Giving aid to and abetting the enemy (Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.) Senator Diane Feinstein has recommended that the United States give Iran $5 large, that is FIVE BILLION to fight the Wuhan Coronavirus. Now that is a great idea, however there are no strings attached. We have no problem with helping people, but there are documents to sign, but most of all a regimen to follow is a definite mandate. Our number one priority is to force Iran to dismantle all of their nuclear facilities under United States guidance from day one. Additionally, we the United States must demand full access to the entire country of Iran.
Monthly Archives: April 2020
The Commie Chinese Government is guilty of Mass Murder. In cahoots with the WHO they have literally murdered hundreds of thousands. Additionally, they have caused economic havoc the world over, costing countries trillions upon trillions of dollars. The cost and total damaged will not be known for several years, but our back of the envelope estimate is somewhere in the hundred trillion range.
A suit must be filed in the World Court. China must pay for their crimes.

Embattled global health boss faces calls for resignation over handling of coronavirus, China ties

- REBECCA GRANT: China’s coronavirus deception campaign – three parts to their cover-up strategy
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- REP. CHRIS SMITH: China’s deception on coronavirus – here’s how to hold their leadership accountable
- Some 430,000 people flew from China to US after coronavirus first detected: report
- China joins UN Human Rights Council panel despite
An obsessive woman denied is an obsessive woman full of rage. Nancy Pelosi fits the bill. From Day 1 she has gone on with uncontrollable anger against President Donald J. Trump. She will not let up, her. Trump has gotten under her skin. She is distraught, she has been battered; she is on a rampage with no end in sight. If she was a private citizen, a restraining order would have been issued by the police for harassment. Her rage is fueled by an underlying disease called HATE. Yes HATE. She is a hater. PELOSI IS A STALKER.

It is almost inconceivable that Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is launching yet another investigation aimed at undermining President Trump. How does the woman sleep at night?
Here we are, in the midst of a horrific health and economic crisis, and House Speaker Pelosi wants, once again, to squander our nation’s resources by playing politics. She is setting up a select House committee to “assure that the taxpayer dollars are being wisely and efficiently spent”; but also, she said, to “examine all aspects of the federal response to the coronavirus.” In effect, an unlimited investigation, with subpoena powers to boot.
Should you wonder about her ambitions, consider that she put Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., who called the emergency coronavirus bill a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision,” in charge of the inquiry.
Maybe that was a reward for Clyburn providing the pivotal endorsement for Joe Biden, on the cusp of the South Carolina primary, helping the former vice president leap ahead in the race for the Democratic nomination. That pleased Establishment Democrats like Pelosi; Clyburn deserves a reward.
Never mind that the House already has an Oversight Committee; never mind that, as Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., pointed out, “Congress already wrote oversight provisions into the latest funding package.”
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No, Queen Nancy wants her new investigation, no matter how it damages and divides the country. Imagine pulling our health officials off the front lines even for a minute to testify before legislators more interested in scoring soundbites than solving the nation’s problems.
In case you haven’t noticed, the coronavirus task force looks exhausted; they have been working, we hear, 20 hour days trying to cope with this monster disease. The last thing they need is a lot of nit-picking Democrats trying to trip them up.
We get it. Congress is on the sidelines and President Trump is getting way too much press to make his opponents happy. And, his approval ratings are heading higher even as Democrats criticize his every move. But for heaven’s sake: this is a national emergency – not the time for political showboating.
Sure, Congress should oversee the hundreds of billions of dollars heading to struggling Americans courtesy of the CARES Act. Heaven knows someone should be supervising the enormous release of taxpayer money. For instance, it would be fascinating to know why $25 million was funneled by Pelosi to the Kennedy Center, even as that organization had already decided to lay off its employees.
But judicious oversight, we know, will not be the focus of the committee she has formed.
Just as her impeachment effort yielded nothing good for her party, so will this new investigation please only determined Democrats and further alienate all-important independent voters.
Instead, Democrats will ferret out instances in which President Trump underplayed the urgency of the coronavirus threat, or cases where different federal agencies tripped over each other, causing overlapping orders and waste, or other problems that arose while mobilizing the vast federal government against the deadly virus.
There will be plenty of those, of course. That’s called the fog of war and when the war is waged suddenly and hugely against a new and invisible threat, the fog is dense.
But for fair-minded Americans sick of partisan politics and who see a national crisis as a good time to holster the pistols, Pelosi’s newest assault on the president will be yet another dud. Just as her impeachment effort yielded nothing good for her party, so will this new investigation please only determined Democrats and further alienate all-important independent voters.
Those Independents generally decide elections; it is they who have been boosting the president’s approval ratings of late. The New York Times reports that many who did not previously vote for Trump have been impressed by the vigor and determination with which he has commanded the public and private sectors to attack this deadly disease. They appreciate that mistakes will be made, but that the president is doing “the best with the information he had.”
Those same independents were repulsed by Pelosi’s impeachment effort. As the pointless political maneuver finished up in February, Trump scored record-high ratings from that group. They saw the Democrat-led investigations as partisan game-playing, and they were right.
The newest round of House “gotcha” will play out in the same way. Democrats will call health officials from President Obama’s team to testify that Trump should have ordered ventilators earlier or imposed a federal lockdown sooner. Republicans will counter with reports detailing Obama’s failure to rebuild spent federal stocks of critical supplies like ventilators. The GOP will show clips of Pelosi encouraging people on Feb. 24 to visit San Francisco’s Chinatown for the Lunar New Year celebration, claiming it was “perfectly safe” to be there.
Consider the Possibility That Trump Is Right About China
Critics are letting their disdain for the president blind them to geopolitical realities.APRIL 5, 2020Nadia SchadlowFormer deputy national-security adviser for strategyEnjoy unlimited access to The Atlantic for less than $1 per week.Sign inSubscribe Now

When a new coronavirus emerged in China and began spreading around the world, including in the United States, President Donald Trump’s many critics in the American foreign-policy establishment were quick to identify him as part of the problem. Trump had campaigned on an “America first” foreign policy, which after his victory was enshrined in the official National Security Strategy that his administration published in 2017. At the time, I served in the administration and orchestrated the writing of that document. In the years since, Trump has been criticized for supposedly overturning the post–World War II order and rejecting the role the United States has long played in the world. Amid a global pandemic, he’s being accused—on this site and elsewhere—of alienating allies, undercutting multinational cooperation, and causing America to fight the coronavirus alone.
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And yet even as the current emergency has proved him right in fundamental ways—about China specifically and foreign policy more generally—many respectable people in the United States are letting their disdain for the president blind them to what is really going on in the world. Far from discrediting Trump’s point of view, the COVID-19 crisis reveals what his strategy asserted: that the world is a competitive arena in which great power rivals like China seek advantage, that the state remains the irreplaceable agent of international power and effective action, that international institutions have limited capacity to transform the behavior and preferences of states.
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Kori Schake: The damage that ‘America first’ has done
China, America’s most powerful rival, has played a particularly harmful role in the current crisis, which began on its soil. Initially, that country’s lack of transparency prevented prompt action that might have contained the virus. In Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, Chinese officials initially punished citizens for “spreading rumors” about the disease. The lab in Shanghai that first published the genome of the virus on open platforms was shut down the next day for “rectification,” as the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported in February. Apparently at the behest of officials at the Wuhan health commission, news reports indicate, visiting teams of experts from elsewhere in China were prevented from speaking freely to doctors in the infectious-disease wards. Some experts had suspected human-to-human transmission, but their inquiries were rebuffed. “They didn’t tell us the truth,” one team member said of the local authorities, “and from what we now know of the real situation then, they were lying” to us.
Now China’s propagandists are competing to create a narrative that obscures the origins of the crisis and that blames the United States for the virus. This irresponsible behavior and lack of transparency revealed what Trump’s National Security Strategy had identified early on: that “contrary to our hopes, China expanded its power at the expense of others.” Instead of becoming a “responsible stakeholder”—a term George W. Bush’s administration used to describe the role it hoped Beijing would play following China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001—the Chinese Communist Party used the advantages of WTO membership to advance a political and economic system at odds with America’s free and open society. Previous National Security Strategy documents had tiptoed around China’s adversarial conduct, as if calling out that country as a competitor—as the 2017 document unequivocally did—was somehow impolite.
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But at some point, an American administration needed to shift the conversation away from hopes for an imagined future China to the realities of the Communist Party’s conduct—which is hardly a secret. For the decade and a half prior to 2017, Republican and Democratic leaders publicly worried about China’s unwillingness to play by the rules, but were reluctant to deal head on with China’s authoritarian government and statist economy. The bipartisan U.S.-China Economic Security Commission has consistently called out China’s unfair practices. In 2010, President Barack Obama lambasted China before the G-20 for its currency manipulation. The need to compete effectively with the policies of the Chinese Communist Party is one of the few points of agreement between Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Even as he seeks to find ways to conclude reciprocal trade agreements, his administration has not lost sight of China’s aggressive rise.
At least as controversial as Trump’s critique of China is his emphasis on the importance of sovereignty and his insistence that strong sovereign states are the main agents of change. But states are the foundation of democratic governance and, fundamentally, of security. It is the citizens of states who vote and hold leaders accountable. And it is states that are the foundation of military, political, and economic power in alliances such as NATO, or organizations like the United Nations.
Trump’s emphasis on protecting U.S. sovereignty brought to a boil a simmering national debate about the overlooked costs of globalization. A blind adherence to what the economist Dani Rodrik has called “hyper-globalization”—the idea that the interests of big corporations and the principle of market integration took precedence over widely shared prosperity and economic security—had come at the expense of domestic industries. For years, people who complained about these consequences were dismissed as isolationists or as being on “the wrong side of history.”
Peter Beinart: Trump’s break with China has deadly consequences
The coronavirus experience demonstrates that economic interaction does not occur in a vacuum of geopolitical competition. Dependence on China for crucial medical equipment throughout the pandemic has illuminated the dangers of a hyper-globalized economy. Experts had warned of American dependence on key drug ingredients from China. The Wall Street Journal has reported that China is the only maker of key ingredients for certain classes of drugs, including established antibiotics that treat a range of bacterial infections such as pneumonia. American reliance on Chinese suppliers for other pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is also worrisome. Americans should not depend on an authoritarian rival state for its citizens’ health—any more than the United States and other free and open societies should give Chinese companies, and by extension the Chinese Communist Party, control over communications infrastructure and sensitive personal data.
Many of President Trump’s critics in the foreign-policy community put great stock in the ability of multilateral and international organizations to constrain the misbehavior of China and other states. These organizations, at their best, promote concerted action against commonly recognized problems. But Trump’s critics tend to view them mainly in their idealized form and as the central instruments to solve global problems and advance values shared by all. In practice, though, how international organizations perform is profoundly influenced by power relationships among member states.
China’s leaders have become quite skillful at using these bodies to pursue their own interests. President Xi Jinping has made it a priority—as he put it in a 2018 speech—to “reform” and lead in the “global governance system,” viewing such efforts as integral to “building a modern, strong socialist country.” Despite its record of stealing patented technologies, China tried to lead the World Intellectual Property Organization, an effort thwarted by Washington. Chinese tech companies have also sought to induce the United Nations to adopt their facial-recognition and surveillance standards, to clear the way for the deployment of their technologies around the world.
The Trump administration’s National Security Strategy challenged the assumption that international organizations are always driven by a common global good. China’s undue influence in key international organizations was evident most recently, when the World Health Organization hesitated to declare COVID-19 a public-health emergency of international concern. WHO officials amplified Chinese officials’ early claims that the virus posed no danger of human-to-human transmission. The head of the organization even congratulated China’s top leadership for its “openness to sharing information.” Apparently seeking to avoid Beijing’s wrath, the WHO refused to respond to Taiwan’s early concerns about human-to-human transmission of the virus outbreak in Wuhan.
The COVID-19 experience, although far from over, has generated strong evidence that, while the WHO and other international organizations are of course important for information sharing and coordination, nations continue to do the heavy lifting. The United States remains the largest contributor to the WHO, paying about 15 percent of the organization’s budget—compared with China’s 0.21 percent. In early March, Trump signed a supplemental appropriations act that included $1.3 billion in additional U.S. foreign assistance for pandemic response. Most recently, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced an additional $274 million in emergency funding for at-risk countries. This aid does not come with the strings that China attaches to its aid.
Contrary to what critics argue, “America first” does not mean “America alone.” That Trump might be introducing needed correctives to the hyper-globalization pursued by earlier administrations is generating serious cognitive dissonance in some quarters. And the reality is that only one organization in the entire world has as its sole responsibility the American people’s safety. That institution is the U.S. government. Whether led by Republicans or Democrats—or by Donald Trump or anyone else—it should always put the American people first.
We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to [email protected].NADIA SCHADLOW, a former deputy national security adviser for strategy, is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.
More than 85% of Americans are under stay-at-home orders, and at least one-third of the world is under some type of lockdown.

The restrictions promote social distancing to “flatten the curve,” or keeping the number of coronavirus infections at a level that won’t overwhelm healthcare systems. But keeping so many people at home is also tanking the global economy and depriving students of education. About 10 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance in the past two weeks, and the US restaurant industry had hemorrhaged about $25 billion as of March 22. Major universities have switched to remote classes, and public schools are closed indefinitely in states including California, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
Plus, of course, staying at home is making many of us lonely and stir-crazy. So the question on many people’s minds is: When will the lockdowns end?
Experts can’t say for sure. The US’s social-distancing guidelines have been extended through at least April 30. According to Davidson Hamer, a professor of global health and medicine at Boston University, some relief could come in mid-May. Epidemiologists at Harvard University think intermittent lockdowns may need to extend into 2022, with social-distancing measures in place 25% to 70% of the time.
However, a new antibody test rolling out in the US within weeks offers a glimmer of hope. These tests will be able to tell whether a person has already had COVID-19, regardless of whether they showed symptoms. A positive result would mean they’re probably immune.
Widespread antibody testing could divide America into two groups: the vulnerable, and the recovered. The latter could slowly go back to work, breathing life into the US economy and helping us get back on track before a vaccine becomes available.
Identifying people who are immune
The coming serological tests use just a few drops of your blood to determine whether you have antibodies for the coronavirus. If so, your body has built up immunity — suggesting that you’ve recovered, even if you never received a positive diagnosis.
Antibody tests differ from the diagnostic tests used to determine whether someone has an active COVID-19 infection. The latter involves taking samples of mucus and saliva and running a test in a lab to see whether those samples contain the coronavirus’ genomic sequence. The results can take one to two days.
A serological test, on the other hand, can tell within minutes whether a person has coronavirus antibodies — similar to the way home pregnancy tests and HIV antibody tests work. A kit includes a needle (to prick your finger), a 3-inch mixing stick, and a test solution.
It’s like dusting for its fingerprints after a crime, rather than catching the virus in the act.
Antibody tests in the works
Henry Schein last week announced the availability of hundreds of thousands of antibody tests in the US that can deliver results within 15 minutes. The company said it expected “significantly increased availability” in April.
In Colorado, United Biomedical is working with one county to test 8,000 residents for coronavirus antibodies.
Other US companies are already selling antibody tests abroad. The California biotech company Biomerica sells coronavirus antibody tests for less than $10 in Europe and the Middle East, while Chembio Diagnostics, a medical-device company based in New York, is sending its antibody tests to Brazil and plans to study them in the US, Reuters reported last week.
The UK government bought 3.5 million at-home antibody tests last week and is looking to distribute them to people who are self-isolating as soon as possible, The Guardian reported. Australia has ordered 1.5 million tests.
Researchers at Germany’s Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research want to send out hundreds of thousands of antibody tests over the coming weeks to residents, Der Spiegel magazine reported Friday. Germany might even issue so-called immunity certificates based on the results.
Gerard Krause, the epidemiologist leading the project, told Der Spiegel that people who are immune “could be given a type of vaccination card that, for example, allows them to be exempted” from restrictions on their movement and travel.
‘The first people to go back to normal life’
As these antibody tests start to be distributed, experts will be able to identify people who have most likely developed some level of immunity to the coronavirus.
In an interview last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he was confident that recovered coronavirus patients would have immunity, adding that he’d be “willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against reinfection.”
That means people who’ve recovered could safely return to work or school.
“Ultimately, this might help us figure out who can get the country back to normal,” Florian Krammer, a professor in vaccinology at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, told Reuters, adding that “people who are immune could be the first people to go back to normal life and start everything up again.”
Krammer and his colleagues gave an overview of their own COVID-19 serological test in a recent study, though it has yet to be peer-reviewed.
Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious-diseases professor at Vanderbilt University, told Reuters that serological tests would be appealing to political and business leaders alike.
“These tests would be very attractive if they’re cost-effective, readily available, and easy to do,” he said.
Antibody tests would also give experts a better sense of how bad the pandemic really is
One of the biggest challenges surrounding the outbreak has been experts’ inability to accurately assess how many people have been infected. That’s imperative because the data informs death rates and tells experts whether we are close to “herd immunity,” the point at which the virus can no longer spread easily because enough people are immune.
“If you could prevent roughly 50% of transmission, you could essentially stop the epidemic,” Stephen Morse, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, told Business Insider.
“The epidemic wouldn’t be able to sustain itself, and the outbreak would fizzle,” Morse added.
The diagnostic tests we have now don’t give experts a clear sense of the true case totals, because many people who likely have COVID-19 aren’t being tested because of limited availability. In New York City, which has about 25% of the US’s coronavirus cases, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has told New Yorkers who think they have mild cases to stay home and not seek care (or tests).
“If you think you have COVID-19 and your illness is mild, you do not need to see your health care provider and you will not be tested,” the department’s site said.
What’s more, up to 25% of people infected with the virus show no symptoms at all, Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said this week. Almost all of those asymptomatic people are not included in official counts either.
The benefits of serological tests cannot be overstated, said George Miller, a professor of pediatrics and epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health.
“COVID-19 is still spreading rapidly throughout the United States, and antibody tests remain an underappreciated weapon in our fight to stop it,” Miller wrote in an op-ed article in The Washington Post published on Wednesday.
“Armed with such tests, we can provide the public with much more specific information about their own susceptibility, possibly permit immune individuals to return to work, and help people make more informed decisions about when and whether to loosen restrictions on their social activities.”
Morgan McFall-Johnsen and Holly Secon contributed reporting.CORONAVIRUS LIVE UPDATES 17 hours ago

Chasms on all levels are manifesting the radical feelings of revolutionaries. These Che Guevera types are only interested in one thing, and that is BLOOD. Blood of the well to do, blood of the Proletariat Elite. They see the wide differences in wealth, education, attitudes and most of all thinking. Their belief is that we are a racist society.
By this we mean the progressive liberal zealot who by no other means proposes the violent takeover of the United States – think ANTIFA. To these radicals, violence is the only way; they are truly extensions of Castro, Maduro, Chivas, Lenin, Mao, Pot, Stalin, etc.

Those ruthless killers left no stone unturned when it came to neutralizing their enemies. Will we see the revolutionary zeal erupt here? That is the question and if we do, when? Stealth plans are in the works as we speak to begin the process of undermining truly elected citizens. We saw the beginning of this in the attempt Coup to bring down President Trump from the Get Go. Since they could not accomplish their goal they have gone stealth. But we know they are in the planning stage of a Tet offensive.
The likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Wilhem deBlasio have touted, one way or another, one speech, one action, one demand, their ultimate goal, which is to overthrow the truly elected officials who do not subscribe to their manifesto. The first step is to take away OUR GUNS. State after state has enacted laws limiting gun possession, automatic types, ammunition rounds and magazine capacity. This is the first step, next it will be the seizure of our 2nd Amendment Rights. They will go door to door robbing us of our most prized defensive weapons.
And you don’t think it can be done. Proof is during this Covid-19 crisis when gun stores were closed. Why do you think state governments did this? Because they wanted you to succumb to their craven demands.

A word to the wise. Protect yourself. Stash the necessities you need for survival; that means silver and gold, that means dry goods and water and most of all guns and ammo. Be prepared for these animals, they will stop at nothing in their attempted takeover of America.
UN Wants Global Power to Tax 10% for the Coronavirus


Posted Apr 2, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
Anyone who thinks for one second that I am exaggerating by calling this a global coup does not know me very well. I do not buy into conspiracy theories. I rely upon qualified sources – not rumor or conjecture. I have WARNED that we are facing a leftist coup of major proportions. I have warned that this virus was not a real threat from the beginning. It was not a biological weapon spliced with aids or a leak. This has been an intentional misrepresentation. My sources suggest it existed in the previous flu season in China.
The United Nations, and their World Health Organization, is behind this coup as well. The death toll is far less than the annual flu (about 10%) but the press is so happy to support this Marxist agenda. The journalists who are following orders from their managing editors are sealing their own future and that of their families and children. They used this virus for there is no vaccine but there are plenty of independent sources saying the medicine to treat malaria have been working with no deaths in France and elsewhere.
The United Nations has now produced a 26-page report outlining an action plan to address the various socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and the DESTRUCTION of the world economy that has been intentionally carried out by the left. The United Nations has been using Climate Change to try to create a one-world government order, but they have run into way too much resistance. Climate Change is now dead. They have moved on to something that allows them to threaten that people will die IMMEDIATELY unless they surrender all their freedoms. The agenda of the Climate Change was to seize industry and effectively nationalize them. They will do that now by virtually bankrupting them and the state will just take them over. This is the scheme that was even talked about in Germany to nationalize companies since they cannot bail them out.
This is the oldest trick in the book. The United Nations is seeking the power to IMPOSE a 10% global tax on everyone for what they are describing as a “global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations.” This is because they conspired to create one out of a hyped up virus. You would think this is at the level of the Black Death.
Everything we have ever believed were our human rights are no longer valid. The left was trying to shut down all gun sales. Trump called gun shops essential for protection in light of rising civil unrest. This is the left moving AGGRESSIVELY to force their failed agenda to the ultimate power grab. The pension system is collapsing. All the promises they have made since World War II are crumbling to dust. This is why they have been so intent upon getting rid of Trump and were fighting against BREXIT. They want no opposition. This is why I have tried to document everything and made this report only $9.95. This is our future on the line.Categories:Conspiracy, Corruption, Disease
Tags:Climate Change, coronavirus, United Nations, WHO
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The Director-General of the World Health Organization is a former member of a violent revolutionary communist party in Ethiopia that denied emergency medical treatment to an ethnic group and he is accused of personally overseeing the extradition of dissidents who were later imprisoned and tortured.

As we have previously highlighted, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has repeatedly parroted Chinese Communist Party talking points, constantly heaping praise on Beijing’s response to coronavirus despite the fact that China hid the truth about its spread and viciously silenced scientists and doctors who tried to warn the world.
Now we know why.
As John Martin explains in his excellent piece ‘The Crimes of Tedros Adhanom’, during his time in Ethiopia, the WHO chief was a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a violent communist revolutionary party which was listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in the 90’s.
According to one Ethiopian newspaper, Adhanom was listed as the 3rd most important member of the politbureau standing committee in the TPLF.
Martin writes how the TPLF engaged in “systematic discrimination and human rights abuses” by refusing emergency healthcare to the Amhara ethnic group because of their affiliation with the opposition party. The Ministry of Health that oversaw these abuses was led at the time by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Birth rates were recorded to be significantly lower in the Amhara region compared to other regions and 2 million Amhara people “disappeared” from the subsequent population census.
As Tucker Carlson highlighted earlier this week, Adhanom “got his job with Chinese support after he covered up cholera outbreaks in his home country” of Egypt.
Tedros has denied the allegation, which centered around claims he had downplayed cholera epidemics in Ethiopia in 2006, 2009 and 2011 by passing them off as “acute watery diarrhea,” a symptom of cholera.
“International organisations were pressured not to call it Cholera (despite the UN testing the infected and finding Cholera), and were pressured by government employees not to reveal the number of infected. Another stunning victory for the health minister,” writes Martin.
After he was appointed foreign minister of Ethiopia in 2012, dissidents and journalists across the country were subjected to a brutal government crackdown, leading some to flee to exile in nearby Yemen.
Adhanom was personally responsible for negotiating the extradition of these dissidents back to Ethiopia, some of whom were subsequently imprisoned and tortured.
“One such case was a British citizen Andy Tsege who was arrested at Sana’a airport and twice given a death sentence in Ethiopia,” writes Martin. “This led to the involvement of the British government who threatened denial of aid to Ethiopia unless he be granted asylum. Tedros responded that Tsege was “being treated very well. He even has a laptop, have you ever heard of a political prisoner with a laptop?” Andy of course, after his return to the UK told a somewhat different story of being tortured for days on end, alongside dozens of other prisoners.”
Dissidents being imprisoned and tortured? No wonder Adhanom is so effusive in his praise for China.
It gets worse.
In 2016, the Ethiopian government attempted to force relocate 15000 people in the Oromia region because it wanted to requisition their land. This led to mass protests followed by mass shootings and a stampede that killed 500 people according to Human Rights Watch. The government then embarked on another brutal crackdown, arresting 70,000 people.
Adhanom subsequently tried to downplay the violence, falsely claiming the police weren’t armed and that the numbers weren’t as high as stated.
After ascending to his lofty position within the World Health Organization, Adhanom appointed mass murdering dictator Robert Mugabe to be a “goodwill ambassador” to the WHO while also defending Uhuru Kenyatta, under whose government 1,300 people were killed following rigged elections.
“Tedros of course takes every chance he can to praise the good governance of China, and given the human rights record of the People’s Republic, it’s no wonder he likes them so much,” writes Martin. “From projects like media propaganda centres, mass relocations, and social credit style score cards, Ethiopia’s governance in many ways resembles a carbon copy of the Chinese authoritarian model. Complete with a one party state and focus on profit over human rights.”
In the immediate aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization, under Adhanom’s direction, amplified Chinese fake news that there was no “human to human” transmission of COVID-19 as late as January 14th, despite this having already occurred in December.
The WHO and Adhanom also repeatedly demanded countries not impose border controls, exacerbating the spread of the disease, while appearing to be more concerned about political correctness and the “stigmatization” of Chinese people.
“In a sane world, instead of leading a global organisation, Tedros and his cronies would be put on trial at the International Criminal Court, tried for his crimes, and if found guilty, should spend the rest of his life in prison,” concludes Martin.
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