[VIDEO] An Islamic Salafi Classroom in the UK
Warning: (Click FOR VIDEO)Sensitive material. Violent intolerant concepts being taught to minors.
This is likely a Salafi teacher. Why that matters at the bottom as described by Nicholas Nassim Taleb
The first reaction of many people educated in the West after seeing something like the above is disbelief. That is the liberal side of you living in false hope there is no evil in the world. The side of you that believes in relativism and that we cannot know the absolute. It does not want to judge. It forgets that just because we cannot know absolute hate, does not mean it does not exist. To you my liberal friend, I say this. Hope and denial are different sides of the same coin.
The first reaction of many others in the West is anger and a desire to stamp out this atrocity. That is a conservative orthodox side of a person that thinks it has the right to correct that which it hates with more hate. That killing the person responsible for this will fix the problem. No, it will only fan the flames. And if it doesn’t and the crusader wins, what will be the cost in lives, lost culture and generations of healing.
I do not pretend to know the right answer. But we must acknowledge that evil exists and that even Ghandi had a point where he would take up arms. Everyone does.
Conversely we must know that while defending ourselves is at some point unavoidable in a cause we determine to be righteous, the line to which we are moved to cross in defense of innocent lives is not easily known.
Personally, I felt both feelings when viewing the above. The disbelief and the rage both were felt deeply.
- Disbelief- “This must be fake”- but I don’t believe so. Assume it is real
- Rage- “This woman must be stopped at all cost”- on who’s authority do I claim the right to do so and define all cost
Ignorance and hate exist in the world. We are not advocating reciprocal hate against Muslims. We are deeply saddened that these children are being inculcated into a hateful black and white world before they can even reason. Then when they begin to function as rational human beings, they are slammed even more with pseudo reason. Christianity had its dark ages and may be headed in that direction again if the polarization of Islamic youth continues.
– Vince Lanci
Nicholas Taleb on Fundamentalist “Religions”
A definition of Salafi as commonly understood is in order first.
Salafis are fundamentalists who believe in a return to the original ways of Islam. The word ‘Salafi’ comes from the Arabic phrase, ‘as-salaf as-saliheen’, which refers to the first three generations of Muslims (starting with the Companions of the Prophet), otherwise known as the Pious Predecessors.
And the main thrust of Taleb’s point addresses this misconception
FTA:The problem with the European Union is that the naive I.Y.I. (intellectuals yet idiots) bureaucrats and representatives of the talking “elites” (these fools who can’t find a coconut on Coconut island) are fooled by the label. They treat Salafism as just a religion –with its houses of “worship” — when in fact it is just an intolerant political system, which promotes (or allows) violence and refuses the institutions of the West –those that allow them to operate. -NNTaleb
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I was just telling my friend about that.