Monthly Archives: June 2021
VA parents furious after graduation speaker’s ‘incendiary’ warning on racism and white supremacy
School board member tells students to remember ‘jihad’
The president of the student government introduced her, noting that she campaigned for presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and that her father, Esam Omeish, was a “leader and board member of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center” – the namesake of a mosque attended by two 9/11 hijackers in 2001, and the radical imam Anwar Al-Awlaki, and Nidal Hasan, the 2009 Fort Hood shooter.
“I think it’s important for your viewers to know that Abrar Omeish’s comments here are incendiary comments are not the first example of divisive and anti-Semitic rhetoric,” Fairfax County Parent Gary Aiken told “Fox & Friends First” on Tuesday
Aiken said that several weeks ago, Omeish posted “vile anti-Semitic tweets on her social accounts,” which were linked to her official “non-partisan Fairfax County school board page.”
“That desecrates the Holy Land and kills Palestinians. And this caused huge outrage amongst over 250,000 Jewish Americans here in Northern Virginia and it sparked outrage across all political lines and there were calls for her to apologize. She offered no apology. She doubled down on it,” Aiken said.
HEY JOE, Putin to beat your head “like a drum”
On Friday, The Jewish Voice also posted a video clip of Biden being asked a question by a reporter who shouted, “How are your meetings going in Cornwall, Mr. President?” as he walked across a patio.
Biden stopped and said, “I beg your pardon?” then answered, “Very well,” after the reporter repeated the question.
The interaction prompted First Lady Jill Biden to scold her husband, saying “Joe! Come on!” as she waved him over amid laughs from onlookers.
Jill Biden then took the (INVALID’S) president’s hand and led him away.
And a Sunday news conference at Cornwall Airport Newquay was marked by several Biden gaffes, including repeated references to the international COVAX vaccine-distribution program as “COVID” — which the White House corrected, using brackets, in its official transcript of the event.
The tread marks will be far and wide after the Communist built tank operated by Vlad Putin runs roughshod over the face of Joe Biden. Please click on the video below. Don’t tell us that this guy is not suffering from some form of a degenerative brain disorder. His ability to form a sentence manifests his cognizant decline reminiscent of those with Alzheimer’s disease. So Sad for America that a fugary bird inhabits the White House. Biden is no match for Vlad. Give it up Joe, America knows the truth. We have been scammed. You belong back in your rat hole. Do America a favor, quit before your brains are splattered on Airforce One’s ramp. Not a pretty sight.
President confuses G-7 when he mixes up Libya and Syria three times
Joe do you want play a game called “nock nock?”
“Yes, I do You go first.”
Nock nock!
Joe, “whose there?”
“Joe Biden”
Joe, “Joe who.”
“Joe Biden”
Joe, “Never heard of him.”
Mystery: TV news reporter who exposed the Clintons found dead

Sounded alarm of ‘significant death threats,’ protected kids with code words
By Joe Kovacs
Published June 13, 2021 at 6:01pmShare on FacebookTweetShare to GabEmailPrint
Bill and Hillary Clinton
In yet another mysterious death with a connection of some kind to the Clinton family, the TV news reporter who broke news of the infamous “tarmac meeting” in 2016 between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch is dead at the age of 45.
Christopher Sign, who authored a book about his big story titled “Secret on the Tarmac,” was found dead Saturday at 8:13 a.m. by police in Hoover, Alabama, after authorities received a report of a “person down.”
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Christopher Sign (ABC 33/40)
Police and Sign’s employer say his death is being investigated as a suicide.
TRENDING: Mystery: TV news reporter who exposed the Clintons found dead
Eric Land, vice president and general manager of ABC 33/40 in Birmingham where Sign worked, released a statement, saying: “Our deepest sympathy is shared with Christopher’s loving family and close friends. We have lost a revered colleague who’s indelible imprint will serve forever as a hallmark of decency, honesty and journalist integrity.
“We can only hope to carry on his legacy. May his memory be for blessing.”
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His TV station gave an on-air obituary for Sign, stating:
“What most people don’t know has Chris turned down an opportunity to work for one of the national networks to come to ABC 33/40, and he made that decision because of his family. That decision put him in a place where he could see his boys off to school in the mornings, watch them play baseball in the evenings, and take them fishing on the weekends.Was Christopher Sign’s death truly a suicide?Yes No Completing this poll entitles you to WND news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
“Chris was a tremendous leader in our newsroom. He worked with our reporting staff on a daily basis, but also worked behind the scenes with the I-Team and with news managers on coverage of major events. You were very likely to get an email from him with a story idea in the middle of the night. He was passionate about journalism and showed it each and every day as he pushed himself and his colleagues to be the best.
“Those are all things he learned while he was at the University of Alabama playing football for Coach Gene Stallings. Chris often gave Coach Stallings credit for getting him into the television news business. Today, our hearts are heavy and our prayers are with his wife Laura, their three boys, and their families.”
Christopher Sign (ABC 33/40)
A “passionate” Alabama TV anchor and former college football player who broke the infamous Bill Clinton tarmac meeting with then-Attorney General Lorreta Lynch died Saturday, according to reports and his employer.
Christopher Sign, 45, was found dead Saturday morning by Hoover police in his Scout Terrace home, according to The death is being investigated as a suicide, Hoover Lt. Keith Czeskleba said, according to the outlet.
“Chris was a tremendous leader in our newsroom,” wrote ABC 33/40 on Saturday in tribute.
In fact, 47 people (now 48) who were close to the Clintons have died during their 3 decades of political power. That number should give us all pause. If Hillary Clinton was a Republican, that number would be the question asked by reporters every day
The following account is from a former inmate of the Metropolitan Correction Center in lower Manhattan, where Jeffrey Epstein was found unresponsive Saturday, and declared dead at a hospital of an apparent suicide. The ex-convict, who spoke to The Post’s Brad Hamilton and Bruce Golding on the condition of anonymity, spent several months in the 9 South special housing unit for high-profile prisoners awaiting trial — like Epstein.
There’s no way that man could have killed himself. I’ve done too much time in those units. It’s an impossibility.
Between the floor and the ceiling is like eight or nine feet. There’s no way for you to connect to anything.
You have sheets, but they’re paper level, not strong enough. He was 200 pounds — it would never happen.
When you’re on suicide watch, they put you in this white smock, a straight jacket. They know a person cannot be injurious to themselves.
The clothing they give you is a jump-in uniform. Everything is a dark brown color.
Could he have done it from the bed? No sir. There’s a steel frame, but you can’t move it. There’s no light fixture. There’s no bars.
They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens and maybe once a week a piece of paper.

“They don’t give you enough in there that could successfully create an instrument of death. You want to write a letter, they give you rubber pens and maybe once a week a piece of paper.”— Former inmate of same jail where Jeffrey Epstein was held
Nothing hard or made of metal.
And there’s a cop at the door about every nine minutes, whether you’re on suicide watch or not.
The author of “Secret on the Tarmac” revealed new details Monday about the secretly held 2016 meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
“We knew something had occurred that was a bit unusual. It was a planned meeting. It was not a coincidence,” journalist Christopher Sign told “Fox & Friends” about the explosive meeting that cast a negative light over the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.
At the time, then-candidate Donald Trump criticized Bill Clinton via Twitter for potentially trying to interfere with the investigation.
Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!
By TPIWriter
Fascinating information is going viral about Hillary and Bill Clinton, which exposes just how truly ruthless they are. In many ways they are worse than Obama. One major reason I say this is because the Clintons have a long history of people in their inner-circle dying under mysterious circumstances.
The Jew hater Somalian Trash belongs on the streets of Somalia not America. She will fit in well with the Islamic killers who wage Jihad through the world. And to send her back would be too kind. Throw her in a jail cell with two pit bulls will be justice. Pelosi comes to her defense because the Madam of the Slut House is scared that she will be slut shamed. When asked if House Democrats would be pursuing further action against Omar during a press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., didn’t even let the reporter finish his question before answering in the negative.
The real facts here are simple, the diatribe against Jews would exist here even if Israel did not exist; playing the Jew Card would be pulled if Israel were wiped from the map. So Pelosi is now falling in line with the slime of the earth. Once again where are Nadler, Schiff, Feinstein’s balls? Have they been castrated? And how about you Schumer, have you swallowed your pride, lump in your throat appears to be a male organ that you have been forced to digest. A real example for those who kept quiet when your relatives were herded into the chambers.
Jew hating members of Congresses Nazi Brigade condoned by Jew hating Pelosi. It seems that to those of the Jewish persuasion in Congress and the Senate the words “Never Again” are only words.

Omar retweets video by anti-Israel group investigated by FBI for possible terrorism ties
“Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., retweeted a video produced by an anti-Israel organization previously investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist ties.
On Tuesday, one day after she posted a now-infamous tweet likening the U.S. and Israel to terror groups Hamas and the Taliban, Omar retweeted a post including a video produced by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM).
The video shared by Omar depicted a Palestinian child being carried off by Israeli police forces as an explosion is heard in the background.
It seems to us that those of the Jewish persuasion can tolerate nitric acid diatribe uttered by the slut Omar. Why else would they continue to sit in the same house with these Muslim suicide bombers? A shrink may be in order. Can you imagine this suicide bomber lecturing us. So she comes to the United States via Kenya. All of a sudden she is foaming at the mouth about freedom and liberty; salivating in the anti-Semitic puke one would expect from Turkey’s dog Erdogan or perhaps Hezbollah or those nuclear thugs over in Iran. She doesn’t understand that she would not be here if it wasn’t for the Jews. This is not something new for her, she has based her whole life on attacking Israel as a demonic apartheid state.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., issued a strong rebuke of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leadership for their statement calling out fellow Squad member Rep. Ilhan Omar for her comments involving Israel.

“Freedom of speech doesn’t exist for Muslim women in Congress,” Tlaib tweeted Thursday shortly after Pelosi and Democratic leaders issued a statement critical of Omar. “The benefit of the doubt doesn’t exist for Muslim women in Congress. House Democratic leadership should be ashamed of its relentless, exclusive tone policing of Congresswomen of color.”
Ilhan Omar
Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October 1982. According to the biography posted on her own website, she lived there for around eight years before her family fled to a refugee camp in Kenya, moving to the United States four years later, and eventually settling in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis in 1997.
In a 2018 interview with the Intercept website’s “Deconstructed” podcast, Omar said she became a naturalized U.S. citizen before she turned 18 years old, explaining that, “My father became a citizen and so I got my citizenship through that process.”
In the same interview, she said her family resettled in the U.S. in 1995. Since a would-be naturalized citizen must first live in the U.S. as a permanent resident for five years, 2000 would be the earliest year in which Omar’s father (and Omar herself) could become citizens. Since Omar was born in October 1982, she turned 18 in October 2000. So, based on the sequence of events presented by Omar, it appears she became a U.S. citizen at the age of 17, some time between January and October 2000 —
Although Omar’s account makes sense, and we found no substantive dispute over it, we were unable to locate any official documentation that supports that version of events. We asked Omar’s spokesperson and district director to provide any official documentation that would confirm the date of her naturalization, but we received no such evidence.
The Congresswoman’s spokesperson reiterated that she became a U.S. citizen in 2000, and pointed out that an individual cannot be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives without demonstrating citizenship, but the spokesperson did not have Omar’s “personal government documents.”
Until and unless evidence of that nature becomes available to us, definitively establishing that Omar became a U.S. citizen in 2000 she has pull off one of the greatest cons in history.
Excerpts above taken from article by Dan MacGuill Published 16 July 2019
In the AP story, Omar’s replies to all this are those of the victim combined with overtones of the royal “we”:
“We choose not to further the narratives of those who would oppose us” Omar’s statement said, adding that she believes the claims are being made by people who want to stop a black, female Muslim from sitting in Congress.
The chronology of all this, briefly, follows:
- 1982 — Born in Somalia;
- 1991 — Went to refugee camp in Kenya;
- 1995 — Came to United States as a refugee, becoming a citizen at some later point;
- 2002 — Took out a marriage license to marry Ahmed Hirsi (AKA Ahmed Aden), but did not marry him except in a Muslim ceremony; they had two kids;
- 2008 — Parted from Hirsi; a Muslim divorce, not recorded, took place;
- 2009 — Married Ahmed Elmi; a marriage certificate exists;
- 2011 — Parted from Elmi, with a Muslim divorce;
- 2012 — Reunited with Hirsi and had a third child;
- 2017 — Formally divorced Elmi (after being elected to the legislature);
- 2018 — Married (re-married?) Hirsi and was nominated for Congress.
At the very least, a busy lady — one with a fondness for guys named Ahmed.
More ethical questions are being raised surrounding Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). FROM RED STATE
Omar has already come under fire for a variety of issues, from her alleged affair with a political consultant to investigation for possible campaign finance violations.
The latest allegations concern the book deal she signed around the time that she was elected to Congress.
Ilhan Omar Comes Under Fire Again, This Time Because of a Deal She Signed
In January, Dey Street Books announced the deal for her memoir “This Is What America Looks Like,” a book about her travels from Somalian refugee to congresswoman. The deal was described as a “good deal,” meaning that it was worth from $100,000-$250,000. She’ll be working with a collaborator with the target release thought to be April 2020.
But, as the Washington Free Beacon points out, there may be a problem with the deal.
Those rules prohibit “the receipt of any advance payment on copyright royalties”—that is, a book advance—as well as “the receipt of copyright royalties” unless the contract has first been approved by the House Ethics Committee.
Omar’s colleague, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas), for example, received a $250,000 advance to pen a book about “outrage culture” before his swearing in last January. The hefty sum appears on his 2018 financial disclosure report, a filing required from all members of Congress detailing the sources and value of the incomes of House members.
Omar’s 2018 filing, which covers the calendar year, does not list a book advance. It is possible that she signed a contract with Dey Street, an imprint of Harper Collins, between Jan. 1 and Jan. 3, 2019, before her swearing in on the 3rd. If so, any advance would not have been listed on her 2018 financial disclosure and would have allowed her to comply with House ethics rules. But any contract signed outside of that two-and-half-day period—and that includes a book advance—either should have been listed on her 2018 disclosure or was signed in violation of House ethics rules.
“It’s very clear, a member cannot receive an advance payment on copyright royalties,” said Brendan Fischer, the director of the Federal Reform Program at the Campaign Legal Center. Omar is writing her book with the assistance of a research and writing collaborator and, according to Fischer, House rules prohibit that collaborator to receive an advance.
“A Man’s Got To Know His Limitations”
Is it possible to know your limitations when your brain is not functioning? Walking with a cane is the first indication of neurons not reacting to cerebellum instructions. Effectively, your brain is short circuited, signals never reaching the appropriate muscle. But even more compelling evidence of brain malfunction is speech. When thoughts become coagulated this is a marker indicating that brains are turning into mush.
Trying to form cognizant sentences become weighted down by ulcerated plaques upstairs. In other words a generic diagnosis would lean toward a malfunctional consistency. Now that we have seen the walking cadaver in real time, a detection of certainty can be triangulated. An analyst might use a three dimension matrix to qualify and quantify the ailment. This is rudimentary for reaching a conclusion. Dimensional analysis provides the degree of impairment; like 2d or 3d seismic; 2d will give you an overall picture, but 3d zeroes in on the specific area that calls for attention.
Yes Joe, the time has come for a full 3d scan of caput corporis. Beside the doctors, Americans need to know the degree of damage suffered inside your cranium. During the campaign you facebooked in a rat hole. Why? Were you afraid to appear in public due to a malady, such as another stroke. We wish you well as your enter the final stages of your cognizant decline. As we see it, you are no longer a master of your own destiny. Other world leaders know that. They are laughing, talking and savoring in your demise.
To wake up every day is an effort because not knowing where you are becomes nothing more than a dour dream. We have seen cases like this before. In fact, a past president suffered from such a malady. Perhaps you read about him. Bedridden, not able to function normally. One morning he awoke to find out that he was blind in one eye, the result of hypertension was the diagnosis. Yes, he was under a lot of pressure, the strain was too much for his arteries to take which became hard as a rock. His brain clotted profusely causing him to be bedridden. Did you know that? Joe you have much in common with him; he was a slow learner, He suffered from an occlusion of the left central branch of an artery feeding the cerebrum. Sound familiar? But what gets our goat is the COVER-UP of your mental state. All evidence points to the fact hat you are not fit to serve as president of the United States.
Seems funny to us that in a few short months, the Squat Squad turned you into a reverse OREO, white on the outside Black on the inside. A moderate to a radical leftist. They were able to accomplish this task because you suffer from brain deterioration and you don’t know right from wrong. “You’re not Black if your don’t vote for me”, how true.
BTW your media friends keep you hidden from the kryptonite of truth, but soon, when you fall flat on your face, they will have to come clean. It’s a good idea that you do that now. Tell the American public that your are not able to carry out the duties of the President of the United States. America hears the swan song playing in the background. Very sad!

Dr. Anthony Fauci Tied to Scandal Involving Human-Animal Hybrid Experiments with Aborted Fetal Parts
Last week, Kristan Hawkins, president of SFLA, spoke with John Zmirak for an interview with The Stream.
It’s a matter of public record that there are horrific abuses of aborted infants taking place [in] PA through the extensive fetal experimentation programs at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh.
In a recent study, Pitt scientists describe scalping 5-month-old aborted babies and grafting their scalps onto the backs of lab rats to keep them growing … in the study you can see the pictures of little baby scalps growing tiny baby hairs on the backs of lab rats and lab mice. Each one of those scalps… represents a little PA baby who would have grown those little hairs on their head if they had not been killed by abortion for experiments with rodents.
Joe Biden, a pervert from the get-go, issued an executive order that commanded boys use the same bathroom as girls. So your eleven year old daughter is now sharing a high school bathroom with Joe the Perv. Wonder what he is thinking about? Don’t ask and we won’t tell. Now we are talking equality here. This is not an issue according to POTUS. After all girls and boys are equal, the Constitution says so. With only a few words Joe has destroyed the grammar, middle and high school sports world.

Eighth-grade girl blasts school board for policy that would allow ‘boys into girls’ locker rooms’
Loudoun school board members told: ‘Everyone knows what a boy is – even you’
The hashtag #BidenErasedWomen is now trending on Twitter as feminists, the LGB community, and civil liberties advocates are speaking out against the policy.
A 14-year-old in Virginia is speaking out about what she says is a sexist move by Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) to allow “boys into girls’ locker rooms.”
The policy followed a previous one, 1040, that committed the county to providing an equitable, safe and inclusive working environment regardless of “sexual orientation, gender identity” and other individual characteristics. The more recent proposed policy – 8350 – states in a draft that “students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity.”
At Tuesday’s school board meeting, Jolene Grover, who was wearing a shirt that read “Woman is female” argued: “Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren’t going to allow boys into the girls’ locker rooms. But here you are doing just that.”
Grover is an eighth grader whose mom pulled her out of an LCPS school last year after seeing various controversial policies emerging. She is currently homeschooled.
“Everyone knows what a boy is – even you,” she added, looking up at the board members. “Your proposed policies are dangerous and rooted in sexism. When woke kids ask me if I was a lesbian or a trans boy because I cut my hair short, it should tell you these modern identities are superficial.”
In an interview with Fox News Thursday, Grover said she worried that LCPS’ new rule would lead to girls being harassed and assaulted.
During her speech, she claimed that her guidance counselor responded to her concerns about privacy and safety by noting that the bathrooms had stalls. Fox News hasn’t confirmed this and LCPS declined to comment on Grover’s speech.
“Now, boys are reading erotica in the classroom next to girls,” she added during Tuesday’s speech, “and you want to give them access to girls’ locker rooms and you want to force girls to call those boys ‘she.'”