GERMANY WENT SWIFT. Russia to feel their financial yaysta (balls яйца) squeezed. But that is not the most pressing issue. The Ukrainians are fighting for their life, the Russians not so; that is the difference.
Didn’t this IDIOT ever hear of supplying Ukraine with the most sophisticated of weapons. What should the Ukrainian Military do next. Bring the fight to Russia. RPG’s, tanks, missile to target Russian cities. Make them pay the price in Blood. This will cause mass protests, possibly a Revolt against Putin. Now is the time for Russians to spill Blood. Make ordinary citizens of Russia realize that there is a price to pay for this INVASION. If not now, WHEN? 
LIVE UPDATES: Oil depot near Kyiv explodes after missile attack, Ukrainian official calls it ‘catastrophe’
Something wrong with Biden. America and the world knows that this imbecile has NO CLUE on what to do. You would think that he would have learned his less in Afghanistan.
Biden says sanctions against Russia ‘not immediate,’ lays out violent alternative
President Biden, in a new interview published Saturday, warned that there is “no sanction that is immediate,” just as the U.S. and allies are using sanctions as their main tool to target Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.
“You have two options. Start a Third World War, go to war with Russia physically. Or two, make sure that a country that acts so contrary to international law ends up paying a price for having done it,” he claimed in an interview with Brian Tyler Cohen when discussing the options for dealing with the invasion by Moscow.
ВСУ на позитиве
— Вашингтонский Обком (@_Fashington) February 25, 2022