Biden admin’s controversial ‘disinformation’ board is causing alarm — and not just for Republicans
Previous post from April 2021 noted below. This past week, Branden has appointed a Minister of Misinformation. This was to counter the Man who Won the Presidential Election in 2020, in addition to Elon Musk buying Twitter and Trump’s social media campaign under the banner, “TRUTH SOCIAL” making a grand entrance in the very near future.
Talking about MISINFORMATION, we don’t have to look any further than Hillary Clinton’s Russian campaign hoax to taint President Trump with Vlad Putin’s Russia. The opposite was the case. Joe Biden’s cocaine addict Son was the one on the Russian payroll. Believe us when we tell you, Hunter Biden is a wounded animal, only steps away from the iron bar. And John “Bull” Durham is three to five months away from lassoing Hillary Clinton.
But with all that said, Biden has now hired a Joseph Goebbels to do his dirty work. A new department head has been hired. She is taking reins at “THE DEPARTMENT OF DISINFORMATION.” Apparently Free Speech is not something this administration does believe in.
Biden ‘disinfo’ czar Nina Jankowicz ripped over cringeworthy Mary Poppins TikTok 
The person tapped to head President Biden’s new Big Brother-like disinformation board drew fresh disdain Friday over her flippant attitude toward misinformation — and her own history of spreading it.
Nina Jankowicz’s ability to be taken seriously in her role on Homeland Security’s new Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” was thrown into question after a cringeworthy TikTok video resurfaced of her adapting the Mary Poppins tune “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” to be about fake news.
“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” Jankowicz sang in the Feb. 2021 video.
“When Rudy Giuliani shared bad intel from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers say COVID can’t cause pain. They’re laundering disinfo and we really should take note. And not support their lies with our wallet, voice or vote,” she continued.
Fighting misinformation: Joe Biden, Elon Musk and the Disinformation Governance Board
The board’s first mission will be to fight “misinformation” in the US midterm elections later this year for the Senate and the House of Representatives. It has not been revealed exactly how it will do so.
Two days after Elon Musk bought Twitter, the Joe Biden administration announced the creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board”. US President Biden’s critics do not believe this is a coincidence. This new board has already been nicknamed the “Ministry of Truth” by some US media, in a reference to the government department in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eightyfour that was in charge of propaganda and disseminating lies.

A snake in the grass, a Trojan Horse, a duplicitous scoundrel saturated with moral turpitude.. Those are the words that describe America’s version of Joseph Goebbels Biden. The lame stream media have perpetuated the Big Lie over and over again leading this psycho to be pulled on puppet strings . They believe that repeated enough it becomes truth.
Similar to the Woke reaction of George Floyd’s death, the Georgia voting law enraged the libtards. They are all wrong here. The legislation will protect the sanctity of the vote, not the other way around. But the libtards want you to believe that they are protecting the voter of color, which is obviously false. Their canard is that on a hot humid day, voters in line will die of thirst. Have any of you ever heard of a voter dying of first while waiting to vote?. We have heard of voters intimidated while waiting to vote. But what do you expect, the MLB water carriers jumped all over it by deciding to move the All-Star Game to the all White City of Denver, Colorado. Gonna help a lot of Blacks out there. Skiing down the mountain here they come, just to get a free seat at the game.
The gangbangers, MS-13 killers, drug traffickers, rapists, murders, cartels, coyotes, Chinese, Indians, Africans, hustlers, pimps, their all here. “Bustin” to get in for free everything. Drugs, they are pushing everything in their arsenal; fentanyl, LSD, cocaine, H, you name it, they got it. Criminals, all of them, given succor by the White House destroyers of America, the welfare dregs of the left, the miscreants whose gutter minds perpetuate lies. They are the enemies of “We the People.” Laws are meant to be followed, without them there will be chaos. And that is what these mfkrs want, anarchy.
Title 42 shelved, going to court on this one says the border states.
Biden to comply with forthcoming order to keep Covid border restrictions in place
Officials said on Tuesday that the lifting of the public health order will be shelved pending a likely temporary restraining order.
The Biden administration said on Tuesday that it will comply with an expected court order from a Louisiana judge that would block the lifting of Title 42, a Trump-era deportation policy used to expel more than one million migrants at the Southern border.
The administration had announced that it would end the use of Title 42, a public health order, by May 23. But a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana announced on Monday that he would side with Republican states to keep the order preserved barring some agreement being reached between them and the administration.
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