The 2018 shootout at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Big guns were ablazing with one man left standing.

His bluff was called, an empty chamber resulted in this CAVE MAN shooting himself in the foot.

“Start packing” are the words of America’s toughest sheriff.

“Big win for Republicans as Democrats cave on Shutdown,” Trump tweeted, after he kept a low profile during the weekend. “Now I want a big win for everyone, including Republicans, Democrats and DACA, but especially for our Great Military and Border Security. Should be able to get there. See you at the negotiating table.”


Vice President Pence speech to the Knesset yesterday in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem

Thank you Vice President Pence.


History of the 1948 war between Israel and the surrounding Arab states provides an answer to today’s conflict.  Transjordan, under the Hashemite ruler Abdullah I, gained independence from Britain in 1946 and was called Jordan in 1949. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelisresisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt. Saudi Arabia sent a formation that fought under the Egyptian command.

There had been tension and conflict between the Arabs and the Jews, and between each of them and the British forces, ever since the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1920 creation of the British Mandate of Palestine. British policies dissatisfied both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs’ opposition developed into the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine, while the Jewish resistance developed into the Jewish insurgency in Palestine (1944–1947). In 1947 these ongoing tensions erupted into civil war, following the 29 November 1947 adoption of the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which planned to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

As a result of the war, the State of Israel controlled both the area that the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 had recommended for the proposed Jewish state as well as almost 60% of the area of Arab state proposed by the 1948 Partition Plan,[18] including the JaffaLydda and Ramle area, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel-AvivJerusalem road, West Jerusalem and some territories in the West Bank. Transjordan took control of the remainder of the former British mandate, which it annexed, and the Egyptian military took control of the Gaza Strip. At the Jericho Conference on 1 December 1948, 2,000 Palestinian delegates called for unification of Palestine and Transjordan as a step toward full Arab unity. No state was created for the Palestinian Arabs.

The Jordanian annexation of the West Bank was the occupation and consequent annexation of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) by Jordan(formerly Transjordan) in the aftermath of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.During the war, Jordan’s Arab Legion conquered the Old City of Jerusalem and took control of territory on the western side of the Jordan River, including the cities of JerichoBethlehemHebron and Nablus. At the end of hostilities, Jordan was in complete control of the West Bank.

The conflict triggered significant demographic change throughout the Middle East. Around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes in the area that became Israel, and they became Palestinian refugees in what they refer to as Al-Nakba (“the catastrophe”). In the three years following the war, about 700,000 Jews immigrated to Israel with many of them having been expelled from their previous countries of residence in the Middle East.

Following the December 1948 Jericho Conference, and the 1949 renaming of the country from Transjordan to Jordan, the West Bank was formally annexed on 24 April 1950.

The annexation was widely considered as illegal and void by the international community. A month afterwards, the Arab League declared that they viewed the area “annexed by Jordan as a trust in its hands until the Palestine case is fully solved in the interests of its inhabitants.”Recognition of Jordan’s declaration of annexation was only granted by the United KingdomIraq and Pakistan.

Jordan transferred its full citizenship rights to the residents of the West Bank, the annexation more than doubled the population of Jordan.The naturalized Palestinians enjoyed equal opportunities in all sectors of the state without discrimination, and they were given half of the seats of the Jordanian Parliament.

After Jordan lost the West Bank to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War, the Palestinians there remained Jordanian citizens until Jordan decided to renounce claims and sever administrative ties with the territory in 1989.



•  that the Arabs of Palestine have no language, religion or general culture that distinguishes them significantly from the Arabs of Jordan, Syria (where some factions still claim Palestine as part of “Greater Syria”) or other neighboring Arab states;

•  that especially before the 20th century, traditional Palestinian society was semi‑feudal in its structure and organized around loyalties to locality and tribe, not nation;

•  that the Arabs of Palestine never exercised national sovereignty in the country in which they lived;

•  that a pattern of Arab emigration from Palestine, a land often described by Western travelers in the 18th and 19th centuries as “desolate” and “empty,” was reversed, especially after World War I, not by nationalist feeling but by the employment opportunities and improved quality of life that accompanied Zionist immigration and land development;

•  that the word Filastin, as the country is called in Arabic, is not Palestinian‑Arab in origin (the Arabs of the region rarely used it before 1948) but refers to the biblical “Philistines,” whose name the ancient Romans gave to the country in an attempt to obliterate the Jews’ connection to it;

•  that even UN Security Council Resolution 242, which in 1967 called upon Israel to return “territories” it had conquered in the Six‑Day War, referred only to “refugees” without mentioning the Palestinians as a separate national entity.

In other words, it can be argued that “Palestinian” identity is a shallow political veneer that developed in response to Zionism, that it serves today as a hostile tool kept sharpened for use against Israel, and that Palestinian Arab culture is, at most, a “dialect” of a larger Arab culture.

Even fervent Palestinian nationalists might not deny many of the items on the above list. But they would argue that the absence of a totally unique identity does not disqualify Palestinians from claiming national independence, any more than the lack of a separate language, culture and religion disqualifies Guatemala, Canada or Tunisia.

Though Palestinian society still remains partly focused on clan and tribe today, it is also evident that the Arabs of Palestine have in recent generations moved largely toward understanding themselves as a separate nation within the Arab world.

The earliest imaginings of a separate Palestinian national identity are traceable to the mid-19th century, perhaps partly in response to renewed Western interest in the “Holy Land.” As early as 1919, the first “Arab Palestinian Congress” called for Palestinian unity and independence, albeit still understanding Palestine as part of “Greater Syria.”

But it is the year 1948 — the time of naqba, or catastrophe, as Palestinian Arabs commonly call it– that marks the crucial watershed in the process of Palestinian nation-building. During Israel’s War of Independence against invading Arab armies, some 600,000 Arabs were dispossessed from their homes and became refugees. Not only individuals but embedded social patterns and relationships were uprooted, causing traumatic societal and cultural discontinuities. A society that had been centered on family, locality and traditional social patterns felt itself shattered.

Worse, the same predicament befell it again less than 20 years later in the aftermath of the Six‑Day War, which created many new refugees and saw the West Bank and Gaza Strip transferred from culturally cognate Jordanian‑Arab control to unfamiliar Israeli‑Jewish rule.

Throughout the Palestinian world, and especially in the refugee camps of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank, as the established social classes and patterns were unexpectedly shaken up together, a new social essence began to ferment, with the old local and communal affiliations becoming transmuted into a national one by a sense of shared history, suffering and hope.

Since 1967, the Arabs of Palestine have increasingly insisted on a separate identity for themselves.  Even many Israeli Arabs, torn by ethnic loyalties and perhaps radicalized by decades of ethnic conflict, now routinely refer to themselves as “Palestinians with Israeli citizenship.”

The Palestinians have also had “peoplehood” conferred on them by prevailing international usage, including 30 years of UN resolutions identifying them as a people and recognizing them (despite strong American and Israeli objections) as having “inalienable rights” to sovereign independence.  “Palestine” now exists as a partial political entity with its own passports, postage stamps, international calling code and internet domain name.

As the Palestinians move toward defining their identity as a nation, what is still unclear (and under debate) is exactly where that nation’s homeland is–whether in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, perhaps confederated with Jordan or Israel; or in Jordan itself, of which two‑thirds of its population is ethnically identical to the Arab population west of the Jordan River. Finally, many Palestinian militants still argue that Israel itself is a suitable future homeland.


The last couple of months have revealed what is at play here. First of all we find the government (FBI and DOJ) is filled with Democrat operatives who have taken it upon themselves to subvert the freely elected President of the United States. We find that a dossier, commissioned by Hillary Clinton, utilized fabricated hearsay and planted evidence that was then presented to the FBI as fact. This set in motion an investigation which had the objective to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump.

However, as we shall see this has backfired. With the fabricated and planted information, the FBI was able to obtain permission based on false evidence to start a FISA probe of the TRUMP TOWER.  Trump was correct, his phone was bugged.

Republican lawmakers ignited a firestorm late on Thursday after they received a classified memo that documented extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act click (FISA) abuse that officials described as “explosive” and “absolutely shocking.”

Sources who viewed the FISA memo told journalist Sara A. Carter that they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates. The sources predicted that it most likely will lead to senior-level government officials at the FBI and DOJ being removed from their positions.

A senior government official who viewed the document and could only speak on the condition of anonymity, since the document is classified, told Carter:

The document shows a troubling course of conduct and we need to make the document available, so the public can see it. Once the public sees it, we can hold the people involved accountable in a number of ways … some of these people should no longer be in the government.

Another official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that they will “get this stuff released by the end of the month.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who viewed the FISA memo, told Fox News that he thinks government officials are headed to prison based on the information contained in the document.

“I think that this will not end just with firings,” Gaetz said. “I believe there are people who will go to jail. You don’t get to try to undermine our country, undermine our elections, and then simply get fired.”


The whole pretext is wrong. Think about this – you had – I’m convinced now – the FBI actively seeking with intent – actively trying to stop Donald Trump from being President of the United States,” Jordan told Starnes.

He was referring to a treasure trove of text messages written by investigator Peter Strzok – referring to an “insurance” policy. Watch the entire interview above.

Last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) called for the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller.

“We are at risk of a coup d’etat in this country if we allow an unaccountable person with no oversight to undermine the duly-elected President of the United States,” Gaetz said Wednesday in remarks deliver on the House floor. “And I would offer that is precisely what is happening right now with the indisputable conflicts of interest that are present with Mr. Mueller and others at the Department of Justice.”

Jordan said he was very concerned that the “insurance policy” might have been dressing up the dossier and turning it into an intelligence document and taking it to the FISA court to obtain a warrant to spy on Americans.


The disaster that afflicted Puerto Rico brought to the fore a mindset that existed for decades in the Rich Port. This manifestly behavior in the Commonwealth from the top down has been outed large subsequent to the devastating cane. What is that mindset? Handouts, handouts and more handouts. Puerto Rico has been living off the good nature of the United States for a century; Puerto Rico is a failed welfare state, Puerto Rico is Venezuela without oil. Puerto Rico is a Cuban state, run by communists who believe that a government run socialist state will benefit the majority of its citizens.  Puerto Rico is a sink hole sucking in our money that has disappeared quicker than a lost vessel plying the Bermuda Triangle.

Map of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico’s history reflects the Spanish conquistadors who savagely enslaved imported Africans to toil in the fields picking cane. A mix of culture ensued and in 1899 the United States acquired Puerto Rico at the end of the Spanish American war.  Residence do not pay federal income tax on Puerto Rican income.

The islands debt climbed to $70 billion at a time with 12.4% unemployment at the start of 2017.  On May 3, 2017, Puerto Rico’s financial oversight board in the U.S. District Court for Puerto Rico filed the debt restructuring petition. By early August 2017, the debt was $72 billion with a 45% poverty rate. Great, a 45% poverty rate! How could this be after the United States has sent hundred’s of billions of dollars to Puerto Rico over the past fifty years? Where did the money go? Who is responsible for the larceny? There is no accounting for the lost funds. 

In late late September 2017, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico causing devastating damage. The island’s electrical grid was largely destroyed, with repairs expected to take months to complete, provoking the largest power outage in American history. The result of the debt crisis and hurricane caused 250,000 Puerto Ricans to flee the island and head to the mainland. Florida and New York was their destination.

Puerto Ricans are blaming President Trump for the fact that two weeks after Hurricane Maria, their island is still a mess: power outages, flooding, fuel shortages, spotty cell service, washed out bridges, roads blocked by fallen trees. But who is really to blame for the island’s paralysis?

Consider this: Puerto Rico has a population of only 3.4 million but their elected government has run up a debt of over $70 billion and pension obligations of $50 billion. That’s more than $35,294 per resident and over 100 percent of GDP. Puerto Rico has already defaulted on a $58 million bond payment in 2016, due to its already-high taxes and unwillingness to cut government spending. It fell into crushing debt despite the $21 billion annually the island receives in aid from the United States, much of it spent on welfare programs such as Head Start, public housing, and food stamps. That’s over $6,000 per capita in federal welfare that the islanders consume.

Have we said enough? 


Two examples will bring to the fore the perverted thinking of the liberal progressive mindset and what they have in store for America. Your neighbor, Mr. Liberal Progressive, despises you. Why? Because you are a Republican, a proponent and believer of the Constitution, a believer in freedom of the press, freedom of religion and your right to bear arms. Your beliefs are sanctimonious, but anathema to the criminal progressive gutless swine.

These beliefs are at odds with the Mr. Progressive agenda. So what do they do about it?  They make a call to the local police department alleging that their Republican neighbor has an arsenal stored in their basement, stocked with thousands of rounds. He also feel intimated because they wear camouflage clothing on the weekends. But that is not all, he is threatened by your F-150, the gun rack visible in the rear window. He pretends that he is at risk and calls the local police department sprouting out false allegations; a terrorist lives next door.

The police come in full SWAT mode.   Doors to the house broken down with a battering ram. No search warrant mind you. They find nothing! Not even a water pistol. With Mr. Liberal Progressive in charge scenes like this will be ubiquitous across America; think Stasi, think Europe under Communism.Emblem Stasi.svg It has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies to have ever existed

However, let us reverse the above scenario. An honest citizen of the Republican vent calls the police,  informs them that their neighbor Mr. Liberal Progressive is running a sanctuary for illegal aliens; some of them murderers, drug pushers, rapists and gang members. They answer you with a swift rebuttal. “Call ICE”.  We are a sanctuary city, didn’t you know. These people are welcome into our community with open arms.  Local police do nothing and the Liberal Progressive lawyer, who by the way came out of the woodwork, represents these criminals in court. Your harboring neighbor gets a stay, not withstanding that two of the rape perpetrators have warrants outstanding. But the story gets worse from here. These illegals have been sent back numerous times returning over and over again with welcome arms. Case closed.

So now we move on from your neighborhood to the country as a whole. The reports do not make front line news, but they are everywhere. Criminal Latin American gangs threaten neighborhoods, cities and the country. Honest, law abiding citizens are afraid to rat on them because it is they who could be next. The previous administration sanctioned them, failed to take action and encouraged them to violate the laws of our country. These criminals have spread their diseases in all 50, threatened once peaceful neighborhoods. Courts, infiltrated by their own kind, have gone to great lengths to bring our country down.

Years of Democrat judicial appointments have caused our Constitution to be trampled on with dispatch. The Trump administration is fed up with a judicial system of political appointees whose opinions reflect not the law but their convictions. America must rise up and defeat these criminals. The Supreme Court said Friday that it would take up a challenge to the latest version of President Donald Trump’s travel ban. Oral arguments will be heard in April. In a two-sentence order, the court said it will consider questions concerning whether the ban violates immigration law as well as the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

Our country is being held hostage by a minion of psychotic Democrats. Those who value illegals above American citizens. Senator Schumer,  is leading the opposition.  The Schumer Shakedown is demanding succor for the Dreamers (illegal aliens) favoring them instead of  law abiding U.S. citizens, our military, our borders, our rights. It is up to us to, the Patriot, to take action and vote out these criminal infiltrators who are guilty of sedition by aiding the enemy.

Corey Lewandowski, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, slammed Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention on Saturday. Lewandowski argued that by shutting down the government, Schumer and the Democrats put illegal aliens ahead of those who “serve our country.”

Lewandowski argued, “This Schumer Shutdown we have, you know what it has done? It has put non-U.S. citizens in front of our military. It has put people who are here illegally as more important than people who have come here legally and serve our country every day.”


Where do you live? Simple question asked every single day by millions of people. However, sometimes the question goes unanswered. . “Dalit” is an Indian term to describe people who are untouchable. A caste lower than dirt itself.  In a report a few years ago, the New York City–based Human Rights Watch (HRW) detailed the practice of “manual scavenging” — the collecting of excrement from latrines by hand. The job is done by those considered to be of the lowest birth. These Dalits, or untouchables, often face threats of violence, eviction and withheld wages if they attempt to leave the trade. Now that is what we call working in a shithole. Who would think that in the land of Gandhi and Buddha that some societies still live in the past.

On the other hand, going from the microcosm to the macrocosm there are sections of many cities in addition to areas of many countries that deserve the definition of Dalit. Some who may disagree, but that is their discretion. Without naming names to protect the guilty we will leave it up to you, our reader, to come to your own conclusions.

Taking advantage of the TPS program is headline news. Those who were given succor because of various catastrophes in their home country should be gratified for their stay here, but no they are on the warpath. After 20 years of being exposed to American culture they do not find it gentlemanly for being asked to leave. But the law is the law and their stay here must end. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of offspring born here during their stay.

But another salient question in today’s debate, is why illegals don’t want to go back to their home country? Is it because, truly that the place they came from was not the Shangri-la! But the sun rises and sets and the truth be told; those who came from a foreign country and with criminal intent to boot, border jumped onto our precious soil must pay the price for their crime, which is to be sent back where they came from. They are criminals from the word go; there are no two ways about it. We don’t have sympathy for them, why should we.



The diminutive saber rattler head of Turkey talks big, but the U.S will soon make him back them up and walk big. What brings us to this conclusion? Two fold, first of all this Muslim Brotherhood anti U.S., Jew hater, Israel basher demands the United States stay out of the Syrian north (Afrin). A demand that will fall on death ears.

Imagine a neutered steer up against a bull; no contest. As we have posted in the past concerning this Napoleon wannabee, we soon will see the bull converted to a steer (a steer is a bull without the cajones) by the KURDS coalition forces. We look forward to it. Threatening the United States on more than one occasion has tested our patience. Now he threatens us large.

Syria war: Turkey denounces US ‘terror army’ plan for border

Key powers involved in Syria’s civil war have criticised US plans to help an allied Kurdish-led militia set up a 30,000-strong “border security force”.

Turkey’s president vowed to “suffocate” efforts to begin training members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and create what he called a “terror army”.

(click)Ankara considers Kurds fighting for the SDF to be part of a terrorist group.

Syria’s government decried the “blatant attack” on its sovereignty, and Russia warned it could lead to partition.

With the help of air strikes from a US-led coalition, the SDF has captured tens of thousands of square kilometres of territory from Islamic State (IS) militants.

In October, the alliance took full control of the northern city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the “caliphate” declared by the jihadist group in 2014. Since then, SDF fighters have been advancing south-eastwards along the Euphrates river valley.

The coalition said on Monday that its goal was to create a force with about 30,000 personnel “over the next several years”. About half will be Kurdish and Arab SDF fighters and the other half new recruits.



We have previously addressed the suicide bomber who rules Turkey; a wild man with an iron fist rule. A trouble maker consistently fanning the flames of all those who hate Islam. A Muslim miscreant, he has now drawn the wrath of Germany and the Netherlands. How? by calling Netherlands policy of stopping Turkish rallies a Nazi tactic. Germany is aghast, Merkel was shocked that the term Nazis was used. In fact the Nazi is Erdogan, he is guilty of stifling free speech, jailed thousands, firing hundreds of thousands of judges, police, military, imams, foreigners, intellectuals, elitists and the usual suspects; he shut down the free press and demand the United States hand over Fetullah Gulen.

Turkey is now run by the same thugs that toppled Egypt’s Morsi. One thing stands out here, Turkey is a member of Nato. Obama never weighted in on the Turkish situation because, like Erdogan, Obama is a secret member of the Brotherhood.

Remember his reaction when the General al-Sisi interrupted Morsi’s reign of suppressing the freedoms of its citizens. Obama went berserk, stopped military aid, halted imports and pulled our Diplomatic core. This did not happen in Turkey and we know why. Obama is one of them.  But now Trump rules – he is not about to bow to Allah. 

NATO and the United States looks the other way when it is to their advantage, Turkey is strategically located enabling NATO and the U.S. coalition to use Turkish airspace; Turkey needs to be fore warned that their place in history will be dictated by their actions against the NATO countries and their diplomatic transgressions. For instance their sending weapons to the Palestinians aboard the MV Mavi MarmaraIsrael intercepted the MV in international waters during its voyage to Gaza. Fighting erupted and 9 members on the MV were killed.

Click here for Israel and the KurdsCould this be the reason why Erdogan hates Israel.

The Kurds and Kurdish-speaking Yezidis are once again caught in the grip of the Sunni-Shia vice · Against this background and often isolated, their special relationship with Israel stands out for the good: military advice, equipment and training are only some of the ways Israel has helped the Kurdish struggle for independence · “They only have trust in Israel,” says Brigadier General (res.) Tzuri Sagi, the man who led the Kurds to their stunning victories against Iraq in the sixties and seventies.

Erdogan has unleashed a tirade on the Kurds who make up a substantial number of citizens living in Turkey – approximately 20,000,000. Turkey is afraid of them breaking away. Kurds in Turkey and Iraq have defended themselves against outside forces, particularly the Iraqi shias and the pro-Assad forces.

In the latest act of incitement Erdogan spews vile from his rabid mouth that Israel is “playing with fire” concerning their actions on the Temple Mount.  However, Erdogan fails to mention the real crime against humanity is the actions regarding the Hagia Sophia. Once the center of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome.

From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as a Greek Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.Hagia Sophia Mars 2013.jpg

In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque.[9][10] The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaics depicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.

Before the world pays attention to this Turkish imbecile they must demand that the Hagia Sophia be restored to its rightful place in history. It is noteworthy to remind those Christians that Turkey once 100% Christian is now outnumbered by Muslims, 80,000,000 to less than 200,000. this is a manifestation of the treatment Christians receive in the Muslim world.



In cased you missed it there was a little action yesterday in Hawaii Five-0.  No, Detective Captain Steve McGarret (Jack Lord) was nowhere to be found.  “Book ’em, Danno!” is now echoed from those who want an arrest made.

What was all the hullabaloo about? Well, nothing more than an emergency message by the Hawaiian emergency management agency telling everyone to hunker down because a missile was headed their way. Hawaii Five-O Title Screen.pnghawaii missle alert false alarm

How can something like this occur? Click here to listen for the most idiotic excuse ever. Is this guy for real? Democrats are to blame. Trigger happy Democrat Pushed the wrong button! “It is my fault”, who is this guy? Good thing he wasn’t president

BTW President Trump was teeing up on the golf course when he heard the news. Therefore he could not be to blame. No problem there? However, the populace in Hawaii went into a frenzy; it wasn’t Japan this time sending the message to President Trump but North Korea.  “FALSE ALARM” went out a few hours later, well it seemed like it. No need to get into the trivial matter of time.

It was a mistake by an employee at Hawaii’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA) who “pushed the wrong button” during procedures that occur during the handover of a shift.

Mobile phone users received the message at 08:07 (18:07 GMT): “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

The alert was corrected by email 18 minutes later but there was no follow-up mobile text for 38 minutes, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports.

The alert system is in place because of the potential proximity of Hawaii to North Korean missiles.


This takes us back to the “War of the Worlds” broadcast in 1938.

Orson Welles causes a nationwide panic with his broadcast of “War of the Worlds”—a realistic radio dramatization of a Martian invasion of Earth.




President Trump on Sunday argued again that Democrats and their demands — not him or fellow Republicans in Congress — have throttled negotiations to provide permanent legal protection for young illegal immigrants and made clear that any such deal also must end the United States’ lottery-immigration program.

“DACA is probably dead because the Democrats don’t really want it, they just want to talk and take desperately needed money away from our Military,” said Trump, in one of several tweets on the issue of immigration reform and on the related Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program.

The president and Congress are attempting to reach a deal on comprehensive immigration reform as part of a federal spending bill that Congress must pass by Friday to avoid a government shutdown.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was at the meeting with Trump and others. She told “Fox News Sunday” that she didn’t “recall him using that exact phrase” about people coming from Haiti and some African nations, but that he did use “strong language” on the lottery issue.


WHERE IS THE GRATITUDE? We let these people flee a natural disaster and do they thank us? No, they spit in our face. Trump is right, the TPS program has gone on long enough. They say we work hard, pay taxes, are entrepreneurs. Then go back to your country and employ your skills there, build it up, bring the lessons you learned here to your homeland. Oh, you don’t want to do that because you have the good life here.

Because of the grace of our country you were provided safe haven, now is the time to go back to yours. And breaking up the family, you knew when you came here that this was not a remote possibility but a probability. So when reality hits you cry like a baby in soiled diapers. 

The Democrats are on the verge of getting what they asked for, a rock and hard place. Trump submitted a legitimate offer; they will never get a better one, but they rejected it out of hand. The Democrats think they hold the cards, but in reality they hold a Dead Man’s hand. Trump is the President, the Republicans control Congress.

Trump’s position, WALL, the Democrats say NO WALL.  The real story has not been told by the press, but it needs to come out. Forget the shithole controversy, we don’t get into the minutia, but Trump is right, the Salvadorans, Haitians, Hondurans have to go. The bleeding hearts are crying foul. Let’s look at the real story here; only the facts.

The 200,000 Salvadorans are among the nearly 1 million immigrants whose lives in the United States have been upended and set to a deadline under President Trump. The largest group, nearly 700,000 undocumented immigrants who were protected under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, are set to begin losing their temporary work permits in March at the rate of nearly 1,000 per day.

On Monday, however, DHS officials resisted suggestions that the decision by Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was part of a broader anti-immigrant agenda. They described it in narrower legal terms, as a recognition that conditions in El Salvador have improved enough since the earthquakes to no longer warrant the TPS designation.

Others urged Nielsen to consider the approximately 190,000 U.S.-born children of Salvadoran (CLICK)TPS recipients. Their parents must now decide whether to break up their families, take their children back to El Salvador or stay in the United States and risk deportation.

Americans should be outraged at the TPS program. How does our government go against the will of the people. Why weren’t these people sent back fifteen years ago? Additionally the TPS designees proliferated like rabbits. Their offspring numbers over 200,000, who by the way are now U.S. citizens and potential Democrat voters to boot. This should not have happened.

TPS let us down, the law should have been written to exempt citizenship to those under the TPS program. But that is not all, the 200,000 offspring are now U.S. citizens and they have offspring which are not counted. In total the numbers are in the millions. 

But most nonwhite immigrants get on welfare at rates far exceeding that of European immigrants, but this is precisely what we are not allowed to debate. The whole point of the media hysteria is to avoid any discussion of what kind of society Third World immigration brings.


Dick Dubin is a worse than a  mouse. Can you hear him squealing now?

from AMREN:

According to Senator Dick Durbin, President Trump questioned why the United States continues to accept immigrants from “shithole” Africa countries and Haiti. Senator Durbin took it upon himself to leak these comments to the press, which duly reacted with outrage. “Shitholegate” may be the single largest scandal of President Trump’s administration, at least in terms of media reaction.

It is revealing that Senator Durbin felt justified in releasing comments from a private conversation. Such an action, as Senate Republicans have pointed out, show Democrats were never serious about negotiating an immigration compromise.

It is revealing that Senator Durbin felt justified in releasing comments from a private conversation. Such an action, as Senate Republicans have pointed out, show Democrats were never serious about negotiating an immigration compromise.

We don’t even know if President Trump used the exact words Senator Durbin says he did, since no Republicans seem to be backing his account, and the White House has denied it.  What word would you use in describing this  country?



First it was wildfires then torrential rains, now its mud. If the fires weren’t enough, actually those homeowners were the lucky ones because insurance covered their losses, but now the mud flow released from the mountains that were viciously charged by the recent torrent of rain pounded Montecito like never before. Boulders flowed down streets like the running of the Pamplona Bulls.  However, this time insurance companies are not coming to the rescue. Homeowners are left to their own to clean up the mucky mud, that is if they have a house that survived the running of the mud.  california mudslide map danger zone risk areas

Of course global warming and global climate change is to blame. But we know that is not the case. The explanation for California’s abnormal weather is the result of too many pot heads smoking up a storm. They, obviously are to blame for the fires which cause the state to go up in flames; as nature is a self preventive mechanism it released water from above to quell any of the remaining embers. And come to think of it, if climate change is for real, the blame can be placed on the smoke released from the ubiquitous Cheech and Chongs who blanket the California landscape from one end to another.