Dementia Joe has pulled a Neville Chamberlain, “Peace in Our Time“. We predicted early on that Biden would have a failed presidency. A myopic president with a cognizant impairment; he was never concerned about our standing in the world. His only interest was to line his pockets. Now, that the Taliban have swooped in to fill America’s swift boat pullout from Afghanistan, we can see clearly the disease that has inflicted this bag of bones. First off, he indicated where he was going during the first 100 days, but now we see the worst of Biden. A true Socialist built out of the Communist cloth of Uncle Joe. Biden is Taliban, a lethal killer of liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness. All Democrats are inflicted with the worst disease known to man, SOCIALISM. There is no cure.
Americans are on the chopping block like dead meat in a butcher shop. An authoritarian government is in place and will not stop until they have secured their power from town to city, from county to county from state to state. All of those who do not subscribe to their agenda will be liquidated in the greatest purge the world has ever known. Pol Pot, Hitler, Mao and Stalin will be salivating in their graves. The body count has yet to be completed, but past statistics have tallied at least 4,000 Americans have perished in Afghanistan. That is compared to approximately 50,000 Afghans. However, now that the Taliban blankets the country with radical Islam (oxymoron) expect one hundred thousand or more to take their last breath, many are Americans.
But that is not all, buses and buses will be roaming America’s streets dropping them off; they are filled with Afghan Islamists who are not acclimated to the American way, that is the Judeo/Christian ethic. Soon, as in Minnesota and Michigan, their ilk will take control, make demands and scream racism. This is the road we are going down until we, Patriotic Americans, rise up and confront the threat head on.

We demand that these Muslims be resettled in neighborhoods inhabited by senators and congressmen of the democrat stripe. Patriots will be glad to build a mosque outside of Pelosi’s castle. Five times a day she will have to listen to the call for prayer. On Ramadan they will close down the street, pray to Allah, for he is great. And Pelosi is to be commended for giving them entry into the land of plenty. You will see, they will be on welfare, free education, Medicaid and live like kings in new housing built especially for them with your tax dollars.