To rehash the accomplishments of the Trump administration we point you to the first time in a century where the Arabs are coming around and realize that to befriend Israel is a natural evolution. The UAE, Bahrain and others who are lining up to open diplomatic relations. Kudos to Trump. The Arab street became sick and tired of the recalcitrant attitude of the Palestinians who now have to fend for themselves.
Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, plus for the first time in history any person of United States citizenship born in Jerusalem can indicate “Jerusalem Israel” on their passport. This is a first. Peace has come to the Middle East for the first time since its founding in 1948.
We must advise you that the Biden administration will not treat Israel as an equal, but will resort to the ways of the Obama administration. And you do remember how Obama and John Kerry flushed Israel down the drain.
US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power attends the UN Security Council meeting on December 23, 2016, where the US voted to abstain on a UN Security Council resolution that demands Israel stop settlement activities on Palestinian territories. Volkan Furuncu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
President Barack Obama has decided to go out with a bang: In a stunning diplomatic rebuke of Israel, the United States on Friday abstained on a controversial United Nations Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, allowing it to pass easily.
In your heart, with all of the sensitivities of the past, how can you vote for a person whose party will sell you out. Don’t believe their rhetoric, believe what they have done in the past and will do in the picture. See who will swing their weight come January if Biden wins.
In the past they took Jewish money, but you have to look at the results. Trump didn’t take Jewish money, but he befriended them without prior demands. To repeat, before you vote, look into your conscience. It will guide you forward. You don’t want to regret your decision do you?
They took your money didn’t they. They then twisted the shiv into your back. You were played like those in the Black community, like suckers. Do you want that to happen again?
AOC HAS NOT CAMPAIGNED WITH SLEEPY LYIN JOE BIDEN! Do you wonder why? If she showed up at a rally, maybe 10 people, the Democrat moderates will come to the forgone conclusion that Bided is endorsing the extreme left wing of the party. So they keep her off the trail in hopes of hood winking the moderates. Not gonna happen folks.
By the way, they are looking at Elizabeth Warren as Secretary of the Treasury (real scary folks) and non-other than Bernie Sanders as Labor Secretary and AOC secretary of the Interior. Think of it this way, printing money 24/7 will be a no brainer, $25 minimum wage and not only open borders, but citizenship to all of the illegals. And gas will cost $25 a gallon. Its coming folks if you elect Lyin Joe.
You heard the radical left Schumer say that “everything is on the table”
Let us remind Americans in case of a Biden win. Does anyone think that 15 states will dictate the lives of the other 35 states. NO WAY – YOU WILL SEE A MAJOR REVOLUTION – A CIVIL WAR. WE WILL SHUT DOWN AMERICA.
Those are the exact words of Hunter Biden when dealing with China, Russia and Ukraine. But don’t forget the 10% for the BIG MAN.
A Biden win will be compared of a mugger twisting a knife into your back and drinking the blood that spurts from the gash.
This POS thinks he will brings us together. Yeah right. He calls us (click)CHUMPS AND UGLY and he called President Trump a Clown. We will tell you who is a clown next Tuesday.
A criminal par excellence who has escaped the hands of the law. Even a laptop from hell has not brought him to justice yet, but on November 3, 2020, Americans will bring him down like they brought “Lock Her Up” down to her knees four years ago. Americans know better than to succumb to the lame stream media Black Out of good news, but in bright bloody letters reports bad news
THE Biden Crime family is guilty of lying, cheating and other criminal activities. We mention this so you can compare your life with that of the Bidens. Many of you have relatives or close friends who have been incarcerated for minor crimes. Do you wonder why the Bidens have not; never been arrested? They have friends in high places; it’s always that way with the rich. We provide you with another example. Hillary “lock her up” Clinton. On top of being a ruthless killer (remember Benghazi) she destroyed 33,000 emails subsequent to a court order not to. But nothing happened to her either. It’s who you know Brother. Two justice systems.
We have an election coming up on November 3rd. There is a significant difference between the two candidates. One is a puppet, strings pulled by the communists zealots who can’t wait for him to get in. They are for public education which is controlled by the union devil. Do you know that teachers have tenure? What that means is that no how bad a teacher is they can’t be fired. And you know from experience that the worst teachers are assigned to your neighborhoods. Charter schools are the death knell for public schools. The unions are deadly against them Check out the Success Academy Charter Schools of NYC.
Do you know that only Trump carried only 8% of the Black vote in 2016. He was knew at the game, but a fast learner indeed. Trump is a huge advocate of vouchers. You, the parent will have a choice where to send your child. School Choice is a good thing because you then will have the responsibility of seeing that your child has the best education. Biden and his backers, the public school education industry have a call to arms to defeat school choice backers. You may ask why?
You most likely heard of SECOND CHANCE and the FIRST STEP ACT, the legislation was passed in June of last year. Now, your relatives, loved ones, sons and daughters who have spent time in jail will be given a second chance to succeed. This is Trump who pushed for this legislation. Administrations before him thought it best to keep some of our citizens behind bars for a very long time, Trump thought they deserved a second chance.
One last thought. The Politicians (mostly Democrats) have patronized you for years. They assume that your vote is in their pocket. But not anymore. Issues are the main component of Tuesday’s election and Trump has the issues has proved that he is a friend of the Black community and communities of color. So when you cast your ballot on Tuesday, think back at who has helped your community the most. Who has not taken the Black and Hispanic communities for granted. You do have a choice. Cast off the chains of slavery, vote your conscience, not who they tell you to vote for. Free yourself from slave owners, become the best you can. And thirdly, have you noticed how many prominent Blacks have mutinied, yes they have jumped of the Slave Ship Democrat. Yes, you can do it too. It is a choice of who has your back; that man is Donald J. Trump.
And one other thing that deserves mentioning. Kamala Harris. Do you know who she is? Does she represent the Black Community? Her resume is below.
A few years ago a woman indicated that she was of Spanish descent. However, she looked white as the new fallen snow. How was she able to describe herself as a minority? When asked about this, she simply answered that her maternal great grandmother was from Spain. This woman had no trouble taking all of the free gifts life had to offer to minorities. Many of you out there have similar stories to tell.
This brings us to the Black question. Who is Black? Bobby Jindal, the ex-governor of the Cajun State, is a full blooded Punjab Indian. See picture below. On the other hand Kamala Harris presents herself as Black. This is an interesting description of her ethnicity because of the heritage she brings to the table. Harris’ mother was from Tamil Nadu, India. Compare the color comparisons of both of these highly respected individuals. Confused? It seems that if you had no previous knowledge of their heritage and the question of who was Black was posed to you, you would have a dilemma in answering the question. Are either of them Black? So you see there is a debate here on the definition of Black.
Harris’ father is from Jamaica. An island country situated in the Caribbean. Donald Jasper Harris (born August 23, 1938) is a Jamaican-American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, known for applying Post-Keynesian ideas to development economics. Harris claimed he was the son of a slave owner, but this is unproven according to Snopes. A photo of him is seen below. Ummm?
So as you see where we are going with this. Harris is not some girl from the hood as portrayed by the Liberal Lame Stream Media. Her parents were intellectuals, educated to a degree envied by most Americans. We are talking doctors here. The point being that Harris is not really Black in terms of having an affiliation with the Black Community – sort of like Barack Obama.
For Biden to choose her as a woman of color in order to pander to the Black community is an outright insult to them. For her to even suggest that she knows their concerns, their fears, their life is an affront to them. Blacks, who have African roots, whose grandparents and great grand parents slaved on plantations have been thrown to the gutter by Dementia Joe. \
Now is time the Black Community to make their own decision; certainly it is not Harris or Biden. Their ilk has enslaved them for the past five decades.
The Biden Family from Hell has been exposed as such by the laptop from hell. They are all crooks! Biden does not love America, Biden hates America. The Bidens are a crime family if there was ever one.
It all started with Joe dodging the draft. Biden received five student draft deferments and a medical exemption and was “disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager.” Biden played football and worked as a lifeguard in high school; WITH ASTHMA?
Most asthmatics are able to be controlled and have no symptoms, in fact many olympic athletes have asthma. Joe paid a doctor for a fake diagnosis. Wake Up America. A Crime Family from Hell must be brought to justice. America, you can do this on November 3, 2020 by voting for Trump.
A “Jews For Trump” vehicle convoy was repeatedly attacked and heckled as it made its way through New York City Sunday to show its support of the president, video shows.
The convoy took place in several Orthodox Jewish communities ahead of a planned event in Brooklyn’s Marine Park organized by Boris Epshteyn, an advisor to the Trump campaign and co-chair of Jewish Voices for Trump, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported Friday.
Multiple video clips of the convoy posted on @NYScanner show crowds not taking too kindly to rows of vehicles with hoisted Trump 2020 flags.
In one video, a man can be seen appearing to throw eggs at the convoy in Brooklyn.
Upchuck Schumer, better known as Cryin Chuck (please don’t threaten us), is in awe at the way Mitch McConnell moved with dispatch (37 days after the death of RBG who is now turning over in her grave) Amy Barrett onto the Supreme Court.
Yeah Chuckie, seems the Republicans under Trump and Mitch, told you to go chuck yourself. Oh, please don’t cry, we hate to see grown men shed tears. But we will tell you straight out, buy all the Kleenex boxes you can find, for the time is coming when AOC whips your Donkey; it will be a crying shame.