At the NBTP we often wonder about the mind set of those of the Jewish persuasion; you know, the ones who pull the strings; the ones that control the press, the banks, Congress, the President, the world? Of course this is not true, but it is believed by a whole lot of people, who by their own admission and failures in life need a bogeyman. The antisemitic rants of politicians will never go away until all of those of the Jewish faith are dead and buried. Even if one Jew was still breathing, it would be he who was to blame for whatever ails the world.
But memories fade quick and history often revised, Dr. Salk who conquered polio, Einstein who enabled us to win WW II were of the Jewish persuasion. Millions owe their life to these to eminent scientists. And we guess that many of those antisemitic heads never heard of Haym Solomon. Polish-born American Jewish businessman and political financial broker who immigrated to New York City from Poland during the period of the American Revolution. He was the prime financier of the American side during the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain. Sympathizing with the Patriot cause, Salomon joined the New York branch of the Sons of Liberty. In September 1776.
In August 1781, the Continental Army had trapped Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis in the Virginian coastal town of Yorktown. George Washington and the main army and Count de Rochambeau with his French army decided to march from the Hudson Highlands to Yorktown and deliver the final blow. But Washington’s war chest was completely empty, as was that of Congress. Without food, uniforms and supplies, Washington’s troops were close to mutiny. Washington determined that he needed at least $20,000 to finance the campaign. When Morris ( the newly appointed Superintendent for Finance for the Thirteen Colonies ) told him there were no funds and no credit available, Washington gave him a simple but eloquent order: “Send for Haym Salomon“. Salomon raised $20,000, through the sale of bills of exchange. With that contribution, Washington conducted the Yorktown campaign, which proved to be the final battle of the Revolution
Poll after poll indicates those with the Jewish affiliation have a high preference and share the same philosophy of the socialist progressive. The reason for that was many, but they believed that liberalism would bring a better world in which they would be accepted. And if you look at the make up of the Democrat party many of the Congressmen and Senators are supported by influential Jews – Hollywood is most certainly the quintessential example. But the reason for that is the Jewish community on the whole supported liberal causes and most of the Hollywood set is ultra liberal. Having the media portray Jews in a beneficial light is one of their highest priorities.
Liberal progressives tow the socialist line of higher and higher taxes, welfare for all, food stamps, free food, free energy, free education, free hospital care and free housing for those that don’t work or are on the dole. Our question is why would hard working people of high intelligence relish being taxed to death by those who they politically support? Confusing to us. Do they like to give away their hard earned dollars to the ultimate scam artists, the couch potatoes and their ilk? It is beyond us. Does they feeling sorry for them make them feel good by donating to liberal causes?
Since 1964 when the war on poverty was unleashed, we still have drugs, gang bangers, murders etc. living in our midst. Guess the war on poverty was is a complete failure the the war on drugs went up in smoke. But why do the majority of those with the Jewish persuasion continue to support policy issues which that have backfired in their face for the past 50 years?
Green proposals, some which have been instituted already cost money, lots of money and those in the 1% pay for it in spades, contrary to what the House criminal element suggests that they don’t pay enough. Taxed to death has become the new reality. However, recent events are causing many influential Jews to rethink the socialist green mantra. A seminal moment has arrived and Jews are jumping ship at the sight of land.
Enter the new era brought to you by the liberal socialist delusional Congresswomen who are on record of being racist Jihadist zealots. When there is some sort of bombing or catastrophe affecting a church, synagogue or mosque even a bakery, a pow-wow of the men of the cloth convenes. The Men of the Cloth renounce violence in a come-together show of strength. Priest, ministers and rabbis all sharing the podium renouncing violence.
But questions remain by many if that Muslim Sheikh is a Trojan Horse, showing up to manifest unity, but preaching jihad when leading the Masjid to prayer. The Koran and Hadith says to lie when it suits the followers of Allah and to deceive if it helps their worldly cause; also the Koran says to kill the infidel. And that brings us to the suicide bombers of the NEW DEMOCRAT PARTY.
Suicide Bombers now sit in Congress, elected as Democrats in Minnesota and Michigan. Let us introduce you to them. By the way, Omar is a Somali, the other a Palestinian, elected by the Muslim jihadists who have been allowed to come to the United States from ‘so called war torn countries.’ Mother had seven children.

Embattled congressional freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., once asked a judge to show leniency toward a group of Minnesota men accused of trying to join the Islamic State terror group.
“The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion,” she wrote at the time. “We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to effect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation.”
The nine Minnesota men were facing decades in prison after being accused in 2015 of making plans, including buying fake passports, in an effort to travel to Syria and fight for ISIS, which was at its peak level of activity and held territory in Syria and Iraq.
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar is appointed to the House Foreign Affairs committee despite anti-Israel remarks
The State Department has helped to relocate tens of thousands of refugees from the war-torn African nation of Somalia to Minnesota, where they can take advantage of some of America’s most generous welfare and charity programs.
But the effort is having the unintended consequence of creating an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment that is both stressing the state’s safety net and creating a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups.

Pamela GellerVerified account @PamelaGeller 19h19 hours ago
Neo-Nazi Ilhan Omar goes on antisemitic twitter rant: And Dem leadership rewarded her by giving her a coveted spot on the House Foreign Relations Committee. Sign this petition: …
But Pelosi made her apologize for the anti Israel and Jewish Tropes. However her apology was nothing of the sort; it was something you expect from a Suicide bomber – deception was all it was. And in the end Pelosi stood next to the suicide bomber.
Ilhan Omar apologizes after Pelosi denounces tweet as anti-Semitic
Democrats moved quickly after the freshman lawmaker suggested support for Israel stemmed from campaign donations.
Rep. Ilhan Omar apologized for anti-Semitic comments Monday after coming under pressure from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats.
“My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole,” Omar said in a statement Monday afternoon. “We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize.”
Omar’s statement came after Pelosi and her top lieutenants sharply condemned the freshman lawmaker’s comments and called on her to immediately apologize in what was an extraordinary rebuke of a colleague within their party.
“Congresswoman Omar’s use of anti-Semitic tropes and prejudicial accusations about Israel’s supporters is deeply offensive,” said Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and other party leaders in a statement. “We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments.“
This is the second time in recent weeks Omar has had to walk back controversial comments related to Jews and Israel that were condemned by lawmakers within both parties as offensive and anti-Semitic.
Democratic leaders faced growing pressure to weigh in after the freshman Democrat suggested in a tweet Sunday night that Republican support for Israel is fueled by campaign donations from pro-Israel groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
The other Congresswoman is from Detroit, Michigan, her name is Rashida Tlaib. She was one of 14. Her father worked at Ford plant in Detroit. Don’t forget that Henry Ford was a Jew hater from the get-go. (Click here for the Protocols of the Elders of Zion) Later on he was made to eat his words. Detroit was the stopping off point for many Muslims invited by Ford to work in his manufacturing plants.
Tlaib is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. She and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the first two DSA members to serve in Congress.. Tlaib has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and advocated impeachment. On foreign affairs, she has sharply criticized the Israeli government, called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and expressed support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction campaign to apply pressure on Israel to withdraw from the West Bank settlements.
Tlaib has said she opposed providing aid to a “Netanyahu Israel” and supported the Palestinian right of return and a one-state solution. Tlaib is one of the few members of Congress who openly support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. In January 2019, she criticized anti-BDS legislation proposed by Senators Marco Rubio and Jim Risch. Tlaib argued that boycotting is a right and said that Rubio and Risch “forgot what country they represent”. Tlaib’s comments were criticized by several Jewish groups, including the Anti-Defamation League, which said that “Though the legislation discussed is sponsored by four non-Jewish Senators, any charge of dual loyalty has special sensitivity and resonance for Jews, particularly in an environment of rising anti-Semitism.” In response, Tlaib stated that her comments were directed at Rubio and Risch.[
Wrapping all of this up it is time for those of the Jewish persuasion to face reality. The Democrat party is not the Democrat party of old, but now a antisemitic society of Suicide Bombers. The Jewish lobby worked hard to eliminate antisemitism, from Presidents Truman to Trump they recognized and addressed the old biases and racist slogans. But today, with Jihadists in Congress, who by the way, are plants from the temple of Allah, have surged into the Democrat mainstream with a vengeance.
Will the Jewish voter, philanthropist and their friends see the light and bolt in 2020 and vote Republican. We see no other way. Continuing to vote Democrat is like voting for Hitler. Do they want that?