Democrat operatives, aka apparatchiks in Russian, know no bounds. They will shake down whoever they can, kill at the slightest provocation and enforce the Mafia code. They are ruthless and will not stop until they finish the job. Assassination is the coin of their realm. Pocketing money from all the obvious suspects. For instance Marc Rich was the purveyor of gold bars to Slick Willie; a quid-pro-quo scheme – both schemers by the way. And who can forget Obama shuffling $150 billion to the Ayatollahs of Iran, Muslim to Muslim; and through the back door.
“I have more flexibility.” OPEN MIKE!

And now we of reached the inner circle of Democrat shakedowns. The Hunter Biden Affair. V.P. Joe Biden put the gun – shotgun – to the head of Ukraine’s higher-ups to fire the prosecutor who was investigating the natural gas company that employed Hunter Biden. There are no two ways about it, V.P. Biden got the prosecutor fired. By the way Biden was on the payroll to the tune of $80,000 plus per month. And what did he do? Nada, nothing. This was political corruption at the highest level.
Hunter Biden, drug user, discharged from Navy on February 18, 2014 for failing a drug test that showed cocaine in his urine. In July, 2014, he went to a clinic in Tijuana that provided a treatment using ibogaine, a psychoactive alkaloid derived from the roots of a West African shrub, which is illegal in America.
Rudolph Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer, has also aggressively promoted what he has called the “alleged Ukraine conspiracy” in interviews and on social media. Giuliani told me that, in the fall of 2018, he spoke to Viktor Shokin, Ukraine’s former prosecutor general. Shokin told him that Vice-President Biden had him fired in 2016 because he was investigating Burisma and the company’s payments to Hunter and Archer. Giuliani said that, in January, 2019, he met with Yurii Lutsenko, Ukraine’s current prosecutor general, in New York, and Lutsenko confirmed Shokin’s version of events.
In the current controversy, The Washington Post first reported Wednesday that a whistleblower complaint that has spurred a showdown between the intelligence community and Congress involved a “promise” made by Trump to a foreign leader, now believed to be Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In response on Thursday, Trump tweeted a two-part defense in which he claimed that because he knows calls with foreign leaders are closely monitored, no one should be “dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call.”