NOW YOU KNOW WHY VIRGINIANS VOTED REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRATS CAN’T HANDLE THE JOB I-95 the main artery running down the East Coast, from Maine to Florida became a parking lot along the I-95 25 mile strip in the Fredericksburg corridor, beginning on Sunday and continuing into Monday.

So what happened? Forecasts were in place giving ample warning to what was to become. Expect rain, freezing rain, ice crystals mixed with snow, then to top it off a dozen inches of the white stuff brought down the curtain.

Apparently no bigwigs at VADOT has the foresight to take these warnings seriously. Because they did not Virginians and those who traveled through VA were exposed to the Deep Freeze southern style. I-95 was 25 miles deep in queue. Tempers flared, but the BLAME GAME BEGAN. Who was to blame? You won’t believe it but they blamed Glen Youngkin who was to be sworn in on January 15. The Democrat governor was home, watching a basketball game. Guess he left it up to his DOT goons to tackle the coming apocalypse.

WE HAVE ONE QUESTION: If a Democrat governor was to take office on January 15, would they have blamed him for the catastrophe? We think not.