This is a given. Housing policies are to take a sharp “U” turn under the Biden administration. They see racism in every “burb”, bigotry and hate. To counter this trend it is necessary to destroy the White suburbs. And how will they do this? First step is to press forward with the reformation of strict zoning regulations. This is not a pipe dream. Cities are being sued for their restrictive zoning. For instance, there is a debate across America that one acre single family plus zones are the Red Line that keeps minorities from acquiring properties in all White towns. Zoning boards are becoming the target of lawsuits.
CLICK HERE for the debate raging in Woodbridge Connecticut. The claim here is simple; why can’t a single family 4,000 square foot home on two acres be converted to a four family with the same footprint. Any real estate broker will tell you that the conformity of a neighborhood is what makes a neighborhood. Throw a four family into the mix of single family homes will instantaneously bring their values down. There is no question about it.
Can a town’s laws be racist even if they do not explicitly state: “No Blacks Allowed”?
That question emerged at the latest public hearing over whether to change zoning, and boost affordable housing, in New Haven’s leafy neighbor to the west.
The question came towards the end of a three-hour hearing hosted Monday night by the Woodbridge Town Planning & Zoning Commission.
Former President Trump will give his first political speech since leaving office on Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), a four-day event beginning Thursday that appears set to showcase how the twice-impeached ex-president remains his party’s leader.
The annual gabfest will put Trump, his allies and his movement front and center, while sidelining opponents of Trumpism within the GOP. The gathering will conclude with a Sunday straw poll that is almost certain to declare Trump the front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.
There is no speaking time allotted for any of the GOP leaders seen as opponents of Trump, such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.); Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah), the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee; Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley; or Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), the third-ranking Republican in the House.
Michael Burry Warns Weimar Hyperinflation Is Coming
Update (1815 ET): one day after the Weimar tweetstorm below, and shortly after our article came out, Burry tweeted the following:
People say I didn’t warn last time. I did, but no one listened. So I warn this time. And still, no one listens. But I will have proof I warned.
Indeed he will.Recommended VideosWall Street Bounces, After Selloff Fed Boosts LiquidityPauseUnmuteToggle Close CaptionsLoaded: 49.82% FullscreenUp Next
One week ago, Bank of America hinted at the unthinkable: the tsunami of monetary and fiscal stimulus, coupled with the upcoming surge in monetary velocity as the world’s economy emerges from lockdowns, would lead to unprecedented economic overheating… or rather precedented as BofA’s CIO Michael Hartnett reflected back on the post-WW1 Germany which he said was the “most epic, extreme analog of surging velocity and inflation following end of war psychology, pent-up savings, lost confidence in currency & authorities” and specifically the Reichsbank’s monetization of debt, and extrapolated that this is similar to what is going on now.
There is, of course, another name for that period: Weimar Germany, and because we all know what happened then, it is understandable why BofA does not want to mention that particular name.
Is Ben Bernanke The Second Coming Of Rudy von Havenstein, The Central Banker Responsible For Germany’s Hyperinflation?— zerohedge (@zerohedge) February 26, 2010
Then overnight none other than the Big Short, Michael Burry, who has been rather busy making waves within the financial community with his hot takes (most recently, his slam of Robinhood and his bullish view on Uranium), picked up on the theme of Weimar Germany and specifically its hyperinflation, as the blueprint for what comes next in a lengthy tweetstorm cribbing generously from Parsson’s seminal work. And while the details are familiar to most monetary historians, the fact is that now none other than the man who was made famous in the Big Short is calling for Weimar-style hyperinflation in the US. Below is an easily digestible repost of Burry’s lengthy Saturday tweetstorm, which shows just how similar our world is to that prevalent in the years just before Weimar Germany saw the most explosive hyperinflation in history.
The US government is inviting inflation with its MMT-tinged policies. Brisk Debt/GDP, M2 increases while retail sales, PMI stage V recovery. Trillions more stimulus & re-opening to boost demand as employee and supply chain costs skyrocket. #ParadigmShift
The US government is inviting inflation with its MMT-tinged policies. Brisk Debt/GDP, M2 increases while retail sales, PMI stage V recovery. Trillions more stimulus & re-opening to boost demand as employee and supply chain costs skyrocket. #ParadigmShift— Cassandra (@michaeljburry) February 20, 2021
“The life of the inflation in its ripening stage was a paradox which had its own unmistakable characteristics. One was the great wealth, at least of those favored by the boom..Many great fortunes sprang up overnight…The cities, had an aimless and wanton youth”
“Prices in Germany were steady, and both business and the stock market were booming. The exchange rate of the mark against the dollar and other currencies actually rose for a time, and the mark was momentarily the strongest currency in the world” on inflation’s eve.
“Side by side with the wealth were the pockets of poverty. Greater numbers of people remained on the outside of the easy money, looking in but not able to enter. The crime rate soared.”
“Accounts of the time tell of a progressive demoralization which crept over the common people, compounded of their weariness with the breakneck pace, to no visible purpose, and their fears from watching their own precarious positions slip while others grew so conspicuously rich.”
“Almost any kind of business could make money. Business failures and bankruptcies became few. The boom suspended the normal processes of natural selection by which the nonessential and ineffective otherwise would have been culled out.”
“Speculation alone, while adding nothing to Germany’s wealth, became one of its largest activities. The fever to join in turning a quick mark infected nearly all classes..Everyone from the elevator operator up was playing the market.”
“The volumes of turnover in securities on the Berlin Bourse became so high that the financial industry could not keep up with the paperwork…and the Bourse was obliged to close several days a week to work off the backlog” #robinhooddown
“all the marks that existed in the world in the summer of 1922 were not worth enough, by November of 1923, to buy a single newspaper or a tram ticket. That was the spectacular part of the collapse, but most of the real loss in money wealth had been suffered much earlier.”
“Throughout these years the structure was quietly building itself up for the blow. Germany’s #inflationcycle ran not for a year but for nine years, representing eight years of gestation and only one year of #collapse.”
His punchline: the above was “written in 1974 re: 1914-1923” and then makes the ominous extrapolation that “2010-2021: Gestation” adding that “when dollars might as well be falling from the sky…management teams get creative and ultimately take more risk.. paying out debt-financed dividends to investors or investing in risky growth opportunities has beaten a frugal mentality hands down.”
We are there now. The only question is when do we enter the exponential currency collapse phase.
“Saturday Night Live” cast member Michael Che is in hot water for a joke he made during this week’s “Weekend Update” segment that many critics are calling anti-Semitic.
“Israel is reporting that they’ve vaccinated half of their population. I’m going to guess it’s the Jewish half,” Che said on the long-running NBC show.
The statement drew attention on social media causing an uproar with viewers and sparked a petition from the American Jewish Committee (AJC) for NBC “to retract its outrageous claim and apologize immediately.”
.@nbcsnl I’m a big fan of humor but, perpetuating antisemitism is just not funny. Your “joke” is ignorant-the fact is that the success of our vaccination drive is exactly because every citizen of Israel – Jewish, Muslim, Christian-is entitled it. Apologize!
What will it take for those of the Jewish Community to understand that these Tropes are de rigueur inside the Democrat Party. Check out the Squad’s comments on the net; Talib , AOC, Omar, Pressley
Imagine hauling in a BIG TUNA – A lifetime catch that wets the lips and dreams of many anglers. Currently the waters in and around the Empire State are rippling with Sharks. These anglers are out for Political Blood. To land the Big One is the holy grail; a future viral moment to be sure.
Legal experts are warning that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s alleged undercounting of nursing-home deaths amid the COVID-19 pandemic may rise to the level of a criminal offense.
Cuomo has found himself at the center of a federal investigation into whether his administration sought to hide the true toll of the pandemic.
The New York Post reported earlier this month that Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo’s top aide, told lawmakers the administration had withheld the numbers for fear of them being “used against us.”
In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, John B. Daukas, who served as acting U.S. attorney general for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, wrote that DeRosa’s reported admissions weren’t “merely negligent, but intentional and perhaps criminal.”
Mafia figure Ronnie “The Crab” Carabbia waited for the right moment to ‘push the button‘ of his remote-control device that would detonate the bomb-car. Carabbia pushed the button and the explosion ripped Danny Greene’s body into pieces.
Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak at CPAC in Orlando, Florida next week in his first major public appearance since leaving office in January.
Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law and former senior advisor to Donald Trump, called the former president the “head of the Republican Party” while discussing his upcoming appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
During a Saturday night appearance on Fox News‘s Justice with Judge Jeanine, Lara Trump said: “Look, he is the head of the Republican Party,” referring to the former president. “He is really the person that everyone will continue to turn to in order to help them get across the line.”
“Whether we’re talking about 2022 or beyond, I think this man has changed politics and he has changed our party, the Republican Party,” she added. “There is no doubt about it.”
Nothing changes a society more over the long term than the way we teach our children, what we teach them, and how we teach them. If you want to pass on your values, you tell your kids about them. So school matters maybe more than anything.
From the very first day “Tucker Carlson Tonight” came on the air in November 2016, we have covered the way our schools are changing and the indoctrination that your kids are suffering through. Over the past four-plus years, the curricula in so many schools has turned from the extremely left-wing to the outright totalitarian.
“Do Black Lives Matter in America?” it begins. By the end of the lesson, it declares, “Students will be able to understand the need for the Black Lives Matter movement.” Here you have a school district explicitly endorsing a political movement, and that’s in a lesson plan for little kids.
Tucker Carlson@TuckerCarlson
Host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, weeknights at 8 PM ET @FoxNews. My #1 NYT best selling book #ShipOfFools is out now! Re-tweets are emphatic endorsements.
We have brought this subject numerous times. That is the brain washing of our you. It starts in grammar school, progresses to high school then gathers critical mass in college. Reasons are many , but the most prolific reason is because of the teacher affiliation with a socialist – communist union representing them. See below for an example of Joseph Goebbels type of indoctrination in America’s schools.
The test was administered recently to a group of students at Duncan Middle School in Palm Beach County. The test described Trump as a businessman, a Republican and an idiot.
“This was an actual question on my daughters middle school test today. Furious,” the angry dad wrote on Twitter. “Going to raise some hell with the principle. Indoctrination
A spokesperson for the Palm Beach County School Board tells “The Todd Starnes Radio Show” that the incident is under investigation. They provided me with a letter that was mailed to every parent at the school.
“The question was inappropriate and demonstrated an unacceptable lack of good judgment on the part of the teacher,” Principal Philip D’Amico told parents.
The teacher has been reassigned pending the outcome of the investigation, the principal said.
”I apologize for this incident and for the offensive verbiage used in the question,”
The NEA has followed in the footsteps of German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler‘s closest and most devoted associates, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.
A faction of the Teacher’s union (NEA) who are Anti Israel, antisemitic are engaged in a fight to force the the teachers union to teach hatred toward Israel and Jews.
The nation’s largest teachers union is being accused of “trafficking in anti-Semitic hatred” over a faction of its members pushing an anti-Israel agenda.
“While Americans are busy planning summer get-aways during their children’s school break, the union representing America’s teachers has regrettably been engaged with a growing faction within their ranks attempting to use the NEA as a means of trafficking anti-Semitic hatred to our children’s educators, and ultimately to their students,” she said in a statement.
In a letter to NEA President Lily Eskelstein Garcia, she’s asking for the anti-Israel members to be censured.
“The NEA is the largest labor union and pro interest group in the U.S. with over three million members encompassing public school teachers from K-12 through university,” she wrote. “For the second year in a row an apparent growing anti-Israel coalition within NEA has attempted to push an anti-Semitic BDS/Israel Apartheid agenda into the bylaws of the organization’s vote by the mainstream rank and file.”
The NEA says it is proposing the use of “existing digital communications to develop and publish resources to educate members and the general public on the apartheid, atrocities, and gross violations of human rights of Palestinian children and families by the State of Israel, funded directly by the United States.”
It also calls for the “end the detention and abuse of Palestinian Children.”
“The NEA must oppose the detainment, incarceration, torture, family separation, and murder of children and their families at the hands of the U.S., domestically and globally.” Read more at
A police officer in Kentucky was fired Friday over allegations that he gave a Black Lives Matter organizer information about other officers working protests that could be used to “insult, intimidate and harass.”
Lexingtion police Officer Jervis Middleton was relieved of his duties following a unanimous vote by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council after a nine-hour hearing and two hours of closed deliberations, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.
The fired officer initially denied sharing information with BLM leader Sarah Williams, a friend, but admitted it when he was shown text messages obtained through a search warrant, city lawyer Horn said.
Reserved for itself the most succulent, The central coast of my own land, The delicate waist of the Americas.
It rechristened its territories As the “Banana Republics”, And over the sleeping dead, Over the restless heroes Who brought about the greatness, The liberty and the flags,
It established a comic opera …
We completely agree with these Pee Brains, but why only include those who owe up to $50,000 in student debt? We recommend that every American over eighteen be sent a check for $50,000. They in turn can pay off their student debt, other debts if any and spend the rest. ROARING TWENTIES WILL BE HERE AGAIN.
Georgia Republicans in sweeping new effort to make it harder to vote
Bill that would restrict early voting on Sundays denounced as ‘concerted effort to suppress the votes of Black Georgians’
Georgia Republicans File Sweeping Elections Bill To Limit Early And Absentee Voting. Only a small subset of Georgians would be eligible to vote absentee by mail, and those that do qualify would have to submit some sort of photo ID with their application either online or on paper. They would not be allowed to get an application from outside groups, and could only return ballots through the mail or deliver in person to the county elections office. If someone moves to Georgia, or moves within the state, they would have to remember to opt in to having the Department of Driver Services update their voter registration, and if they relocate to Georgia after a November general election they could not participate in the runoff.
The Augusta Chronicle
ATLANTA — Republican state senators have rolled out a legislative package aimed at overhauling Georgia’s election laws by limiting who can vote by mail, outlining how to prove identification and outlawing absentee-ballot drop boxes.
The eight bills, filed late Monday by top Senate Republican leaders, mark the most sweeping attempt to change local voting laws after the 2020 election cycle stirred mistrust among many conservative Georgians over the state’s election integrity.
At a news conference in Palm Beach on Friday, DeSantis, a Republican, announced a proposed slate of new voting restrictions that would make it more difficult for voters to receive and return mail-in ballots in future Florida elections.
In doing so, he joined a wave of state and local officials who have worked in the months since the 2020 general election to introduce new voting restrictions, arguing these policies will make voting more secure.
Specifically, DeSantis called on the Florida legislature to address “ballot harvesting” (when mail-in ballots are collected for delivery at a drop-off location) and ballot drop boxes, to ban mailing out ballots to voters who haven’t requested one, and to tighten the rules around requesting a ballot so that requests must be made every election year.
Currently, a request for a vote-by-mail ballot is valid for two general election cycles, according to the Florida ACLU; DeSantis’s proposed change would mean that voters have to do so more frequently, potentially raising the logistical barriers to voting by mail.
DeSantis also lauded Florida’s voting system in his speech, arguing the state had the most “transparent and efficient election anywhere in the country,” and pointing out that Florida — which went for former President Donald Trump in November — counted ballots far more quickly than some states. But he claimed the new measures are necessary in order to ensure election integrity.
“We need to make sure that we continue to stay ahead of the curve,” DeSantis said Friday. “We need to make sure that our citizens have confidence in the elections.”
Types of Voter Fraud – How the Problem is Solved
Types of voter fraud include intimidation, vote buying, misinformation, misleading / confusing ballot papers, ballot stuffing, incorrect recording of votes, misuses of proxy votes, destruction / invalidation of ballots, and tampering with electronic voting machines.
In order to obtain a “free ID” they need a certified copy of a birth certificate which costs from $10 to $45 depending on the state, a passport which costs $85, and certified naturalization papers which cost $19.95. As an added catch-22 obtaining a certified copy of your birth certificate usually requires a government-issued ID.
So make no mistake here, voting fraud does exist. As Federal procedures require a State approved driver license to book and embark on an airline in the United States as of October 1, 2021 (delayed one year from 2020).
Ok, so what is the solution? Any person who is eligible to vote should be able to do so. An eligible person should apply in person for a birth certificate at the appropriate department of Vital Statistics, if they can’t physically be there, a Zoom video or equivalent will do. Of course it must be verifiable, via a passport or other government documentation such as FBI confirmed fingerprints, military identification etc. A certified birth certificate will then be issued free of charge. However, to reimburse the locality, the appropriate department would then send a certified list of the applicants to the Department of Homeland Security with their social security numbers for reimbursement. That will solve the monetary and verification problem once and for all. Note that the departments involved must be allowed access at the point of application SS verification service.
The Social Security Number Verification Service – This free online service allows registered users to verify that the names and Social Security numbers of hired employees match Social Security’s records.
And those who need certified naturalization papers will apply to the Federal Government Agency that initially certified the individual, most likely Immigration and Naturalization. This is simple as it gets. No money to change hands in this instance. All the person has to do is provide proper documentation, such as a Birth Certificate identifying the individual. So where is the problem? The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, will provide Certified True Copies and return these along with the supplied documentation to the requester.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire