Scott Brown has won the New Hampshire Republican primary. He will face of with an Obama rubber stamp in November.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
President Obama and his self hating liberal friends want no other than to give the Kiss of Death to White America. He is following the examples of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia and South Africa. Two apartheid nations guilty of enslaving the local majority population. Like a King, the master of the kingdom, the white rulers were seen as worse than slave owners. After the whites were displaced from power it did not take long for both countries to fall into the abyss. Today they resemble nothing of their former self sinking into oblivion on the spear of Black Power; mind you that this shibboleth only has one connotation, the people are the subjects to the rulers who hold the power mostly at the point of a gun.
On to America, one by one they coming marching in; from Mexico through the Rio Grande, on planes from Europe, China and Latin America, from the Muslim levant, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, Iran and Syria. Illegals make it here and are provided with the accoutrements of desire for free. What was a luxury in their home country is common place here. For instance, the best health care, schooling, housing (heat in the winter, indoor toilets and other amenities) and “O” did we mention and Obama phone becomes the gift to the border invader. This is the plan all along, saturate the country with millions while the liberal throngs of do-gooders embrace a new cause where they can bring progressive energy to the plight of the downtrodden at the same time accumulating more to their cause.
By not holding people responsible for their own lives the progressive machine has unleashed a segment of the population against those in power – angry white men who make the rules, control the money and punish the little guy. And as day turns into night the liberal diatribe become vitriolic causing more moochers to join their cause. “Don’t tread on me” are now words coming from the leach. Community activists, think “la Raza” raise hell at every chance they get.
The Mexican flag flew over a crowd of pro-amnesty marchers in New York. Marches like this across the U.S. have been supported by the “La Raza” movement. (Reuters/Seth Wenig)
Behind the respectable front of the National Council of La Raza lies the real agenda of the La Raza movement, the agenda that led to those thousands of illegal immigrants in the streets of American cities, waving Mexican flags, brazenly defying our laws, and demanding concessions.
With all of that being said a counter to the illegal masses is no where to be found because this will involve picking a fight which will lead to violence. And that is the crux of the matter. Illegals, especially the illegal Hispanic/Latino, are more apt to commit crimes than American citizens.In 2007, Latinos accounted for 40% of all sentenced federal offenders—more than triple their share (13%) of the total U.S. adult population. As the above chart fully illustrates almost 75% of the crimes committed by Hispanics are committed by illegal Hispanics. In other words they bring their culture to our shores. Look no further south than the drug lords that control many Mexican cities. And that is a big problem for us here in America.
Soon, central cities will be in the control of the Mexican and Latino gangs of Latin America. That is Obama’s plan all along. Proof is in the pudding. There is no call for controlling the hood which is the same mirrors the non existing plan for controlling our borders. With all of that being said, we are not adverse to Hispanic or Latinos, but emphasize that to emigrate to America and be accepted they must come to America by legal means and culturally assimilate; to the vast majority they have done that, but to condone those who come by the Rio Grande is not helping their cause. Because of that we are facing insurmountable problems in the days and years ahead. that’s for sure as the third world awaits us on the home front.
Last but not least we would be remiss not to mention the demands of the Muslim community; a mosque on every corner, Sharia law takes precedent over the Constitution and State laws. Special prayer rooms for the faithful. An example of not assimilating was put to the test in France where the Burqa was forbidden in public. Will we follow their example? Stupid question.
Eric Holder, an anti American if there ever was one, a race bating criminal, says illegals under 18 to have the right to counsel on our dime.
“the other party has been captured by an ideological, rigid, uncompromising core that ignores science, is not particularly interested in facts, in not particularly interested in compromise, but is interested in having its own way 100 percent of the time – and that way, in large part, includes dismantling so much of what has created this incredible middle class and this incredible wealth here in America.”
100% own way – no compromise, How the hell did we get 17 trillion in debt if there was no compromise? dismantling what has created – This country was built on Capitalism not Socialism, look around and you see what capitalism built, look to Venezuela and Cuba and you will see what Socialism destroyed. ignores science – like the Global warmer zealots who cheated, lied, distorted, changed, propagandized and deleted their results to match unfounded theories that did not support their predicted conclusions.
not interested in facts – 97 million people are on the government dole, 11 million illegal aliens are eating our lunch, inner city schools are failing their constituency, Syria lost, Egypt lost, Ukraine lost, Iraq lost, those are facts. incredible middle class – destroyed by the Obama socialist machine by wiping out middle class jobs this past five plus years; companies burdened by Obamacare, EPA stifling regulations and lack trust in Obama. Where is the OK for Keystone XL, 20, 000 middle class jobs in waiting. ideological core – and Obama’s henchman, Harry Reid, uncompromising, insulting and preventing legislation on Obama’s orders.
Has a Republican President ever talked the way Obama has? Class dividing (click for the list) race baiter (old list-Sharpton is not on it, Obama was number 4 back in 2005 – we should have seen himcoming) if there ever was one. And still there are some Americans that believe what he says.
November 4 is around the corner, we don’t have to tell you who to vote for because the almost six years of Obama are enough. Every Democrat running has the face of Obama, they all voted for Obamacare and are running faster than hell to get away from their record. Don’t let them fool you. Send them to their political grave once and for all.
During Thursday night’s California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English.
Brown, who recently said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were “all welcome in California,” praised his administration’s immigration policies. He said that California is “setting the pace” on immigration laws and mentioned bills he signed that gave driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, made California a sanctuary state (Trust Act), and granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants (CA DREAM Act). Brown then said that these policies were necessary because “about 30%” of schoolchildren in California are “either undocumented or don’t speak English.”
A California Immigrant Policy Center report found that there are 2.6 million illegal immigrants in California (or 26% of all immigrants) while illegal immigrants make up nearly 10% of the state’s workforce, including “38% of the agriculture industry and 14% of the construction industry.”
According to The New York Times, 28% of Californians were born outside the United States in 2012 and, according to Pew Research, “Latinos make up nearly 40% of the state’s population and have made California ‘only the second state, behind New Mexico, where whites are not the majority and Latinos are the plurality.'”
Governor Chris Christie of the Garden State was flush with taxpayer’s cash, went “all in” throwing good money after bad in Atlantic City. The results, four casinos were swept away, not by the Atlantic waves, but by the winds of time. A metaphor for other do-gooders, mostly of the liberal bent who continue to throw billions upon billions into public education. It just doesn’t work – stupid is stupid.
Perhaps the next stop for Governor Christie is Las Vegas, the city of dreams. A guy by the name of Adelson, knows a little bit about winning after all he owns the Sands, most likely will tell Christie that the way to win is to know when to walk away from the table.
Looking forward to 2016, Christie has to face the facts, his state is facing a 7% unemployment rate, Atlantic City’s rate is approaching 15%, Newark is in Detroit class and citizens are picking up and leaving before more of their savings are confiscated by big government. Can anyone imagine a Christie presidency? What would you have, Obama light.”
The Revel, the most recent casino, cost $2 billion and change folded up like a cheap suit. This was Christie’s biggest gamble, one where he said that Atlantic City is back. Actually, the casino industry in Atlantic City had their back up against the wall for the past decade.
Revel’s next door neighbor also folded, the Showboat is no more. The Trump Plaza crapped out closing its doors after the Miss America Pageant on September 16. What is left are the memories. Perhaps the collapse of Atlantic City’s icons are a good thing, less places to lose your money means spending on things you need may jump start the economy.
When will those who gamble on casinos creating jobs realize that bottom line “that casino and all forms of gambling are not net job creators.
The old saying goes like this, “if you tell a lie so many times you will start to believe it yourself.” And to a politician of the Democrat stripe, this not only goes for them, but they have indoctrinated many Americans and the news media that this is true. The latest examples are the IRS scandal and Benghazi.
For instance, the administration pushed out Susan Rice to brief the public that the terrorist attack on our Benghazi embassy was triggered by a film. Funny thing was no one saw the film or even heard of it. As the story matriculated so did the lies. Hillary Clinton, a wanna be liar in chief, then said the film was responsible for protests around the globe; not embassy specific. Again questioned about the killing of Ambassador Stevens, Clinton resorts to obfuscation when she admonishes the listeners that the attack was spontaneous and we did not have assets on the ground to neutralize the attack. Now it has come to our attention that we did have assets on the ground only one mile from the compound, but their mission was delayed by a CIA command. Who will you believe, the political distortion of the Obama administration or the men on the ground? More to come on Fox Saturday night.
Women are always a good subject, brow beaten over and over again in every election. You heard the allegations, Republicans are against women’s health, Republicans are for paying women lower wages, Republicans have a Muslim philosophy when it comes to women preventing them from breaking through the glass ceiling. This is a lie of a gargantuan portion. When it comes to women’s health we are all on board, but the Democrats persist by saying women should be free to have an abortion. Dissecting these unfounded allegations is a lot easier than the procedure most abhor, but most feel that sometimes an abortion is necessary to protect a women’s health. Only the left wing agitators and far right religious zealots, the triumvirate of Obama Reid Pelosi constantly beat the drums on this subject. Enough already. And this week the Democrat party head Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said that Governor Walker gives women the back of his hand. A disgusting comment later retracted, but without an apology and with it the same lying allegations continued. Vitriolic diatribe dished out under the guise of the same old mantra.
One of the largest lies is that the Republicans will make you breath poisonous air, drink contaminated water. This is the most preposterous of allegations one can imagine. Every Republican is for clean air and potable drinking water. Republicans are fisherman and most of all they love open space, big sky type country, clean rivers and uncontaminated fish. Another blasphemous and unfounded allegation. What the Republicans are against are unrestrained regulations and unnecessary burdens that prevent economic progress. Think Keystone XL.
Turning swords into plowshares. Year right; Obama has done a good job at that. The world is now in chaos. The libs have opened up jails and all hell has broken loose. We don’t hear much about Egypt right now – the General has decimated the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama didn’t like having the Muslim Brotherhood outlawed; he said it was undemocratic, coup d’etat. Iraq and Syria are being burned to the ground by a barbaric Muslim caliphate condoned by Obama. Not standing ones ground as we should have unleashed a world wide enemy hell bent on our destruction. Obama has given them the key and invitation to plunder and wreck carnage throughout the Muslim world. Vladimir Putin has stared Obama down in the Ukraine conflict. As the country shudders under today’s lying administration we watch impatiently as Rome burns.
What more evidence do we need to understand the threat that exists to our very survival and way of life than the daily warped vision of the Obama et al administration. Expect more of the lies going forward because it is US against them. And we are a mortal threat to the multitude of lying naysayers who threaten our freedom and liberty.
The al-Shabaab network of Somalia suffered a devastating blow when their leader Ahmed Abdi Godane was incinerated by a United States hellfire missile. Godane was on the United States most wanted list being responsible for the Narobi Kenya mall attack that left 67 people dead.
The hit was reminiscent of the Israeli smoking of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Although wheelchair bound, Yassin posed an immediate threat to Israel. Cremated by an Israeli missile eliminated that threat. Yassin, the co-founder of Hamas was responsible for many suicide bombing.
Target killings put the leaders the world terrorist organizations on notice that they are always in the sights of their enemies.
The Ferguson, Missouri crowd rage, the Murietta protest against the illegal alien dump, Attorney General Holder playing the race card, President Obama’s pronouncement of whitee’s guilt before a trial are just a few examples of the underlying cultural dichotomy simmering beneath the surface. In the days, months and years ahead the probability of a major cultural class type of warfare is assured. There is a common denominator here, not the least of which highlights the problem. Those who seek knowledge and learning, the law abiding citizens who built America who came from many countries are now in a fight for their common culture. Communities of moochers and ghettoized cities where its inhabitants are told that their plight in life is the fault of others breeds animosity to the boiling point.
The education gap continues to grow easily highlighting society’s fracture obviously the blame can be placed on the inbred liberalism of the education industry, the kind practiced by Democrats and many Republicans alike. For forty years trillions of dollars have gone down the education sewer pit without any tangible results. Black and Hispanic students are much more likely than white students to fall behind in school and drop out, and much less likely to graduate from high school, acquire a college or advanced degree, or earn a middle-class living. A growing problem if there ever was one.
A whole section of society bears the truth that a society without a common culture will soon collapse under its own wait. Weak leaders who fail to address the problem are the provocateurs of the coming cultural war where cities will be trashed at random. Once this nuclear reaction begins the only defense against the onslaught is individual armaments. Holding up in ones home while waiting for the police to arrive is only a hope and prayer.
ISIS easily provides a blue print. Only a few thousand believers in jihad marched through Syria and Iraq uncontested. In Ukraine, Russians had the Ukrainian army on the run with one shot of a Kalishnikov. It is often the case where the fire fighter lets the building burn because there is little chance of saving it. We are now at that point. ” Take America back” is a shibboleth of the Tea Party, but more important it is a target for the progressive divider – Democrat.
“Take America Back” to what they say, to Jim Crow is their answer. This has a racial connotation, tainting the Tea Party as heathens when that is the farthest from the truth. We must overcome the naysayers to succeed. Our message needs to come across. Individual responsibility with limited government was the philosophy of our founding fathers; certain segments of our country despise that philosophy, they are to be our focal point. Their leaders must take responsibility for the uncivilized beings they harbor.
America can be great again if we as Americans bring together a coalition of like minded individuals from all nationalities to focus their efforts on why a cultural problem exists and what plan of action is needed to reverse the trend. Without a plan we will disintegrate before the 21st century comes to a close. Just pay a visit to any major city and you will not only get a glimpse of the third world you will experience it first hand. Those who inhabit this space are easily recruited for the jihad with the sole purpose to destroy America; for them killing is their means to an end of total domination.