Send the SCUM back to where she came from. A f’n liar who broke more laws than the average street punk. Jail her, not here, but in Guantanamo. Let her experience what real punishment is all about. Who would ever imagine that a POS would be telling us how to run our country. 
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., railed against a judge’s decision to block a Minneapolis ballot measure that would replace the city’s police department with a new department of public safety.
During an in-person town hall meeting Tuesday evening in Minneapolis, Omar blamed big money for thwarting a progressive measure that she argued would have given the city “flexibility” on how to better police the city.
“The leaders who are opposed to progress in this city are not nameless or faceless,” she said. “Using your network to obstruct the kind of progress so many people in this city want and were looking forward to is not something that should go unnoticed.”