The Coin of the Realm for Dem-rats is to place the blame on others including past actions by Trump that show them in a bad light. So, once again these Pervs are spuing diarrhea from d’mout. And to no ones surprise the Fake News Organizations are inking their vitriol.
Branden falling down on the job will cause this conflict to metastasize, possibly across Europe, with the possibility of it crossing the big pond. Western nations better wake up. NATO has gone YELLOW PANTS (yellow pants) .
For instance, Biden blames Trump for not supplying Ukraine with sufficient weapons to counter the Invasion. Branden has been in office for fourteen months, didn’t he visualize the threat to Ukraine? Of course not. To Sleepy Joe, long term is two minutes. Other nations did and they responded by providing Ukraine with defensive weapons. Biden honestly believes that stopping payment on their checks will force them to raise the White Flag, Take the food away from a Pit Bull and see what happens; they typically go berserk – maybe nuclear. 
Whence the товарищ “tovarishch” realize that the Invasion results in inflation blasting off into the stratosphere, say 40% to 50%, they will Revolt. Currently only a small circle of protestors are out there. The FSB is rounding them up to be thrown into the Klink. Many instances when only a few protestors are apprehended riots occur. Say, like George Floyd. Cities were torched. Don’t say it can’t happen there; you never can be absolute certain.
As Russia’s war on Ukraine continues, some experts warn Russia might escalate the conflict further either in Ukraine or against the western nations supporting it, with the goal of forcing those nations to capitulate to its demands.
This strategy, former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler told Fox News, is called “escalate to de-escalate.” It has roots in Russia’s planning for a war against the United States, Koffler said, but similar thinking is now standard throughout Russia’s military planning.