(COPY AND PASTE) https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/07/30/chris_matthews_to_debbie_wasserman_schultz_whats_the_difference_between_a_democrat_and_a_socialist.html
The likes of AOC, Omar, Presley, Tlaib are vicious criminals who run with the mouth. Suicide bombers who have disdain for America. In fact each one will be bounced from the House in January 2023. All are in violation of Federal election laws. All are in violation of ethics rules. But they are Democrats, and because they are, they are the untouchables for now. Omar is guilty of election fraud, but fraudulently filing documents upon arrival into the United States. That alone would not qualify her for citizenship, but it does qualify her for a plane ride back to Somalia.
Tlaib’s campaign paid out over $100K to a firm founded by defund the police, anti-Israel activist
Rasha Mubarak tweeted “abolish the police” in April 2021
Tlaib’s campaign and PAC sent $96,000 in payments between March 2020 and March 2021 for “fundraising consulting” to Unbought Power LLC, a Florida-based firm that specializes in grassroots organizing and advocacy consulting. The campaign paid out another $18,000 to Unbought Power between April 2021 and June 2021, Federal Election Commission records released last Thursday show.

Rasha Mubarak, the Palestinian-American activist who founded Unbought Power in March 2020, has been involved in grassroots advocacy for over 15 years and has assisted with Tlaib’s political career over the course of the last decade. In March 2019, Mubarak tweeted that she “mobilized” her first political fundraiser 9 years earlier and said it was for Tlaib, who responded that she “can’t wait” to organize a political fundraiser for her.
Only place for this disgusting piece of trash is a garbage dumpster. Throw her out, throw her out, throw her out.
Tlaib received backlash in December 2020 after she retweeted a Mubarak tweet that included the anti-Israel slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The Democratic group, Democratic Majority for Israel, responded by calling this an “immoral and reprehensible position” and said the slogan means that Tlaib “sees the entire State of Israel as illegitimate and wants it eliminated.”
Earlier this year, Mubarak tweeted out her support for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and boasted about her and Palestinian activists being able to “shut down” an anti-BDS bill in 2019. She has also repeatedly called Israel an “apartheid” state, which has been echoed by Tlaib herself.
How is it that the Jewish members of Congress live, sit and eat in the same House as the Suicide Bomber Squad. It doesn’t make sense to us, nor does it make sense to Americans. Breaking bread on a daily basis with Hitler? We are totally confused. These Jews are being manipulated in supporting an agenda which in the end will lead to their demise. They must be mashugana.
This scum would not be here if it wasn’t for Haym Salomon April 7, 1740 – January 6, 1785) was a Polish-born Jewish businessman and political financial broker who, along with English-born Robert Morris, was a prime financier of the rebel American side during the American Revolutionary War against Great Britain.
Having immigrated to New York City from Poland, Salomon aided the Continental Army during the period of the American Revolution and helped convert French loans into ready cash by selling bills of exchange for Morris, the superintendent of finance.
Robert Morris, George Washington, Haym Salomon
Sympathizing with the Patriot cause, Salomon joined the New York branch of the Sons of Liberty. In September 1776, he was arrested as a spy. The British pardoned him, but detained him for 18 months on a British boat as an interpreter for Hessian soldiers, German troops employed by the British. Salomon used his position to help prisoners of war from the Continental Army escape, encouraged the Hessians to desert the war effort, and collaborated with Hercules Mulligan and Cato to carry out other espionage activities. In 1778 Salomon was arrested again, convicted of espionage, and sentenced to death. Again, he escaped, making his way with his family to the revolutionary capital in Philadelphia.
The Jew hater Somalian Trash belongs on the streets of Somalia not America. She will fit in well with the Islamic killers who wage Jihad through the world. And to send her back would be too kind. Throw her in a jail cell with two pit bulls will be justice. Pelosi comes to her defense because the Madam of the Slut House is scared that she will be slut shamed. When asked if House Democrats would be pursuing further action against Omar during a press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., didn’t even let the reporter finish his question before answering in the negative.
The real facts here are simple, the diatribe against Jews would exist here even if Israel did not exist; playing the Jew Card would be pulled if Israel were wiped from the map. So Pelosi is now falling in line with the slime of the earth. Once again where are Nadler, Schiff, Feinstein’s balls? Have they been castrated? And how about you Schumer, have you swallowed your pride, lump in your throat appears to be a male organ that you have been forced to digest. A real example for those who kept quiet when your relatives were herded into the chambers.
Jew hating members of Congresses Nazi Brigade condoned by Jew hating Pelosi. It seems that to those of the Jewish persuasion in Congress and the Senate the words “Never Again” are only words.