(CLICK)We don’t find this at all funny. This could be your wife, mother, daughter, child or relative. Think about it when you vote next time. Progressive judges letting animals loose all over the country.

(CLICK)We don’t find this at all funny. This could be your wife, mother, daughter, child or relative. Think about it when you vote next time. Progressive judges letting animals loose all over the country.
We have a crook as president, a son who is a lying criminal, a philanthroper to boot and an administration composed of murderers. But the fact is that nothing is done to bring them to justice. What gives? The lame stream media pushed the Trump triumphs out the window; gave him no credit for the Abraham Accords, dissed him on the origins of the China virus, failed to give him credit for Warp Speed and the nomination of three conservative Supreme Court Justices. They continued lambasting him through the election. Since then we have seen the truth, China released the virus, maybe accidentally, from the Wuhan lab. Hunter Biden, with the help of China Joe, shook down China and Russia. And there was more, think Impeachment, think Mueller, think the killer Clinton. Not one of these criminals have been brought to justice. But that is not all, how about the Deep State actors, the McCabes, the former director of the NI, James Clapper and his cohort Brennan. Zilch has happened to them; in fact they are now paid celebrities, doing their lying now for major networks.
Before this is over America will see the truth, it will be too hard to ignore. In recent days, Biden has threatened China and Russia, Really. Now please tell us whaT can he do to them? Slap them on their sickle? For some reason it escapes our thoughts. And the China Virus culpability. Are the pervs waking up to the real cause? They won’t admit outfront that Trump called them out on day one. Let’s talk about border insecurity; how many criminals are now roaming our streets? Last count was in the thousands, some are wanton killers. Do you know that Joe? Can’t happen though because you are mentally impaired. You have hoof and mouth disease; you can’t walk and you can’t talk. Simple as that.
It is spreading faster than a UAP, eating up country after country, killing millions along the way. There is no stopping it, variants pop up without confrontation. Leaders dismiss the threat, but eventually succumb to it. Appeasement is in order for self protection, but that is an ephemeral prophylactic. Talking heads gather to assess damage; what will the politicians do about it. Is there an alternative, can it be stopped in its tracks? What type defense will hold back the unforeseen? Is there any hope? What will happen to us if we don’t act now? How many more deaths will it take us to counter this evil? No it is not the China Virus, aka Covid-19, it is ISLAM.
Yes, Islam! The Western open societies are being flooded with Muslims immigrants who eventually, and we are talking about 50 years at most, will outnumber the White Western world. Can they be stopped? Yes, and the only way is if we take abrupt action and concrete steps now. Some countries are doing just that, but more overt steps must be taken at the source. The Turkish threat is real. Anatolia is ruled by an autocratic pervert, counting on the Western Law to provide the path to Allah. However, he is meeting opposition from France, Denmark and Austria. They have seen the numbers, they are aware of the disease, they have taken action. We must do the same.
Those Syrians adamantly refuse to go back to Syria. The war is over, the reason for leaving in the first place is gone. But, like plants they multiply quicker than the homegrown variety. Soon a takeover of Denmark was in the cards. However, Denmark politicians acted before the weeds overtook the flowers. They are among more than 200 Syrian nationals who have had their residency withdrawn on the grounds that Damascus and the surrounding region are now considered safe.
Austria has said it will close down seven mosques and expel imams who it says are funded by foreign countries. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the move was a crackdown on political Islam. Some mosques are suspected of having links to Turkish nationalists. In April images emerged showing children in Turkish army uniforms re-enacting the World War One Battle of Gallipoli. The Turkish president’s office called Austria’s move “Islamophobic, racist and discriminatory”. As you can clearly see that the Dog ruling Turkey with an iron fist has spread his tentacles into Austria. This is not the only country that finds mosques funded by Turkey; the United States has hundreds. In October 2017, the Austrian government passed a law named the “Prohibition on the Covering of the Face.” The law was introduced by the center-left Chancellor Christian Kern. Anyone wearing clothes that obscure their face in public is liable to a fine of €150 and must remove the offending garment “on the spot” if ordered by police. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, whose political style gets described as increasingly authoritarian and undemocratic, and his islamic-conservative AKP Party gain hugh election successes with Turkish citizens in Austria with up to 80 percent of votes. Critics see this as a clear sign of failed integration. In 2016 Sebastian Kurz, then foreign minister, from the ÖVP and some FPÖ members have urged participants of a pro-Erdoğan demonstration to leave Austria.
Lars Brownworth, Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire That Rescued Western Civilization, Random House, 2009, 315 pp.,The fall of Constantinople was horrifying. “Women and children were raped, men were impaled, houses were sacked, and churches were looted and burned,” writes Mr. Brownworth. For Eastern Europe, the end of the Roman Empire meant centuries of political slavery under Ottoman oppression. For more than a million whites, losing the Mediterranean meant literal slavery
.Jean Raspail wrote the most prophetic book of this century, The Camp of the Saints. It ends with the last remnant of the West about to be overrun. The book’s final words are: “The fall of Constantinople is a personal misfortune that happened to all of us only last week.” Tomorrow, May 29, that colossal misfortune will have taken place exactly 568 years ago, in 1453.
There’s something worse than slavery. It’s losing an identity. Occupation means living under alien law, morality, and cultural codes. Even before Constantinople fell, the Ottomans had already occupied Eastern Europe. One of the main reasons Constantinople fell was that the elite forces of the Turkish army were “Christians who had been taken from their families while children and forcibly converted to Islam” and who had become “fanatically loyal” to their new masters. [p. 297] A people can rise from defeat, but not from deconstruction.
Constantinople tells us defeat is possible. It has happened before and the consequences were sickening. We still live with them. The Hagia Sophia, the greatest church of antiquity, is a now mosque. A Turkish ruler with neo-Ottoman pretensions uses Muslim migrants slowly to conquer Europe. The political police in Germany said in 2017 that the largest “right-wing extremist” group in the country was the ultranationalist, arguably terrorist Turkish Grey Wolves. Like the empire in its final years, we are increasingly surrounded in what was once unquestionably “our” land.