Germany’s largest paper to China’s president: You’re endangering the world
“You [Jinping], your government and your scientists had to know long ago that coronavirus is highly infectious, but you left the world in the dark about it.”
A poster with a portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping is displayed along a street in Shanghai, China, October 24, 2017(photo credit: ALY SONG/REUTERS)
BERLIN – The editor-in-chief of Germany’s largest paper Bild on Thursday launched a full frontal attack on China’s communist President Xi Jinping for his regime’s failure to come clean about the coronavirus outbreak and the massive human rights violations carried out by the Communist Party.Julian Reichelt, the prominent editor-in-chief of the Bild, wrote to Jinping that “Your embassy in Berlin has addressed me in an open letter because we asked in our newspaper Bild whether China should pay for the massive economic damage the coronavirus is inflicting worldwide.”Read More Related Articles
He wrote that, “You [Jinping], your government and your scientists had to know long ago that coronavirus is highly infectious, but you left the world in the dark about it. Your top experts didn’t respond when Western researchers asked to know what was going on in Wuhan. You were too proud and too nationalistic to tell the truth, which you felt was a national disgrace.”Reichelt said that, “You rule by surveillance. You wouldn’t be president without surveillance. You monitor everything, every citizen, but you refuse to monitor the diseased wet markets in your country. You shut down every newspaper and website that is critical of your rule, but not the stalls where bat soup is sold. You are not only monitoring your people, you are endangering them – and with them, the rest of the world.”He continued with his bill of particulars, noting that “surveillance is a denial of freedom. And a nation that is not free, is not creative. A nation that is not innovative, does not invent anything. This is why you have made your country the world champion in intellectual property theft.“China enriches itself with the inventions of others, instead of inventing on its own,” Reichelt wrote. “The reason China does not innovate and invent is that you don’t let the young people in your country think freely. China’s greatest export hit (that nobody wanted to have, but which has nevertheless gone around the world) is coronavirus.”The spokeswoman for China’s embassy, Tao Lil, published an open letter to Bild in German on the embassy’s website on Wednesday, stating that, “I followed your reporting on the corona pandemic in general and China’s alleged guilt in particular today. Apart from the fact that we consider it a pretty bad style to blame a country for a pandemic that is affecting the whole world and then to present an explicit account of alleged Chinese debts to Germany, the article ignores some essential facts.”
She added that “We note that many countries now struggling with COVID-19 have had time to prepare for the cross-border spread of the pathogen after China reported its outbreak under IHR [World Health Organization] guidelines.”
The best-selling paper Bild calculated prior to Reichelt’s editorial that China owed Germany €149 billion for coronavirus damages, triggering the angry response from the Chinese embassy in Berlin.Bild said the compensation amounts to €1,784 per person if Germany’s GDP drops by 4.2 percent. The Bild article was titled: “What China owes us.”China’s embassy spokeswoman said the article “stirs up xenophobia and nationalism.” The Bild editor-in-chief cited a Washington Post article reporting that, “your laboratories in Wuhan have been researching coronaviruses in bats, but without maintaining the highest safety standards. Why are your toxic laboratories not as secure as your prisons for political prisoners? Would you like to explain this to the grieving widows, daughters, sons, husbands, parents of corona victims all over the world?”He concluded that, “In your country, your people are whispering about you. Your power is crumbling. You have created an inscrutable, non-transparent China. Before Corona, China was known as a surveillance state. Now, China is known as a surveillance state that infected the world with a deadly disease.That is your political legacy.”
The Wuhan Coronavirus has decimated the economic well being of the United States. We know that. President Trump has handled it deftly. Soon, maybe by June 1, 2020, we will see the economy rocking and rolling. However, America suffers another plague, one more serious, but easily defeated. That plague is home grown, it has eyes, hands, legs, but no heart, that plague is the DEMOCRAT PARTY. Any reasonable person worth his or her salt will recognize it in an instant.
Media outlets, such as CNN, MSNBC , Washington Post and NY Times give it shelter. Trump has called them out since day one. They provide safe harbor. A read of their daily diatribe is enough to make one puke. Not a word of their lengthy invective is true. Joseph Goebbels, the German Minister of Propaganda would be proud of their sagacity. A Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest and most devoted associates, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. Sounds like most Democrats, doesn’t it?
You know who they are; from Pelosi to Schumer and all of those in between. From Ginzberg to Kagan, to Brier to Sotomayor. They condone MS-13, they give tribute to gangs, to drug lords and to illegal aliens. They don’t know right from wrong, but they do know that our enemy is their friend. A party with Tlaib and Rashid, filthy people not fit to be in America.
Come November 3, and it can’t come soon enough, this home grown plague will be euthanized by the American voter. We will find them sleeping with the fishes.
The Black Death is thought to have originated in the dry plains of Central Asia or East Asia, where it traveled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343. From there, it was most likely carried by fleas living on the black rats that traveled on all merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean Basin and Europe.
The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30% to 60% of Europe’s population. In total, the plague may have reduced the world population from an estimated 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century. It took 200 years for the world population to recover to its previous level. The plague recurred as outbreaks in Europe until the 19th century.
The plague originated in Wuhan China, a city of 11 million people. Effectively the city has been on lock down. Those confirmed cases around the world, mostly resulted in a visit to Wuhan. It remains to be seen what effect this will have on the world economies. As it is, China’s economy is in a precarious situation. A one or two percent decrease in GDP would have a grave effect on those who are put out of work.
Lead NIH coronavirus researcher suggested pandemic could be ‘genocide’, said doctors would let blacks die
White men out to destroy Blacks. Excuse us, but aren’t Democrats sanction abortion which affects minorities, but Republicans are anti abortion. Dr. Corbett believes that behavior by Blacks – excess drinking, overweight and smoking have nothing to do with their succumbing to the Wuhan Coronavirus at rates higher than Whites.
On November 8, 2017, Air Force One touched down in Beijing, marking the start of a state visit hosted by China’s president and Communist Party chairman, Xi Jinping. From my first day on the job as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, China had been a top priority. The country figured prominently in what President Barack Obama had identified for his successor as the biggest immediate problem the new administration would face—what to do about North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs. But many other questions about the nature and future of the relationship between China and the United States had also emerged, reflecting China’s fundamentally different perception of the world.
Since the heady days of Deng Xiaoping, in the late 1970s, the assumptions that had governed the American approach to our relationship with China were these: After being welcomed into the international political and economic order, China would play by the rules, open its markets, and privatize its economy. As the country became more prosperous, the Chinese government would respect the rights of its people and liberalize politically. But those assumptions were proving to be wrong.
The Blood Thirsty killers of Beijing continue to spread Wuhan Coronavirus propaganda faster than the virus itself, if that’s possible. The newest twist consists of a revised estimate of those who succumbed to the virus in Wuhan. Of course if you believe them now, we have a bridge to sell you.
New estimates keep flowing in, but based on urns delivered to funeral homes, the number will exponentially increase. Don’t forget, if you tell the truth in today’s China, you will disappear, never to be seen again. Even relatives can’t discuss deaths of their loved ones without being punished. China’s Communists dispense with lies as they see fit.
The WHO ate at the Chinese table feasting on their lies for the past several years. Tadros, the WHO big man, is a Culprit to the murder of , when this is all over, a million or more. We will not rest until he is brought to justice for the murder of his fellow man. He could have prevented this crime, but was bought and paid for by the Chinese. Hanging is not good enough for this lying POS.
Admit it RINO types like Mitt Romney and Democrat liberal progressive elitists, you are out to protect your own turf; you don’t care about America, you don’t care about Americans. You are nothing, worst than nothing, you are below the Untouchables that clean human waste with their bare hands out of sewers. The sewer is too good for you.
Yeah, you know it, you are destructive human beings, not even human by our account. You are our to destroy America because you know that Trump STANDS FOR AMERICA. He told the WHO where to go, he told Iran to shove it, he told the global initiative on Climate Change to pound sand. Yes, Trump knows when America is being played as a patsy as a sucker, we do too. He knew it from DAY ONE. Americans voted for Trump because they knew he would stand up against those who took advantage of us.
Sources tell Fox News that the belief is now is that the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab, not as a bio weapon, but as China’s effort to find and deal with viruses.
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EXCLUSIVE: There is increasing confidence that the COVID-19 outbreak likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory, though not as a bioweapon but as part of China’s attempt to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.
This may be the “costliest government cover-up of all time,” one of the sources said.
The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human – a naturally occurring strain that was being studied there – and that “patient zero” worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.
The “increasing confidence” comes from classified and open-source documents and evidence, the sources said. Fox News has requested to see the evidence directly. Sources emphasized — as is often the case with intelligence — that it’s not definitive and should not be characterized as such. Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing.
What all of the sources agree about is the extensive cover-up of data and information about COVID-19 orchestrated by the Chinese government.
Asked by Fox News’ John Roberts about the reporting, President Trump remarked at Wednesday’s coronavirus press briefing, “More and more we’re hearing the story…we are doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation.”
Documents detail early efforts by doctors at the lab and early efforts at containment. The Wuhan wet market initially identified as a possible point of origin never sold bats, and the sources tell Fox News that blaming the wet market was an effort by China to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country’s propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy.
U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018 about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab and passed on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
In this Tuesday, March 10, 2020, photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, Chinese President Xi Jinping talks by video with patients and medical workers at the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan in central China’s Hubei Province. (Xie Huanchi/Xinhua via AP)
Responding to the report, Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Tuesday afternoon: “It should be no surprise to you that we have taken a keen interest in that and we’ve had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that. I would just say at this point, it’s inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural, but we don’t know for certain.”
“Even today, I see them withholding information and I think we need to do more to continue to press them to share,” Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told “America’s Newsroom” on Wednesday, referring to China. Esper added that he wouldn’t speak to “intelligence reporting,” but that “most people believe it began naturally — it was organic, if you will. I think in due course, once we get through the pandemic we’re in right now, there’ll be time to look back and really ascertain what happened and make sure we have a better understanding so we can prevent this in the future.”
Speaking to “The Story” Wednesday evening, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remarked: “What we do know is we know that this virus originated in Wuhan, China. We know there is the Wuhan Institute of Virology just a handful of miles away from where the wet market was. There is still lots to learn. You should know that the United States government is working diligently to figure it out.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sits down with Martha MaCallum on ‘The Story’ to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and U.S.-China relations.
Concerning the State Department cables warning about the Wuhan laboratory, Pompeo said the installation “contained highly contagious materials — we knew that, we knew that they were working on this program, many countries have programs like this. In countries that are open and transparent, they have the ability to control them and keep them safe, and they allow outside observers in to make sure all the processes and procedures are right. I only wish that that had happened in this place.”
On Thursday, China’s foreign ministry pushed back on the suspicion that the virus escaped from the facility, by citing statements from the World Health Organization that there is no evidence the coronavirus came from a laboratory.
Americans were originally helping train the Chinese in a program called PREVENT well before the Chinese started working on this virus. The French government helped the Chinese set up the Wuhan lab.
China “100 percent” suppressed data and changed data, the sources tell Fox News. Samples were destroyed, contaminated areas scrubbed, some early reports erased, and academic articles stifled.
There were doctors and journalists who were “disappeared” warning of the spread of the virus and its contagious nature and human to human transmission. China moved quickly to shut down travel domestically from Wuhan to the rest of China, but did not stop international flights from Wuhan.
Additionally, the sources tell Fox News the World Health Organization (WHO) was complicit from the beginning in helping China cover its tracks.
Commuters wear face masks to protect against the spread of new coronavirus as they walk through a subway station in Beijing, Thursday, April 9, 2020. China’s National Health Commission on Thursday reported dozens of new COVID-19 cases, including most of which it says are imported infections in recent arrivals from abroad and two “native” cases in the southern province of Guangdong. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
Trumpannounced at the White House coronavirus news briefing in the Rose Garden on Tuesday that the United States will immediately halt all funding for the WHO, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures.” The United States is the WHO’s largest single donor, and the State Department had previously planned to provide the agency $893 million in the current two-year funding period.
Senior administrations separately tell Fox News the rollout of the president’s “blueprint for reopening the U.S. economy” will happen Thursday afternoon, first for governors and then briefed to the press.
Meanwhile, Trump’s own handling of the crisis has come into focus. On January 24, for example, Trump tweeted in praise of China’s “transparency” on coronavirus.
Though they were not speaking for the president, the sources ventured an explanation, saying it was diplomatic talk to make the Chinese “feel good”. while the investigation was ongoing, with trade and other talks happening simultaneously.
In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicenter of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations.
President Xi Jinping warned the public on the seventh day, Jan. 20. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press and expert estimates based on retrospective infection data.
“This is tremendous,” said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. “If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient. We might have avoided the collapse of Wuhan’s medical system.”
The crisis never passes without a lame blame Democrat offering their solution or synthesizing one to fit their own paradigm. Of course anyone with a smitten of brains realizes the futility of those with the severest of mental conditions, that of the worst disease known to man – socialism – an affliction mixed in with mental challenges. In this case we find a twofold mixture of a human time bomb. These types, psychologically speaking are mired in their own diatribe while digesting the excrement of their mentors.
Case in point is none other than Senator Murphy of Connecticut who by his own admission has succumbed to the erasure of facts from his little mind. He has now gone beyond the pale by condoning the United States on one hand and licking the behind of the Communist regime of China. The time has come to bring these deranged individuals to task for domestic terrorism which includes treason.
Daily Caller on Twitter: “Sen. Chris Murphy: “The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did”” / Twitter Daily Caller@DailyCallerSen. Chris Murphy: “The reason that we’re in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did”0:071.3M viewsDespite its coronavirus lies, Democrat Senator defends China From Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 8802211:33 AM · Apr 15, 2020·Twitter for iPhone1.7K Retweets3.4K LikesJonathan Moore@Myr226·Replying to @DailyCaller and @TheNewRightAnybody who is still defending China over COVID doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt at this point. Their loyalties to this country have to be questioned. Because I don’t see any other reason why they could have their head so far up their ass after this.552451.9KJohn Panzer@jpanzer·The Daily Caller is, as usual, lying to you.…Quote Tweet
Chris Murphy@ChrisMurphyCT · 19hHa! Watch the whole interview. I didn’t “defend China”. I made the accurate point that no matter how badly China screwed up, 100,000 Americans didn’t need to die. It has been Trump’s botched response that has caused our outbreak to be this catastrophic.…184431 more replyAHistoryOfBadMen@patriotsfightq·Replying to @DailyCallerHe should really run for senate in China1035592Terra Finis@HK69612721831__·Status: no vacancy.
There is increasing confidence that COVID-19 likely originated in a Wuhan laboratory not as a bioweapon, but as part of China’s effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States, multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China’s government and seen relevant materials tell Fox News.
This may be the “costliest government cover-up of all time,” one of the sources said.
The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human – a naturally occurring strain that was being studied there – and that “patient zero” worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.
The “increasing confidence” comes from classified and open-source documents and evidence, the sources said. Fox News has requested to see the evidence directly. Sources emphasized — as is often the case with intelligence — that it’s not definitive and should not be characterized as such. Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing.
What all of the sources agree about is the extensive cover-up of data and information about COVID-19 orchestrated by the Chinese government.
Asked by Fox News’ John Roberts about the reporting, President Trump remarked at Wednesday’s coronavirus press briefing, “More and more we’re hearing the story…we are doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation.”
Documents detail early efforts by doctors at the lab and early efforts at containment. The Wuhan wet market initially identified as a possible point of origin never sold bats, and the sources tell Fox News that blaming the wet market was an effort by China to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country’s propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy.
U.S. Embassy officials warned in January 2018 about inadequate safety at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab and passed on information about scientists conducting risky research on coronavirus from bats, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.
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