20 Best Hair Dryers 2020 - Top Rated Blow Dryer Reviews


Pelosi lives by her own rules; a ruthless politician who tells the plebeians to eat cake. As we recall, the last Queen who said that was subject to the guillotine. Recall her disdain for the common folk during the height of the pandemic. And now Pelosi struts into a hair salon without a mask, then she mouths childish dribble that it was a setup.

Pelosi, your days are numbered. So is your boyfriend Schiff and girlfriend Waters, pitiful people and liars to boot.

Trump has finally caught up with you and your Democrat creeps. America is sick and tired of the games you play. Can’t handle him like you do that blow dryer, can you?

Your days of power are about to end. Take that to the bank.

Pelosi’s Labor day message blows in the wind.

2 thoughts on “PELOSI TO PROTESTERS”

  1. 669117 367055OK 1st take a good look at your self. What do you like what do you not like so a lot. Work on that which you do not like. But do not listen to other men and women their opinions do not matter only yours does. Work on having the attitude that this is who you are and if they dont like it they can go to hell. 37317

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