On two fronts yesterday we observed Amateurs reacting completely opposite of that of Professionals. On the Gold front
we saw a buying binge of Gold and Selling binge of Stocks; these were Amateurs on both fronts. The Professionals swooned in like birds of prey, sold gold and purchased stocks. An outside observer could not have imagined such a confusing scene.
On the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, tanks moving in, bombs softening the defensive positions on the command of COMMRADE PUTIN.
This action was telegraphed for two weeks giving the Ukraine army time to move their reinforcements to counter the insurgency. Apparently Vlad the Impaler 
did not anticipate the fight Ukrainians had in them. Reports of Russians being killed, planes shot down are reaching the Motherland – opposition on the Home-Front is growing. Will Vlad go to the Nuclear Option? Only time will tell.
Sleepy Joe turned to the Teletubby. 

Biden offers sentimental hogwash against Putin — and doesn’t even suggest we’ll win
The problem with Joe is again twofold, first of all he doesn’t know who he is or for that matter where he is. JOE IS A ZOMBIE.