We knew this was a going to be a Disaster from the get-go. ILLEGALS ARE STORMING OUR BORDER EN-MASSE. They are inflicted with the China Covid-19 virus. Biden has opened the floodgates. Americans will be killed. Catch and releasing killers, drug traffickers, murderers, rapists and gang bangers is against the Constitution. Biden must be held accountable for murder. He must be impeached before the inevitable Civil War. The military is our only hope. Please stage a coup.
Xi has released them from Wuhan with orders to come to the U.S.
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, February 26, 2021
It’s been many years since I’ve been in “the conservative movement,” a movement I think is a dead end. This isn’t an accusation of moral failure; just a reasoned disagreement. I know you are good people. If anything, you are too kind, sacrificing for a system that I don’t think deserves your hard work.
Few could imagine the changes that have taken place in this country over the last decade, even the last year, and I write to younger activists with great hope because I think these changes are opening you to a different appeal.
I want to convince young conservatives that many people fear and scorn you — it may not be going too far to say that they hate you — because you are white. I want to convince you that whites — like people of all races — have legitimate group interests. I want you to consider a different movement, a movement we call white advocacy.
Let me begin by telling you what Democrats think about you. A recent poll from Echelon Insights reports on the policy priorities of Republicans and Democrats. The top five issues for Republican voters are, in order: illegal immigration, lack of support for the police, high taxes, liberal bias in mainstream media, and economic damage from COVID-19. Republicans want our country to be sovereign, prosperous, truthful, and orderly.
The Democrat top concerns, in order, are: the spread of COVID-19 infections, Donald Trump supporters, white nationalism, systemic racism, and economic damage from COVID-19. Leaving aside COVID-19, Democrats think the biggest problem is you. Donald Trump supporters – about half the country – are a bigger threat than “white nationalism.” Even after years of hysteria about “white nationalism,” Democrats evidently think Trump supporters are an even worse threat.
What “white nationalism” means to Democrats isn’t clear. It’s like “fascist,” or “racist.” If “white nationalism” means wanting an independent white nation, that’s not a mass movement — yet. But a man who explicitly called for a black nation, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, was deputy chair of the Democrat Party.
In the face of this double standard, we should roll our eyes when we are called white nationalists. For many years, reporters have said former president Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and America itself are plagued by white nationalism. I’m a white nationalist, but by these standards, who isn’t?
There’s much more at stake than media bias. The FBI is posting pictures of people it claims were “involved in the violence at the U.S. Capitol,” including a young girl. Journalists repeatedly refer to “The deadly Capitol attack,” but from what we know, everyone who died on January 6 was a Trump supporter, including Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed white woman shot in the neck.
For the first time, we may face real tyranny. Just a few days ago, two Democrat representatives sent letters to communications companies and asked them to justify carrying Newsmax, One America Network (OANN) and Fox News. They claimed that:
Misinformation on TV has led to our current polluted information environment that radicalizes individuals to commit seditious acts and reject public health best practices, among other issues in our public discourse.
It is dangerous when a political faction claims the right to determine what “misinformation” is. A state that pressures businesses to silence media outlets cannot claim to be a liberal democracy.
The United States military is conducting an ideological purge of “extremists” within the ranks. The United States Navy recommends sailors read Ibram X. Kendi’sHow To Be An Anti-Racist. The Constitution sailors swear to uphold is not required reading. Why should it be? It’s not just Confederates who have been felled: Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington, and even Abraham Lincoln are victims of cancel culture. Brainwashing in Critical Race Theory is back for government employees. What every prior generation would consider American identity is being dismantled.
Democrats think Trump voters are a threat to the country. They use words such as “seditionists” and “traitors.” Traitors to what? Even during a pandemic, President Biden is welcoming more illegal immigrants and causing a crisis at the border. To me, that seems more like treason than protesting an election.
However, it’s not just bad policy we need to worry about, but government-sponsored oppression. The presumptive attorney general, Merrick Garland, endorsed Kamala Harris’s theory of “racial equity.” This means Americans will not be treated equally. Instead, the goal is equal results for different racial groups. Under the legal doctrine of “disparate impact,” any racial gap in performance or achievement is assumed to be the result of racism (even unintentional) until proven otherwise. Since racial gaps will persist, government can intervene in almost every aspect of our lives. Everything is a potential federal case. Racial equity is a recipe for unlimited government power.
The person who will lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and look into these issues is Kristen Clarke. She has written that blacks have “greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities than whites.” Mr. Garland defended her.
The “private” sector is arguably worse than the government. We live under an economic system not much different than China’s “Social Credit System,” though ours is enforced by corporations, not government. Our system may be more repressive than China’s, because there are no clear rules. If you say the wrong thing, know the wrong people, or simply are in the wrong place, powerful media and tech companies can make you unemployable. You may be denied basic financial services, like having a bank account. Can we still say America is free?
Many governments, including ours, have said that China’s treatment of the Uighur Muslim minority is genocide. The Uighurs are stripped of traditional religious beliefs, put under extreme surveillance, must watch as the government pulls down their monuments, and are being physically replaced by migrants. Is what “our” government does to us very different? Why are Republican officials more eager to defend the interests of Muslims in China than those of their own constituents?
The worst part of all of is that there is systemic racism in this country – against whites and Asians. If American institutions were created to benefit whites, that plan failed. Asians have higher median incomes than whites.
The government discriminates against whites in jobs and education. Many whites — including the infamous Rachel Dolezal — pretend to be black or Hispanic. Has there ever been a time in history when members of a supposedly “privileged” group denied their identity because it brought them benefits? We’ve been so traumatized by media incitement against us that such broken people may really believe it is a curse to be white. Fake hate crimes are common because it pays to be a non-white victim.
For all the rhetoric about whites committing hate crimes, the truth is that we are the ones who suffer the most from interracial crime. Even if whites aren’t involved at all, we get the blame. There has been a score of attacks by blacks on older Asians in the San Francisco Bay area. One victim died. Hundreds protested in San Francisco and New York — against “white nationalism” and “white supremacy”!
Worst of all is the psychological war against you. Your forefathers were evil. You are privileged, even though the law discriminates against you. You are racist no matter what you do, but you must strive to be “anti-racist” anyway. You are therefore sick and ordered to heal yourself, but yours is a disease for which there is no cure. Academics, celebrities, and politicians preach these messages.
Nothing we do will ever be enough. I remember talking to a friend in the conservative movement when Barack Obama was elected. He said that at least with a black president, we wouldn’t have to talk about race all the time. Now Mr. Obama, who once appealed to national unity, says you should pay reparations to blacks.
We are a stateless people because America no longer belongs to us. Unlike non-whites, we can’t go “home.” Our ancestral lands have the same problems ours does. For many other groups, America is just a place to make money. For us, it’s the only place we have.
However, “America” is not the same thing as the federal government. How can we live under a political system for which we are the problem? Should we be loyal to a country that discriminates against us but insists we are “privileged?” Finally, CPAC attendees, should we work for a political movement eager to fight for everyone except its own core supporters?
I attended CPAC for many years. The program rarely changes. What will CPAC offer this year? There are panels about the evils of China, socialism, and the enemies of Israel. However, it’s not the Communist Chinese, campus Bolsheviks, or Iranian ayatollahs who are silencing you. It’s Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple — the very corporations you defend from socialism. When you preach about the glories of capitalism and work with Turning Point USA, Jack Dorsey at Twitter and Jeff Bezos at Amazon don’t reward you. They censor and deplatform you.
Why should Americans worry about China or Iran? Why must brave men and women, who fight for a country that doesn’t deserve them, continue to die in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria? Our problems are at home: They are our fellow citizens.
Those who oppose you have media power. That’s why a record spike in the homicide rate gets far less attention than a mob protest in the Capitol. That’s why racial double standards persist. That’s why there are probably reporters lurking among you right now getting material for hit pieces.
There’s no easy way out. As a white person, I learned after years of experience that there is nothing you can do that will satisfy leftist activists other than betraying friends and debasing yourself. I don’t want to live among such people. I don’t think a country where half the people view the other half as a “problem” can or should endure.
What can we do? That’s a hard question, but I can tell you where to start. Start where you are right now. The conservative movement must defend its base. Whites who suffer discrimination and scorn from “their” government are the ones who keep America going. This doesn’t mean conservatives should exclude or ignore other races. However, if CPAC, Turning Point USA, or others can appeal to minority groups and promote their interests, the majority should have a say, too. We have a moral right and a duty to defend our own interests. Our interests are America’s interests. Without a white majority, America is just a geographic expression.
We must push the conservative movement in our direction and leave if it doesn’t move. The people are with us. Another poll shows a majority of Republicans feel their race/ethnicity is at least somewhat important to them. Almost 60 percent strongly agree that discrimination will increase against whites and almost 30 percent on top of that “somewhat” agree. Just 5 percent “agree strongly” that whites have an advantage in modern America, with a just 15 percent saying they “somewhat” agree. That is a base to work from.
Even so, we face media pressure, state repression, crazy and hateful leftists, and the painful trials of a life of political struggle. But I believe a life lived for your people’s benefit is humanity’s highest aspiration.
Please think about what you can contribute. Our cause must succeed before our country can once again ascend rather than continue to decline. Be proud of who you are — but respect the identities of all others. Accept the challenge of history by taking your own side. We must become perhaps the greatest generation our race has ever produced. If we don’t, we may be the last.
It will be hard, but also glorious. To quote a song that is emerging as a kind of anthem for our cause: “On the other side of misery, there’s a world we long to see. The strife we share will take us there to relief and sovereignty.”
How do you pay off your creditors? With MONEY! But if you have none, TEN possibilities exist to neutralized the threat of “PAY UP”: 1. you go bankrupt, 2. get an extension – a longer time to cough up the dough, 3. creditors hire a hitman or sport’s mechanic to do you physical harm, 4. disappear, 5. tell them that you are two big to jail. 6. hire a team of software engineers, 7. hire your own defense team, 8. make a deal, ala Argentina, 9. issue new fiat to payoff the old, and 10. OR YOU CAN JOIN THE CROWD. All not necessarily in the preceding order.
Better than Gold
A look into the crystal ball, confirmed by the Ouija tells us that the FED is soon to rollout with great fanfare their own BITCOIN to be called FEDCOIN. Finally, they have got the hint that invisible values have more value than tangible ones. Who would’ve thought of this 245 years ago. Incentivize individuals to work for invisible pay. What a revelation. Now that is what we call the NEW GREEN DEAL. TAKE THAT AOC.
George Washington didn’t have to skip a Silver Dollar over the Delaware. This is space science at its best. The speed of light no faster than a speeding bullet. No treasury printing, no counting of dirty money, no banks anymore, only your own personnel wallet.
But BACK TO THE FUTURE we have seen this play before, the FED and TREASURY cabal are never ahead of the curve.
Imagine if they turned their gold haul at FORT KNOX and local mints into Bitcoins early on? The 248,000,000 ounces in storage are now worth a mind boggling 12,400,000,000,000, that is trillion dollars. That is what you call GREEN CACHE.
Do not be surprised of what you will read next. A SUV (aka Sport Utility Vehicle) carrying 28 passengers, repeat 28 passengers collided with a semi-truck filled with gravel. The SUV has seating for up to 8 passengers. Needless to say, the SUV was carrying illegal aliens. Foreigners who broke into our country because Biden invited them. Fifteen, so far, have paid with their lives. The driver of the SUV is called a Coyote.
Many things are happening here. First of all, twenty states, possibly more allow illegals to obtain drivers licenses. This, they say will force them to get insurance, but also to track who they are. And thirdly, the libs say, “how will they get to work?” If an investigation delved into this sham, an obvious conclusion would be that giving a driver’s license to an illegal is a magnet for them to break into our country. Although there are no statistics available, many of these vehicular homicides are due to the overcrowding of vans, SUVS, cars, trucks carrying illegals.
The investigation into the incident is being headed by the California Highway Patrol.
The crash occurred in Holtville, a town about 125 miles outside of San Diego, according to Fox 11 Los Angeles.
The El Centro Regional Medical Center said during a Tuesday news conference that there were 28 passengers inside an “SUV” that struck a semi-truck full of gravel. Four people were flown out from the scene via helicopter to Desert Regional Medical Center, and seven people were transported to El Centro Regional Medical Center, one of whom died after arrival, officials said.
The Covid-19 Killer is still on the loose. Yeah, the one from N.Y., in one stroke of the pen or word from the mouth he single handedly murdered an estimated 15,000 elderly citizens; then this ambitious lunatic tried to cover it up. However, as things are turning out, the gig is up. Caught with pants down for all to see, which is nothing. The Killa is also accused of trying to buy the Judge and Jury. Sounds like a Teflon John movie all over again.
Act Two is just the icing on the cake. A barbarian at the Governor’s gate now plays comedian. Well, to those in the audience it was not funny. For they have indelible scars that will last a lifetime. Having a sexual pervert, a Monster for that matter, throw themselves on another individual is not a joke.
There may be no material stain, but there are psychological stains that will last a lifetime. The overwhelming allegations are to hard to ignore. Evidence prevented will prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the perpetrator came on to the opposite sex by force, by stature, by position.
As the theatrical performance plays out expect the Monster to brawl, kick, fabricate evidence and blame his political opponents. But the assertions against him are to hard to ignore. Joking around with a Molotov cocktail is extremely dangerous. This one has left an odor on your hands; one that can’t be washed off?
This Mobster has a fetish with Sausages & Cigars – Lock up the sexual predator
So those calling for justice are closing in, they are sharpening the knives. They smell political blood. Who, with ambitions to step into Old Gracey, would not take advantage of a crisis? They are positioning themselves for the kill. Wouldn’t it be an irony if the Killa found himself in the same cell as the previous pervert found hanging by the neck.
We are out for “Political Justice” cry the Hungry Mob.
While more and more members of both parties are weighing in on the sexual harassment allegations brought by multiple women against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, one voice absent in the conversation has been Vice President Kamala Harris‘.
Harris was a vocal opponent of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he faced allegations from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during his confirmation process, and she even said she believed women who had accused President Biden of inappropriate touching in the past.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton have both weighed in on the allegations
EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Insane Executive Order on Climate Change Gave China Access to the US Grid – Suddenly There’s an Energy Crisis In Texas – Any Relationship?
XCLUSIVE: Biden’s Insane Executive Order on Climate Change Gave China Access to the US Grid – Suddenly There’s an Energy Crisis In Texas – Any Relationship?
On Joe Biden’s first day in office, he signed an Executive Order (EO) that led to Texans literally freezing to death this past week. Biden claimed his actions were to protect the climate but they helped China and made America less secure.
Navarro went on to explain how the DOJ helped approve a Biden EO where he allowed the Chinese access to the US power grid which would have horrible consequences if the US gets into a predicament with China. Biden’s order will allow China to take down the US grid and Barr’s DOJ approved it. At the same time, Navarro was unable to get through an order on offshoring which never went through the DOJ.