They can’t take it anymore. Consistently having mental attacks by attacking Black Republicans. Uncalled for name calling is their way of combating their deceitful agenda, cancel culture and divisiveness. GOP SEN. TIM SCOTT ACCUSES LEFT OF ATTACKING ‘COLOR OF MY SKIN’
MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross doubled down on her network’s criticism of Senator Tim Scott, R-S.C., on Saturday morning’s “The Cross Connection,” calling him a “stone fool” and a “clown.”
Cross’ comments were in reference to Scott’s Republican rebuttal of President Biden’s first address to a joint session of Congress Wednesday, a speech for which the senator received glowing praise from Republicans and harsh criticism from left-wing media.
Her criticisms were also in response to a challenge from The Root’s Michael Harriot to name a “political, social, or economic institution in America where widespread disparities and discrimination does not exist.”
“OREO” is a derogatory term that Democrat Libtards call Black Conservatives. Black Republicans are heroes who have challenged the conventional Plantation run by progressive criminals. Succinctly, an OREO refers to a Black on the outside, but White on the inside. So to those hypocrites from the swamp who preach hate, the thought of a Black Man honoring our Country, supporting the Constitution and members of law enforcement, try to ridicule them by comparing them with a Oreo Cookies. How shameful. This type of behavior is not befitting of any official of the Democrat party.
Texas Democrat Facing Calls to Resign after Calling Tim Scott an ‘Oreo’.
by Military
Senator Tim Scott (R., S.C.) speaks about his new police reform bill during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., June 17, 2020. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)
A Texas Democratic official is facing calls to resign from his post after calling Senator Tim Scott (R., S.C.) a racial slur.
After Scott delivered his rebuttal speech to President Biden’s congressional address on Wednesday, Lamar County Democratic Party chair Gary O’Connor called Scott an “oreo,” a slur that refers to a black person who is seen as “having adopted the attitudes, values and behavior thought to be characteristic of middle-class white society, often at the expense of his or her own heritage,” according to
The final score 5-1; the game will be played tomorrow. These tactics utilized by the Communists in days gone by didn’t predict the future, they created it out of thin air. Don’t be surprised if they still do. As an example, Russia hockey team is to play Belarus tomorrow. Belarus has a superior team, but under the Russian aegis, the Politburo sets the final score. And as scripted, the next day, Russia beats Belarus by a score of 5-1. So don’t be surprised if the Thugracracy has not pulled off the same play here.
The Census data has been released, but instead of the Department of Census, the release was shoved out by the White House. Isn’t that interesting. Now several Republican Senators are questioning the final count; and they should.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Attorney General of Alabama and Rep. Robert Aderholt filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Census Bureau on Wednesday, alleging that 2020 census data was being intentionally manipulated ahead of this year’s redistricting efforts. The lawsuit also claims that the Bureau was deliberately delaying its reporting of the Census results to Congress.
Republicans cite departures from census estimates in letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.
More than a dozen HouseRepublicans Friday are questioning Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on whether there “was any political interference” in the final census numbers used to decide how many House members each state will get for the coming decade.
The letter, first obtained by Fox News, is led by Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee.
The Republican House members cited gaps between the number of House seats some right-leaning states were projected to gain — or some left-leaning states were projected to lose — and the final results announced this week. hey told Raimondo, overseeing the Census Bureau, that they “have questions about the methodology and the role the Biden White House may have played in releasing these numbers.”
“The apportionment population results released by the Census Bureau are strikingly different from the population evaluation estimates released just months ago on December 22, 2020,” the GOP members wrote. “Remarkably, the differences benefit traditionally blue states – which gained population compared to the estimates – over red states which tended to lose population compared to the estimates.”
According to the Census Bureau, differences between the estimates the Republican members cite and the final census apportionment results are “typically interpreted as error in the estimates and are used to inform research and methodological improvements over the decade.” But Comer and the other Republicans on the letter ask Raimondo if the break between estimates and the census results may be the result of something else.
“This trend calls into question whether there was any political interference with the apportionment results released by the Census Bureau,” they write.
The GOP group asks Raimondo for a trove of documents, including communications between the Census Bureau and the White House, and whether the counting of illegal aliens in the congressional apportionment may have had an effect on the final result. Past decennial counts have counted illegal aliens.
What do an airline bankruptcy, a national post office bankruptcy, a Road Accident Fund bankruptcy, a city’s largest hospital burning down because the fire hydrants weren’t maintained, and parts of a nation’s oldest university destroyed by arson have in common? They all happened in the last four weeks in South Africa, the Rainbow Nation that was supposed to show the world how wonderful things would be if only whites were driven from power.
According to the annual Tax Statistics Report, there are only 4.9 million taxpayers in South Africa, which means that only 8.2 percent of the population pays the bills for everyone else. Because millions of welfare recipients get their cash from SAPO branches, a collapse would cause chaos.
“Vagrant Arsonist” burns the University of Cape Town The University of Cape Town (UCT) is South Africa’s oldest university, with a rich history going back to 1829. On April 18, a fire — reportedly started by “vagrants,” now said to be “arsonists” — started on Table Mountain, east of main campus, and swept down the hillside. Table Mountain has had a “vagrant” problem ever since the ANC handover. The 62,000-acre Table Mountain National Park shelters an army of “street people” that resembles the homeless masses that overrun parts of Los Angeles. “Vagrant” crime is booming and fires are common. In 2019, the park’s managing executive, Property Mokoena, announced that 120 “tourism monitors” would be appointed to “safeguard the Table Mountain National Park,” which had “borne the brunt of poaching and muggings, some of which resulted in murder.” This fire destroyed the main part of the university’s famous J.W. Jagger library — which held tens of thousands of irreplaceable books and manuscripts, many dealing with African history — and spread to other buildings. John Tugendhat, Chairman of Britain’s Foreign Affairs Committee, said that the fire was a “tragedy for humanity” because the “study of African history is hugely important and often ignored.”
Do not despair, our future is crystal clear. Look no farther than the once great country of South Africa. What happened after the takeover. Law and Order had broken down since the Mandela rabble rousers held court. Yes, there were injustices, but one has to go back to the history right from the beginning. Apartheid was the shibboleth that led to the downfall. Laws are only good in a civilized society if enforced. Without enforcement it is every man for himself. Anarchy prevails, autocrats move into the void and before you know it, the dictatorship arrives.
During the 20th century, the black majority sought to claim more rights from the dominant white minority, which played a large role in the country’s recent history and politics. The National Party imposed apartheid in 1948, institutionalising previous racial segregation. After a long and sometimes violent struggle by the African National Congress (ANC) and other anti-apartheid activists both inside and outside the country, the repeal of discriminatory laws began in the mid-1980s. Since 1994, all ethnic and linguistic groups have held political representation in the country’s liberal democracy, which comprises a parliamentary republic and nine provinces. South Africa is often referred to as the “rainbow nation” to describe the country’s multicultural diversity, especially in the wake of apartheid.
In 1487, the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias led the first European voyage to land in southern Africa.[36] On 4 December, he landed at Walfisch Bay (now known as Walvis Bay in present-day Namibia). This was south of the furthest point reached in 1485 by his predecessor, the Portuguese navigator Diogo Cão
During the 20th century, the black majority sought to claim more rights from the dominant white minority, which played a large role in the country’s recent history and politics. The National Party imposed apartheid in 1948, institutionalising previous racial segregation. After a long and sometimes violent struggle by the African National Congress (ANC) and other anti-apartheid activists both inside and outside the country, the repeal of discriminatory laws began in the mid-1980s. Since 1994, all ethnic and linguistic groups have held political representation in the country’s liberal democracy, which comprises a parliamentary republic and nine provinces. South Africa is often referred to as the “rainbow nation” to describe the country’s multicultural diversity, especially in the wake of apartheid.
n 1652, a century and a half after the discovery of the Cape sea route, Jan van Riebeeck established a victualling station at the Cape of Good Hope, at what would become Cape Town, on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. In time, the Cape became home to a large population of vrijlieden, also known as vrijburgers (lit. ’free citizens’), former company employees who stayed in Dutch territories overseas after serving their contracts. Dutch traders also brought thousands of enslaved people to the fledgling colony from Indonesia, Madagascar, and parts of eastern Africa. Some of the earliest mixed race communities in the country were formed between vrijburgers, enslaved people, and indigenous peoples. This led to the development of a new ethnic group, the Cape Coloureds, most of whom adopted the Dutch language and Christian faith.
The eastward expansion of Dutch colonists ushered in a series of wars with the southwesterly migrating Xhosa tribe, known as the Xhosa Wars, as both sides competed for the pastureland near the Great Fish River, which the colonists required to graze their cattle. Vrijburgers who became independent farmers on the frontier were known as Boers, with some adopting semi-nomadic lifestyles being denoted as trekboers. The Boers formed loose militias, which they termed commandos, and forged alliances with Khoisan peoples to repel Xhosa raids. Both sides launched bloody but inconclusive offensives, and sporadic violence, often accompanied by livestock theft, remained common for several decades.
The above information is from wikipedia. We recommend that you read the history of South Africa carefully. As noted above, the Xhosa tribe moved southwesterly into the area that Dutch colonist expansion occurred. This competition for pastureland resulted in a series of wars. Wars among the Zulu and indigenous populations resulted in one to two million deaths. However, to grasp the today’s economic and political situation post apartheid we recommend that our readers research the subject fully. To some the picture is bleak, to the optimists, the glass is half full. It is up to you make up your own mind based on the facts on the ground.
Do not get us wrong here. We don’t suggest that apartheid is a good thing, one way or another. But what we envision is a country run by THUGS who have no interest in it. Quintessential destruction first hand by the Biden THUGS at work is happening today. It will be in no time before the pillars of society break down. Infrastructure and corruption go hand in hand. Wait and See. Only you can stop the STEAL.
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