Monthly Archives: March 2021
Survivor describes chilling final moments of Boulder grocery store massacre, wounded gunman’s words
The suspected gunman who killed 10 people in a mass shooting at a Boulder, Colo., grocery store this week was previously known to the FBI, according to a report.
Ilhan Omar faces backlash for tweet about Boulder massacre suspect’s race. How is it that this (click)Somalia trash hasn’t been arrested for being a foreign agent, let alone mail fraud, election fraud and marriage fraud. She entered this country illegally; where is the Immigration authorities on this?
She also claimed that narratives around the heinous acts are what “drive” people’s responses “to awful crimes.”
She is preaching incitement first hand. This suicide bomber’s anti White diatribe is inflaming the Muslim community to more violence.
“The shooter’s race or ethnicity seems front and center when they aren’t white,” wrote the Minnesota Democrat.
Where is the Muslim Community offering condolences? Bet none of Omar friends give a flying fck about the Whites who were killed.
Please Dr. Qanta Ahmed weigh in on this. Give us your thoughts.

The Chinese Government’s Cover-Up Killed Health Care Workers Worldwide
Bad advice based on false information led to fatal mistakes.
It is widely known that when the new coronavirus emerged in December 2019, the Chinese government downplayed the pandemic threat for several critical weeks. Less commonly known is those same authorities deliberately sacrificed health workers to maintain their lies.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) calculated cover-up enabled the coronavirus to go global. By silencing doctors, Beijing not only fueled this pandemic but also compromised the world’s ability to spot the next one.
Why the CCP decided to cover up the outbreak is unclear. It may have been a reluctance to cancel political meetings, a fear of public panic—especially around the Chinese New Year—the embarrassment of another pathogen being born on Chinese soil, or the simple instinct to squash bad news ingrained into officials in an authoritarian system.

This series looks at how many experts missed the mark in the early days of the pandemic—and what we can learn for next time.
Among experts: Social scientists thought they knew what impact the pandemic would have. They were very wrong.
In the U.S.: Public health experts thought they had a world-beating pandemic response in place. That overconfidence doomed 500,000 Americans.
Pandemics are like wars. The first casualty is truth.
Instead of notifying the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of atypical pneumonia and evidence of human spread, the authorities censored information, concealed the virus, and silenced doctors who tried to warn their colleagues. Hospital leaders refused to authorize masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE) on the grounds that it would cause panic. As patients infected health care workers and health care workers infected one another, hospital leaders insisted that spread among humans was impossible—that no staff members were infected—even altering diagnoses that suggested otherwise.
Beijing’s official line through Jan. 19, 2020 was that the outbreak began in late December 2019, that all cases had been infected by an unidentified animal source at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, and that no health care workers were infected. But even when the government conceded human spread on Jan. 20, it reported only a fraction of the real numbers.
These falsehoods influenced the WHO’s decision not to immediately declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, a step it had previously taken over Ebola, Zika, and the H1N1 virus. It also informed the widespread belief that COVID-19 spread in a similar manner to influenza—by large droplets landing on surfaces and transferred by touching rather than through airborne microdroplets. That misdirection contributed to the early and persistent focus in the West on surface disinfection and hand hygiene rather than masks—considerably more effective.
The lack of information also meant some important early trends were missed. For example, most infected staff were in non-urgent specialties, such as ophthalmology, family medicine, and elective surgery. These specialties are not considered high risk, and patients were less likely to be sick or symptomatic—meaning health workers were less likely to wear masks than their colleagues in emergency respiratory medicine and intensive care units.
The delayed understanding of transmission dynamics cost the lives of unknown numbers of health care workers in China, contributed to the deaths of tens of thousands more abroad, and superpowered the pandemic.
Medical staff transfer patients to Jinyintan Hospital in Wuhan, China, on Jan. 17, 2020. GETTY IMAGES
The cover-up had various elements. First, like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002, Chinese authorities did not notify the WHO, in violation of International Health Regulations, the global rules on pandemic threats. These rules stress that any threat that infects health care workers—positive proof of human spread—must be reported. Instead, as with SARS, the WHO learned about the new threat not from Beijing but from an open-source platform devised by doctors to rapidly disseminate information and counter governmental tendencies to suppress emerging threats.
Admittedly, uncertainty is the defining principle of any new pathogen. But by Dec. 27, 2019, Wuhan authorities knew the threat was serious. By then, the new coronavirus had been sequenced, several patients without links to the market had been identified, and at least one health care worker had been infected. Both SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), COVID-19’s older siblings, both caused atypical pneumonia, pandemics, and high infection rates among health care workers.
The doctors in Wuhan understood this threat and tried to warn one another. Providing health care workers with PPE would not necessarily have contradicted the official story about no human-to-human transmission. For an outbreak of atypical pneumonia during flu season, masks are the bare minimum. After SARS, PPE would be welcomed as a prudent protective measure rather than raise international eyebrows. But Chinese authorities, at pains to maintain their fiction, rejected this compromise.
Instead, authorities engaged in a pattern of demonstrable lying and covering up, threatening doctors involved in early warnings and restricting information. On Jan. 3, 2020, when China formally acknowledged the pneumonia outbreak, authorities told the WHO they had no idea what was causing it. In fact, by then, the new coronavirus had been sequenced several times—beginning with Vision Medicals on Dec. 27, 2019; BGI Genomics on Dec. 29, 2019; Wuhan Institute of Virology on Jan. 2, 2020; and China’s CDC on Jan. 3, 2020. On Jan. 5, a consortium led by professor Zhang Yongzhen at Fudan University in Shanghai sequenced it, deposited it in GenBank, the U.S. public database of DNA sequences, submitted it to Nature, and shared it with China’s National Health Commission (NHC).
Yet the Chinese government pretended it still didn’t have a clue. On Jan. 6, the NHC gave a national briefing on the pneumonia of unknown cause. On Jan. 9, in breaking news, the NHC announced that a novel coronavirus had been discovered on Jan. 7. But China didn’t share the sequence until Jan. 11—and only after Zhang permitted it to be posted on Virologica, an open platform.
On Jan. 1, 2020, the WHO formally asked China to verify the outbreak. Instead of replying within 24 hours as required, the Wuhan Public Security Bureau reported it had “taken measures” against eight “law breakers” and warned against “manufacturing, believing, or spreading rumors.” Belying later claims that the cover-up was limited to local authorities, Chinese state media publicized this intimidating warning widely.
The Chinese government’s cover-up led WHO experts to make deadly mistakes. On Jan. 5, the WHO passed on its minimal information from Beijing in a post entitled “Pneumonia of Unknown Cause.” WHO experts knew it lacked detail but not that it was a litany of lies. The seafood market as the source seemed plausible, given that SARS began at a wet market in Guangzhou. Yet compared with Guangzhou’s exotic wildlife, the Huanan market was mundane, more remarkable for being next to Wuhan’s high-speed train station.While the Chinese government was denying human-to-human transmission, its actions on the ground told a different story. On Dec. 31, health authorities began transferring all known and suspected cases (59 in total) to Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. At the infectious disease unit, a cast iron gate kept family members out. Inside, security guards prevented medical staff from leaving. Although isolation of patients is standard practice for contagious diseases, locking medical staff in with patients is not.
On Jan. 11 and 12, Chinese authorities told the WHO there had been no new cases since Jan. 3, consistent with their claim that the wet market was the source of all cases, given that it had been closed since Jan. 1. Again, the government insisted there was no infection among health care workers or clear evidence of human spread. In fact, at least 20 health care workers already had confirmed COVID-19, and dozens more had been clinically diagnosed—among them Li Wenliang, a young ophthalmologist who would become famous for his tragic death following his early warnings. Well before he found an N95 mask on Jan. 10, he was infected by a glaucoma patient.
On Jan. 13, a senior NHC official informed an expert delegation from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan that human-to-human transmission was occurring. Yet the next day, when the delegation visited Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital, medical staff treating patients on the isolation ward, described as the “dirty zone,” were not wearing masks or goggles.
The same day, Chinese health officials apprised the government that human spread was most likely occurring. At the WHO’s daily news conference, a WHO virologist said that limited human spread, potentially among families, was possible, adding “but it is very clear right now that we have no sustained human-to-human transmission.” It is unclear whether WHO’s comment was due to the limited information coming from the Chinese government, a reluctance to challenge Beijing in light of its political and economic influence, or scientific mediocrity.
It was only on Jan. 20 that Zhong Nanshan—a widely respected Chinese public health leader—was rolled out to officially confirm human spread and medical worker infection. His admission triggered the WHO to call an emergency committee to consider whether the outbreak constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.
Yet when the committee met on two days later, although more than 400 health care workers had confirmed cases of COVID-19, China admitted to only 16 such cases, and the emergency was not declared.
On Jan. 28, as Tedros Ghebreyesus, the WHO director-general, met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and requested permission for a WHO-led mission to visit China, Xi’s agreement appeared responsible. On Jan. 29, when Li’s diagnosis surfaced, the static number of 16 infected health care workers was reassuring. When Li died, Beijing responded to the public outcry by launching an investigation into the circumstances of his punishment. But that posture of contrition only reinforced belief in Beijing’s lies.
Beijing’s announcement on Feb. 14 that 1,716 health care workers had been infected sent shock waves around the medical world. Of those, 230 people were staff at the Central Hospital of Wuhan, one of the hospitals at the epicenter of the outbreak. By Feb. 20, at the time of the WHO-China Joint Mission, the total had risen to 2,055 cases.
Chinese authorities paraded the mission participants around various cities far from Wuhan and took care to keep the 12 Beijing-approved international members from speaking with their Chinese counterparts. On the second-to-last day, select members—with no U.S. representatives included—spent less than 24 hours in Wuhan. A carefully staged itinerary included Tongji Hospital and a clinic at Wuhan Sports Center. The key hospitals in Wuhan—Central, Jinyintan, and Union—as well as the market and the level 4 biosafety lab were all off-limits. This cover-up had echoes of SARS, when Chinese authorities actively hid patients from the WHO, driving them around in ambulances while the WHO team visited hospitals.
The joint mission report stated that “transmission within health care settings and amongst health care workers does not appear to be a major transmission feature” and among health care worker infections, “most were identified early in the outbreak in Wuhan when supplies and experience with the new disease was lower.” A China CDC report published Feb. 17 contradicted both statements, as did the prior experience of epidemiologists. Pretending inexperience was implausible, given China’s familiarity with SARS. Other places that had suffered through SARS—Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore—had no COVID-19 infections or deaths among health care workers by that point. All of those places mandated masks.
Based on distorted data from the Chinese government, the joint mission falsely reassured the world there was no major danger to health care workers. In Italy, 16,991 health care workers were infected within six weeks. While authorities focused on testing new arrivals from China, the virus was spreading rapidly and often silently among unsuspecting Italians. Hospitals became hotspots, and the epidemic exploded. By mid-April 2020, 206 health care workers had died, including 119 doctors. The most vulnerable were retired doctors who had been recruited back to help address the crisis.
Nurses walk behind a barricade at the quarantined severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) facility of Xiaotangshan Hospital on the outskirts of Beijing on May 7, 2003. FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Silencing doctors—the weak link in official censorship efforts—isn’t new. In 2010, India ridiculed the doctor who first published on NDM-1, the drug-resistant superbug. In 2012, Saudi authorities forced the doctor who alerted the world to MERS into exile. In 2013, the Syrian government put doctors who proved polio’s return on the “to be disappeared” list. The Chinese government is still punishing the surgeon who spoke out on SARS in 2003.
This medical censorship is particularly dangerous because physicians are indispensable for surveillance of emerging threats. The WHO’s role includes global surveillance of public health threats, but as a United Nations organization, it has no power to send investigators to an outbreak without the government’s permission. Governments worldwide downplay epidemics, fearing that trade will be hurt, legitimacy compromised, or holes in their health care system revealed. This makes doctors the eyes of the international community, essential for protecting all of us.
The Chinese government’s attempt to cover up SARS led to the revision of the International Health Regulations and an international mindset that Beijing had learned its lesson. But the only lesson that the CCP authorities seem to have learned involved how to better cover up outbreaks and manipulate international rules. Beijing, for example, was careful to cooperate with the WHO sufficiently to avoid being called out for its overall lack of honesty while concealing key facts.Trending Articles

9/11 Was a Wake-Up Call. America Is Still Snoozing After…
Domestic extremism is the greatest threat to the homeland—yet it’s not getting nearly enough public attention.
https://c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net/vplayer-parallel/20210226_0955/ima_html5/index.htmlhttps://c5x8i7c7.ssl.hwcdn.net/vplayer-parallel/20210226_0955/videojs/show.html?controls=1&loop=30&autoplay=0&tracker=0a9d9669-58d4-4c88-a76c-a94690514d2b&height=362&width=643&vurl=%2F%2Fa.jsrdn.com%2Fvideos%2Fdgv%2F20210323050526_605975e399a6d%2Fdgv_foreignpolicy_20210323050526_new.mp4&poster=%2F%2Fa.jsrdn.com%2Fvideos%2Fdgv%2F20210323050526_605975e399a6d%2Fdgv_foreignpolicy_20210323050526_new.jpgPowered By
Strengthening International Health Regulations without addressing the propensity of governments to cover up pandemics is unlikely to make a difference. After China’s SARS cover-up, WHO’s then director-general, Gro Harlem Brundtland, used her clout as a former prime minister to revise those regulations. Since then, states have not elected another former head of state as director-general.
Because the WHO, as a U.N. agency, has a limited ability to criticize governments, it would be helpful to establish an independent group of experts with the mandate to spotlight governments that flout their obligations. Similar bodies are routinely deployed by the U.N. Human Rights Council, and they speak out without the inhibition that so often hampers U.N. agencies.
Beijing’s cover-up continues to this day. It let a second WHO-led mission into China but denied it access to essential data on the earliest patients recorded with COVID-19 while sending it on a wild goose chase investigating whether the outbreak could have been sparked by the virus resting on frozen food—a diversionary theory for which there is no evidence. Meanwhile, the mission itinerary included a Wuhan exhibit of health care workers portrayed in the very masks and protective gear they were denied for weeks.
Propagandists promoting the Chinese government’s ultimately successful control of COVID-19 to justify authoritarian rule miss the fatal flaw: It is precisely that authoritarian system of party-line censorship and cover up at all costs that facilitated COVID-19’s spread in the first place and enabled it to go global.
When the next coronavirus emerges—COVID-22, say—which Chinese doctors will be brave enough to report it? Which scientists will be willing to post the genetic sequence? This time, China has cost itself, and the world, the only reliable warning system in the country where it may be most needed.
Editor’s Note: This article is part of a series on what experts missed during the early days of the pandemic. Read Ethan Guillen on American hubris here, and Michael Varnum, Cendri Hutcherson, and Ivan Grossmann on how badly wrong predictions of social change were here.
Annie Sparrow is an assistant professor of population health science and policy at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Twitter: @annie_sparrow
Coronavirus Cases:
124,382,930 view by country
If a concerted effort was employed by the RED STATES we can TAKE OUR STATES BACK. How can this be accomplished? It can be done in 12+ steps:
Immediately announce Secession; hold elections for President of the Conservative States of America (CSA)
1. the RED STATES to order all entities within state borders to halt the remittance of taxes to the IRS. Those deducted to be then be sent to State Treasurer
2. Order their National Guard to enforce State borders.
3. Round up and jail all illegals
4. Federal edicts, Executive orders, regulations, etc. are to be ignored
5. Red States to Issue their own currency, replacing the dollar.
6. Order private entities to keep employees on the payroll.
7. Layoff all state employees, to be replaced by the private sector.
8. Dissolve public education to be replaced by charter schools etc., states to pay tuition via voucher.
9 Enforce state laws, violators to be punished to the full extent of the law.
10. Close all Federal Courts with state borders
11. State Militia to counter any federal intervention.
12. Rationalize all Communists, Anarchists, Socialists, Antifa types and liberals from state institutions.
There are probably more, but his is a good start.

The Homeboys are now beginning to wonder if Sleepy Joe has been turned into a Zombie. Has Bidenfall finished him off? Since the unplanned event, Biden has not uttered a word. What the slip up did to him is conjecture at this point, but subsequent to going down like an old fighter on his last legs while trying to execute a game try to get back on his feet, one has to wonder if the stairs performed a frontal lobotomy on him.
Him not giving an interview subsequent to his stumblemunble, you have to think that his health is suspect. First hand knowledge by doctors at Walter Reed indicate blood has leaked from his brain into his cranium. A traumatic experience indeed. America worries if this is the final chapter or just a prelude to it. “COME ON MAN” you can’t hide from the HOMEBOYS.
We believe that his HANDLERS are now making plans to transfer power over to, this is the worst possible of scenarios, to the MJ Smoking daughter of Slave Owners. Yes, her grandparents had slaves working on their sugar plantation down in Jamaica Man. Oh, she is Black, a DNA test is warranted here. Another coverup.
The left is starting to turn on President Biden over a lack of transparency regarding the crisis along the Mexican border, while other liberals are peeved he hasn’t conducted a formal press conference two months after taking office.
The Daily Beast quoted a “veteran White House correspondent” Sunday who anonymously trashed the Biden administration for not holding a formal press conference yet.
Cuomo accuser’s lawyer calls on AG to end Cuomo’s ‘obvious interference’ with harassment probe
Attorney Debra Katz claims that Cuomo is improperly involving administration lawyers
An attorney for one of the women accusing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment is claiming that the governor is interfering with a state attorney general investigation.

Debra Katz, who represents Cuomo accuser Charlotte Bennett, complained in a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James. It follows an Albany Times Union report that the administration was offering attorneys to meet with staffers before James’ office interviewed them, and even to accompany them to the interviews. Katz said she understood that the attorneys were also “debriefing” employees after the interviews.
Katz argued that having attorneys from Cuomo’s office speak with employees could have a “chilling effect on potential witnesses or other accusers who wish to come forward but fear job-related retaliation” if they speak out. She claimed that she has already spoken to witnesses who told her that they were afraid of facing retaliation “if they refuse to cooperate with the Executive Chamber’s lawyers” and felt “constrained” from speaking about Cuomo’s conduct and their work environment in front of administration attorneys.
“We believe that this offer of counsel constitutes a deliberate attempt by the governor to interfere with your office’s investigation,” Katz said.
The Spring Breakers were having a jolly good time down at South Beach. Skin was soaking up the sunshine; mouths were imbibing the tequila and hands were grabbing anything they could. But this was too much for the local gestapo; they went into action CRASHING the party goers. What was that all about?

Miami Beach extends curfew as police chief says partying couldn’t “go on any longer”
Pointing to over 1,000 arrests in one of the nation’s top party spots, Miami Beach officials warned Sunday that the unruly spring break crowd gathering by the thousands, fighting in the streets, destroying restaurant property and refusing to wear masks has become a serious threat to public safety.
Commissioners gathered virtually Sunday and extended for another week the emergency declaration issued Saturday in response to the unruly South Beach crowds, CBS Miami reported.
Damn it! Where are the police when you need them. Seattle, Portland, Detroit, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, New York, St Louis. We just can’t understand why the Police have jumped in here, but not where cities were being burned to the ground, the MEN IN BLUE WERE TOLD TO STAND ASIDE. There is no explanation for this desperate action. And please remind us of the hundreds of thousand illegals who crossed our borders, many of them wanton criminals, who were green lighted by the Biden administration. No arrests there for murder, rape, child molestation, etc.
Philippines: 220 Chinese ‘militia’ boats gathered in South China Sea
Manila has expressed concern after more than 200 Chinese fishing vessels, allegedly crewed by maritime militia, were spotted at a disputed reef in the South China Sea. Both countries claim the shallow coral region.
The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea released pictures of the vessels
The Philippines government voiced concern — without lodging a formal protest — over some 220 Chinese vessels allegedly sighted at a South China Sea reef claimed by both countries.
Although an international tribunal in 2016 invalidated China’s claim to 90% of the South China Sea maritime region, Beijing does not recognize the ruling.
What was seen at the reef?
A Philippines government body that oversees the disputed area said the vessels were seen moored at Whitsun Reef, which Manila calls Julian Felipe, on March 7.
The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea released pictures of the vessels, alleged to be manned by maritime military personnel, lying side by side in formation.
“Despite clear weather at the time, the Chinese vessels massed at the reef showed no actual fishing activities and had their full white lights turned on during night-time,” the task force said in a statement.
The presence of the boats was “a concern due to the possible overfishing and destruction of the marine environment, as well as risks to safety of navigation,” it added.
The Philippines government voiced concern — without lodging a formal protest — over some 220 Chinese vessels allegedly sighted at a South China Sea reef claimed by both countries.
Although an international tribunal in 2016 invalidated China’s claim to 90% of the South China Sea maritime region, Beijing does not recognize the ruling.
What was seen at the reef?
A Philippines government body that oversees the disputed area said the vessels were seen moored at Whitsun Reef, which Manila calls Julian Felipe, on March 7.
The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea released pictures of the vessels, alleged to be manned by maritime military personnel, lying side by side in formation.
“Despite clear weather at the time, the Chinese vessels massed at the reef showed no actual fishing activities and had their full white lights turned on during night-time,” the task force said in a statement.
The presence of the boats was “a concern due to the possible overfishing and destruction of the marine environment, as well as risks to safety of navigation,” it added.
China has already built airstrips and buildings on man-made islands in the Spratly Islands maritime region

What could the Philippines do?
When asked if he would file a diplomatic protest, Foreign Minister Teodoro Locsin said he would do so: “Only if the generals tell me.”
“In my watch, foreign policy is the fist in the iron glove of the armed forces,” he said.
The Reuters news agency on Sunday cited Philippines Defense Minister Delfin Lorenzana, saying the presence of the vessels, apparently still at the site, was “a clear provocative action of militarizing the area.”
“We call on the Chinese to stop this incursion and immediately recall these boats violating our maritime rights and encroaching into our sovereign territory.”
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has nurtured friendly ties with Beijing since taking office in 2016.
He has been criticized for not standing up to China’s perceived aggressive behavior and not seeking Chinese compliance with the international arbitration ruling.
“When Xi says ‘I will fish,’ who can prevent him?” Duterte said, defending his non-confrontational approach.
“If I send my marines to drive away the Chinese fishermen, I guarantee you not one of them will come home alive,” Duterte said.
Duterte has meanwhile sought infrastructure funds, trade and investments from China, which has also donated and pledged more COVID-19 vaccines to the Philippines as the country faces an alarming rise in coronavirus infections.
“Gov. Whitmer made the same policy choice as Gov. Cuomo, forcing contagious senior citizens into close proximity with other medically vulnerable people.”
he state of Michigan is facing a lawsuit whose plaintiffs are seeking information on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus-related executive order regarding the state’s nursing home residents.
Whitmer could soon find herself under scrutiny similar to that faced by a fellow Democrat, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the Michigan men taking the legal action against Whitmer say.
Plaintiffs Steve Delie and Charlie LeDuff outlined the purpose of their lawsuit in an article published Friday by USA Today. Delie is an official with the think tank Mackinac Center for Public Policy, while LeDuff is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.