WTF are these government goons saying. Biden, quote the monster, says that those who are un-vaxed have caused a surge in the Omicron variant. Now we know Joe is a man of science, he has demonstrated his knowledge, his proficiency in it over the years. In fact he knows so much that he is now contradicting the CDC.
Sotomayor’s claims about 100,000 COVID-ill children, humans ‘like machines spewing virus.’ Now we have a Supreme Court Latino, remember her quote, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” So we know first hand that her opinions will be adverse to the Constitution. She directly said that. So it is no surprise that she lied about the 100,000 children ill from the virus. Sotomayor is the spark that has ignited the fire of us Constitutionalists.
Supreme Court is skeptical on forcing employer to enforce mandate.
This artist sketch depicts lawyer Scott Keller standing to argue on behalf of more than two dozen business groups seeking an immediate order from the Supreme Court to halt a Biden administration order to impose a vaccine-or-testing requirement on the nation’s large employers during the COVID-19 pandemic, at the Supreme Court in Washington, Friday, Jan. 7, 2022. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, the Biden administration’s top Supreme Court lawyer, is seated at right. (Dana Verkouteren via AP)
“No, I don’t think COVID is here to stay. But having COVID, in the environment here and the world, is probably here to stay,” he told reporters. “COVID, as we’re dealing with it now, is not here to stay. The new normal doesn’t have to be.” WTF is he saying? Talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. WHO is pulling the strings here.
Biden’s remarks come on the heels of the publication of a series of journal articles by several of his former health advisers that call for a “new normal” to the country’s approach to fighting the coronavirus, criticized the lack of a standardized data system to track infections in real time and urged further investments in testing, vaccines and masks.