Monthly Archives: March 2021
Turkey has stuck a finger in the eye of NATO too many times. Their cozying up to China, Iran and Russia is reason enough to bounce them from this auspicious organization. An important point to make is their purchase of S-400 missile defense system form Vlad Putin. Biden is no match for Xi, in fact his mouth is a holster for Xi’s gun.
TURKISH ECONOMY IMPLODING. Lira and Turkish stocks collapse after Erdogan fires central bank chief, as other emerging market currencies struggle. The dollar USDTRY, 10.04% rose by as much as 15% vs the Turkish lira, and the BIST-100 stock-market index XU100, -9.54% traded 8% lower after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decision to replace Governor Naci Agbal with Sahap Kavcioglu — the third change at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) in two years. Turkey’s central bank last week hiked interest rates by 2 percentage points to 19%, a full percentage point more than expected. ERDOGAN TAKING IT UP WHERE THE SUN DON’T SHINE.
The guy is a worldwide trouble-maker, time to take him out for lunch the Putin way.
U.S. sanctions Turkey over purchase of Russian S-400 missile system

- The Trump administration imposed sanctions on Turkey on Monday over its multibillion-dollar acquisition of a Russian missile system.
- In 2017, Turkish President Recep Erdogan brokered a deal reportedly worth $2.5 billion with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the S-400 mobile surface-to-air missile system.
- The S-400 system is said to pose a risk to the NATO alliance as well as the F-35, America’s most expensive weapons platform.
- The flying azzle award goes to Stoltenberg. The guy has been duped by Turkey, Russia, Iran and the tree huggers.
The China Virus has killed close to 3 million people, yet the governments around the world have not taken any action to punish the CCP. China’s Silk road policy is mean to buy, harass and steal the life-blood of every country on earth – a world takeover. They must pay, the WHO must pay. Only one country has to step up to get the ball rolling.


The WHO chief’s subsequent lavish public praise of China’s leadership for its efforts to combat the disease came even as evidence mounted that Chinese officials had silenced whistleblowers and suppressed information about the outbreak. His remarks prompted criticism from some member states for being over the top. U.S. President Donald Trump has led the charge, accusing the WHO of being “China-centric” and suspending American funding of the health agency.
Tedros is “obviously frustrated” by Trump’s move and feels the WHO is being used as a “political football,” the person familiar with the discussions said.

Coronavirus Cases:
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The Chinese Government’s Cover-Up Killed Health Care Workers Worldwide
Bad advice based on false information led to fatal mistakes.
It is widely known that when the new coronavirus emerged in December 2019, the Chinese government downplayed the pandemic threat for several critical weeks. Less commonly known is those same authorities deliberately sacrificed health workers to maintain their lies.
The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) calculated cover-up enabled the coronavirus to go global. By silencing doctors, Beijing not only fueled this pandemic but also compromised the world’s ability to spot the next one.
Why the CCP decided to cover up the outbreak is unclear. It may have been a reluctance to cancel political meetings, a fear of public panic—especially around the Chinese New Year—the embarrassment of another pathogen being born on Chinese soil, or the simple instinct to squash bad news ingrained into officials in an authoritarian system.

This series looks at how many experts missed the mark in the early days of the pandemic—and what we can learn for next time.
Among experts: Social scientists thought they knew what impact the pandemic would have. They were very wrong.
In the U.S.: Public health experts thought they had a world-beating pandemic response in place. That overconfidence doomed 500,000 Americans.
Pandemics are like wars. The first casualty is truth.
Instead of notifying the World Health Organization (WHO) about the outbreak of atypical pneumonia and evidence of human spread, the authorities censored information, concealed the virus, and silenced doctors who tried to warn their colleagues. Hospital leaders refused to authorize masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE) on the grounds that it would cause panic. As patients infected health care workers and health care workers infected one another, hospital leaders insisted that spread among humans was impossible—that no staff members were infected—even altering diagnoses that suggested otherwise.
Beijing’s official line through Jan. 19, 2020 was that the outbreak began in late December 2019, that all cases had been infected by an unidentified animal source at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, and that no health care workers were infected. But even when the government conceded human spread on Jan. 20, it reported only a fraction of the real numbers.
These falsehoods influenced the WHO’s decision not to immediately declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, a step it had previously taken over Ebola, Zika, and the H1N1 virus. It also informed the widespread belief that COVID-19 spread in a similar manner to influenza—by large droplets landing on surfaces and transferred by touching rather than through airborne microdroplets. That misdirection contributed to the early and persistent focus in the West on surface disinfection and hand hygiene rather than masks—considerably more effective.
Coercing work associates to comply with a dictum manifest the action of one who is desperate. In the case at hand, the sexual deviate of Albany had pressured state employees to sign on to his good nature in addition to becoming a witness in alleged accusations against him.
Sorry to say the “signing on” to this fabrication did not go well. The raucous tormentor has threatened numerous associates to heel. Not only that he told another member of the administration that if he was a dog he would mount her. But taking the liberty to fondle a breast of a subordinate is beyond the pale. He wanted her to take one for the team. In case you we are alluding to a monster of the Empire State. A picture of this cold blooded wanton killer provides a significant clue.

Report says aides to Gov. Andrew Cuomo sought to discredit one of his accusers
Lindsey Boylan claims the aides made calls for information on her. Lindsey Boylan, the first woman to publicly accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment, claims the governor’s network of aides has sought to discredit and tarnish her reputation.
The Journal’s report also said advisers to the governor drafted a letter attacking Boylan’s credibility. The first drafts were reported by The New York Times which said that Cuomo’s advisers ultimately decided against releasing the letter.

All the big guns are now pointed at the Killa. The SWAT TEAM has arrived. They are utilizing all available methods to coax out the Mass Murderer. They have given him time before smoking him out. But their patience is wearing thin. Ultimatums have been given to no avail. We suspect the beast will soon come to his senses and give up. If not, all hell will break loose with blood will being spilled.
We know the end of this play; not very pretty. Mentally deformed Joe Biden has hit the skids. We won’t go into any of his gaffes, rest assured there are hundreds. But hopefully you are abreast of his latest slip up, aka the Bidenfall. If you are not alarmed by this, be alarmed. This “CLOWN” has the ability to push the “button.” Think about it. His mental acuity has imploded in the past dozen years. Now we know why he ran a “cellar dweller campaign.” His lack of communication skills is gone. In fact, Joe Biden’s brain is gone; most likely eaten away by the same powder his drug addicted son was hooked on.

We don’t think any of this is funny, nothing to laugh about here. What we are worried about is him cracking his head open on the next “Bidenfall” which would bring a lying marijuana head into the presidency. Bet she inhaled more than MJ. We are looking at a total disaster here. The possibility of him stepping down is also a probability.
We see clearly what took place in 2020, Joe Biden did not have the capability to campaign, we know that now, we knew that then. Coming to light is his lack of fluid in his cranium needed to carrying on a conversation. The question has to be asked, was this a sham election? Joe Biden was the only person who could attract middle of the road voters. There was no one else in the running that could do that. The Democrat candidates were all “RULES FOR RADICAL” candidates.
America was buffaloed by the social media outlets and biased news organizations who did not fairly report the news. Their power unabated to promote a socialist anti-Amerian agenda The proof was the implosion by all of the candidates, even Harris; she couldn’t attract a fly. And now she is one breath away from the Oval Office. The only way to RIGHT THIS WRONG IS FOR THE MILITARY TO STEP IN BY AUTHORIZATION OF THE SUPREME COURT.
Think about what is happening today; our country is being invaded by a foreign power. Biden has invited them in, he has given them the green light to rape, murder and invade our country. If hot stopped now, When? OUR COUNTRY IS AT STAKE. THIS ABUSE OF POWER MUST BE STOPPED.

An illegal alien, a criminal, a rapist was taken out by law enforcement during a traffic stop. Obviously, he was a Biden voter who crossed the border to rape and pillage. Biden is responsible for every death, rape, child molestation and gang bang committed by border criminals. America must take a stand against the President who ostensibly condones the trampling of our laws without penalty.
An armed child-rape suspect who left Arkansas, where he was wanted on 11 felony counts, was killed in Arlington, Texas, this week after pointing a gun at police during a traffic stop, according to a report.
Suspect Juan Jimenez-Salas, 46, was later found to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had previously been deported from the U.S., authorities told FOX 4 of Dallas-Fort Worth.
The suspect was accused of repeatedly molesting two young daughters of his Arkansas girlfriend, authorities said. Both girls were under age 10.
“We are thankful no innocent community members or officers were injured,” the Arlington Police Department wrote on Twitter.
Begging Jet Blue to stay in N.Y. is none other than “tax & spend” libtard, Charles Schumer. Together with the rest of the swamp creatures who have chased out of the Big Apple thousands of companies. Not one single job has been created by Schumer and Company. Today he learns that Jet Blue is contemplating relocating some N.Y. personnel to the Sunshine State. We remind Schumer that he can stick it where the Sun Don’t Shine. You imagine the chutzpah of this tard. Take a knee Charles, how about two.

Schumer begs JetBlue not to send NYC jobs to Florida

Sen. Chuck Schumer pleaded with JetBlue not to cut jobs in the Big Apple

NOT ONLY DOES THE PRESIDENT MUMBLE HE STUMBLES LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR – DOES HE HAVE ALS? Dementia? Alzheimer’s? What an embarrassment! He was better off staying in the cellar.
We don’t like to kick a guy when he is Down, but follow the perverted paradigm of the progressive scum that lives in the swamp. We mention this little tidbit because we have been kicking Biden when he was UP. So please don’t fault us.
An Old Man in a wheelchair duped the World back in the 40’s, his initials were FDR. We are now seeing a repeat in the 2020’s , his initials JRB – a visually impaired individual whose cognitive abilities have taken a wicked fall.

(click)https://www.foxnews.com/media/hannity-biden-fall-cognitive-struggle-nightmare-scenario Once you inhale this video you will understand the Mistake that was made on November 3, 2020. America elected an AirHead.

Biden stumbles multiple times, falls as he scales Air Force One stairs – CLICK BELOW TO SEE THIS DOOZY TAKE THREE FOR THE TEAM – Still tipsy from Saint Paddy’s Day – A drunken lout to boot. Can’t handle his liquor, how will be able handle Putin or Xi? “LOOKS LIKE A DRUG ADDICT SCRAPING THE BOTTOM” Wait a second, he is the President of the United States.? We see the third man in the ring waving “it is all over Joe.” America has seen Joe in his finest hour, a 47 year flop. COVER-UP OF MONUMENTAL PROPORTIONS
The wind blew him down says the White House. Believe that and we have a Bridge to sell you.
President Biden stumbled and recovered as he climbed aboard Air Force One on his way to Georgia pic.twitter.com/92N05Ukcvk
— Trevor Hunnicutt (@TrevorNews) March 19, 2021
As expected, Joe Biden has made the turn from cognizant – if he ever was – to zombie. the country noticed this on the campaign trail. Poor Biden was holed up in a self made cellar, he being the dweller in a campaign that never saw the light of day. In fact, Joe Biden has never seen the light of day, For any human being to to reach the pinnacle of power without any kind of track record is unreal. How did this happen? Obama has the answer. Biden was on a cocaine trip without the coke. It didn’t take long for his brain to be turned into swiss cheese. Affected by bovine encephalopathy Biden has turned into a Zombie.
Yesterday, Joe Biden manifested the seriousness of his mental state. He described Kamala Harris as President.
President Biden misspoke in a speech Thursday offering updates on an update on vaccination progress in the U.S., referring to his vice president as “President Harris.”
“(click)When President Harris and I took …” Biden said, before momentarily pausing, “a virtual tour of a vaccination site in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that tour injecting people, giving vax each shot, was like administering a dose of hope.”
His situation has to be taken seriously; it all but confirms his inability to govern. Biden, mirroring FDR who sat next to Uncle Joe Stalin who outflanked him in negotiations. Subsequently, Eastern Europe and the Baltics were turned into slave camps.
JOE BIDEN IS NO MATCH FOR PUTIN OR XI. The 25th Amendment applies here, but will it be utilized? It is best not to enforce it. America will then realize the disaster that took place on November 3, 2020. Come 2022, the tables will be turned.
The Biden 24 months of glory will end up sadly. Hopefully, America will recognize that fake news and progressive liars are out to destroy the USA. The mistake of Poney Soldier Biden has to be corrected for America to be saved. Go Trump.

Cuomo aide Alyssa McGrath told the NY Times that the unidentified accuser confided to her how Cuomo touched her breast under her blouse inside the Executive mansion laste last year. “She froze when he started doing that stuff to her,” McGrath reportedly said. Cuomo asked the woman not to discuss the alleged incident with McGrath, she said, adding that he know they are friends who regularly speak and text with each other.

Lindsey Boylan, the first woman to prominently accuse New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment, claimed in a new interview with the New Yorker that Cuomo once told her he would attempt to “mount” her if he were a dog.


The prudent approach to take when an Animal is foaming at d’mout is to stay far away from it as possible. And that seems to be the case with Fredo’s brother. Politicians of all stripes are afraid to touch him with a ten foot pole. Yet, this Animal continues to sprout vitriol. He is dangerous, there is no telling what he will do. Run the monster out of town. Send him to Riker’s Island, where he will meet up with his friends; you know, the ones he convicted. Bet they will party into the darkness of night.
State lawmakers on both side of the aisle are eyeing a probe of a Cuomo administration policy that quietly allows recovering COVID-19 patients to return to group homes for the developmentally disabled — much like it did for nursing homes.
Senate Investigations Committee Chairman James Skoufis (D-Newburgh) said Monday he’s considering launching an inquiry after discussing the issue with GOP Sen. Mike Martucci (R-Middletown), the ranking Republican on the panel overseeing the office for developmentally disabled persons.
“Sometimes Republicans are right,” said Democrat Skoufis, who also received a letter from GOP senators calling for a probe.
The controversial March 25, 2020 policy that required nursing homes to take stabilized COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals was rescinded six weeks later following a firestorm of criticism.
The nursing home policy and the Cuomo administration’s dramatic undercounting of nursing home deaths tied to the coronavirus is now being investigated by the US Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn and Justice Department, as well as the Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Meanwhile, the state’s Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) April 10, 2020, directive barring the group homes from denying admission or re-admission to someone “based solely on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19″ is still in effect.

The Washington Post – aka Jeff Bezos – fabricated a telephone call from Trump to the State of Georgia elections investigator. As is the case with “FAKE NEWS” this one confirms the radical bias of the left. Any affirmative action by Trump is distorted, fabricated, made-up and fictitious. REMEMBER THE RUSSIAN HOAX – WAPO bought into this like it was the second coming of Jesus Christ.
WAPO’S MOTTO “All the news that’s FAKE to print.”
The Washington Post made a massive correction Monday to a January report about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and a Georgia elections investigator, as the liberal paper admitted multiple quotes attributed to Trump based on an anonymous source were inaccurate.