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Give them MORE money, a breather of sort, to get their act together, and what do they do, spit in your face, blame you for their fate and when you are not looking tell you to shove it where the sun don’t shine.  So that is the thanks the EU Central bank gets for loaning the Hellenistic leaches $290 billion. The story is about to culminate in a bloody climax soon pitting austerity vs socialism.

After years of tough budget cuts, Greece’s economy is emerging from recession but the radical left Syriza party is leading in the opinion polls. Its leader says “austerity will be history” if Syriza wins on 25 January. The Syriza leader told supporters that the vote had marked the “end of the regime that sank the country into poverty, unemployment, grief and desperation.”  German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said there was “no alternative” to structural changes.

Bailouts put the squeeze on the budget cheats, the socialist cookers of the books, now they want to return to their paper hanger ways. Audacity from a bankrupt nation that has little bargaining power. A word to their bankers, learn from past mistakes, don’t throw good money after bad. With a 25% unemployment rate, an economy in tatters, most citizens looking for a free meal and most of all a country which is sinking faster than the Titanic ever did. Time is to let them hit rock shoals where the birds of prey will gladly carve up what remains.

The government of Greece employs 41% of the working populations. They enjoy benefits only a CEO could dream of. The root of the problem is the condoning of deficits by political liberals who enjoyed the good life at the top of government year after year, winning elections as long as they kept the spigots open. Sounds similar to politicians here in the United States.