Never in our history has a president left our men on the battlefield accept for now. Dementia Joe is guilty of Sedition, a treasonous act. For he is solely responsible for the deaths of our servicemen. They protected America against terrorism. Joe Biden did the opposite by leaving them in the hands of the Taliban. To watch our brave men fight in the trenches, protecting us from al-Qaeda, the most dangerous of Islamic terrorists and then watch to see a yellow belly president make lame excuses is the most disgusting event one could ever imagine. Not accepting responsibility for this tragedy is evidence of his state of mind. He is saying GODDAM AMERICA. “GO TO HELL JOE BIDEN, YOU ARE A GUTLESS COWARD.”
Trump had America’s back, he was the Commander in Chief. Biden never supported our fight against Islamic terrorism. Whenever confronted he ran, like the yellow streak dripping down his back.America’s antagonists have been given the green light to stick the shiv into our backs. Never again will we be trusted by our friends. They will have to go it alone. We are witnessing a Scaredy cat president who
high tails it out of there as our valiant servicemen are being captured, man handled and killed by the Taliban.
Joe Biden is not a Harry Truman. Joe Biden is a modern day Franklin D. Roosevelt.Both are made of the same cloth. communist sympathizers.
You are the only one not laughing. Wonder why?
Obama ‘said Biden has an “ability to f**k things up”‘ amid ‘bitter tensions’ after ex-president’s ‘weak’ endorsement
Fionnuala O’Leary 0:07 ET, Aug 15 2020 Updated: 6:02 ET, Aug 15 2020
Advisers noted that Biden may have the “last laugh of everybody” this November, given his ability to communicate across party lines, versus Obama’s elitist attitude towards some GOP members.
During the primary race, one Democrat recalled how the Harvard grad ridiculed Biden’s abilities, before he went on to secure the 2020 nomination.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” Obama was quoted as saying.
Speaking to one candidate about the Democratic electorate in Iowa, Obama scathingly remarked that Biden didn’t bond with voters: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”
When the frying pan got too hot Biden did a Houdini, disappeared into a rat hole. The source can’t be revealed because the person was not authorized to speak to the press, butwe have learned that POTUS reached out to Hunter, Biden’s Fredo, for advice. Hunter told him to stay out of the kitchen, leave the gas on and I, Hunter Biden, will put out the flame. “How said”, Dementia Joe? I will call ANTIFA and BLM, they will come to the rescue and torch the place. They are good at those things.
But Hunter wasn’t through, he made a call to Ms. Houdini, she has been missing for almost eight months, told her to go to a safe house, say Haiti. That Hunter has a gift of transport. Doesn’t he? On a more serious note we really don’t expect Biden to be able to carry out the duties of President. That is where the 25th Amendment to the Constitution comes in. And this will give us a twofer. Getting rid of both of them in one shot. Call it a win win situation.
But don’t despair, November 2022 we will take back America from the thugs by declaring both of them insane and not able to carry out their respective duties. That being the case a Republican dominated Senate and House will bring it on. A new day will be upon us.
To put this sleaze in context, we find America is in the hands of a reverse OREO. A thug who worships then Sen. Barack Obama’s pastor who said, ” that blacks should not sing “God Bless America” but “God damn America.” And so the Taliban said, “so let it be written, so let it be done.” THE BLOOD OF AMERICANS IS ON JOE’S HANDS. NEVER FORGET IT.
Joe is the laughing stock among nations. A buffoon not suited to be a dog catcher
We can guarantee you that the top dogs of Afghanistan will be the first ones out. Chick shit who fled with millions of our dollars. A chicken little and a LITTLE CHICKEN. That is how we see it from afar. One trillion dollars and countless American lives were the price we paid for this catastrophe.
The Biden pullout of Afghanistan has ended in a Saigon style white flag surrender to the Taliban. “I will beat you like a drum?” Doesn’t appear to be the case here. But I will beat it out of town for a vacay is the way I go. Letting our friends die without a fight or a plan is Joe’s way out. A yellow belly turd when it comes to confronting our enemies. China, Russia and Iran can now run wild over us with impunity.
The time has come to start impeachment hearings for this criminal. SEDITION IS THE CHARGE. A lying CELLAR DWELLAR WITH DEMENTIA; a scam artist bought and paid for by the excrement of the earth. A seditious bunch of America’s haters.
You know who they are. And throw in that lay down female dog from California whose is so power hungry that she succumbed to those who want to take America down. Suicide Bombers
among them include those from foreign countries telling America how to do business. Investigation of Republicans are
ubiquitous, but criminals Democrats get off scot free. And how about the “motha fucka” impeachment speech from this dog.
Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib tells cheering crowd that Trump impeachment coming
Where is the outcry from the Republicans. What happened to their ballz. And how about the moderate Democrats, what happened to them, no ballz to fight for justice and the American way. Those who sit SILENT beside them are no different, guilty accomplices; why do you give credibility and a pulpit to those who lambaste America. Do you not see what they are doing. Are you blind. Why don’t you walk out? You are just as guilty as they are..And to the those of the Jewish persuasion, does "NEVER AGAIN" mean anything to you? You are being used to accomplish their political goals? You are being forced into their CHAMBER..What a pity?
White Privilege is under attack by people of color and WOKE Whites; the “critical race theory movement has gone lame stream exploding beyond anyone’s imagination. There are several factors in play here. But with all crusades there is a starting point. So we bring you to the genesis of this one. In 2008 Obama was elected, he was reelected again in 2012. His surrogate, “lock her up” was hated by the masses leading to her stunning defeat at the hand of Donald J. Trump in 2016.
Obama was not only slippery but a very slick dude indeed, he knew how to work the crowd, but his most enduring quality, which was and still is is his ability to speak out of three sides of his mouth at the same time. Remembering the Trayvon Martin comments? “The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner.” That comment was a prelude to the next comment, “The prosecution and the defense made their arguments. The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict. And once the jury has spoken, that’s how our system works.” Reading into this Obama casts doubt on the Verdict. He also added, that is how our system works. Another take on this would read, Obama doesn’t agree with the verdict, but highlights the fact that the Jury (biased in his mind) rendered a verdict. Of course one that he didn’t like.
Then the grease was poured on the fire. “You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. (Obama says, “this could have been my son.” Does this mean that your son would have been a two bit punk looking for trouble?)And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, (this evokes memories of the Deep South – Obama is bringing back the days of segregation, he infers that it is still here)I think it’s important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.” But we add, the African community has not cleaned up their act, their leaders are responsible for this. Why the big deal about Martin (may he rest in peace), when 750 Chicago Blacks met their maker last year, many of them children. No word about that coming from Obama’s lips.
We look at these disingenuous comments because first of all the George Zimmerman was gaslighted by the liberal press. Guilty as charged, another KKK killing by a White guy. The fact is that his mother was born in Peru. His father was of German extraction. The point to remember here is that George considered himself Hispanic. That has been lost on the public at large solely because of the propaganda campaign of the “FAKE NEWS” fourth estate.
Obama lit the fuse that ignited the racist bomb of days gone by. He knew exactly what he was doing, setting the stage of what was to come. Subsequently, we had Michael Brown, another two bit punk that got what he deserved, then all the way up to George Floyd, another punk responsible for his own death. But we reiterate, there have been outright murders by not only the police of Black people, but White Racists who hunted Blacks as a sport. The Ahmaud Arbery is a case in point manifesting the still harboring of White hate, but this is not a stereotype, but only an isolated incident. The days of Emmet Till are over. However, the Black Riot Monger, Obama and Holder among them find it in their blood to keep the Racist Jim Crow days alive. Guess what, they are doing this to provoke a civil war. We know this, America know this, Trump supporters know this. We are not racists, but the TRUE RACISTS want others to believe we are.
A hubristic maniac roams Empire’s streets. Be on the lookout for this sociopath, the one with the frothing mouth. Shoving it down the peoples throat is easy for him, it is the only way he knows, one of violence. He only cares about himself. Without the Governor’s mantle, he is nothing; this will start to wear on him. Perhaps Fredo can assist him in his time of loneliness. After all he has always sought his advice. But this time is different, even medicine will not erase the crimes he committed. Without friends and enemies aplenty it is time. Suicide, is the only way to ease the pain. For heaven’s sake, eat that AR-15 that you are so crazy about.
But don’t let this beast of a sexual deviate to pull the wool over your eyes. He is now unmasked. Ask yourself the question, where did all the money come from when this hack tells you that his administration accomplished what God could not. Never forget that It came from your pocket; he soaked you. He raped your earnings to pay for those couch mongers. For that very reason New Yorkers have fled the state en-masse. They were sick and tired of being plundered.
Don’t be Buffalo’d by his propaganda when he says that NY is heaven on earth. Think of the murderer, rapists, thieves, drug pushers and gang bangers that roam the state seeking prey. Fourteen days, two weeks before he leaves. Wonder how much more damage he will do. The state police should ride him out of town tonight.
Over his career this beast has not only infuriated many with his animalistic ways. He thinks his way of governing by force is the only way to accomplish the task at hand. “He is a legend in his own mind, a brutal one at that.” But yesterday was a day long coming; this killer must be accountable for thousands of deaths during the China Covid-19 crisis. His protectors, hanger-ons, supporters have all disappeared like he had the virus. They knew when it was time to jump ship. Fredo the only friend he has now. Who would of thought that he would be brought down by his own attorney general. Great job James.
Both he and Fredo will have plenty of time on their hands. We suggest they take a fishing trip to Lake Tahoe. Or better yet, take in the falls of Buffalo and for that matter stay close at home. How about a dive from the Bridge. Good luck guys whatever endeavors you choose. There is a whole new world out there. Your expertise will be sought after by those who have the same disease as you. Of course you know what that is, SOCIALISM. There is no vaccine for that.
Fauci (WAF) berates mass outdoor gathering in South Dakota, but gives Obama’s birthday bash a pass.
Social media users piled on to Dr. Anthony Fauci for what many felt was a double standard when it comes to what type of gatherings he criticizes.
“No comment from St. Fauci on Obama’s soirée last night with a few hundred of his closest friends – or how about Lollapalooza last week in Chicago,” one social media user said in reaction to Fauci’s comments critical of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. “Or, I guess it’s SELECTIVE festivities, because the virus knows, and only attacks those who fit the Dems’ narrative.”
Dr. Fauci chastises those attending the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally: You’re going to get to do that in the future, but let's get this pandemic under control before we start acting like nothing is going on."