Call it what you will, but “tribalism” is it. Mano vs Mano. Belligerency is taught in school, but has reached the upper echelons of our major corporations. “WHITE PEOPLE” are the Devil.

Walmart Goes “Woke” Pushing CRT, Telling White Cashiers And Shelf-Stockers That They Are The Privileged Members Of ‘White Supremacy System’

“The program begins with the claim that the United States is a ‘white supremacy system,’ designed by white Europeans for maintaining ‘white skin access to power and privilege,’” Rufo wrote.

“Whites are thus subjected to ‘racist conditioning’ that indoctrinates them into ‘white supremacy.’”

The Walmart way asserts white Americans are “inherently guilty of ‘white privilege’ and ‘internalized racial superiority,’” which Rufo said is the belief that “’one’s comfort, wealth, privilege and success has been earned by merits and hard work’ rather than through the benefits of systemic racism.”

According to Walmart’s race hustlers, “white supremacy culture” is known by personality traits such as “individualism,” “objectivity,” “paternalism,” “defensiveness,” “power hoarding,” “right to comfort,” and “worship of the written word” — all of which are “damaging” to people of color.

On the other hand, Walmart tells its minority staffers that they “suffer from ‘constructed racist oppression’ and ‘internalized racial inferiority,’ with internal messages such as ‘we believe there is something wrong with being a person of color’ and ‘we have a sense of limited possibility.’”