With the U.K. election in the news, talk of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s antisemitism has been at the forefront. About 90% of Britain’s Jews believe him to be anti-Semitic and his past statements and actions certainly bolster that.
Yet, it’s not only in Europe that we are seeing a normalizing and mainstreaming of antisemitism. One of the best examples of this is the elevation of Linda Sarsour to prominence within the mainstream media and Democrat political circles. While she claims to be “anti-Zionist,” she’s actually a well traveled anti-Semite who continually pushes terrorist propaganda from the Palestinian perspective.
Take this latest example. A leaked video has emerged showing Sarsour going on an anti-Semitic rant

Reagan Battalion✔@ReaganBattalion
Leaked video: Antisemite @BernieSanders surrogate @lsarsour: “Israel was built on the idea that JEWS are supreme to everybody else.”