Monthly Archives: July 2020
No, he isn’t on vacation, he isn’t on a sabbatical, he isn’t in the hospital (perhaps he should be in a mental hospital), he isn’t in absentia. The TRUTH is that Joe Biden is NOT ALL THERE. That’s the reason why he is hiding in a flea invested hole, afraid to show up for the biggest job, the most testy job, the most powerful job in the world. Joe Biden is a Bag of Hot Air and empty suit if you will. “YOU CAN PUT LIPSTICK ON A (sic)BIG AND YOU WILL STILL BE A PIG.” Joe Biden is afraid of debating President Trump on national TV. Why? Because he will be KO’d if hit by an Iron Mike Tyson blow.
CLICK HERE FOR THE JOE BIDEN HORROR SHOW – “I’ll beat him like a drum.” Come on Joe, let’s Rumble, you are chicken shit, you have no cajones! “YOU KNOW THE THING.” or perhaps YOU KNOW NO THING. We opt for the latter.
Click her for Rudi Giuliani on Biden’s lies.

The below post was from 2015, but apropo to today as the Turkish dog has turned the world heritage site of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. He has been warned by the Christian world, including Russia, that this is an act of war.
Time and time again the New Boston Tea Party has demanded that NATO drop Turkey from the organization. Turkey is ruled by a dictator; President Erdogan is a Muslim Brotherhood stalwart – a bomb thrower, a suicide bomber, an instigator, a terrorist, anti-U.S., anti Israel and an anti-semite.
NATO looks the other way when it is to their advantage, Turkey is strategically located enabling NATO and the U.S. coalition to use Turkish airspace; Turkey needs to be fore warned that their place in history will be dictated by their actions against the NATO countries and their diplomatic transgressions. For instance their sending weapons to the Palestinians aboard the MV Mavi Marmara. Israel intercepted the MV in international waters during its voyage to Gaza. Fighting erupted and 9 members on the MV were killed.
The Israeli government-appointed Turkel Commission unveiled its final report on January 2011, and found both the blockade and the force used by the Israeli soldiers to be legal. A Polish authority on admiralty law, Professor Andrzej Makowski of the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, also upheld this view in an extensive article in the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs in May 2013. Bottom line here is that Turkey is a provocateur.
In the latest act of incitement Erdogan spews from his rabid mouth that Israel is “playing with fire” concerning their actions on the Temple Mount. However, Erdogan fails to mention the real crime against humanity is the actions regarding the Hagia Sophia. Once the center of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome.
From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as a Greek Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque.[9][10] The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaicsdepicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.
Before the world pays attention to this Turkish imbecile they must demand that the Hagia Sophia be restored to its rightful place in history. It is noteworthy to remind those Christians that Turkey once 100% Christian is now outnumbered by Muslims, 80,000,000 to less than 200,000. this is a manifestation of the treatment Christians receive in the Muslim world.

Take the case of former (CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY)President Bill Clinton and leaders of the democracies in the late 1990s when they enthusiastically embraced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with open arms and let China enter the World Trade Organization. With their confidently dismissing the CCP as a threat and with their eagerness to help, China has become the world’s largest economy with a $25 trillion GDP (as compared to the U.S.’s $19 trillion, measured by purchasing power parity) and the CCP now controls 56 percent of the GDP with no strings attached (as compared to 32 percent of the U.S. GDP controlled by the U.S. government, with many strings attached). Its enormous economic resources and totalitarian political rule have made the CCP the most powerful and feared force in the world.
Not allowed: investment in law firms in China.
Indeed, there is no need for foreign lawyers to waste their time in a country where the Party’s words are the law.
— Not allowed: investment in research institutes for the social sciences and humanities.
— Not allowed: social and public opinion polls and surveys.
— Not allowed: investment in news providers.
— Not allowed: creating or publishing of books, newspapers, periodicals, audio/video products, and electronic media.
— Not allowed: radio broadcasting stations, TV stations, channels, networks, transmission stations, satellite stations, microwave transmission stations, etc.
— Not allowed: making TV programs.
— Not allowed: movie production and distribution, etc.
— Not allowed: art and cultural performance companies.
Wow, so comprehensive! Where is the CCP’s confidence?
— Not allowed: satellite and TV receiving ground equipment and key parts.
Uh oh, there goes the hope that Musk’s Starlink will bring the freedom of visiting the internet to the Chinese people. If someone in China sets up a dish to connect with Starlink’s service, he or she will be punished.
— Printing firms must be majority-owned and controlled by Chinese nationals.

Remember Frank Sinatra’s iconic song, “Chicago, Chicago, its my kind of town.” Or is it Frank’s kind of town – 79 shot, 15 fatally, over Fourth of July weekend in Chicago. Even the mob didn’t kill that many in a year. What GOES? Not only will “You will lose the blues in Chicago.” but today you can lose your life. Truly, if they cared about Black lives, the Black community would demand that the mayor apply the maximum force to those neighborhoods that are emersed in violence. CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY FROM THE SUN-TIMES.
Among the victims are a 7-year-old girl fatally shot at a Fourth of July party and a 14-year-boy who was one of four people killed in a shooting that hurt four others.By Sun-Times Wire Updated Jul 6, 2020, 5:43am CDT
“Your ain’t Black if you vote for Trump”, those are the words from Dementia Joe Biden. School Choice, a priority of the Trump Administration is fought at every turn by the Neotard Progressive. And why? The Liberal Democrat is in the pocket of the NEA. An organization vehemently against school choice. And don’t forget the tenure rule, impossible to fire a mentally challenged teacher. But that is not all, Democrats have taken the Black vote for granted much to long.
Perhaps we should take a close look at the Democrat Party and the evils they gave us in history.
Democrats wrote 6 platforms supporting slavery.
Democrats wrote 20 platforms supporting segregation.
Democrats opposed the 13,14, and 15th amendments to the Constitution, to abolish slavery, give African Americans due process, and the right to vote.
The Democrat Party is the party of Jim Crow, and the founders of the KKK.
The Democrats fought the Civil Rights movement in the 60’s. They voted for and installed Robert Byrd a clan leader as majority leader in the Senate.
Democrats passed laws to raise the Stars and Bars over State Houses in the South.
Perhaps this history demands that the Democrat Party be cancelled.
Now I’m not saying that this is the Democrat Party of now, but it certainly was that Party’s history. And if you’re going to judge people and things based on history, the Democrat Party has to go.
However, Blacks are not taking it anymore. They are stepping up, demanding answers on why they should continue to support the Pandering Liberal Agenda. We are witnessing today a tsunami happening in the Black Community. Yes there is racism, there will always be, but on the whole, racism has receded in the past three decades. But one look back at the Obama administration is very telling. Obama, not a typical Black from the hood, but a mixed breed, stoked racism at every term. No need to get into the details here, but mentioning the Trayvon Marin -George Zimmerman affair will suffice here.
Look to Congress for answers and it is obvious to anyone not brainwashed by the fake news media of what began as a noble enterprise has turned into a lifetime propaganda machine. “What have you done for me lately” should be on the lips of every Black person. Wasn’t it Trump who passed the “FIRST STEP.”
From behind the president, Gregory Allen saluted and then made his way to the microphone. “Two months ago, I was in a prison cell, and I’m in the White House,” declared Allen, a Florida resident who had been freed under Trump’s signature criminal justice legislation. “That’s continuing to make America great again!”
The gathering in April was a triumphant celebration of the First Step Act, the most sweeping overhaul of the federal criminal justice system in a generation. Since its passage nearly a year ago, the law has led to the release of more than 3,000 inmates — including Allen, who was convicted of cocaine trafficking in 2001.
Blacks have been here for well over 300 years, fought in all wars, from the Revolutionary War to the Civil war to the never ending wars of today. And don’t forget that they fought gallantly for the Union. This took courage and bravery in spite of segregation. this is not to dismiss the great contributions of the Mexican community who were instrumental in their fight for freedom, who fought for Texas independence and their tremendous contributions to this country. The Latinos of New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and California introduced us to a great culture.
However, and we emphasize here that the Black fight has been upended by the recent Hispanic-Latino agenda. How is that so? For instance pressure for bilingual education forced Congress to pass the BEA (Bilingual Education Act of 1968). They joined together with the Black Civil Rights movement to push their agenda by leveraging the word “MINORITY.” The original intent of the the civil rights legislation of 1964 which when signed was focused on the Black Community; maybe the Hispanic community was a distant thought in some minds but not many.
The Civil Rights act of 1964 was a focus on the word “minority” which meant the Black minority, only later was it utilized by the Hispanic community to push their agenda. And that agenda pushed for bilingual education, more Hispanic/Latino teachers, more firemen and policemen in their communities. Take it from us, there is nothing wrong about using the system; the Irish used it to gain political power in cities of NY and Boston. Later on they leveraged their power by taking over the Democratic machine in killer cities like Chicago – think the Daly machine.
While the level of federal recognition was initially slow, Latinos were able to garner political power through electoral means. The Mexican American Legal Defense Education Fun (MALDEF) was created in 1968 with the assistance of the NAACP and funding from the Ford Foundation. Similarly, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Education Fund (PRLDF) was created in 1972 and centralized community activists, providing more resources and funds to hire lawyers and file lawsuits against schools and other institutions that were denying Latinos equitable educational opportunities.
The U.S. Supreme Court first recognized Mexican Americans as an identifiable ethnic group in Hernandez v. Texas (1954). Significantly, before Mexican Americans could seek relief against discrimination in court, Hernandez affirmed that the Fourteenth Amendment extended “beyond the racial classes of white or negro.”This ruling opened the way for Cisneros v. Corpus Christi (TX) Independent School District (1970). As historian Guadalupe San Miguel, Jr. pointed out, when school districts attempted to utilize Latino children to achieve racial balance in Black schools, the original strategy of Mexican American lawyers classify students as “white” finally backfired. In Cisneros, the judge ruled that Mexican Americans were “an identifiable ethnic minority group,” and could thus benefit from Brown v. Board of Education school desegregation cases. In a subsequent ruling, Keyes v. School District Number One, Denver, Colorado (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that Mexican Americans had the constitutional right to be recognized as a separate minority. The work of Chicano activists in the Southwest had a parallel among Puerto Rican leaders in the Northeast and the urban Midwest. Building on the work of pre-1960 groups such as the Puerto Rican-Hispanic Leadership Fund (1957), community-based organizations such as the United Bronx Parents, Inc. (1965) pushed for bilingual schools and teachers.
So as you see the power struggle has passed from the Blacks to the Hispanic-Latino who out number them by 20 million. In terms of votes, the Latino is courted to by politicians on both sides. This is because they don’t have a legacy of slavery and racial discrimination going back to the Civil War as do the Blacks.; while the Blacks are pandered to, over the years they have been brainwashed to pull the Democrat lever only. However, as we speak, changes are afoot as more informed Blacks realize that they have been mistreated and hood-winked by the politicians that they helped elect. This goes for the Black politician and White one as well.



The Golden Bull has arrived – are you joining him in the midst of world upheaval? Nations around the world have pumped (official estimates) up to twenty trillion into their economies; the U.S. alone have created 6-8 trillion in fiat currency. It appears that the sky is the limit. The presses continue to roll, new schemes are one step away from being rolled out. Unintended consequences will result. Inflation has remained sanguine up to this point in time, but like a coiled spring expect it to blast forward in the coming months to levels not seen since the early eighties.
The protection you need tomorrow must be bought today. And there is nothing better than gold to protect you from today’s financial disaster which obviously is happening as we speak. These black swan events come in a flash manifested in the Kung Flu. The world is 180 degrees different from what it was in January. Major upheavals the world over are now common place; Globalism is dead, country vs country and man vs man is the norm.
When Money Dies by Adam Fergusson

TNBTP has consistently brought to your attention the “Black Swan Event”. We recently posted about it. The above book has brought to our attention the likelihood of another Black Swan Event. If you were ever scared by the horrors of Halloween, read this book and you will be scared out of your skin. The story vividly illustrates the resulting demolition of the German currency during the Weimar Republic.
Andrew Stuttaford (who writes frequently about culture and politics, works in the international financial markets) writing for the Wall Street Journal describes the concern of Fergusson in his own words as follows: “His examination of both the seduction of inflation and its devastatingly corrosive effect is merciless and horrifying. Most haunting are the depictions of those broken on inflation’s wheel, the workers without a union to protect them, the retired trying to live on pension that had lost all meaning, the once-proud bourgeoisie after the annihilation of their savings. A nation can recover from hyperinflation, but for these people time had run out. Everybody ought to read this book. But baby boomers must.


France has temporarily pulled out of a Nato security operation amid a major row with Turkey.
The defence ministry said France had suspended its role in Operation Sea Guardian, accusing Turkey of violating an arms embargo against Libya.
It comes weeks after Turkish ships allegedly targeted a French warship in the Mediterranean – something Ankara strongly denies.
The Nato allies are thought to support different sides in Libya’s civil war.
Riven by violence since Col Muammar Gaddafi was deposed by Nato-backed forces in 2011, the oil-rich nation is a key transit point for migrants heading to Europe from Africa.
Currently, the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) is battling against the forces of Gen Khalifa Haftar which control large parts of the east and south of Libya.
Why is France pulling out of the operation?
French relations with Turkey have become increasingly strained in recent months because of the Libya crisis, Turkey’s role in northern Syria, and also drilling in the eastern Mediterranean.
But the key incident came on 10 June, when French frigate Courbet went to inspect a Tanzanian-flagged cargo ship, Cirkin, off the coast of Libya, to check if it was smuggling arms.

At the time the French ship was taking part in Nato’s Operation Sea Guardian, which among other things maintains freedom of navigation and plays a “maritime counter-terrorism” role.
What happened next is still under dispute. According to French defence forces, Turkish ships escorting the Cirkin – which they said was carrying medical supplies – acted aggressively to the Courbet, and even targeted it with their weapons systems three times.
Turkey denies the French allegation, saying the interaction was friendly. France has since asked Nato to investigate the incident.
- Russia and Turkey risk turning Libya into another Syria
- How Africa has been frozen out of Libya peace efforts
- Khalifa Haftar: The Libyan general with big ambitions
Both countries have traded insults in recent weeks. On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron accused Turkey of “historic and criminal responsibility” in the Libyan conflict, “for a country which claims to be a Nato member”.
Turkey’s foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, said on Tuesday that France had been “destructive” in the North African nation, and accused the country of trying “to increase Russia’s presence in Libya”. On Thursday, he asked France to apologise for its allegations about the Courbet.
Now France has suspended its role in Operation Sea Guardian. “It doesn’t make sense to keep our assets… with allies who do not respect the embargo,” a French defence official reportedly said.

Turkey is fast becoming a stone in Nato’s shoe.
This latest row with France is only the latest issue to raise questions about Turkey’s position within the alliance. Tensions over its approach to Libya come after similar differences between Ankara and key allies over its interventionist approach in Syria. Turkey has even held up approval of Baltic defence plans as part of this row.
Then there is its decision to purchase Russian S-400 air defence missiles which has resulted in its suspension from the US F-35 fighter programme. And to cap it all there are wider tensions in the Mediterranean with its long-standing rival and fellow Nato-member, Greece.
Turkey is pushing at the boundaries of what is acceptable within the alliance. But given the distractions of the Covid-19 pandemic and President Trump’s own ambivalent attitude towards Nato, such tensions are likely to simmer on.