and Michelle’s All Powerful Government, have got to go. The scary part is that this has been a stated goal of the left for decades, has never been revised or amended, and has largely been ignored by those of us they want to exterminate. It also underlies and permeates everything that happens on Google, Facebook, Twitter, the TeeVee networks, the New York Times, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.

I truly believe that President Trump is serious about wanting to clean out the corruption that is rotting America from within. The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Repeat: The Attorney General and the Justice Department are part of the Executive Branch, of which he is the head. Time to put the anti-trust laws to work protecting the American people from our Enemies Within.



Many traditional civil libertarians have allowed their intense hatred of President Trump to erase their longstanding commitment to neutral civil liberties and equal justice for all – a dangerous move that threatens the rights of us all.

The anti-Trump forces are now so desperate to get the president convicted of a crime or impeached that they are prepared to compromise the most basic due process rights of the president and people associated with him who are caught up in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ever-widening Russia probe and a related investigation of the president’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

The Trump opponents forget an important lesson of history: compromises that weaken the legal protections of our enemies are often used as precedents to weaken the legal protections of our friends – or of ourselves. Some of President Trump’s most vocal opponents might themselves be harmed in the future by the erosion of legal protections they are advocating for the president and his associates today.

Too often, today’s fair weather civil libertarians are unwilling to give President Trump – who they regard as the devil – the same legal rights that all Americans are entitled to.

Consider the issue of criticizing Mueller. Trump opponents view any criticism or even skepticism regarding Mueller’s past conduct as illegitimate – grounded not in fact, but simply motivated by a desire to help the president stave off allegations of collusion with the Russians to win election and allegations of obstruction of justice.

But no one – including Mueller – has the right to immunity from criticism or examination of his or her past record.

Mueller has a long record. He was an assistant U.S. attorney in Boston and the head of that office’s criminal division. He was later the head of the criminal division for the Justice Department and director of the FBI. His tenure in law enforcement paralleled the most scandalous miscarriage of justice in the modern history of the Boston FBI.

While Mueller was in positions of responsibility, four innocent people were framed by the FBI in order to protect mass-murdering gangsters who were working as FBI informers while they were killing innocent people. An FBI agent who is now in prison was tipping off organized crime boss Whitey Bulger as to who might testify against him, so that these individuals could be killed. The FBI agent also tipped off Bulger about his impending arrest, allowing him to escape and remain on the lam for 16 years.

What responsibility, if any, did Robert Mueller – who was in key positions of authority and capable of preventing these horrible miscarriages of justice – have in this sordid incident? Only a thorough and objective investigation will uncover the truth.

A former member of the Massachusetts Parole Board – a liberal Democrat who also served as mayor of Springfield, Massachusetts – swears that he saw a letter from Mueller urging the denial of release for at least one of these wrongfully convicted defendants. When he went back to retrieve the letter, it was not in the file, he says.

I see no reason to doubt his credibility.

This vanishing letter – if it existed – should surprise no one, since Judge Mark Wolf (himself a former prosecutor), who conducted extensive hearings about this entire mess, found there had been “recurring irregularities” in FBI record-keeping conduct involving Bulger, including possible “FBI misconduct.” And the judge made a finding that directly references Mueller’s state of knowledge regarding the “history.”

It is therefore not beyond the realm of possibility that Mueller wrote a letter to the Parole Board that kept one or more innocent men in prison – even if such a letter is no longer in the files. If Mueller wrote such a letter without thoroughly investigating the circumstances, he surely bears some responsibility.

Moreover, it is widely believed among Boston law enforcement observers that the FBI was not really looking for Whitey Bulger during the years that Mueller was its director. It is believed that the FBI was fearful about what Bulger would disclose about his relationship with FBI agents and other law enforcement officers over the years. It took a member of the U.S. Marshals Service to find Bulger, who was hiding in plain view in Santa Monica, California.

Recently a former federal judge, who used to be a civil libertarian, rushed to Mueller’s defense, declaring “without equivocation” that Mueller “had no involvement” in the massive miscarriage of justice. Her evidence is the lack of evidence in the files.

But absence of evidence is not conclusive evidence of absence, especially in this case.

No civil libertarians should place such great trust in government files, especially in light of Judge Wolf’s findings. They should join my call for an objective investigation by the inspector general of the Justice Department before they assure the public “without equivocation” that Mueller had absolutely “no involvement.”

But these “Get Trump At Any Cost” partisans have rejected my call for an investigation, out of fear that it may turn up information that might tarnish the image of the Muller and weaken his investigation of President Trump. Instead, they criticize those of us who point out that Mueller was at the center of the Justice Department and FBI, while this miscarriage of justice involving the four wrongfully convicted men occurred.

All civil libertarians should want the truth about this sordid episode – and Mueller’s possible role in it – regardless of its impact, if any, on the Trump investigation. Mueller also should welcome an objective investigation, which might eliminate any doubt about his role in this travesty. But too many former civil libertarians are prepared to sacrifice civil liberties and the quest for truth on the altar of “Get Trump.”

This is all too typical of the about-face many civil libertarians have taken since Donald Trump became president. I have previously written about the ACLU’s abdication of its traditional role in challenging governmental overreaching. For the new ACLU, getting Trump trumps civil liberties.

It is ironic to see many right-wingers being the ones to criticize overreach by law enforcement, while many left-wingers now defend such overreaching. Hypocrisy and selective outrage abound, as neutral principles take a back seat.

Conservatives used to say that “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.” I would respond that “a liberal is a conservative who is being audited or whose kid was busted for pot.” Today a civil libertarian is a conservative whose candidate is being investigated, while a law-and-order type is a liberal who wants to see President Trump charged with a crime or impeached.

I am a liberal who did not vote for Trump, but who insists that the president’s civil liberties must be respected to protect the civil liberties of us all. Just as the first casualty of war is truth, so, too, the first casualty of hyper-partisan politics is civil liberties.

Alan M. Dershowitz is Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus, at Harvard Law School and author of, “Trumped Up! How Criminalization of Political Differences Endangers Democracy,” which is now available. Follow Alan Dershowitz on Twitter: @AlanDersh Facebook: @AlanMDershowitz.


Its inevitable, no matter how calm a human seems to be, one can never tell about the inner rage that churns inside them. These individuals can be triggered by an external or internal force, attacking unsuspected victims in an instant and at random to boot. That is the nature of the beast. That being said it should be no surprise of the recent rundown in Toronto.

Names and places may change, but the perpetrators are in most cases the same. To them living in a world with Western Values is anathema to their way of thinking. They have a burn inside that must be satisfied. It will never change. Living a happy life or to see others live one causes a deranged mind to turn to vengeance. We have seen them in action, from Columbine to Sandy Hook to Parkland, mentally unfit to be of any use to society, some of these individuals were shielded by loved ones, others fell through the cracks and still others known to police who failed to ascertain the threat first hand.

It is up to all of us to recognize the dangers that exist in today’s multi cultural society. We can no longer be silent; it is incumbent upon us to be vigilant and take action when necessary.  Intervening before it is to late is a chance we can’t take.


Montes had left his wallet in a friend’s car, so he couldn’t produce his ID or proof of his DACA status and was told by agents he couldn’t retrieve them.” First of all who leaves a wallet with DACA status in a friends car. Go to Russia, get stopped by the police without identification and you are jailed for life. Lame excuse; never had DACA status. Check the picture of his relatives home – looks like a palace. Most Americans would give their right arm to live in such a place. Supposedly he suffered a brain injury in his youth and despite those challenges, he made it through special education courses and graduated high school in 2013. We paid for it, most likely at $50,000 per year cost, say $250,000 or more. He claimed that papers signed by him were not understood; then why did he sign them? “da”. 

 He lived with his mother and a younger brother, who was born in the U.S. and, thus, is a citizen. His mother did not want to be named or reveal her immigration status. Mother is also a criminal illegal who dropped an anchor baby. This must be addressed by the Supreme Court ASAP. Believe us when we tell you that this story is not unique, but typical of the illegal scum denigrating our country. 

And his rap sheet! How many Americans have been stopped three times for driving without a license? How many Americans have been arrested for shoplifting? Very few. 


First protected DREAMer is deportedunder Trump

Federal agents ignored President Trump’s pledge to protect from deportation undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children by sending a young man back to his native Mexico, the first such documented case, a USA TODAY examination of the new administration’s immigration policies shows. Oh wait, four convictions, one for shoplifting and three motor vehicle offenses – driving without a license. We have a criminal here in the making.

Juan Manuel Montes, 23, speaks in a relative’s home in western Mexico after he was deported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Feb. 17, 2017.

After spending an evening with his girlfriend in Calexico, Calif., on Feb. 17, Juan Manuel Montes, 23, who has lived in the U.S. since age 9, grabbed a bite and was waiting for a ride when a U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer approached and started asking questions.

Montes was twice granted deportation protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by President Barack Obama and left intact by President Trump.

Montes had left his wallet in a friend’s car, so he couldn’t produce his ID or proof of his DACA status and was told by agents he couldn’t retrieve them. Within three hours, he was back in Mexico, becoming the first undocumented immigrant with active DACA status deported by the Trump administration’s stepped-up deportation policy.

“Some people told me that they were going to deport me; others said nothing would happen,” Montes told USA TODAY in his aunt and uncle’s home in western Mexico where he’s been staying. “I thought that if I kept my nose clean nothing would happen.” He asked that the exact location of their home be withheld.

Since taking office, Trump has followed through on his campaign pledge to crack down on illegal immigration by signing executive orders to step up enforcement against the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. The new policy calls for expanding the criteria for detaining and deporting undocumented immigrants and hiring thousands of new agents.

Yet Trump declined to revoke the DACA protections Obama had granted to more than 750,000 undocumented immigrants, repeatedly saying he had a soft spot for these young people who are leading productive lives and have few, if any, ties to the countries of their birth.

“They shouldn’t be very worried,” he told ABC News in January. “I do have a big heart.”

Even so, DACA enrollees are being targeted by immigration authorities.At least 10 are in federal custody, according to United We Dream, an advocacy organization made up of DACA enrollees and other young immigrants.

The group’s advocacy director, Greisa Martinez, who has DACA protection, said Montes’ case is proof that people like herself are at risk despite what Trump said.

“We’ve seen Trump and (Department of Homeland Security Secretary) John Kelly say, ‘The DACA program is alive and well.’ We’ve seen (House Speaker) Paul Ryan look straight into the eyes of one of our members and say, ‘You have nothing to worry about,'” she said. “And then this happens.”

Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday it could not discuss Montes’ case because of the department’s privacy policy.

After USA TODAY published the story, the Department of Homeland Security — which had refused a request for comment for 24 hours — said it could not confirm details of Montes’ deportation. Spokeswoman Jenny Burke said the department had no record of him renewing his DACA status after it expired in 2015, even though Montes’ attorneys provided a copy of his work authorization card that showed his DACA status was valid through 2018.

A group of attorneys filed a lawsuit in federal court in California on Tuesday requesting that a judge force Customs and Border Protection to release details of the agent’s encounter with Montes.

Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, part of Montes’ legal team, said it has requested information for months but has gotten no response.

“Even in this administration, because of Trump’s comments about loving these people, the integrity of the government’s promises are at stake,” Hincapié said. “How does an immigrant family today know that this is not going to happen to them?”

Read more:

The shy Montes was never a poster child for the DACA program. He wasn’t his high school’s valedictorian or a prominent advocate for fellow DREAMers.

He suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child that left him with learning disabilities that meant a constant struggle to keep up in school and everyday conversations, according to Hincapié. Despite those challenges, he made it through special education courses and graduated high school in 2013. He started taking welding classes at a Southern California community college and paid for it by picking crops in California and Arizona.

He lived with his mother and a younger brother, who was born in the U.S. and, thus, is a citizen. His mother did not want to be named or reveal her immigration status.

Court records show he has four convictions: one for shoplifting in January 2016, and three for driving without a license, most recently three months ago.

Those convictions are not serious enough to disqualify him from DACA protections, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the federal agency that approves DACA applications.

Montes received renewed DACA protections in January 2016, which keeps him enrolled through 2018. That is why Montes was confused when he was approached by the federal officer in February.

“They detained me, they took me to a center, they asked me a lot of questions, and I signed a lot of papers,” he said.

Montes said he couldn’t understand anything he was signing and was not given any copies. Officers walked him to the U.S.-Mexico border and released him into Mexicali.

There, he found a friend who put him up for the night. He called another friend, who drove across the border to return his wallet and bring fresh clothes. Then things got worse.

Montes said he was jumped from behind, mugged and beaten. At that point, he decided he needed to get back home. He saw some people using a rope to climb over a section of the border wall and joined them. He was quickly captured by federal agents, questioned again and deported again.

Burke, the DHS spokeswoman, said the department had no record of Montes being arrested and deported from California as he described. Instead, it only had a record of him being caught after climbing the wall on Feb. 19.

Last week, the department suspended publishing weekly reports on cities it accused of failing to cooperate with federal deportation efforts because it acknowledged the reports had been riddled with errors.

Today, Montes has reconnected with his estranged father and works in a gas station and a tortilla mill. But he’s counting the days until he can return to the U.S. and continue building his life.

“There I worked and studied at the same time. I only had six more months to finish (my studies),” he said. “I liked it there more than here.”



The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.

This is not some accidental association. Ms. Abedin was, for many years, listed as an associate editor of the London-based publication and wrote for the journal while working as an intern in the Clinton White House in the mid-1990s.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

A Saudi government document inspired by Ms. Abedin’s father explains the concept of “Muslim Minority Affairs,” the title of the Journal Mr. Abedin founded, and its goal to “establish a global Sharia in our modern times.”

Simply put, Huma Abedin worked for thirteen years as part of an enterprise whose explicit goal was to conquer the West in the name of Islam. No wonder the Clinton campaign wants to sweep this issue under the rug.

Mrs. Clinton has sometimes referred to Huma Abedin as her “second daughter.” Whether it was because of their close relationship or for some other reason, Mrs. Clinton has done much to further the Muslim Brotherhood agenda while Secretary of State, and can be counted on doing more as president.


A pathetic (CLICK)Democrat goes brown pants failing to answer the question of “why is the DNC bringing a suit for collusion against the Republicans, Wikileaks and the Russians for collusion in the 2016 election.

Click here to listen to another pathetic individual complicit with the DNC collusion regarding the hiring of GPS Fusion in employing another criminal by the name of Steele to provide a fake Dossier in an attempt to frame Trump. Yes, we are speaking about Charles Schumer. But no mention of Hillary Clinton who by the way is above the law and destroyed evidence, washed her disk drive, murdered four of our best soldier who showed valor under attack; the same Hillary Clinton who gave 20% of our uranium to the Russians. Again the same Hillary whose husband put a gun to Loretta Lynch’s head to squash the investigation into his wife.

And how about the laws the Clinton campaign broke when shoveling money through various PACs who channeled the donations to local Democrat entities that in turn returned the favor by sending the same amount back to the DNC run by Clinton.

But don’t forget the ongoing Jim Comey comedy hour, a tragic individual with a megalomaniac personality, who gave Hillary a free pass because she was careless. This is the same excuse he will use on himself when leaking top secret information to the press via his Harvard professor buddy.


Why the Authoritarian Right Is Rising

 American Renaissance

Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, April 20, 2018

“[Hungarians] don’t want to become a minority in their own country.”

A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country’s constitution.

To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news.

For the bete noire of Orban’s campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban’s commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence to the European Union, and to fight any immigrant invasion of Hungary from Africa or the Islamic world.

Why are autocrats like Orban rising and liberal democrats failing in Europe? The autocrats are addressing the primary and existential fear of peoples across the West—the death of the separate and unique tribes into which they were born and to which they belong.

Modern liberals and progressives see nations as transitory—here today, gone tomorrow. The autocrats, however, have plugged into the most powerful currents running in this new century: tribalism and nationalism.

The democracy worshippers of the West cannot compete with the authoritarians in meeting the crisis of our time because they do not see what is happening to the West as a crisis.

They see us as on a steady march into a brave new world, where democracy, diversity and equality will be everywhere celebrated.

To understand the rise of Orban, we need to start seeing Europe and ourselves as so many of these people see us.

Hungary is a thousand years old. Its people have a DNA all their own. They belong to a unique and storied nation of 10 million with its own language, religion, history, heroes, culture and identity.

Though a small nation, two-thirds of whose lands were torn away after World War I, Hungarians wish to remain and endure as who they are.

They don’t want open borders. They don’t want mass migrations to change Hungary into something new. They don’t want to become a minority in their own country. And they have used democratic means to elect autocratic men who will put the Hungarian nation first.

U.S. elites may babble on about “diversity,” about how much better a country we will be in 2042 when white European Christians are just another minority and we have become a “gorgeous mosaic” of every race, tribe, creed and culture on earth.

To Hungarians, such a future entails the death of the nation. To Hungarians, millions of African, Arab and Islamic peoples settling in their lands means the annihilation of the historic nation they love, the nation that came into being to preserve the Hungarian people.

President Emmanuel Macron of France says the Hungarian and other European elections where autocrats are advancing are manifestations of “national selfishness.”

Well, yes, national survival can be considered national selfishness.

But let Monsieur Macron bring in another 5 million former subject peoples of the French Empire and he will discover that the magnanimity and altruism of the French has its limits, and a Le Pen will soon replace him in the Elysee Palace.

Consider what else the “world’s oldest democracy” has lately had on offer to the indigenous peoples of Europe resisting an invasion of Third World settlers coming to occupy and repopulate their lands.

Our democracy boasts of a First Amendment freedom of speech and press that protects blasphemy, pornography, filthy language and the burning of the American flag. We stand for a guaranteed right of women to abort their children and of homosexuals to marry.

We offer the world a freedom of religion that prohibits the teaching of our cradle faith and its moral code in our public schools.

Our elites view this as social progress upward from a dark past.

To much of the world, however, America has become the most secularized and decadent society on earth, and the title the ayatollah bestowed upon us, “The Great Satan,” is not altogether undeserved.

And if what “our democracy” has delivered here has caused tens of millions of Americans to be repulsed and to secede into social isolation, why would other nations embrace a system that produced so poisoned a politics and so polluted a culture?

“Nationalism and authoritarianism are on the march,” writes The Washington Post: “Democracy as an ideal and in practice seems under siege.” Yes, and there are reasons for this.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people,” said John Adams. And as we have ceased to be a moral and religious people, the poet T. S. Eliot warned us what would happen:

“The term ‘democracy’ … does not contain enough positive content to stand alone against the forces you dislike—it can be easily be transformed by them. If you will not have God (and he is a jealous God), you should pay your respects to Hitler and Stalin.” Recall: Hitler rose to power through a democratic election.

Democracy lacks content. As a political system, it does not engage the heart. And if Europe’s peoples see their leaders as accommodating a transnational EU, while failing to secure national borders, they will use democracy to replace them with men of action.


James Comey and his memoir are tripping the media light fantastic, though what’s defined that trip so far is its lack of news. Mr. Comey explains the many and varied ways that he does not like President Trump. Mr. Comey explains the many and varied ways that he does like himself. Tell us something we don’t know.

People forget that directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation — by necessity — are among Washington’s most skilled operators, experts in appearing to answer questions even as they provide pablum. Yet the publicity tour rolls on, which means that upcoming interviewers still have an opportunity to do the country — and our profession — a favor. Here are a few basic questions Mr. Comey should be expected to answer:

You admit the Christopher Steele dossier was still “unverified” when the FBI used it as the basis of a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. Please explain. Also explain the decision to withhold from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the dossier was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

You refer to Mr. Steele as a “credible” source. Does the FBI routinely view as “credible” sources who work for political operatives? Did the FBI do any due diligence on his employer, Fusion GPS? Were you aware it is an opposition-research firm? If not, why not?

Keep reading Kimberley Strassel’s column in the Wall Street Journal.


 POSTED: APR 19 2018 03:25PM CDT

FOX NEWS – In an executive order signed Wednesday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo granted some 35,000 paroled felons the right to vote.

The move by the second-term Democrat came after state Republicans blocked a bill in the state Senate.

“I’m unwilling to take no for an answer,” Cuomo said at the annual convention of the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network in New York City. “I’m going to make it law by executive order.”

Cuomo said that nearly three-fourths of parolees in New York are black or Latino, and allowing parolees to vote will help them to reconnect with the community.

But Republicans disagree and already started pouncing on Cuomo over the new measure. Republican Senate Leader John Flanagan said Wednesday that the order was bad public policy and could potentially be illegal because the governor ignored the Legislature.

Ed Cox, chairman of the state Republican Party, in a statement, called the directive an “outrageous power grab” in a bid to appeal to “radical primary voters,” according to the New York Times.

Cuomo is facing an energized Democratic primary challenge from “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon, who has repeatedly attacked the governor from the left and for failing to support minorities in the state.



CNN star Chris Cuomo (CLICK) took to Twitter and belittled a viewer’s concerns about illegal immigration on Monday, asking, “Who teaches you guys this tripe?”

The social media thread started on Sunday when Cuomo wrote, “Honest question: how is wanting to help dreamers become citizens, being anti-American citizens?” A user responded, “When you put those who have entered the US illegally before US citizens. Remember that the government cannot give anything to someone that it hasn’t taken from another.”

The anti-Trump Cuomo didn’t appreciate the comment and responded to his 1.2 million followers, mocking the comment as “tripe” and dismissing someone simply for having opposing viewers.




Andrew CuomoDaily News Cuomo

CUOMO’S LATEST DIATRIBE IS RED STATES AGAINST BLUE STATES. CUOMO CALLS IT ECONOMIC WAR! Robbing Blue States from deducting State and local taxes (over $10,000) from their income tax returns. The facts are these, TAXES IN BLUE STATES ARE GOING NUCLEAR BECAUSE OF UNION OBLIGATIONS. However, 88% of the people who deduct state and local taxes (SALT) earn over $100,000 per year.  Please don’t shed a tear for them; due to our generosity, we will send Cuomo a box of Kleenex.