Do you wonder sometimes if the talking head commentators have an agenda? You don’t have to look far, Zacharia Fareed, Cuomo aka Fredo, Juan Williams (“There is no Obamagate,” and Chris Wallace.
Quoting Wallace when referencing the Kavanaugh hearings, ” I don’t think we can disregard that, I don’t think we can disregard Christine Blasey Ford and the seriousness of this.” You get the twist hear. Wallace is inserting his opinion, biased to the nth degree by insinuating and alleging that Bret Kavanaugh sexually abused Blasey Ford. This is unacceptable that a renown journalist does not accept facts on the ground, but makes an unfounded and biased accusation against a prominent jurist.
From Wallace’s mouth, “We do need to point out that secretaries of state have never participated in political speeches,” he said. “In fact, it’s a regulation of the State Department that nobody that’s in the State Department can attend a political event, let alone participate in it. The State Department said, ‘Well, he’s operating in his personal capacity.’ But I don’t know what personal capacity a secretary of state has.”
Apparently Wallace forgot that we are living in Covid-19 times that require different ways of doing things. This, didn’t cross Wallace’s corrupt mind. FIRE HIM – HE IS A PUPPET FOR THE LEFT.
Wallace, however had to report the facts regarding the lying swine, Hillary Clinton, and her deleting 33,000 personal emails, on an illegal server, while Secretary of State Clinton. This never entered into the discussion last night. In addition, 2,000 emails were classified after they were sent, Comey said. Investigators found three other classified emails that had not been submitted to the State Department. The facts are this lying swine continued, on government time, to shoot emails, personally in nature.
Why didn’t Wallace refer to this. God, we are dismissive if we didn’t include the shakedown of the Shieks who for their own good nature tossed $25 to $50 million at the Clinton Foundation. Was this on personal time or government time? Either way, we see criminal activity here; shaking down our adversaries by a corrupt politician. Not in the narrative last night.
We won’t get into the Joe/Hunter Biden China escapade here, but you all know about the shakedown and the corrupt Biden family.