Gun grabbing RINO John McKinney suffered a fatal blow in Connecticut’s Republican primary at the hands of Tom Foley; setting up a rematch with the gun grabbing Governor Malloy.
For those of you aren’t familiar with John McKinney, he believes that the state’s citizens should pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens. He believes that citizens don’t have a right to defend themselves, he believes that the average citizen is not fit to make decisions regarding their own future. Those are the reasons McKinney was soundly beaten.
The stage is set this time for the main event. The polls favor Foley who lost by a measly 6000 votes four years ago. Since then the Connecticut economy has turned into the nation’s laughing stock. The $1.5 billion in new taxes are hard to swallow by most of the state’s citizens, Democrats included; but the real bombshell will be felt in 2016 because of the pending $2 billion dollar deficit. If Malloy is reelected tax increase of monumental proportions are in the cards. Foley on the other hand is expected to ax many of the state’s excesses.
We can’t wait to turn Connecticut RED.
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