Those independent voters have seen enough of Joe “THE VACCINATOR” Biden 
and “LYING” Nancy Pelosi.

They are sick and tired of the Suicide Bomber Squad who spew violent anti-American and anti-Semitic diatribe. The diarrhea’s spewing from their mouths would fill a New York City sewage plant to the brim. It is up to Americans, the Patriots to flush these “TURDS” down the toilet come November.
“MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” is the headline we anticipate on November 2, 2022. The American way of life must be returned to what it was under Trump. We saluted the Flag, honored our servicemen, respected the police, educators who taught the RRR’s. But slowly our vision of what America has withered away. Children were slowly and systematically being brainwashed by liberal educated teachers, colleges were filled with Ivy League professors that lead the for anarchy. This type of thinking has to be stopped in its tracks before the ANTIFA – BLM continues on their wild quest of overthrowing our government. This past year they have done enough damage, expect them to do more, our guard cannot be let down. We must covert “on the edge voters” to our cause.
Open their eyes to what could be next, which is rape, drugs, smash and burn in their neighborhood. How about rampaging their house, forcing you to let strangers, say city folk, to occupy your abode. Not a far fetch scenario. This has happened in other countries and has been happening here in America. Cease and Occupy is their shibboleth. Don’t believe us, click here. Excerpt below. It can happen to you. Zoning pressure is mounting in suburban communities to allow low multi family housing in single residence only zones. 
A Black woman with plastic-rimmed glasses, Jackson was raising her teenage son, Trayvon, on the $15.69-an-hour wage she earned at the airport iStore. “We don’t know exactly how long any of us have,” Jackson said. “So, what are you guys going to do to step up to help us?” She looked at the council, waiting. “You guys get to go home tonight, sleep in the comfort of your beds,” she said. “We have to wonder about this every single night.”
This was not the first time Jackson and IX organizers had confronted the City Council. For years, Jackson, Chacón and other residents of five buildings in the city’s Corcoran neighborhood had been involved in a prolonged battle against their landlord, Stephen Frenz, and his business partner, Spiros Zorbalas. The tenants had mobilized for better conditions, resisted evictions and participated in a rent strike. They had banded together and pushed the City Council to revoke Frenz’s rental license. It eventually did, stripping his ability to collect rent. But Frenz still owned the apartments where Jackson and Chacón lived. He wanted everybody out so he could renovate and sell to the highest bidder. The tenants had another idea: They wanted Frenz to sell to them.