The Pope, back from the terrorist supported nation of Turkey had a few words to say:
The pontiff denounced people who say that “all Muslims are terrorists”.
“As we cannot say that all Christians are fundamentalists,” he said.
Our Pope better wake up quick. True that all Christians are not fundamentalists, but the problem lies that the fundamentalist aren’t blowing up people. What matters is that Islam nations relish the deaths of Christians and Jews; where Christian societies embrace people from different back grounds.
By now everyone knows that the Pope has been breaking bread with the Turkish number one suicide bomber in an interfaith outreach. Tayyip Erdogan is guilty of savagely liquidating all Christian churches; guilty of Christian genocide; the facts are these, only and we repeat only 80,000 Christians remain in in a country of 80,000,000. Turkey was once the home of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome. Hagia Sophia, built in 532, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world is now a museum. Can anyone imagine if the Israelis turned the Al Aqsa mosque into a synagogue or museum. 
Yet the Pope enters not the Turkey of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the builder of a secular nation, but the country of an Islamic fascist who by deed has turned the country into his ISIS private domain. There is no middle ground here, reconciling is out, pay homage with Islamists or face the death sentence. The Pope, a man of peace, is not what we need today. Peace in the Middle East is a forgotten word, replaced in 633 when Muhammad began his campaign to kill all non believers, the infidels. Islam defines Infidels as everyone who is a non believer; they must pay hommage to Allah or be killed.
In Egypt, Turkey, the territories, Syria, Iraq, Iran, you name it, Christians are fodder for terrorists. Uprooted from their homes, raped, murdered and killed while the Christian world turns cheek. If it is not now, when? Christians the world over must avenge the terrorists with force. Peace to Islamists is when everyone else is dead. Does the Pope want this to happen on his watch?
Speaking at the presidential palace on Saturday, Pope Francis underlined the importance of religious freedom for everyone. “It is essential that all citizens – Muslim, Jewish and Christian – both in the provision and practice of the law, enjoy the same rights and respect the same duties,” he said in a joint press conference with Erdogan. What kind of words are these in a world at war with Christendom? “Religious Freedom for everyone, Muslims have religious freedom the world over, but to give Christians and Jews religious freedom is only a mirage. This is not about religious freedom it is about world hegemony. Listen up Pope, soon your beloved Italy will be a Muslim state. Open your eyes to reality.
What should have happened but did not is a Muslim outreach to the Pope at the Vatican. It is about time for the Grant Mufti of Turkey to wash the Pope’s feet. Not in our life time will we see this happen. A bit of advice to the Pope, “MAY A PIECE BE WITH YOU.”