“Rinos”must be culled from the heard.They are responsible for Trumps defeat. Every “rino” who voted no to the Trump agenda must be dealt with come November 2022.We will never-ever forget the damage you have done to our country; you have let your constituents down for personal reasons; they should never enter into the decisions that effect the United States. Love of country comes first. Forgiving you is not an option, but there is always one consolation. Holding a gun to your head and pulling the trigger is seeing justice served. But you don’t have the ballz to do that. Your reputation will follow you until hell freezes over.
The devastation you have done to the United States in a few short months cannot be underestimated.You have given the GREEN LIGHT to the likes of Muslim Suicides Bombers. They are dictating to Patriotic Americans what they should do, how they should do it and how they should think. Who would ever believe that this would happen in America.
The “shit squad” continues to spill vile diatribe on the Flag, the one we Honor and will give our life for; like our relatives in the past who have died on the battle field so we can be free. Americans have built this country, Islamists are hell-bent on taking it down by stepping on the flag, ripping our Colors and bringing the Muslim think to the United States. Stealth is their sword, but as you see there are those with guns in hand, mouths full venomous hate for the anti U.S., Jews and Christians alike.
We know who you are, we will take you down at the ballot box. You do not belong in this country. In fact the only place you belong are UNDER the tracts of an MRAP. Paving the way for your salvation is to eat an IED for dessert; visit your PARADISE, 52 virgins including allah will welcome you for your life beyond. Please do us one last favor, TAKE PELOSI WITH YOU.
Shaquille O’Neal says celebrities are ‘out of their minds’ and renounces his celebrity status
Matthew Miller
·2 min read
Former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal says celebrities are going “freaking crazy,” and he is renouncing his celebrity status.
“These celebrities are going freaking crazy, and I don’t want to be one. I denounce my celebrity-ness today. I’m done with it,” O’Neal told the New York Post. “I don’t want to be in that category.”
“Celebrities are crazy. They really are,” he continued. “Don’t call me that anymore. These people are out of their freaking mind with how they treat people, what they do, what they say. That’s never been me. I never want to be looked at like that.”
“All my life, everyone probably gets stereotyped, but us celebrities, we get stereotyped because most of these celebrities are out of their mind,” O’Neal added. “I don’t do that. I’m a regular person that listened, followed his dreams, and made it.”
O’Neal grew up poor in Newark, New Jersey, before finding fame and fortune in sports.
“I came from nothing. But, just because I made it doesn’t mean I’m bigger than you, smarter than you — just because I have more money doesn’t mean I’m better than you. I’ve never been that way, and I never will be that way. So, I don’t want to be in that category of people,” he said. “When they talk about Shaq, what do you say? ‘He’s a nice guy.’ Because what else can you be? You’re either nice, or you’re the A-word, and I definitely won’t be looked at as the A-word.”
The four-time NBA champion is known for conducting random acts of kindness, which he says he tries to do twice per week.
Earlier this year, O’Neal surprised one of his favorite Atlanta eateries affected by the coronavirus pandemic, Restaurant 10, with a $35,000 employee relief fund.
“This is one of the best things you guys could have ever given us.”@SHAQ surprised one of his favorite Atlanta food spots “Restaurant 10” with $35K in Employee Relief Fund with @TheGeneralAuto ? pic.twitter.com/ZyK6uX2zHN
Democratic state senator from Tennessee was convicted of wire fraud on Thursday after being accused of paying for personal expenses using grant money reserved for a health care school she ran.
A jury found state Sen. Katrina Robinson guilty on four out of five counts after she was unexpectedly acquitted by a judge days earlier on 15 separate counts for fraud, theft and embezzlement, according to FOX 13 in Memphis.
Her defense had requested all 20 charges be dismissed for insufficient evidence. ING
Manchin and Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema have both raised concerns about the bill’s price tag, causing friction in a party that has largely otherwise coalesced around the package.
Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, poses a large hurdle for Democrats who want to pass the massive $3.5 trillion bill. The legislation faces unanimous opposition from Republicans, meaning Democrats will again be forced to use the budget reconciliation process in an attempt to pass the bill with only a simple majority.
The legislation’s Medicare expansion is among the biggest problem for Manchin, who has argued that the program should be stabilized before expanding it.
“We need to stabilize it,” he told reporters Friday. “By 2026, you understand, the trust fund is going to be insolvent.”
On Monday September 20th, two top pathologists held a press conference in Germany to reveal their findings of an investigation into ten deaths linked to the Covid-19 vaccines, and what they revealed is shocking.
The press conference took place at the Institute of Pathology in Reutinglen, Germany; of which Professor Arne Burkhardt has been in charge of for over eighteen years. Professor Burkhardt held the press conference alongside another experienced pathologist, Professor Walter Yang who has headed a private institute specialising in lung pathology for the past 35 years, among other appointments.
In collaboration with several other anonymous pathologists, Professor Arne Burkhardt and Professor Walter Yang investigated ten deaths that had occurred after the person had received the Covid-19 vaccine, and this is what they found…
Of the ten deaths, the two Professors confirmed that they concluded five were very likely due to the Covid-19 vaccine, two were probably related to the vaccine, one was inconclusive, and two they concluded had no relation to the Covid-19 vaccine.
However, what they found astonishing, is the similarities among the deaths that they concluded were linked to vaccination.
In three cases, they found rare autoimmune diseases; one of them so rare that they only discovered it when they looked closely at the digitised image.
They were Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune-triggered hypothyroidism; leukoclastic vasculitis, an inflammatory reaction in the capillaries that leads to skin bleeding; and Sjögren’s syndrome, an inflammation of the salivary and lacrimal glands.
Although deaths with suspected vaccine reactions are far from a representative sample of the population, three autoimmune diseases in a total of ten is a strikingly high rate.
The most striking finding, however, related to lymphocytes.
“The lymphocytes are running amok in all organs,” Professor Lang called it.
Not only did he show accumulations of lymphocytes in a wide variety of tissues, from the heart muscle to the kidney, liver, spleen, and uterus; he also showed images in which the tissue was massively attacked as a result, and a whole series of lymphocyte follicles, which are small, developing lymph nodes in completely the wrong place, for example in lung tissue.
Tissue with lymphocytic infiltration. (Blue dots: lymphocytes). The tissue is inflamed.
It also showed detachments of endothelial cells – which are the smooth cells that form the wall of blood vessels – clumps of red blood cells that ultimately cause thrombosis, and giant cells that formed around trapped foreign bodies.
Lang said he had not seen anything like these clusters of lymphocytes in hundreds of thousands of pathological studies. Normally, other white blood cells, the granulocytes, are found in inflammations. In these cases, however, these are hardly found, and instead there are masses of lymphocytes.
Detachment of endothelial cells from the vessel wall.
Further investigations are needed to determine which type of lymphocyte is involved in this process and how exactly it is triggered in order to prove a watertight connection with the vaccination; however, the histological examinations required for this would still take at least six months.
Still, he said, the results available so far are important enough to make known in advance in the form of this press conference.
Erythrocyte clumping inside a vessel. Thrombosis.
The two Professors also revealed images of unidentified foreign bodies suspected to be either contaminants or the adjuvants in the Covid-19 vaccines –
Foreign bodies which they discovered in highly inflamed lung tissue –
“We’re missing out on 90 percent,” he said of the number of fatal vaccine reactions. That is not the fault of forensic scientists and pathologists, he said; after all, you can only see what you know, and forensic medicine can’t do histological examinations anyway. But it is urgently necessary to perform more autopsies on such cases. Unfortunately, he said, that is often hindered.
“Our task is to educate people about risks and side effects,” he said of the goal of his work. A task that would actually have to be fulfilled by institutions such as the Paul Ehrlich Institute in the case of experimental vaccines with emergency approval.
The findings of the experienced pathologists from an investigation into ten deaths following Covid-19 vaccination come after another pathologist, Professor Peter Schirmacer, director of the pathological institute of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, sounded the alarm over his findings following over forty autopsies of people who died within two weeks of having a Covid-19 vaccine.
Schirmacher stated that 30 to 40 percent of people he examined died from the vaccine and that in his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is “underestimated.”
Following his findings, Schirmacher called for more autopsies of vaccinated people to further determine whether the vaccines are linked to deaths. He has warned that the high number of unreported cases of vaccination deaths is partially due to the fact that “pathologists do not notice anything about most of the patients who die after and possible from a vaccination”.
NIGERIA: CHRISTIAN KILLING FIELDS – Since ‘Nigerian 9/11,’ when hundreds of Christians were killed in a single village, 70,000 Christians have been slaughtered. Why? Who will help? Who will stop the carnage?
One must consider the Christian cleansing in Turkey. No matter what the dog erdogan says, they must fall on deaf ears. See the 2015 post of six years ago.
Time and time again the New Boston Tea Party has demanded that NATO drop Turkey from the organization. Turkey is ruled by a dictator; President Erdogan is a Muslim Brotherhood stalwart – a bomb thrower, a suicide bomber, an instigator, a terrorist, anti-U.S., anti Israel and an anti-Semite.
It is noteworthy to remind those Christians that Turkey once 100% Christianis now outnumbered by Muslims,80,000,000 to less than 200,000. this is a manifestation of the treatment Christians receive in the Muslim world. Do you get the picture?
NATO looks the other way when it is to their advantage, Turkey is strategically located enabling NATO and the U.S. coalition to use Turkish airspace; Turkey needs to be fore warned that their place in history will be dictated by their actions against the NATO countries and their diplomatic transgressions. For instance their sending weapons to the Palestinians aboard the MV Mavi Marmara. Israel intercepted the MV in international waters during its voyage to Gaza. Fighting erupted and 9 members on the MV were killed.
The Israeli government-appointed Turkel Commission unveiled its final report on January 2011, and found both the blockade and the force used by the Israeli soldiers to be legal. A Polish authority on admiralty law, Professor Andrzej Makowski of the Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, also upheld this view in an extensive article in the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs in May 2013. Bottom line here is that Turkey is a provocateur.
In the latest act of incitement Erdogan spews from his rabid mouth that Israel is “playing with fire” concerning their actions on the Temple Mount. However, Erdogan fails to mention the real crime against humanity is the actions regarding the Hagia Sophia. Once the center of Eastern Christendom, Constantinople competed with Rome.
From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as a Greek Orthodoxcathedral and seat of the Patriarch of Constantinople, except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.
In 1453, Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Turks under Sultan Mehmed II, who ordered this main church of Orthodox Christianity converted into a mosque. By that point, the church had fallen into a state of disrepair. Nevertheless, the Christian cathedral made a strong impression on the new Ottoman rulers and they decided to convert it into a mosque.[9][10] The bells, altar, iconostasis, and sacrificial vessels and other relics were removed and the mosaicsdepicting Jesus, his Mother Mary, Christian saints and angels were also removed or plastered over. Islamic features—such as the mihrab, minbar, and four minarets—were added. It remained a mosque until 1931, when it was closed to the public for four years. It was re-opened in 1935 as a museum by the Republic of Turkey. Hagia Sophia is currently (2014) the second-most visited museum in Turkey, attracting almost 3.3 million visitors annually.
Before the world pays attention to this Turkish imbecile they must demand that the Hagia Sophia be restored to its rightful place in history.
Lars Brownworth, Lost to the West: The Forgotten Byzantine Empire That Rescued Western Civilization, Random House, 2009, 315 pp.,The fall of Constantinople was horrifying. “Women and children were raped, men were impaled, houses were sacked, and churches were looted and burned,” writes Mr. Brownworth. For Eastern Europe, the end of the Roman Empire meant centuries of political slavery under Ottoman oppression. For more than a million whites, losing the Mediterranean meant literal slavery
.Jean Raspail wrote the most prophetic book of this century, The Camp of the Saints. It ends with the last remnant of the West about to be overrun. The book’s final words are: “The fall of Constantinople is a personal misfortune that happened to all of us only last week.” Tomorrow, May 29, that colossal misfortune will have taken place exactly 568 years ago, in 1453.
There’s something worse than slavery. It’s losing an identity. Occupation means living under alien law, morality, and cultural codes. Even before Constantinople fell, the Ottomans had already occupied Eastern Europe. One of the main reasons Constantinople fell was that the elite forces of the Turkish army were “Christians who had been taken from their families while children and forcibly converted to Islam” and who had become “fanatically loyal” to their new masters. [p. 297] A people can rise from defeat, but not from deconstruction.
Constantinople tells us defeat is possible. It has happened before and the consequences were sickening. We still live with them. The Hagia Sophia, the greatest church of antiquity, is a now mosque. A Turkish ruler with neo-Ottoman pretensions uses Muslim migrants slowly to conquer Europe. The political police in Germany said in 2017 that the largest “right-wing extremist” group in the country was the ultranationalist, arguably terrorist Turkish Grey Wolves. Like the empire in its final years, we are increasingly surrounded in what was once unquestionably “our” land.
"Where Revolution is the Solution" Taking back the Empire