The WAR ZONE could be any Major City, anywhere, anytime. A small incident spreads the flames of racism across the plains, up the mountains, down the valleys into your living room. Families are afraid to visit venues, such as malls, sports stadiums and concerts for the fear of terrorists blowing them up. This type of behavior becomes common place. Liberal prosecutors, judges, mayors and the like continue to apologize for their acts of vengeance. And by November the tinder box well explode,

Don’t despair, we will be in Control come January 2023. But on the night of November 2, 2022,  ANTIFA, BLM and other subversive groups will be going bonkers. The reason, they will have read the writing on the wall. What does it say?  “Do you feel lucky punk?”
The party will be over for the cupcakes, the drinkers of Kool-aide, the CRT crowd, the anti-Constitutionalists, the gangbangers, the suicide squad aficionados. But for Pelosi and Schumer will be suffering the Mother of all Headaches

What will cause such an emotional disturbance across the land and to so many people? Anytime crackheads are punished by taking away their blow they go berserk. If you thought Seattle, Portland and Philadelphia riots were bad, just wait for the Mother of all Destruction.

Yes, there will be innocent victims, there always are. But we surmise that the Police and National Guard will enter the fray. They will be well equipped, the SWAT team ready to go an with dispatch. Republican Governors at least, giving the message to our protectors, do not given, make your bullets count.