Kamala Harris was the surrogate Black candidate for V,P. But is She Black?
A few years ago a woman indicated that she was of Spanish (aka Hispanic/Latino) descent. However, she looked white as the new fallen snow. How was she able to describe herself as a minority? When asked about this, she simply answered that her maternal great grandmother was from Spain, thus a Latino. Because of her pseudo minority status she was able to surmount the many obstacles faced by Whites. We bet that there are similar stories to tell.
This brings us to the Black question. Who is Black? Bobby Jindal, the ex-governor of the Cajun State, is a full blooded Punjab Indian. See picture below. On the other hand Kamala Harris presents herself as Black. This is an interesting description of her ethnicity because of the heritage she brings to the table. Harris’ mother was from Tamil Nadu, India. Compare the color comparisons of both of these highly respected individuals to Harris. Confused? It seems that if you had no previous knowledge of their heritage and the question of who was Black was posed to you, you would have a dilemma in answering the question. Are either of them Black? So you see there is a debate here on the definition of Black.
Harris’ father is from Jamaica. An island country situated in the Caribbean. Donald Jasper Harris (born August 23, 1938) is a Jamaican-American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, known for applying Post-Keynesian ideas to development economics. Harris claimed he was the son of a slave owner, but this is unproven according to Snopes. A photo of him is seen below. Ummm?
So as you see where we are going with this. Harris is not some girl from the hood as portrayed by the Liberal Lame Stream Media. Her parents were intellectuals, educated to a degree envied by most Americans. We are talking doctors here. The point being that Harris is not really Black in terms of having an affiliation with the Black Community – sort of like Barack Obama.
For Biden to choose her as a woman of color in order to pander to the Black community is an outright insult to them. For her to even suggest that she knows their concerns, their fears, their life is an affront to them. Blacks, who have African roots, whose grandparents and great grand parents slaved on plantations have been thrown to the gutter by Dementia Joe.
The time has come for the Black Community to speak out against this scam, a crime of monumental dimensions. Certainly Harris or Biden gives one hoot on their lot in life. They have been bilked, enslaved once again as they have for the past five decades.