Tag Archives: Morsi


Erdogan, the devil incarnate, a Muslim Brotherhood stalwart, has now turned Turkey into a Radical Islamic State. Nationalization of the press, suppression of free speech, eliminating suspects, including elitists, intellectuals, poets, imans, foreigners, including everybody who does not tow the word of allah or support his autocratic rule.

Blaming the coup on an old guy living in the Pennsylvania woods, demanding the United States turn him over or else is the most bizarre accusation, but expected from someone with limited mental capacity. Turkey is now run by the same thugs that toppled Egypt’s Morsi. One thing stands out here, Turkey is a member of Nato. Obama has not weighed in on the Turkish situation because, like Erdogan, Obama is a secret member of the Brotherhood.

Remember his reaction when the General al-Sisi interrupted Morsi’s reign of suppressing the freedoms of its citizens. Obama went beserk, stopped military aid, halted imports and pulled our Diplomatic core. This did not happen in Turkey and we know why. Obama is one of them. obamamaskisis