Saved by the advice of the President, this perennial (click)Democrat thanks President Trump; then she is censured for leaving the plantation. Reprehensible is all we have to say. Speak your mind, and those still picking White Man’s Cotton will threaten your livelihood, your life, and your 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech.
President Trump on Thursday night shared some advice for U.S. Rep. Karen Whitsett, the Michigan congresswoman who recently survived a bout with coronavirus – only to now face possible censure by some fellow Democrats.
“Should join the Republican Party!” the president wrote on Twitter.Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump
Disgraceful. Should join the Republican Party! https://twitter.com/gopchairwoman/status/1253495197805301762 …Ronna McDaniel✔@GOPChairwomanState Rep. Whitsett nearly died from coronavirus, but because she dared to say something positive about @realDonaldTrump, Michigan Democrat party bosses are effectively kicking her out of the party.
Absolutely appalling.https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/04/23/democrats-plan-censure-lawmaker-whitsett-credited-trump-covid-19-recovery/3010947001/ …39.6KTwitter Ads info and privacy14.8K people are talking about this
Trump was responding to a message posted by Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, who retweeted a Detroit News story reporting that Whitsett was facing a possible rebuke for having said “thank you” to President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence during a recent White House meeting.
The moocher squad is demanding Federal funds for their broken states. Can you imagine these paper hangers have finally run the course; not more counterfeiting. Don’t cry for them Argentina. Cuomo and Company are on the brink. They will have to lay off their Union comrades. What a shame to kick a man when he is down. Truth be told, they should not have been hired in the first place.
Budgets are busted and these governors will pay the full price. We can’t imagine what the savage dogs will do when they get the layoff notices. Think about it, budgets for years have been papered over, cans kicked down the road. Now that the Wuhan Coronavirus has sack wacked these politicians they find themselves between a rock and hard place. What can they do? Raise taxes now? That is or maybe not out of the question.
Get ready boys, the queue is starting to form, all roads point to the south. Talk about a double prong attack. No sales tax revenue, no income tax revenue. These poor suckers will be holding the bag. Nothing left for them is all she wrote. The governors of the Blue States are afraid of their tenure, next election they will see the gate. Not a pretty picture. Bankruptcy is not out of the question. But the states can’t go bankrupt unless allowed to by the FEDS. So RAISING TAXES IS THEIR WEAPON OF CHOICE. Look out below.
The Communist Government is on a propaganda journey, another silk road covering the world with lies, smears, falsehoods and threats. Don’t be fooled by their misinformation campaign. They are demanding apologies for using the word “Wuhan or Chinese” pronouns/adjectives to describe the Coronavirus aka Covid-19. Some countries are literally licking their ass to accommodate them. Why? Because China is their creditor.
Without Chinese money these third world countries will be scraping the bottom of the barrel for another thousand years. But wait, what is the trade off? Countries in Africa and Latin America are paying the price. But how long will they take it? We still don’t know the final tally, but rest assured when the final calculation is tabulated the number of dead will be in the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions. And those effected by the virus will be in the tens of millions. There is no two ways about it.
Take India, they are just getting started with mitigation. Don’t think for one second that they will be unscathed. Check Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela these countries are now in the ramp up stage. Hospitalization and medical initiatives are at a minimum. Again we look at the Chinese accounts, you know, the ones whose figures lie. Does anyone believe their daily communiques? Why should they. Just think that the Xi and his comrades want to present a positive scenario of their paradigm, which is that China can do no wrong. They say that only 85,000 thousand were effected out of those only 4,000 have died; figures are rounded. Who believes such bullshit? Not even the Chinese citizen who is forced to hold is tongue unless he is willing to disappear.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
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The economic response to the coronavirus has been unprecedented.
From record drops in consumer spending, to expectations of a record decline in GDP growth, and a never-before-seen explosion in support from fiscal and monetary authorities, we are in a truly unparalleled environment for investors.
And amid these newfound challenges, strategists at Bank of America Global Research think the case has strengthened for the oldest safe haven in the book: gold.
“As the ultimate store of value, gold prices have performed well during the past 15 months, posting a rally of over 10% since the Federal Reserve did a monetary policy U-turn in January 2019,” write strategists led by Michael Widmer.
“The size of major central bank balance sheets has been stable at around 25% of GDP for the last decade or so, just like the gold price,” the firm adds.
“As economic output contracts sharply, fiscal outlays surge, and central bank balance sheets double, fiat currencies could come under pressure. And investors will aim for gold. Hence, we mark-to-market our forecasts and now project an average gold price of $1,695/oz in 2020 and $2,063/oz in 2021… we have also decided to up our [18 month] gold target from $2,000 to $3,000/oz.” (Emphasis added.)
The case for the yellow metal from BofA is straightforward — investors seeking protection from an economic downturn and a targeted reflation of the economy via fiscal and monetary stimulus will turn to gold for safety.
Or as BofA writes: “The Fed can’t print gold.”
Now, the gold trade has had its ups and downs over the years, but proved resilient during a strong stock market run in 2019 and has weathered the coronavirus chaos quite well. Indeed, only long-dated U.S. Treasuries have kept up with gold as successful safe haven trades this year.
BofA notes that factors such as a strong US dollar, continued market volatility, and decreasing demand from emerging market buyers could also weigh on gold. A poll from Reuters published Monday indicates traders see gold trading lower on these concerns this year and next.
BofA also notes that a spread between the paper and physical contract widened in early April on concerns over global gold production and the inability for some buyers to take delivery. And while these spreads have narrowed in recent days, the blowout in oil seen this week is a reminder that physical settlement of commodities can in extremely rare instances cause chaos in the market.
DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach tweeted Monday that he foresees a similar, but opposite, dynamic potentially playing out in gold — demands for physical delivery corresponding with no bullion available to deliver.Jeffrey Gundlach✔@TruthGundlach
I spoke about how physical gold is far better that “paper gold” for the opposite but related reason that tanked May WTI today. What if the “paper gold” vehicles wanted to take delivery of their futures and the counter party couldn’t deliver?2,847Twitter Ads info and privacy856 people are talking about this
In late 2019, we highlighted work from Goldman Sachs that indicated a preference for physical gold among investors seeking to stable stores of value for their wealth. In that note, Goldman strategists forecasted the gold price would rise to $1,600 by 2020. Of course, in December no strategists were baking a global recession into their forecasts for this year.
As of Tuesday, an ounce of gold was trading just below $1,700.
And in an environment where fiscal and monetary authorities around the world appear ready to do whatever it takes to get businesses and consumers back on their feet after a forced stoppage of economic activity, BofA writes that “a lot of risks could effectively be socialized, boosting the appeal of gold.”
So far, so good.
By Myles Udland, reporter and co-anchor of The Final Round. Follow him at @MylesUdlandStory continues
Inflation: merely a monetary phenomenon?
On 22 January 2015, Mario Draghi announced a considerable enlargement of the ECB’s public and private bond purchase
programme (QE) with the goal of anchoring inflation expectations in the medium term and reviving the economy, something that
was unimaginable a year ago. With this announcement, the ECB joined the rest of the central banks such as the Federal Reserve,
the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England that have been increasing their balance sheets by buying up assets for some time now.
A large amount of liquidity has been injected into each country’s economy through these expansionary monetary policies.
However, inflation has continued to fall steadily and is now starting to jeopardise the anchoring of inflation expectations in the
medium and long term. Given this unusual situation, some have even questioned one of the few laws in economics that had
seemed resilient, known internationally thanks to a famous phrase by the economist Milton Friedman:
Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced
only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.
This claim that inflation is a monetary phenomenon is based on the quantity theory of money, according to which prices vary in
proportion to the money supply. This relationship is based on a mathematical identity,1
according to which the value of transactions
carried out in an economy (understood as nominal GDP) is equivalent to the amount of money circulating in that economy
(understood as the amount of money in an economy multiplied by the number of times this changes hands; i.e. the velocity of
money). If we assume that the velocity of money is constant, in an economy without economic growth the inflation rate equals the
rate of growth in money. Therefore, if money supply increases, there will be more money chasing the same goods, so prices will go
up. Similarly, if the rate of growth for economic activity and the quantity of money is the same, prices should remain constant.
Friedman’s statement has been backed by empirical evidence,
also showing a positive relationship between inflation and
growth in excess money supply (growth in money supply
above the real growth in GDP) for a large number of countries.
This relationship is strong and robust in the long term but, the
relationship between both variables may weaken temporarily
in the short term due to factors such as price rigidity and the
velocity of money not being constant. For example, a reduction
in the velocity of money in circulation would be compatible
with an increase in the money supply without putting pressure
on prices.
Based on the above, both the theory and empirical evidence
suggest that, if growth in the money supply is greater than the
actual growth in GDP, this should push up inflation in the
medium term. However, since the start of 2012, the relationship
between both variables seems to have weakened to the point
of almost disappearing. On the one hand, growth in money
supply has accelerated more than GDP growth while, on the
other, core inflation2
has continued to fall. Below we look at the main factors that lie behind this decoupling between monetary
aggregates and prices in the last few years.
In this respect, an analysis of the effectiveness of monetary policy and specifically how it affects monetary aggregates is essential.
In general terms, when a central bank offers liquidity to the banking system, either by offering long-term credit or by directly
purchasing some of its assets, the monetary base increases.3 There isno automatic rise in the money supply,4
however. Traditionally
banks would use the liquidity provided by central banks to increase the supply of credit 5
and movements in money supply were
therefore in line with those in the monetary base, ultimately leading to an increase in consumption and investment and thereby
pushing up prices.
However, the considerable increase in the monetary base occurring over the last few years has not led to a similar increase in the
money supply (see the table). The factors limiting the growth capacity for credit can be found both in its demand and supply.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
M2/GDP **
Notes: * Each dot represents the average inflation and growth in money supply above GDP
growth for advanced economies. ** M2 is a measurement of the money supply.
Source: ”la Caixa” Research, based on data from the IFS.
Long-term relationship between prices and money
supply by country *
Year-on-year change (%) (average 1984-2013)
Pelosi is hunkered down in a multi million dollar estate overlooking the ocean in San Francisco. She is living the high life, the dolce vita while the population at large is starving for their next meal. To her, less for them is more for her. Click here to get a taste of her small thinking brain.
The Butchers of Beijing must be held accountable for murder. Countries, States and citizens have brought or will be bringing legal action individually and through class action against the Communist Regime. Most of these suits will be futile; they will fall on deaf ears due to the fact that suing a foreign government is all but impossible. However, we have the solution to the problem. Simply put, all nations that owe a debt to China, have assets belonging to China or in the case of third world countries that have signed infrastructure projects with China, DECLARE THEM NULL AND VOID. “FORCE MAJEURE“
For instance, China is believe to hold approximately THREE TRILLION DOLLARS ($3,000,000,000,000) IN TREASURY BILLS, DECLARING THEM “NULL AND VOID” IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. China will never pay otherwise, therefore to ZERO out the amount owed to China would effectively exact the debt they owe the world. But that is not all, the world must also take SIX other actions.
Demand that all Chinese enterprises leave their countries, demand all Chinese citizens leave their countries, demand that all Chinese education entities cease their operations and track down any other Chinese assets, such as building ownership, corporations or entities and nationalize them. Halt all Chinese owned companies on the stock exchanges. And do not allow any Chinese imports into their respective countries. THESE ARE NOT THREATS, THIS IS FRONTIER JUSTICE.
We must say that killing one person does not even come close to what we recommend, but it is a start. These actions may stimulate a revolution in China that will eventually overthrow the worlds MASS MURDERER.
Posted at 1:30 pm on April 19, 2020 by BonchieShare On FacebookShare On Twitter
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., makes a statement about a coronavirus aid package, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, March 13, 2020. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Nancy Pelosi, after nearly two months of the media ignoring it, was finally asked this morning about her promotion of tourism in late February, even as the Wuhan virus had clearly escalated into a serious situation for the country. This came during a trip to Chinatown in which she told people everything was safe and that they should come visit.
The reason this is so relevant is because Pelosi has relentlessly attacked Trump as not taking the virus seriously enough in January, even accusing him of having killed people as a result. Given that, the fact that she’s on video telling people to go to Chinatown and enjoy the food a month later makes her a massive hypocrite.
Anyway, here’s her insufferable answer as to why she did it.Matt Batzel✔@MattBatzel
Pelosi defends encouraging tourism to Chinatown on February 24 because she felt she was exposing bigotry
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Elizabeth Vaughn
You see, she was just trying to fight discrimination or something. That makes sense because discrimination is defeated by encouraging people to gather in densely packed areas to spread a deadly disease. Wait, what?
One of the more ridiculous things Democratic politicians have learned to do in the last decade is to spin every flub into a topic on racism. They apparently see that as a shield whereby they can’t be criticized as long as they are flexing their social justice muscles. The reality is that Pelosi told people to come to Chinatown in late February because she didn’t know any better. And because she didn’t know any better, she has no business going after others for their response to the virus.
She wants to have it both ways though. Her words must be hand waved away, but she can basically accuse Trump of murder for actions he took before anyone believed this disease would be much of an issue in the United States.
These recriminations have become absolutely ludicrous at this point. There was no world where Trump could have taken tougher actions in January, nor even into late February. It wasn’t until early March that the magnitude of the situation was apparent enough that the public was willing to buy-in. Pelosi has disingenuously attempted to act as if she were ahead of the curve long before the administration was. That’s simply false and her past statements show it to be false. No amount of hiding behind ridiculous charges of racism will change that.Front-page contributor for RedState. Visit my archives for more of my latest articles and help out by following me on Twitter @bonchieredstate.Read more by Bonchie
California Congressman Devin Nunes joins ‘Fox and Friends.’
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California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Sunday for showcasing her gourmet ice cream while stalling the replenishment of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) emptied fund allocated to help businesses shuttered by the coronavirus pandemic.
“If any Republican leader, if [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell or [House Minority Leader] Kevin McCarthy or any of our speakers in the past would have done something like Pelosi did, where she’s sitting at home in front of her refrigerator with a $24,000 freezer that I don’t think too many of us have… it would be a fatal flaw,” Nunez told “Fox & Friends Weekend.”
“We would boot McConnell or McCarthy out of leadership just like that,” he added. “They would have been out four days ago, the minute that popped up.”
He also said the media gave Pelosi a free pass.
“If you have Mitch McConnell with a bunch of gourmet ice cream, he’d be thrown out of leadership immediately.”— Rep. Devin Nunes, ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’
Nunes was referencing Pelosi’s appearance via livestream on CBS’ “Late Late Show” last Monday, during which she showed host James Corden her elaborate ice-cream collection while standing in front of a high-end, pricey refrigerator. Pelosi later posted the controversial clip on Twitter, with the caption: “We all have found our ways to keep our spirits up during these trying times. Mine just happens to fill up my freezer.”
“What the hell is going on?” Nunes shot back.Nancy Pelosi✔@SpeakerPelosi
We all have found our ways to keep our spirits up during these trying times. Mine just happens to fill up my freezer. #LateLateShow
20KTwitter Ads info and privacy23.2K people are talking about this
Nunes was the latest Republican lawmaker to criticize the leader for showing off her wares amid nationwide layoffs and furloughs. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats earlier this month rejected a request by McConnell, R-Ky., to provide unanimous consent to legislation that would have added $250 billion to the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
“When you have… 20 million people unemployed and you have people that can’t get paychecks… she’s sitting in San Francisco eating gourmet ice cream? It doesn’t fly, out in the real world,” Nunes said.
Democrats said any legislation to fund the small business program also needed to provide aid to hospitals, Nunes explained, adding that lawmakers have been in contact and have proposed a “logical plan” that would gain bipartisan support.
“We had a conference call yesterday. We have another one scheduled for tonight. The idea is she [Pelosi] would ‘plus up’ the money for the paycheck protection so that we can keep people employed and also give money for hospitals. That seems like a logical great plan, has huge bipartisan support. I think it’s one the American people would understand,” he said.
Nunes also said the mainstream media were “covering up” Pelosi’s tone-deaf late-night appearance, accusing Democrats of a double standard in their coverage of the party leader.
“Like I said at the beginning, when you have a leader that makes such a fatal flaw, what would be a fatal flaw for a Republican, for a Democrat the media is covering up… if you have Mitch McConnell with a bunch of gourmet ice cream, he’d be thrown out of leadership immediately.”
Fox News’ Charles Creitz contributed to this article