We are pessimistic like most Patriotic Americans wondering what the future holds as the country goes up in flames,. Currently with the street scum that holds power things do not look optimistic – in fact things cannot be any worse. Several incidents have provoked societies gangbangers including the political anarchists to incite, inflame, injure, impugn, insinuate, instigate their hooligan brothers. The result being the torching of our values by turning the country into chaos.
Let’s be crystal clear here regarding fault. Liberal judges, bail bond hearings, state policies have failed to do their job. We don’t know the exact count, but a wild ass guess would put the number of outstanding warrants for those who jumped bail and failed to show up for court at over a million. That brings us back to the time when you committed a crime, you did the time. Not today. Police who try to do their job are stifled at every turn. Many times they do what had to be done at their own risk. Individual who torrent police into hair trigger situations that provoke a adverse reaction are the ones at fault. Training can try to replicate a real life situation, however, in the heat of battle, nerves on end, adrenaline through the roof, situations arise where law enforcement officer have to make a decision on the spot or instantaneously react to one. For those who second guess these actions have never been there. They do not understand a life and death situation. WE DO.
The hypocrisy of the radical suicide bomber is further evidence of their anti America racist ideology. For instance, Chicago, their kind of town, their hood, their bodega, their New Jack City, their JUNGLE, is not the slaughter house it once was, where cattle were butchered by the millions. Today, the slaughter is of the human kind, the Black, but they don’t care. Why? Because the killers and the killed are Black. Find Whitey doing the killing and Chicago will burn faster than the flames that engulfed Chicago in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 allegedly started by Leary’s cow.
At Least 28 People Shot, 3 Killed In Gun Violence In Chicago This Weekend
At least 24 people had been shot this weekend in Chicago as of Sunday afternoon, and three of them had been killed
A video has emerged of protesters in Washington, D.C., chanting “burn the precinct to the ground” during demonstrations following the fatal police shooting of Daunte Wright.
“Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!” the crowd could be heard chanting Monday night in footage taken in northwest Washington, D.C.
Detroit — Policing in the United States is “intentionally racist” and “can’t be reformed,” U.S. SUICIDE BOMBER Rep. Rashida Tlaib tweeted Monday night, a day after a White Minnesota police officer reportedly mistook her pistol for her Taser and fatally shot a Black man.
Please do your own due diligence. The introducer was over the top by embellishing the host. In the past Jones spread False Flag Conspiracy theories. Found guilty in an Austin Texas Court where he was ordered to pay Sandy Hook parents $100,000.
The act required employers to attest to their employees’ immigration status and made it illegal to hire or recruit unauthorized immigrants knowingly. The act also legalized certain seasonal agricultural undocumented migrants and undocumented migrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt. Candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of any crime, had been in the country before January 1, 1982, and possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history and government and the English language.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act did not address the status of children of undocumented migrants who were eligible for the amnesty program. In 1987, Reagan used his executive authority to legalize the status of minor children of parents granted amnesty under the immigration overhaul, announcing a blanket deferral of deportation for children under 18 who were living in a two-parent household with both parents legalizing or with a single parent who was legalizing. That action affected an estimated 100,000 families.
Nearly three million people applied for legalization under the IRCA. There were two groups of applicants. Aliens who had been unlawfully residing in the United States since before January 1, 1982 (pre-1982 immigrants) were legalized under Section 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) while Aliens employed in seasonal agricultural work for a minimum of 90 days in the year prior to May, 1986 (SAWs) were legalized under Section 210A of the INA. Nearly 2.7 million people were ultimately approved for permanent residence.
“Your life may be in danger if you don’t obey my order – put your hands up now.” But there are those who don’t understand the ramifications of not listening carefully to a police officer.
In a challenging situation that may ramp up, the best advice is to follow to a “T” those four words. Why put your life at risk? Unless you are a wise guy or wanted by the law, you run. As we have seen time after time, you suffer the consequences.
Moving the All Star Game to the Lily White State of Color-ado is a dumb move.. Baseball fans will remember the cave by MLB; we will make them pay for this THREE BASE ERROR in spades. Black businesses in Atlanta will suffer the most. This is black mark across the city and state. Never has an independent sport weighed in on a political issue to this degree. To have MLB go WOKE is a catastrophe. It is against the law, it is wrong. This must be adjudicated in court. MLB effectively is providing in-kind funding for a political party. It is up to the Supreme Court to weigh in on this. We must fight back. AN ECONOMIC BOYCOTT IS MANDATED TO STOP THE WOKE. SEE BELOW FOR SOME SCARY STUFF. CORPORATIONS MUST PAY THE PRICE FOR THEIR SINS
Dozens of chief executives and other senior leaders gathered on Zoom this weekend to plot what several said big businesses should do next about new voting laws underway in Texas and other states.
The new statement could come early this week, the people said, and would build on one that 72 Black executives signed last month in the wake of changes to Georgia’s voting laws. Mr. Chenault told executives on the call that several leaders had signaled they would sign on, including executives at PepsiCo Inc., PayPal Holdings Inc., T. Rowe Price Group Inc. and Hess Corp., among others, according to the people. PayPal confirmed it has signed the statement. PepsiCo, T. Rowe Price and Hess didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
As more companies and their leaders have spoken out on the issue in recent weeks, their stands have drawn the ire of Republican state and federal legislators who say companies are miscasting the matter and shouldn’t act as shadow lawmakers. Meanwhile, activists and others have said that the actions leaders are taking aren’t strong enough. Many CEOs now feel a duty, or pressure, to make their views explicitly known to employees and others, executive advisers said.
Plenty of companies remain wary of wading into politically charged areas. One executive from a Fortune 100 consumer-products company said board members, employees and vendors are pressing leaders to speak out, but doing so could put a bull’s-eye on the company.
A snake in the grass, a Trojan Horse, a duplicitous scoundrel saturated with moral turpitude.. Those are the words that describe America’s version of Joseph Goebbels Biden. The lame stream media have perpetuated the Big Lie over and over again leading this psycho to be pulled on puppet strings . They believe that repeated enough it becomes truth.
Similar to the Woke reaction of George Floyd’s death, the Georgia voting law enraged the libtards. They are all wrong here. The legislation will protect the sanctity of the vote, not the other way around. But the libtards want you to believe that they are protecting the voter of color, which is obviously false. Their canard is that on a hot humid day, voters in line will die of thirst. Have any of you ever heard of a voter dying of first while waiting to vote?. We have heard of voters intimidated while waiting to vote. But what do you expect, the MLB water carriers jumped all over it by deciding to move the All-Star Game to the all White City of Denver, Colorado. Gonna help a lot of Blacks out there. Skiing down the mountain here they come, just to get a free seat at the game.
The gangbangers, MS-13 killers, drug traffickers, rapists, murders, cartels, coyotes, Chinese, Indians, Africans, hustlers, pimps, their all here. Bustin to get in for free everything. Drugs, they are pushing everything in their arsenal; fentanyl, LSD, cocaine, H, you name it, they got it. Criminals, all of them, given succor by the White House destroyers of America, the welfare dregs of the left, the miscreants whose gutter minds perpetuate lies. They are the enemies of “We the People.” Laws are meant to be followed, without them there will be chaos. And that is what these mfkrs want, anarchy.
New York City is in the throes of nuclear devastation. Taxes are doing to the Big Apple what ANTIFA couldn’t. N.Y. city residents are fleeing the tax plague. Thank you Killer Cuomo, thank you Mayor Wilhelm. Believe us when we tell you, the door won’t hit us on the way out.
That’s how Gideon Tucker put it back in 1866, a New Yorker who knew Albany as a former legislator, secretary of state and judge.
His wisdom, as demonstrated repeatedly over the ages, is timeless.
Yet there is something different, and especially troubling, about this time. The possibility of permanent decline and the ultimate destruction of the New York we know is unmatched in modern memory.
Isn’t obvious to the talking heads of the Republican bent that the WOKE Corporations are in some way are breaking Federal law. By going WOKE on the Georgia legislation signed into law by Governor Kemp, the question has to be asked; is this a campaign contribution. Corporate funds are utilized to get the message across? Per federal law, corporations and labor organizations may not use their general treasury funds to make contributions to political committees or candidates. In addition, national banks and federally chartered corporations may not make contributions in connection with any U.S. election—federal, state or local.
As we recall that a pastor who goes political from the mount is in violation of federal law that says, no politicking from the pulpit or else; the else is, we will remove your tax exempt status. In order to keep their tax exempt status churches and religious organizations must abide by certain rules according to the IRS. Under IRS code, “all IRC section 501(c)(3) organizations, including churches and religious organizations, are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office . Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made by or on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.” By breaking this rule, the IRS may deny or revoke the tax-exempt status of the church and the impose of certain excise tax.