Monthly Archives: September 2021
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It won’t work, though. Israel has been using the same Pfizer BioNTech vaccine we used here, but thanks to incredible pressure put on Israelis to take the vaccine, they are a few months ahead of us in terms of vaccination and vaccination rates. Berenson was merely laying out the future they cannot hide from Americans forever.

Twitter has permanently banned Alex Berenson, the science writer and former New York Times investigative reporter who has become one of the most prominent critics…
www.breitbart.comView Link Feed
In 2014 Obama appointed the above captioned puppet as the president of Afghanistan. Who is he? After receiving his degrees he became a professor at Johns Hopkins University, then went on to work at the World Bank. After the Taliban collapsed in 2002 he returned to Afghanistan serving as the finance minister in Hamid Karzai’s government. He later resigned and became the dean of Kabul University. He continued his journey to the UN where he became a member of the UN commission on Legal Empowerment. A Liberal f..k face, he came in fourth in the 2009 Afghan presidential election. In 2014 he came in second to Abdullah Abdullah, but won in a runoff although Abdullah had more votes in the first round.
The U.S. intervened at formed a unity government. Ghani, after a long delay, was declared the winner in 2019; sworn in on March 9, 2020. He went yellow pants as the Taliban took command of capital after capital. More on this guy Ghani who was once a U.S. citizen but renounced his citizenship to run for the presidency. Ghani had a way of insulting the Uzbek population where he received condemnation. He never apologized.
Trump inherited the puppet in 2017. Immediately he was able to look him up and down, what he saw was a weakling, an intellectual double talking scam artist who throughout his career was able to talk his way to the top. Trump was not enamored by among other things, the low regard he had amongst the Afghan people. In other words, this guy was a not only a scam artist, but as they say in the corporate world, “must of gone down on his knees numerous times.
In July of this year, the Taliban were on the march, killing and executing minority Afghans. Not to be outspoken here, but what we saw were vicious blood thirsty individuals who cut the muscles off of peoples arms before slicing their throats. This was to become Taliban country. These are Joe Biden’s kind of people.
WASHINGTON – Less than four weeks before the fall of Afghanistan, President Joe Biden urged Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani to demonstrate a more capable military defense to change the “perception” as the Taliban made significant gains.
Biden relayed that message in a July 23 phone call.
Biden, like FDR before him, made the call to Ghani, “hey, they tell me things don’t look good on the ground, we need you to put out a press release. Say that your military is up to the task, and you personally will protect the country against the Taliban. Can you do this for me. My presidency depends on it.”
Ghani, “of course Joe, sorry, I mean Mr. President, I will gladly do this for you after I pack my suitcase. Do you know how long it takes to stuff $164,000,000 into one of those carry-ons? Airlines are strict these days, the bag must fit in the overhead.“
Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani resurfaces in UAE after fleeing Kabul, Emirati government says.
- Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who fled his country as its capital Kabul was being overtaken by Taliban fighters, is now in the United Arab Emirates.
- As the militants entered the presidential palace and declared the war “over,” Ghani said he fled to prevent “a flood of bloodshed.”
- In separate news briefings, President Joe Biden and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg placed the blame squarely on the Afghan national government for the stunning and swift Taliban takeover.
- DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Ousted Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who fled his country as its capital Kabul was being overtaken by Taliban fighters, is now in the United Arab Emirates, the Emirati government confirmed to CNBC.
- “The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation can confirm that the UAE has welcomed President Ashraf Ghani and his family into the country on humanitarian grounds,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement Wednesday, which was later posted to its website.
Despite being vastly outnumbered by the Afghan military, which has been assisted by U.S. and coalition forces for the last 20 years, the Taliban entered Kabul on Sunday.
Ghani left Afghanistan on Sunday evening, with no announcement or clear reporting on where he was going. As the Taliban entered the presidential palace and declared the war “over,” Ghani, 72, said he fled to prevent “a flood of bloodshed.”
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC avoid Biden’s bombshell phone call urging Afghan prez to push stability ‘perception’

There appears to be a media blackout in the bombshell report of a leaked July phone call between President Biden then-Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.
Reuters shared transcript excerpts on Tuesday of a July 23 exchange where Biden appeared to urge Ghani to push the “perception” of stability in Afghanistan amid the U.S. military withdrawal regardless of the reality on the ground.
“I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.”
Ghani later warned Biden, “Mr. President, we are facing a full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban, full Pakistani planning and logistical support, and at least 10-15,000 international terrorists, predominantly Pakistanis thrown into this, so that dimension needs to be taken account of.”
Following the release of the phone call transcript excerpts, critics have accused Biden of knowingly misleading the nation while promising a “safe and orderly” exit out of Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 25: U.S. President Joe Biden makes brief remarks while hosting Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, in the Oval Office at the White House June 25, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden announced in April that he was pulling all U.S. forces from Afghanistan and ending America’s longest war by September 11. (Photo by Pete Marovich-Pool/Getty Images) __ WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 25: Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani makes brief remarks during a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation, in the Oval Office at the White House June 25, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden announced in April that he was pulling all U.S. forces from Afghanistan and ending America’s longest war by September 11. (Photo by Pete Marovich-Pool/Getty Images) (Photo by Pete Marovich-Pool )
However, ever since Reuters broke its news on Tuesday, all of the major networks, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, have avoided mentioning the controversial phone call, according to Grabien transcripts.
Biden’s critics have compared his phone call with Ghani to former President Trump’s 2019 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, urging him to investigate Biden and his son Hunter. Ultimately, that phone call resulted in Trump’s impeachment.
The networks are already signaling they’re ready to move on from the turmoil in Afghanistan despite the many controversies still plaguing the Biden administration following the military withdrawal including the Biden-Ghani phone call, the hundreds of Americans and Afghan allies who were left stranded, and the growing terror threat from
His whole life has been a lie. “I was at the top of my law school graduating class.”
“I visited the Synagogue” Tree of Life synagogue disputes Biden’s claim he visited after massacre The synagogue’s executive director said firmly that Biden didn’t visit
“My son did nothing wrong, it was completely debunked.”
“I will get all Americans out before September 1, 2021”
CLICK BELOW (the ultimate gaslight)
If you need any further proof that the mainstream media is absolute trash, may I introduce you to Susan Dominus from the New York Times Magazine. Earlier this week, Susan delivered a glowing, sympathetic framing of one of the November 2020 election’s most notorious villains: Eric Coomer.
In her August 24, 2021 fictional short story, He Was the ‘Perfect Villain’ for Voting Conspiracists, Dominus paints an interesting, surprisingly honest at moments, picture of Mr. Coomer. She shares:
“He was a gifted programmer, known to be serious about his work but informal about almost everything else — prone to profanities, with a sense of humor that could have blunt force.”
“…traveled around the world for competitive endurance bike races, would have blended in on the campus of Google, just one in a crowd of nonconformist tech types.”
“…he stood out for the full-sleeve tattoos on his arms (one of Francis Bacon’s “Screaming Popes,” some Picasso bulls) and the half-inch holes in his ears where he once wore what are known as plugs.”
Eric is just an alt-personality, a non-conformist type — but he’s super gifted at programming. The kind of guy you’d find at a big tech company (do you feel your confidence and trust levels rising yet?)
Deeper into the article, we get to understand a bit more about Mr. Coomer’s past and how he came to be involved in our elections. And, I’m not gonna lie, this is my favorite part of this piece by Dominus:
“As a teenager and into his 20s, he considered himself a skinhead, but he was aligned with a faction who were opposed to racism. ‘To me, being skin is being proud that you have a shaved — at least short — hair,’ he wrote in 1991.”
As someone who also grew up in the 1990’s – with a front row seat to the decade of race wars in Atlanta and other cities – I feel confident in saying that literally no one in the 1990’s called themselves a skinhead without proclaiming pride in white skin. The two were synonymous.
Was Coomer the inspiration for Remy?
To me, it sounds like Coomer is admitting he was a skinhead, but trying to associate that more with the 1990’s punk rock and straight-edge movements, which were in full swing during the decade. Rewriting history.
Dominus goes on:
“In 2004, at age 34, he wrote on a climbing message board about his struggles with heroin and cocaine and how much they had damaged his life. By then, he was on the verge of bankruptcy, had lost his marriage and had ended up in prison after being charged with several counts of driving under the influence. ‘Another bout of dry heaves racked my body as I lay on the cold cement floor of the jail cell,’ he wrote. ‘Jail is no picnic under the best of circumstances — being in jail while withdrawing from heroin is absolutely the worst I can imagine.’”
So, in 2004, Coomer was withdrawing from heroin in jail because he was caught driving “under the influence,” presumably the influence of heroin since he was withdrawing from the substance while in jail. Does he treat our election security with the same rigor he treats road safety?
To summarize where we are in Coomer’s journey, he was a skinhead who was addicted to heroin and blow, withdrawing in jail due to “several counts” of driving under the influence. I think the author here is trying to paint this as Coomer’s “bottom” in his struggle with addiction. And, I swear, I am not removing anything — this is the actual transition Dominus uses:
“In 2005 he managed to stop using heroin for good.”
Wow, that’s nice! Well done, Eric. What’s your secret?
“‘I stayed with a friend for a week and told him to take my shoes and my wallet,’ Coomer told me.”
No steps or anything? Just taking your shoes off? Hey addicts, lose the shoes and you’ll be healed!
“Three months later, while he was still in withdrawal, he received a cold call from someone asking if he would consider doing programming work for Sequoia, the voting-machine company whose assets Dominion purchased five years later.”
A cold call. He got a cold call. This junkie’s fairy godmother waved her magic wand and all of a sudden a voting machine company — an industry that should be driven by public trust, whose primary metrics should be accuracy and transparency — reached out and gave him the opportunity of a lifetime. A set of glass slippers and a pumpkin carriage to legitimize him.
What is unclear is what this company’s public vetting policy was at the time, and who said (after vetting Coomer three months into sobriety), “Let’s go with the heroin addict that has the criminal record. He seems like a smart business decision given that our buyers are state and local governments, and our business is integrity and transparency.”
Dominus paints this as the moment Coomer found his calling in life. She continues:
“Soon, he was channeling the same obsessive focus he had for climbing [read: heroin and sexual battery fantasies, but we will get into that shortly] into the voting-machine business, its obscure state laws and county regulations, its competing and complicated demands for privacy, security, access and verifiability. ‘I fell in love with the election business,’ Coomer said. ‘There’s no money in it [literally LOL], and you only ever hear from people complaining about what went wrong. But it felt meaningful.’”
Awwww. He found his purpose. He took all the energy and effort that he previously put into doing heroin and driving around while high on heroin and sweating in jail for driving around while high on heroin, and he channeled that into the noble cause of securing our most sacred institution: The Vote.
Does anyone actually believe this? Dominus provides no receipts, spins yarn about the poor little junkie and his sad, sad tale, and sets up the evil Joe Oltmann — and we’ll get into that in my next piece — as the man who ruined Eric’s life. In a bolded call out on the NYT release of this “article” — which, honestly, should have “Advertorial” written across the top and a link to Dominion’s website and Coomer’s CashApp in the footer — Dominious says:
“Coomer had given conspiracy theorists a valuable resource, a grain of sand they could transform into something that had the feel — the false promise — of proof.”
welcome to my world
Articles. Musings. Poetry. Maybe a script or two.
I write all kinds of things about all the things. I write for the global corporate capitalists (and communists) by day, as a corporate propagandist and master chaos organizer. Here I write about the things I want to write about. The important things. The hard realities and hate facts. And God, Family, Freedom. Like I said, important things.
I love all forms of discourse, debate and feedback. Please drop me a comment here, an email ([email protected]), or hit me up on Telegram, Parler, or any of the many secure messaging apps. Basically, if I am on socials, I’m @asheinamerica.
- the ultimate gaslight: susan dominus, eric coomer, & the mainstream fairy tales of the new york times
If you need any further proof that the mainstream media is absolute trash, may I introduce you to Susan Dominus …
- janet and the betas release their new album: “we’re voting for this but it’s not our fault“
The Mesa County commissioners meeting just ended after fiery public testimony from the people of Mesa County put the commissioners …
- the colorado coup is nearly complete, and dominion is right in the middle of it (yes, really)
Since I posted The Tale of Tina Peters last week, the situation in Mesa County has kicked into high gear. …
- the tale of tina peters, and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers
Tina Peters is a gold star mom, a cancer survivor, a public servant, and a courageous whistleblower. And the rapidly …
- “you should consider becoming whistleblowers” — my public message to jena griswold’s staff
Note: I gave this testimony at the Secretary of State’s Hearing on the “emergency” rules for Colorado elections, August 3, …
- they think they can play GOD – because they can
I wrote this in July 2020. I never published it before. I was just waking up to the reality of …
- jena griswold panics and bans independent auditors from colorado: over the target
DENVER, JUNE 17, 2021. Earlier today, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold claimed executive action and declared a state of …
- we are all terrorists now
I usually try not to make this space too personal, but I am going to full blog on y’all for …
- it’s time for new thinking
First let me apologize for taking so long to congratulate Kristi Burton Brown on her GOP Chair win! It’s still …
- free america
Our culture’s quickly burning, Society aflame, And those who seek to quench her, Get floggings, public shame. Hysteria and fear …
To quote Meghan McCain, McCain has been out outspoken critic of Biden’s throughout the turbulent withdrawal from Afghanistan. , saying he’s “unfit to lead” and comparing the president to “Jimmy Carter on acid.”
Winston Churchill, “A nation that fails to honor its heroes, soon will have no heroes to honor.”
America has seen a destitute invalid blame Trump for his own inadequacies. Remember, Trump indicated that he, if reelected would be out by May 1. Trump was not reelected. Biden then became the Commander and Chief. May 1 passed, this dimwit then went yellow pants. He had no plans. His weak administration decided to extend the date to August 31. And why did he do this? Because the anniversary of 9-11 was upon us. Biden’s handlers closed the Bagram Air base. They did this without any sense of what effect it would have on the plan to vacate Kabul. And we know what happened three days ago. Suicide bombers unleashed their anti-U.S. venom with dispatch. Biden throws up his hands and says, “not my fault.”
"I take responsibility for the decision. Now some say we should have started mass evacuations sooner and couldn't this have been done in a more orderly manner? I respectfully disagree." — President @JoeBiden on the Afghanistan withdrawal
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) August 31, 2021
Tucker Carlson: (click)Contrition is essential to fixing problems, our leaders don’t have it
go to the following URL to hear more on Tucker