Law abiding Americans have been very patient. But now they are clamoring for action. They want to know where are the bracelets for Brennan, Comey, Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Mueller and rest of the lying bastards.
So far, John Durham got one lying Democrat pervert to plead guilty. How many more will he get and when? Others up the food chain have lawyered up. Where are the indictments? We want to know.
Mayor Daly of Chicago had it right when he said, “vote early and often.” The tongue-in-cheek political motto of Chicago—”Vote early, and vote often”—has been attributed to Mayor Richard J. Daley, gangster Al Capone, and Mayor William Hale Thompson. But no matter who said it, seriously folks, you only get to vote once.
The lame stream media will throw out numerous lies, falsehoods and fairy tales. They actually promulgate the lie that Trump has told Americans to vote twice. Of course that was “tongue-in-cheek.” As any a initiated person knows that you can’t vote twice. However, we know that voting twice does happen; the majority of the time Democrats are the culprits.
Trump baited the lame stream media when he told voters to vote twice; he recommended this to test if the system actually works.
Not true that he advised them to break the law as the media touted. When working correctly, a potential voter will be called out prior to physically casting a vote at the booth. But there are thousands of times where a mail in vote is fraudulent. The criminal schemer is eventually caught when the actual voter, without knowledge of a mail in vote in his name, tries to vote in person.
Be prepared for one scary election three days after Halloween.
We have posted Dr. Ahmed’s actions and opinions before. See below for a January post. She is the embodiment of a Muslim intellectual who is sane, forceful and objective.
(click)Qanta Ahmed: As a Muslim American Trump admirer, I say to Joy Reid and Ilhan Omar: Shame on you!
“I have traveled throughout the Arab Muslim world for 20 years and frequently during the Trump presidency and I have talked with ordinary Iraqis, Kurds, Yazidis, Palestinians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Emiratis, Saudis and others. In these conversations, my co-religionists have told me that far from being a radicalizer of Muslims, President Trump is a galvanizer of Muslims.“
Two Trump-hating, far-left radical women made news this week as they got into an argument about how to best insult President Trump. As a Muslim woman observing Islam, and someone who admires the president as a true friend of Muslims around the world and an outstanding leader of our country, I find their comments to be ignorant, insulting and intellectually dishonest.
On the way to victory in 2016, Hillary “Lock Her Up” Clinton was salivating the moment when she would become president of the United States, following in her her husbands footsteps. All polls predicted an assured victory. How could she lose? Clinton’s never lost when it came to beating Republicans.
However, on the way to stardom, an untested American businessman by the name Trump stood in her way. Election night on November 8, 2016 was not turning out the way the experts predicted. First it was Ohio, then Wisconsin, then Florida, the Pennsylvania; Trump was piling up victories, upon victories where one was not expected. In the end Clinton was defeated; a horrendous loss for a Crook. So badly beaten she did not have the guts to show her bloody face that evening; tasered real good. eh.
History repeats itself in many ways, some are not visible at first glance, but the internals are always the same. Historians will dissect the events in order to make sense of it all. Numerous examples going back decades are of prime examples. In fact, war, political conflict and espionage come to mind. We can cite those that are fresh in our memory. Politically speaking though we reference the above blood sport that took place in 2008.
As this match race heads into the clubhouse turn we find two horses running head to head. An incompetent shake down artist versus a righteous American, the 45th President of the United States. Polls have been skewed in the favor of the challenger; this is expected as the Fake News is trying in a vain attempt by pressing on the scale to saddle a winner. It won’t happen though. Donald J. Trump has exposed those involved in scams, lies, treason, cabals, seduction and espionage. John Durham will bring the light of day to the coup d’eta that has black marked Trumps first term.
With all that being said, we can’t rest on our laurels. The task ahead to victory will be hard, but we are steadfast in our effort to reelect President Trump to a second term. However, we remind all that the next four years will be WAR. The left is now in the hands of anarchists – ANTIFA types and more. They will see to it that city after city goes ablaze. They are out for total destruction of the United States.
President Trump’s approval rating is going through the roof. POTUS’s approval has attained Pre-Covid-19 highs. When you look at the competition it is no wonder that the public can separate the wheat from the chaff.
The public is waking up to the agenda of FAKE NEWS. We have seen the lame stream media, the left arm of the Democrat party, doing everything in its power to denigrate President Trump. Day after day they have been going after him – not working folks.
Friday’s Rasmussen Reports approval rating for Trump was 52%. At the same time, 48 percent disapprove. Strong feelings for the president are equal on both sides– 42 percent strongly approve of the president’s job and 42 percent strongly disapprove.
The adversaries balloon is losing air faster than the Hindenburg. We see it in enthusiasm. Their ticket is in disarray. Rallies of the left are far and few in between, and nobody shows up accept the Fake News. A lonely place to be right now is a one person rally.
We admit it, Cecil Rhodes colonized Zimbabwe. Cannibalizing a huge swath of territory under dubious circumstances, using a document, signed by the King, granting a mining concession. This was subsequently utilized in bringing in the White Europeans which were protected by the the the British police.
In 1980 Rhodesia became an independent country. Power struggles continued with Robert Mugabe becoming the first Prime Minister. Land reform followed. Blacks were given large swaths of previously owned white farms; 58,000 Blacks became farmers. Production faltered, starvation was common, Whites fled and the economy cratered. There is no surprise here.
The above history in a nutshell is a meant to be a prefix into the main topic. Institutional and structural racism seem to be under attack today. Violent criminals are torching cities using racism as the reason. With civil rights legislation and anti-discrimination laws on the books we question their veracity; they are attempting to bring upon us a civil war. What bothers these anarchists the most is not racism, it is Western Civilization; they cannot live under our Judeo/Christian ethic. And why is that?
Because belief in order, structure, family, justice, individual rights, civility is not in their genetic make-up. How so? Societies emerge with their individual peculiarities – those that have endured for millennium. An example of specific cultures can be found on every continent. Indigenous peoples exist here in North America. Assimilation of them has been an outright failure, even though many attempts have been made to embrace them into the “White man’s” culture. Yes, there have been successes, but in the scheme of things, not many.
Numerous examples can be found which highlight these differences. And one can easily point to examples where evolutionary and genetic differences cannot be modified by laws. In other words, certain people do what they do because of their evolutionary development that enabled them to survive. Today we are seeing this played out in real time. Although there are laws on the books preventing discrimination, that is not the issue. What these anarchists want is a cultural war, where the result will end in Chaos. Chaos, is the type society they know of, it is imprinted into their human make-up over the course of thousands of years. That cannot be changed by the stroke of a pen.
Its OK if you are (click)Queen Slut and disobey the law – off scott free. A sting operation, a setup, they waited for me. But all of the peons must follow the law to a tee, unless you are a rioter, murderer, rapist, illegal alien and just a plain old thug. Gangs are OK too; ask Charles Schumer, he loves gangs; matter of fact he is a member of one.
Yeah, we will apologize on November 3Wanna Join? No problem if you don’t have an ID. We will procure one for you.
The civil war is brewing! City after city is going up in flames. The anarchists are not looking for the betterment of society, they are looking for the destruction of it.
The RED STATE CITIZENS ARE NOT WAITING FOR ELECTION NIGHT. Gun sales are going through the roof; Patriots know that one way or another there will be violent clashes with rioters. In no way shape or form will we be dictated to by the firebrands AOC, Tlaib, Pressley and Omar. They are not Americans, but subversives.
They tried to do everything they could to bring Trump down – not succeeding they are now engaged in urban combat. Coming to a theater near you is Iraqi type warfare; block by block takeover. Expect guns and even RPG’s to be utilized by the anarchists. Cities taken over by the insurgents.
However, Trump will be more flexible in his second term, he will unleash the mighty power of the Presidency. Military personnel will enter the cities with orders to bring justice to the rioters. And believe us when we tell you in no uncertain terms that what we see now is a dress rehearsal. The real action will start after November 3, 2020. Wait and See.
Trump also responded to Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, who called on the president to scrap his planned trip to Kenosha to inspect the damage from rioting that followed the Aug. 23 police shooting of Jacob Blake.
“[I’m going] because I am a tremendous fan of law enforcement and I want to thank the law enforcement. They’ve done a good job,” he said. “And when the governor says that I shouldn’t come or he’d prefer that I not come. I’m the one that called him and said, ‘Tony, you got to bring out the National Guard.’ [And he said] ‘Well, I don’t really want to do it.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire