Michael Bloomberg the billionaire ventured into the Hood this week, a place he is not familiar with. And guess what happened, he was beaten to a pulp, ambushed by thieves, murderers, killers, robbers and liars – all of them Democrats. The whipping he took was similar to the one that “Lock her Up” took from Donald J. Trump on that infamous day of November 8, 2016. There is a lesson here, “WHAT STAYS IN VEGAS NO LONGER STAYS IN VEGAS.”
So with all of the double talk by “mini mike” it is time to get the record straight. Democrat billionaires are in reality a bunch of autocrats ( a ruler who has absolute power) , Republican candidates are bunch of libertarians (Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power). The difference between them is like night and day.
The Moral question then becomes on November 3, 2020 is the type of country Americans want live by. Is it one ruled by a socialist autocrat or a laissez-faire freedom driven libertarian. We are willing to bet that the majority of Americans will vote for FREEDOM. There is no other choice.

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