Tag Archives: Ten Commandments


With Obama leading the band on politically correctness Christians have no chance in dictating the message. Do not be mistaken by the lies coming from the liberal progressive cabal. Those lies infer that the country was not born on the Judeo-Christian ethich, but were free of a state sponsored religion. Truth be told, the country was born on a strict moral code reflecting the biblical truths that orthodox Christians hold dear; this includes those of the Jewish faith. Don’t be misled by today’s Romans.

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

Notice the word “respecting” which according to the  Merriam-Webster dictionary means “considering“. In (click here for more details) Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the Court drew on Founding Father Thomas Jefferson‘s correspondence to call for “a wall of separation between church and State”, though the precise boundary of this separation remains in dispute.

Let there be no mistake about it the Founding Fathers adhered to the Christian faith in some way or another, they believed in the Ten Commandments, but most of all were men of morals. Washington took his oath of office with an altar bible borrowed from the St. John’s Lodge No. 1, Ancient York Masons lodge in New York and he kissed the Bible after taking the oath of office. Subsequent presidents followed suit, up to and including Harry Truman, but Dwight D. Eisenhower broke that tradition by saying his own prayer instead of kissing the Bible.

As time progressed many citizens were offended by symbols of Christianity, suits were brought, regulations changed and symbols removed. Additionally, courts have ruled that any form, be it words, statutes or verse be removed from public property. These courts have desecrated the foundation of the United States and the principles which it stands for.

We see the results today, foreigners with a different culture have been invited into our country with a religious zeal of hate. This hate has been instilled in them from birth; “infidels are to be killed or forced to convert.”

We are concerned that the majority of today’s Christians are pacified. They have rolled over without a fight, watching the principles they stand for tarnished to no end. We are not saying that Christian should be promoted by government, but we are saying is that the principles of Christianity should be the guiding light going forward without government interference.

We might ask why are the Ten Commandments place so often on court houses, schools, public places if it were not for instilling a strict moral code on its citizens?

Our country is at war, one that we are losing. Unless the Judeo-Christian ethic is once again vigorously promoted the United States, the moral leader of the free world, will lose, if it has not already done so, its preeminent status in the world.

One salient point, sending children to parochial schools saves the taxpayer $10,000 at a minimum per child and people had the audacity to question the subsidy for school bus transportation. What nerve.